

Gita lay awake at night, her mind in turmoil. No matter how much she tried, the 43-year-old mother of two, just couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, which finally woke up her husband, Harsh.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked, irritated. The 48-year-old was infamous for his grumpiness and quick temper.

"Nothing. Let's go to sleep," she said, hesitantly.

"Come on, out with it. I know something's bothering you."

"Naina called me today," she said.

"How is she?" he asked.

Naina and Tara were Harsh's nieces; daughters of his elder brother. He adored them. Naina, the elder one, had been married for three years. Tara had her wedding just a few days back. Both girls' marriages had been arranged and blessed by their elders, like a respectable family. No funny business like those outrageous love marriages!

"She's fine. We had some chit chat. Then... she told me something, which has me worried."

"What did she say?"

"She spoke of the day of Tara's suhaag-raat. Tara was really panicked about spending her first night with her husband. You know, the usual nervousness, being a virgin with no prior knowledge about sex..."

"... which is the proper way a young girl from a respectable family should be!" Harsh said, with pride, interrupting Gita.

Gita scowled and continued, "Tara was a nervous wreck. She desperately asked Naina what she should do that night and what was expected of her. Naina gave her some advice and helped her calm down. Bubbly was also in that room, with them. And as per Naina, our Bubbles too, has no idea about sex."

"That's my girl! She's my daughter, our daughter, and we have raised her the proper way. Pure and untouched from any impure thoughts," Harsh said, full of pride about his daughter being ignorant about sex. "Not like those other cheap girls of her age," he said, with a look of disgust on his face.

Gita wasn't too convinced, though. She herself had similar views about sex and propriety as her husband. They had raised their 21 year old son and 19 year old daughter in a strict household. But, now, she was beginning to have second thoughts.

"We raised Deepu and Bubbly the right way, though I am not so sure anymore. Did you hear about Prem's daughter?" she said.

"Yeah... poor girl, her divorce just came out of nowhere," he said. Prem was his friend and colleague. His daughter was few years older than Deepu.

"It didn't come out of nowhere. The girl had marital problems right from the start. I heard that she and her husband had sexual incompatibility. Prem and his wife had also raised their daughter like we did. That girl was never interested in sexual intimacy in general. No wonder her husband left her."

"Well, it's the girl's fault then. One should stay away from impure sexual thoughts and actions before wedding. But once married, you're supposed to be sexually intimate with your spouse. That's how it was with us," he said, grumbling.

"That's not how things are today. We were brought up that way by our parents and we tried to do the same with our children. Youngsters nowadays are more open with their sexuality, whatever we may think of that. They have certain sexual expectations from their spouses. Young men, want their wives to be visibly interested and equally reciprocal about sex. They don't want shy and naive wives in their bedrooms who are seemingly uninterested in sex, having to be coaxed every time," she explained.

Harsh made another disgusted face and said, "That husband's an idiot, leaving such a nice, homely girl."

"Being nice and homely is well and good, but when it comes to marital relationships, there are other things that can make or break a marriage. And I remember how impressed you were with that guy and his family. You even wished to have a similar groom for Bubbly."

"What are you trying to say?" he grumbled.

"I am worried about our children, Harsh. We raised them right, but I don't want them to have problems in their marital lives because of sexual ignorance or disinterest," she said.

"Come on, you are overthinking this. Our children will be fine. They're not even married yet and here you are, worried sick," he said, dismissively.

"May be," she said, doubtful.

"Alright, lets go to sleep," Harsh said and went back to sleep.

Yet, no sleep came to Gita. She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling fan, thinking. An idea was taking shape in her mind. She couldn't let her children fail in their marriages. Her kids needed to learn about sex and intimacy, even if she had to teach them herself.


It took another three days for the idea to solidify in Gita's mind. She debated all the pros and cons and arrived at the conclusion. This was the only way. It had to be done.

She and her husband had zealously raised their children in the ways of the quintessential traditional, orthodox Indian family values. They had gone to extreme lengths to shield their son and daughter from any impure sexual thoughts, desires and actions that has corrupted the pre-married youths of the new generation. But now she feared that they may have overdone it. She feared for their future. And since, she and her husband were the ones to have enforced these values on her children, it was their responsibility to teach and train them in the sexual ways. Having convinced herself, Gita raised the topic of discussion with Harsh, that night.

