
The Sports Festival

The days passed, and soon, the time for the sports festival has arrived. The students were instructed to wear the school's tracksuit and gather at the track field. Each class had its tent, and half of the tents were on one side of the field, and the other half at the other side of the field, to separate the White and Red Teams.

Then, a teacher Shinji didn't know, but if he had to guess, he was probably class 3-A homeroom teacher, said through a megaphone:

"From this point on, the sports festival officially starts. I wish you all luck and hope that no one won't get injured today. Please go to your class's tent. You are forbidden from visiting other classes' tents!" the teacher said, and all the students went to their respective tents.

As they made their way to the tent, Shinji and Mio made eye contact for a brief second and nodded in approval to each other, as to signal the start of the plan they made during summer vacation.

Then, Shinji heard Kanji say to the other guys:

"What a beautiful day! We get to see the girls running, and Kikyo-Chan's chest is going to show its full glory!"

"Sakura and Hasabe are also going to show their awesomeness! I can't wait to see their chests jumping as they're running!"

"There is also Ichinose from class B. Have you seen that chest!?"

Shinji smirked, as he knew that one of the girls they talked about, is already his, and one is also soon to be his. Still, he can appreciate their courage to speak about it out loud, as he already saw some of the girls looking at them with a dangerous look in their eyes.

After they entered their tent, inside the tent, on a table, was the participation table. Of course, it wasn't the participation table the class prepared, but it was the participation table that Shinji made and Kikyo submitted.

"What the hell is this!?" exclaimed Ken as he looked at the different participation table.

"What happened?" asked Yosuke

"This isn't the participation table we prepared, that's what happened! You were the one who submitted it, didn't you, Hirata!?" asked Ken in anger

"I did... but it was never like that... it's as if-"

"Someone submitted a different participation table before we submitted ours" Shinji completed the sentence

"What do you mean?" asked Satsuki

"He means that someone betrayed the class, and submitted a different participation table, to make us fail" said Suzune

"But why would someone do that? That person is also from our class and will lose points if we lose class points, so it doesn't make sense" Teruhiko said

"It doesn't matter if he plans to transfer to another class" stated Shinji

"Transfer to another class? Didn't Chabashira-Sensei said that we will stay in the same class until graduation?" asked Kikyo

"I only heard it from an upperclassmen, but there is a way to transfer to the class you want to. You have to pay 20,000,000pp to the school, and you can transfer to any class you want in your year, even class A"

"20,000,000pp!? There is no way that someone from our class can get this amount of points!" said Kanji

"Not by himself. But, if he were to get paid for what he's doing then maybe he can" said Suzune

"Then, someone betrays our class, so he can gain enough points, and transfer to class A?" asked Kei

"It's a possibility, but it's not what we should be talking about. We can't start doubting each other right now. The first competition will start soon, and we need to get ready" said Shinji

"But what are we going to do?" asked Satsuki

"We don't have a choice but to participate according to this participation table. There is nothing else that we can do" Shinji stated

"Shinji-Kun, you should look at it. You are participating in ALL of the competitions" Yosuke said and handed him the participation table, and Shinji faked a surprise expression, as he looked at the participation table

"All of the competitions!? There's no way you can do that! You'll surely get yourself injured! And even if you don't, there's no way you have enough stamina for it!" said Suzune

"I appreciate your WORRY, Horikita-San, however, I'm not going to quit from competitions, as there is a risk that there is a penalty for it. I'll just have to manage my stamina right, and I'll be able to do it"

"I'm NOT worried, it's just you're one of the most athletic students in our class, and it'll risk our chances if you were to get injured or too tired to continue..." Suzune said and averted her gaze, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Then, Sae entered the tent and said:

"What is going on here? The first competition starts in a few minutes, so why all of you are still in here, instead of getting ready?"

"Sensei, it's not the participation table that we submitted to you!" said Haruki

"I handed to the school the first participation I received" Sae stated

"Then, can you tell us who submitted it!? Whoever it is, he's going to pay!!!" exclaimed Ken

"I'm not allowed to say" Sae simply answered

"Guys, we already said we're going to drop this subject for now, didn't we? Now, Hirata, who is on the first round of the 100-m sprint?" asked Shinji

"... Horikita-San and Sato-San"

"What!? But I'm not supposed to be in it!" exclaimed Maya

"I'm sorry, Sato-San, but you have to participate. It's for the class. It isn't that bad, is it?" said Shinji, as he moved closer to Maya, and put his hand on her shoulder.

"W-Well, I guess that I can try!" said Maya, blushing from the contact and the closeness Shinji demonstrated

"I'm sure I can count on you as well, Horikita-San?" said Shinji as he turned his head to Suzune

"Of course. I'll take the first place easily"

"Then, good luck you two!" each of their classmates told them, and the two went out of the tent, and the sports festival has finally begun!
