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On that snowy evening, where winds blew lightly and frost tickled skin, the sun sank beneath the horizon, taking with it the orange and red clouds of dusk. Twilight was more subtle and with the stars slowly crept out in the sky. And in the softer late evening glow, Liu Sumeng was stunning. It took Yuan Xuelan another moment before he remembered that he was being laughed at. "Sumeng!" He shouted and huffed, "Stop laughing! Why are you laughing!?"

Liu Sumeng shook his head, there was still a faint smile upon his lips, barely made visible by the glow of the moon. Yuan Xuelan had to stop himself from summoning a spirit light just so he could get a better look at that smile. He grumbled and turned his gaze away, cursing at his own weakness.

But Liu Sumeng's response was a strange one, "That's not what I'm worried about." It made Yuan Xuelan furrow his brows and scratch his head, trying to guess what the heck the Ivory Sword Saint was even talking about. It took him even a moment to remember their earlier conversation but when he did, those words became even more mysterious. He couldn't be saying what Yuan Xuelan thought he was saying, right!?

"Do you mean that it's fine if my Shijie went off with another man!?" Even just the mention of such an idea made Yuan Xuelan's voice shrill, a sour annoyance threatened to crawl up his throat.

Liu Sumeng blinked and his smile dropped, as though having realized his mistake. He tried to elaborate, "She's free to go with any man she pleases."

But those weren't the words that Yuan Xuelan wished to hear. He stepped back, anger visible on his face and the way his fingers curled inwards. "Just what kind of person do you think my Shijie is!?" He snarled.

And when Yuan Xuelan took another step back, Liu Sumeng took one forward. He had that lost look about him with eyes a little wide and brows slightly knit. Yuan Xuelan was getting used to seeing that expression and it made his gut twist with guilt. "That's not what I'm saying…" Liu Sumeng said.

Probably not. Yuan Xuelan felt like he understood the Ivory Sword Saint much better than before. But he was still an enigma, saying things that made Yuan Xuelan's mind twist and flip in confusion, "Then what!?" He didn't mean to shout but his voice raised anyways. Yuan Xuelan blamed it on the bubbling frustration.

The Ivory Sword Saint reached out. Yuan Xuelan was too slow to dodge the hand that circled around his arms, keeping him from bolting away. "I want to cancel the marriage-" Liu Sumeng blurted out and for a second time that evening, Yuan Xuelan felt his world coming to a slow.

But the emotion he felt this time was one that was unnameable. Yuan Xuelan narrowed his eyes at the white-robed man and bit out, "Are you even thinking about my Shijie's feelings?"

Liu Sumeng nodded. Yuan Xuelan thought he appeared almost meek, pitiful even. "Yes, for that reason. I must." His voice came out like a whisper but the words resonated loudly. Was it perhaps Yuan Xuelan's imagination?

The wind howled between them, bringing with it the winter cold.

His mind slowly processed the meaning behind those words. Ah, it was at that moment that Yuan Xuelan was able to recognize his own self-hatred with acute clarity. Why was his heart filled with relief? Relief that Liu Sumeng did not love Chen Anyue…

"Oh." He said, "I see."


Again there was silence between them.

Finally, Liu Sumeng spoke up, the way he peered from behind those long lashes was a bit shy. "It's cold. Let's go back Xuelan." Liu Sumeng's hand trailed down, fingers tracing the bottom of his palm before letting go. They were cold to the touch and Yuan Xuelan felt his own fingers twitch but he was too slow to grab hold of Liu Sumeng's hand.

His heart was like a wild mare, bucking, and galloping across an endless grassland. Yuan Xuelan shook his head, "Go back without me."

Liu Sumeng didn't go and only stared at him with a strange look in his eyes. A sour feeling swelled within Yuan Xuelan and made him feel uncomfortable. He shuffled his feet and masked his blushing cheeks with a scowl. "What are you looking at?"

"Are you practicing the sword?" The Ivory Sword Saint asked. In the soft glow of twilight, Yuan Xuelan could have sworn that he saw the slightest of a smirk. Definitely just a figment of his imagination this time, he chided himself and looked away.

Yuan Xuelan grumbled, in desperate attempt to hide his embarrassment, "Who said I was doing that!"

"Hm, you should show me." That secret playfulness in his voice reminded him of the Liu Sumeng from his dreams. He didn't want to think about that fake Liu Sumeng! The real one was bad enough!

And as if he'd ever show his swordsmanship! He'd rather die than show the Ivory Sword Saint! "No way!"