"I had been thinking about what we spoke few nights back," she said, "the one about the call with Naina."

"Hmm...," acknowledged Harsh, without taking his eyes off the newspaper he was reading.

"I think," she said, pausing to gather her thoughts, "I think we need to teach Deepu and Bubbly about sex."

"What do you mean?" asked Harsh, peaking from behind the newspaper.

"I fear they may have come to think of sex as something vile and impure. They may never feel comfortable enough to get sexually intimate with their spouses even after marriage. So, it's our responsibility now to teach them about sex and initiate them into the world of carnal pleasure."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, bewildered, lowering the newspaper.

"We need to show our children, the joys and pleasures of sex, ourselves. I need to usher our son into manhood and you need to guide our daughter into womanhood," she said.

"Have you lost your mind?" shouted Harsh, slamming the newspaper down. "How can you even think that?"

"Oh please! Stop this nonsense and listen to me for once," retorted Gita, "And don't tell me you haven't thought about Bubbly. You hugged her that day, when she wore a saree for the first time. Seemed very innocent and fatherly, but don't think I didn't notice that bulge in your pants. So, don't you dare lecture me!"

The fierceness and fight went out of Harsh like a punctured balloon. He stammered, trying to explain himself but gave up. He picked up the newspaper, grumpily.

"Alright," he grumbled "I did get aroused. But that doesn't make it right and you know it. I've been chastising myself for having such disgusting thoughts and now here you are, proposing we actually do such a thing!"

Gita climbed on the bed and snuggled next to him, aware that she had the upper hand in the discussion. "Just think about it for a second. I know you love her and always want the best for her. She needs to learn sexual pleasures to succeed in her marital life. Who better to teach her than her loving father?"

Harsh had a frown on his face and stared straight ahead, pretending to read something on the upside-down newspaper. She snuggled closer to him, putting the newspaper away and placed her hand on his crotch over his pajamas. She could feel his semi-erection and knew he was mellowing to the idea. She fondled his cock through his pajamas.

"We've done well, raising her into the perfect girl. Everyone is so happy with the young woman she's grown up into. Yet, all that could be undone if she lacks this key ingredient for a blissful marriage. I don't want her to end up like Prem's daughter."

He sighed and said, "Neither do I. But what you're proposing..."

"Believe me, this is the best gift a father can give his grown up daughter. Who else can do this? I can only talk to her and I have. But only you can show her what it truly feels like. You can teach her to be good in bed, just like you taught me," she said and gave his erection, a tight squeeze.

Harsh groaned at the sensation. Gita knew she had him in her grip, physically and mentally.

"She is asleep in her room, just on the other side of this wall. Think about her," she said, fondling his erection, "Tell me, what about her, aroused you that day?"

"It was a complete mental shift for me, seeing her in a saree for the first time. I realized my little girl is all grown up now into a beautiful young woman. We've always taught her to dress modestly since she hit puberty. I had no idea she had developed such a fine figure, which I glimpsed for the first time that day in the saree," he said, staring dreamily at the wall.

She tugged at the waistband of his pajamas. He lifted his butt slightly up the bed as she pulled the pajama down, exposing his erect cock. She switched off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Lifting her nightie up to her waist, she got on top of her husband.

"Tell me more, daddy. Tell me how I aroused you. Tell me daddy," she said, doing her best to mimic her daughter's voice. She took hold of his cock and rubbed it at the entrance of her wet pussy.

He sighed and said, "What are you doing, Gita?"

"Mama's not here, daddy. It's just your little girl, all grown up and aching for daddy's cock. Tell me daddy, do I look nice and pretty to you?" said Gita.

"Yes, you are very pretty."

"Just pretty? Or do I look sexy as well?"

"Very sexy."

"Daddy, look how wet I am for you. Do you feel it?" Gita said, rubbing his cock head up and down across her slit, her moisture coating his cock.

"Yes, I can feel it," he said, squirming. He tried to lunge forward to enter her and said, "Don't tease me anymore."

Gita swiftly moved back, denying him the chance to enter her. She gripped his cock and squeezed it tightly and said, "Not so fast, daddy. Tell me what you want to do to me?"

Harsh just moaned.

"Tell me daddy, do you want to fuck me?"


"Then say it. I want to hear it!" she urged.

"Oh Bubbles... I want to fuck you. I want to make love to my little girl," he said and lunged again.

