
Crossing Over With my Family

Now then, how to break out of this extremely dangerous misunderstanding? Both mother and father are staring at me like I committed a very grave sin, while my three siblings are looking at me with a worried expression. They have, after all, experienced firsthand, the wrath of those two regarding pedophiles.

"Mu…? Master…?"

And Shironeko just had to say that word I was scared of… Yep, I can say goodbye to my life now…


Jokes aside, looks like the hurdle to overcome this misunderstanding has just increased in height.

Looks like the way to resolve this misunderstanding is to say the truth, not that I plan to say anything other than the truth.

"Mother, father, you see… This girl here is a slave in that other world…"


Ah crap… I got my priorities backwards. I was suppose to say that she was kidnapped and then I saved her, instead, I said that she was a slave right of the bat, further increasing the misunderstanding.

"Umm… Let me explain… She was kidnapped by 5 men and I saved her from them. I only realized that she was a slave after I saved her though."

""… Go on…""

They really are a hard couple to please…

"Then, after I saved her, she took a liking to me and wanted to become my slave…"

Ahh… I let it slip again…

""Daichi… Shall we report you to the police?""

… Where did the feeling of a long awaited reunion go…?


After explaining to them about both my and Shironeko's circumstances, they both calmed down and finally, the mood of a reunion finally kicks in.


… You should've said it earlier…

While retorting inside my head, I greeted them both and shed tears.




I also greeted my siblings, Sekai, Yumi, and Sora sitting on the couch while they were excitedly looking at Shironeko.

"Daichi, would please tell me the name of this child?"

Mother, who was just glaring at me a moment ago like I was some criminal, was now looking at me like a good person and Shironeko as a poor child.

"Her name is Shironeko."


Hmm…? All five of them went silent when they heard the name of Shironeko.

"…Daichi, who gave her that name…?"

"I did, why?"


All five of them harmoniously burst into a retort.


"Why did you name a human like what you would a pet!?"

First was mother.

"In the first place, she doesn't even resemble a white cat, except for her hair!"

Next was father.

"That is what a loser father would name her daughter!!"

Then Sekai…

"Daichi-nii-san, you have such horrible naming sense…"

And then Sora…

"Onii-chan is horrible…"

Last was Sekai…

"Ehh? Did I do anything wrong?"

"""""OF COURSE YOU DID!!!"""""

… Then what did I do wrong…?

"…Onii-chan, you have a face that says 'What did I do wrong' in plain sight. Then allow me to tell you, it's the name you gave to that child."


"Why? I thought it was good because she is a beastman."


To show them, I took of the hat and had her reveal her tail. Now that I think about it, I forgot to mention that she was a cat-person.


When they saw Shironeko's ears and tail, the five of them were surprised senseless. My siblings were much more surprised than mother and father.

What transpired after that was chaos. I did all I could just to calm them down, much more to my siblings who wanted to touch Shironeko's cat ears and tail.


After the reunion, the 7 of us went towards the dining room to eat. Mother prepared a feast for my return so the food on the table was plentiful, but with the size of my familiy, plus Shironeko, the food prepared vanished into the pits of our stomaches. I have to say, I really miss the cooking of mother.

Their happy faces of finally reuniting with one of their loved ones who went missing were clearly evident on their faces. I can say this proudly to the world, that this family is the best that I could ever hope for.

Now that the feast was over, the 5 of them pestered me to bring them over to the other world. But first, I wanted to try using [Appraisal] if it worked here, but sadly, it didn't. It seems that magic, or the system of skills doesn't work here, but for some reason, the strength when you level up remains. This was proved by my supernatural strength by showing them that I made a dent on ordinary iron I brought over with just my punch. Needless to say, all of them were shocked, except for Shironeko who already knew my strength. That just shows how strong people are in the other world. Even the goblins might be stronger than normal people on Earth than the normal people in that world.

