

"How does it feel being so popular?"

"I have always been popular, so you should have asked me this question years ago."

"Have you always been a narcissist too?"

"You didn't know?"

"So, are all of your plans executed perfectly? Did everything play out in this tournament to your benefit?"

"Yeah, everything. My work here is almost done."

"I am looking forward to seeing you deal with the Thor Academy though. I bet it will be fun to watch."

"Do you want to take a glimpse?"

Sam asked with a cheeky smile. Noah smiled and replied.

"Of course. This banquet is so boring. It wouldn't hurt to add some excitement."

"Wait and watch."

Sam walked out of the banquet hall without alerting anyone. At the same time, Dove who is socializing with her peers noticed the Grade 4 seniors of the Thor Academy walking to her.

"Isn't this the high and mighty Dove of the Gambler Academy."

Next chapter