But Liu Sumeng was as stubborn as a mule and took a step towards him, feet crunching against fluffy snow. "Show me." His voice was steady and low and Yuan Xuelan wanted to die listening to it.

"What part of no do you not understand!" He was shuffling back farther now and didn't like the bright aura that seemed to surround Liu Sumeng. Why did he look like a mountain lion!? Both playful and predatory! It made Yuan Xuelan extremely uncomfortable! And excited in a way he didn't quite understand! He clasped the hilt of his sword out of instinct.

This was precisely what Liu Sumeng was hoping for. He took another careful step forward, watching the way Yuan Xuelan stepped back. He was definitely smirking, with one hand clasping the base of his sword hilt. It was cute how Xuelan paled at the sight. Without warning, he drew.

Steel clashed! Yuan Xuelan just barely managed to block the slash that came down on him. He gritted his teeth as sweat beaded at his brow. Just one blow from the Ivory Sword Saint was terrifying, the force felt heavy enough to crush bone and Yuan Xuelan could already feel his wrists quivering.

But Liu Sumeng was smiling! He was wholeheartedly smiling! Yuan Xuelan didn't even know if he should be enchanted or terrified. Liu Sumeng took a step forward, locking their swords much closer. At this distance, Yuan Xuelan could count the lashes on Liu Sumeng's eyes. "Don't get too distracted." The Ivory Sword Saint reminded him with a humming tone.

An elbow was jammed into his gut before his mind even had the time to process the words. Yuan Xuelan stumbled back but there was no time to recover as the Ivory Sword Saint moved with the flow of water, circling forth for another strike.

Yuan Xuelan clenched his teeth. This guy…was going easy on him! Annoyance flared in his chest as he just managed to raise his sword to block his side from getting slashed. He was about to parry, guiding the blade coming to him aside, and make room for his own blade to strike. But the Ivory Sword Saint had already read his intentions and stepped closer with a speed that Yuan Xuelan could barely react to.

"You need to focus more on your feet."

Yuan Xuelan felt the kick before it came and tried to react but it was too late and his movements were too clumsy. His balance shook and he was about to fall. Liu Sumeng caught him, a strong arm around his waist.

"Your hips as well," he said.

Yuan Xuelan wanted to scream! The terrible heat of embarrassment was rushing up his neck and he grumbled as he looked away, "Sorry that I'm not some crazy sword genius!" Yuan Xuelan pushed himself out of Liu Sumeng's arms and tried to ignore how his waist was tingling where Liu Sumeng touched him. Perhaps Yuan Xuelan was ill, he thought sullenly. Perhaps he needed to find some sort of remedy for this strange affliction. This illness haunted his mind with odd thoughts and made his body tense in the Ivory Sword Saint's proximity. He was going to die from it one day!

Liu Sumeng tilted his head only slightly, "You've improved quite a bit. Under Xu Hexian's tutelage, this level of swordplay is to be expected. It's impressive you were able to absorb as much of the Heavenly Sword Style as you have."

Yuan Xuelan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah" he sheathed his sword and crossed his arms, "Keep on flattering me why don't you?"

"It's not flattery."

Yuan Xuelan's face was growing even hotter. Of course, he understood that Liu Sumeng wasn't the kind of person who gave compliments he didn't mean, but dammit Yuan Xuelan just really wanted to have a peaceful moment of denial! Sure he liked praise but he didn't know what to do with the ones that came from Liu Sumeng. Lock them up in his heart forever? Maybe…that could be the plan.

"W-Whatever!" He eventually blurted out before scratching the back of his neck as awkwardness festered. He refused to look up. "I…Thanks. I guess…"

He would have missed the gentle smile on Liu Sumeng's face if he hadn't chanced a peek.

"You will easily improve at a much faster rate if you allow me to become your instructor instead."

"...!" Liu Sumeng…! Just what was this man implying!? That Yuan Xuelan subject himself to his heart-ache inducing torture on a regular basis? Was he insane? Did he have no respect for Yuan Xuelan's well-being!? Apparently Yuan Xuelan didn't either because like a fool he blurted out, "Ok."

A pleased Liu Sumeng was more beautiful than a waxing moon. "Good."

Argh! Yuan Xuelan was seriously going to regret this…!!

Hello my lovely (5) readers out there! I just realized I've released over 50+ chapters and didn't even realize it. Am I stupid? Oh wait. Don't even answer that question.

Ahem! Please talk to me more, the comment section exists for us to talk, right? (RIGHT?!?!) I'm so lonely over here...!

valiantxvillainouscreators' thoughts
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