They were also surprised when Shironeko, who was still a child, destroyed an iron block with just her fist. The destroyed iron scattered on the floor and I picked it up and stored it inside a bag that has an infinite amount of space that I created back in the dungeon.

Anyway, now that I found out that skills doesn't work in this world, but strength and items can ba carried over, the seven of us were now standing in front of the door I made that is used to connect our two worlds.

The five of them are silent and are nervous for about what is to come. I can't blame them, if you are about to cross worlds, which is pretty much impossible to do without the help of Gods, there is no reason to not be nervous.

"All right, when you get to the other world, please do not leave the cave. The people over there might worry that you were left inside and then taken you to the towns where you don't know anyone."

All of them nodded to my statement, except Shironeko.

None of them would be subjected to discriminate killing since they look like humans. The only problems if they are separated from me because it will make it harder to get them back. There is also a chance they might die because of the low value of life in that other world.

"By the way, I forgot to mention, but the world is that of a swords and magic world, where life is just valued a little lower than average. But not that low because life is precious."

I tried to raise their spirits back up because of the clear anxious expression on their faces. Even my siblings who were excited to cross over earlier were nervous about the other world valuing life lower than on Earth.

I reached for the door knob and twist it, causing the door to open. Behind the door, what we could see was the dungeon core room that I have been living in for a month. When the five of them passed through the door, they were stunned at my living quarters. Cave walls and floor, but Japanese standard furniture. They were even surprised about a working PC and TV without electric cables inside. But what really brought their attention, was the dungeon core.


All five of them leaked a voice of admiration towards the floating crystal the size of a volley ball.

"Isn't it? Let me show something amazing next."

I moved in front of them and touched the core. Next, a familiar holographic screen appeared in front of me and I quickly navigated to the Dungeon Market tab. The five of them were attentively watching me navigate through the tabs on the floating holographic screen.

Next, I summoned a Horned Rabbit and had it appear right beside me.


It gave a cry as it was summoned towards me, and the other 6. Again, they were surprised, but the next thing that happened was the five of them petting the rabbit. The rabbit was also docile and was happily allowing the m to pet it.

Isn't Horned Rabbits supposed to be a violent type of monsters?

Forgetting that question, I happily continued to tour them my dungeon core room.

I also had them bathe in the hot springs I made, and I got a positive response from them, who were actually a bath loving type.

They stopped being surprised about the little things I showed them, like the surveillance system, and the inn, but they were really surprised about my doppelganger suddenly showing up to report.

Two hours later, the five of them were exhausted and were about to leave. Suddenly, mother came up to me with an anxious face.

"Daichi, are you sure you don't want to go back to living a normal life?"

The question I have been waiting from my mother has finally arrived. Of course, every mother who has the love for her son would ask that in this situation.

"Sorry but, I'm not going back, back to the normal life that is."

Mother had a face full of sadness on her face.

"God has given me this opportunity to be who I want to be, and I'm not going to waste it."

With determination and resolve, I stated my answer towards sad mother. She had a look of surprise on her face, before a smile formed.

"I understand… Besides, you are already at the right age for independence. I will respect your decision."

With a smile, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"But don't forget to visit us every now and then, okay?"

I hugged her back and gave a reassuring smile.

"Yes. Don't worry. Also, if you are in need of money, don't hesitate to call on me."

I crack up a joke while I am at it and bid her off.

With a farewell, the 5 of them returned to Earth through the door, and the space inside the room began to widen.

Oh right, I forgot to appraise them. Mmm… I can do that next time they come here. Also, I better let them learn skills while in this world so that they can protect themselves back on Earth.

I took a glance at the bed, and I saw Shironeko happily dozing off.

"…Mnyaa… Mashter~…"

… She really is cute…

Now then, I better get to sleep before I faint on the cold hard floor.

I get on the bed and used Shironeko as a hugging pillow. Her warmth permeated thorugh my skin, and it felt very comfortable.

"…Ehehe… Mnyashter…"

…Really cute…

Good night.
