
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

*** Nick ***

As I watch  the door open my heart started to beat faster and faster I didn't know what to expect . She  was standing so close I wanted to reach out and pull her in my arms but of course I didn't want to ruin my chance .

Nick I would really like to get to know you she smiled shyly at me bitting her bottom lip my eyes staring at that lip I wanted to taste it so badly . Dammit I need to say something anything before I creeped her out.

OK I answer. what changed your mind ? I wanted to know had to know , I was thinking about what you said everyone needs a friend and I felt like you might just be that for me so here I am would you like to come in and maybe watch a movie with me she asked in a whisper ( YES YES SHE WANTS TO BE WITH ME ) I shout in my head. Yeah that would be cool say aloud and calmly to her as we walked into the living room .

I could tell that it was the room she was in a lot because her shoes were by the sofa along with a pile of books her phone and her Ipad .  the TV was big there on the wall was every mans dream a 70" inch led TV attached to the wall and she also had a lot of gaming systems their as well . I like that about her because that meant that she wasn't like other females I knew. You know the type who only interest is IG Facebook and you know the rest.. they always more interested in like then anything else I had a feeling that Andrea was not like that...

*** Andrea ***

I was so nervous as he looked around I never had a friend over before so I didn't have to worry about inviting people over now he was hear I wasn't sure I made the right choice.Dam I could have pick up a little bit bet he thought I was a messy chick but to late now .

Would like to pick a movie while I get us some drinks and popcorn . I hope you don't mind, Sure that's fine go do your thing while I pick something for us to watch. I dam near ran to the kitchen to get out there I'm so nervous, get it together I chant to myself  after I get everything I rush back in the living room to see Nick sitting on the sofa . Ready to watch the movie and I think to myself oh god he is so fine and smells so good wtf is wrong with me as I sit beside him I afraid but excited at the same time, I'm friends with a sex god what's a girl to do!!!


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