
World Full of Myths and Legends

Teren : Space

After waking up from 20 000 years of sleep, I noticed a lot of things have changed. New things appeared while some of the old ones did not survive. The novas conquered two of the continents and currently starting with their third.

It would be a long time before they can do that tho because the third continent they are currently exploring is the territory of the Two Kings.

It is a little sad that Jeia died, but it is part of life. Pistris king of sharks died too, 200 years after his battle with Jeia his body wasn't able to fully heal.

He got replaced by one of his outstanding offspring although slighty weaker than Pistris the current King of Sharks can still fight toe on toe with the other kings.

Atleast I now have two inhabitants of the Palace of Supremes. Both of them chose to forget everything and live peacefully in the Palace.

I've done everything what I could think of to the first world. It is far from perfect but would do as a world. I will try to make the next one better. I'll try my best and make it more fun for the inhabitants.




Let's start with the base, I willed my Energy and formed another planet. Learning from my past mistake, I made sure to add the sun and the moon before putting anything living in it. The light source of this planet is not as fancy as the first one, it is just a blue star and a red moon.

The size of the two planets are almost the same, the first one is just a bit bigger.

Next I added the water and manipulated the land to form continents. This planet has four continents. I also added islands between them.

After the continents and the islands I added the trees and the small animals.

'What should I do next before I put proper sentient guys here?' I thought as I flew around the world trying to think of an idea.

'Hmm floating islands?' I think this would be cool.

I immediately teleported to a nearby island and made it float. I made four large chains and made it look like the chains are preventing the the island from floating away. I made a twelve islands around the world and made each one different.

I think it is time to add the proper inhabitants. I have already thought about the first sentient living being I was going to make. It is dragons.

I controlled the Origin energy inside of me, slowly adding and forming it into a dragon. A red dragon.

I tried to control my excitement while looking at this being who gave the word 'badass' a meaning.

After spending thirty minutes of staring, I finally gave it a soul or consciousness. I made sure to make myself invisible before doing this.

After adding the soul, the red dragon roared and flew away. Gradually disappearing from my sight. I sighed and made the other dragons.

After making a total of twelve dragons, I flew outside the planet and observed a little bit.

'I think it is time to make the humans.'

I teleported in one of the continents and looked for a proper starting place for the humans that I was about to make. After looking for five minutes , I found a forest with a river nearby.

I cleared a large are in the middle of the forest and made a hut. Inside the hut I started designing what my humans would look like.

I started with two humanoid body without any details, one is a human male and the other one is a female. Not gonna lie, they look scary.

After that realization I immediately started adding details starting from the head and going down. An hour passed and I finally finished both of them. I gave them some basic knowledge about this world and some survival skills.

Before leaving I left a scroll inside the hut, inside this scroll is gonna be one of the power system I decided to put in this world. Inside that scroll is the most basic meditation skill to start your journey into becoming a wizard. I'll leave it to them on how they improve it.

The next thing I did was to increase the Life Energy inside the world. I made the everything grow stronger , the beasts, the dragons, humans and even the plants. I made sure to make the little area of the humans in the forest safe. I dont want them to die so early. This safe zone would last for a thousand years.'

'This is a mythical world, who or what should I add next?'

Gods? yeah i think some gods would be great.

I was about to make the gods when I sensed some weird energy on the first world. It was a weird energy that doesn't belong to me.

I teleported where I sensed the energy and was a little shocked on what I saw. A corpse of a nova, and from what I can observe it was a powerful nova, but this powerful nova doesn't have a hint of Life Energy.

Usually when novas die their life energy would scatter and return to the earth, but there would be some energy left inside of them. This nova doesn't have any, and his energy didn't go back to the earth either. All of it just disappeared or was absorbed by something.

I started searching every inch of this world. From a grain of sand to giant mountains, but I found nothing.

I asked the guardians but they also did not know. Even Samak and his wife.

'What could hide from me? Except for other origins I am the most powerful here, but us origins cant interact with the universes that doesn't belong to us.'
