
Some Things You Don’t Have to Describe/Mu’s Sit Down

;)What the fuck are these things.

"I don't know but I'm scared," Mu said licking the sea salt off his lips.

;)What are you hungry you want to eat them, why the fuck are you licking your lips.

"Because they're chapped," Mu said furiously giving his lips some tongue.

;)Stop that it's weird even the fucking mutants are getting creeped out.

"I'm trying to get them to accept me," Mu thought to the voice not stopping his voracious tongue movement on his lips.

;)Don't use those words.

"What it's what I'm doing," Mu said while juggling his saliva across his lips.

;)Goddamnit there is just some things you don't describe look you scared away the mutants with your words.

"Oh I guess I'll stop then," Mu said resting his tongue back into it's wet lair called the mouth.

;)What are you doing know.

"Flexing my tongue it's sore," Mu said while pulsating his tongue from stiff to soft.


"Is the tongue a muscle," Mu asked the voice.


In another part of the universe another Mu was sitting down beside a fire with a monocle in his eye.

"Hahaha I'm not Mu, Author I am simply a forgotten segment or some shit being used here to talk about something." The Not Mu said.

The Not Mu got a book from a shelf and looked directly at the Author watching him.

"It has come to my attention that a certain website on which our book is published has made a new writing prompt competition." The Not Mu said while opening the book he got out.

"It is titled "Writing Prompts Contest 116: Male Lead - Entertainer in Another World", now this in itself is not the coolest part. The best part is in the ideas section where it says,"1) A former world-class singer wakes up in a world filled with fantastical beings and magic. They soon find out that their voice and songs are magical in nature in this new world where bards exist. How will they make use of this? How will this world respond to their power?"Not Mu said and after he was done he closed up the book and looked right at the readers.

"Now I don't know if you've read the story up to this point but I mean...come on. I'm not mad website on which this story is published in fact I just want to know who on your staff likes my story because that is badass." Not Mu said.

"I don't know if this is normal or not but it's definitely cool," Not Mu stood up and ripped off his mask revealing himself to be the Author.

"I didn't want to make myself a body in this world because I didn't want Mu to be able to meet me, but I had to come down and say thank you I have had this story bumping around in my head for years and I just had to write it I didn't expect 10,000 people to find this concept as interesting as me." I wiped a tear away from my eye and said," This may not sound like a lot to some people but that's more people then I have in my city (I think). So thank you." Author signing out.

;)God I hope that's the last one of those.

Fuck You.

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