Gita let him in this time. As he lunged forward, she too lowered herself, his cock swiftly entering her soaking pussy. She knew she was successful in convincing her husband as she rode his cock to both their orgasms. After they were done, they lay on the bed. Gita snuggled next to Harsh, running her fingers through his graying chest hairs.

Finally, he said, "Alright. How do we do this?"

"I am planning to go to Indore, next week, to stay with Deepu. I spoke to him yesterday. His roommate would be gone for few days. Meanwhile, you and Bubbly would have the house to yourselves," she said.

"And how do you propose I seduce our daughter?" he asked, doubtfully.

"Don't worry, I am sure you'll figure something out. Just be the man she already thinks you are. Every girl has some spark of sexual fantasy for her father, you just need to fan the flames."

Gita went to sleep leaving Harsh to ponder over the matter.


Few days later, Gita left for Indore, as planned. Bubbly proactively asked and learned from Gita, all that was required to be taken care of in the house, in Gita's absence. Taking stock of the food items in the fridge; what needed to be cooked; any special instructions for the housemaid; preparing lunch to be packed and given to Harsh when he left for office and other miscellaneous instructions. Bubbly imbibed it all and made a mental note to include these tasks in her daily routine in addition to her studies and college classes. Gita felt proud of her daughter!

Throughout the day, Harsh wondered how he could approach his daughter. He had no idea what to do. He couldn't focus on his work in the office. Never in his life had he thought that he would have to be in this situation. He had always been loving towards her yet strict about propriety and modesty. On multiple occasions, he had disciplined her for any improper dressing or behavior. How will he now ask her to be naked and have sex with him?

He still didn't have any ideas when he returned home in the evening. Bubbly opened the front door when he rang the bell. He looked at her and felt guilty. She smiled at him. He looked away and entered the house. He spent the rest of the evening, reading newspaper and watching TV. They ate dinner, quietly.

"How's your friend?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. Bubbly looked at him, quizzically.

"You have sleepovers at her house. That girl whose parents are frequently out of town," he said, trying to remember a name.

"Ah, that's Roma. Yeah, she's fine. Why are you asking about her?" she asked, curiously.

"Nothing. It's good that you go over to her house to keep her company. Parents shouldn't be leaving their young daughters alone. That's irresponsible," he grumbled. He didn't approve of Roma's parents taking frequent out-station trips.

Later that night when he was preparing for bed, there was a knock at his bedroom door. Bubbly poked her head in.

"Daddy, I am feeling a bit scared and uneasy in my room. Can I sleep here tonight?" she asked, innocently.

Harsh was slightly taken aback by that, since Bubbly had always slept in her own room since she was a teen. Yet, he thought, this might just be the opportunity he was looking for.

"Sure. Come on in," he said.

"Let me change to my nightwear and get my pillow," she said.

She came back few minutes later wearing a knee length nightie with spaghetti straps. She looked self-conscious of wearing something so sheer and short.

"I only wear these at night in my room, daddy, while sleeping," she explained, guiltily, afraid of a sharp tongue lashing from her father for inappropriate dressing.

"Hmm, that's ok, as long as it's confined to your room," he said, reassuringly.

Bubbly got into her mother's side of the bed and went to sleep. Harsh got into the bed and switched off the bed lamp. He remained awake wondering what he was supposed to do. He could feel her soft, rhythmic breathing and knew she was asleep.

He had missed the chance to talk to her. But what was he supposed to say? He had never discussed about sex with his children. The topic was awkward and embarrassing. He had always wanted to shield them away from sex, not talk to them about it and definitely not to teach them! Whenever they watched a movie together as a family, he had always selected something devoid of any intimate scenes. Even if there was a scene or two showing any physical intimacy or even hinting it, he would change the channel or skip ahead if possible.

He saw her shiver slightly in the cold. He unfolded the thin double blanket and covered himself and her. As he put the blanket on, he saw her nightie had lifted up slightly, leaving her thighs exposed. His hand darted forward to touch the exposed skin, but he stopped at the last moment and pulled the nightie back in place, covering her up. He pulled the blanket on top of her and lay down on the bed.

He couldn't sleep. He thought if Gita had any better luck with their son. He tossed and turned, trying to figure out his next move. He switched on the bed lamp and looked at her. She remained asleep. In the soft glow of the lamp he looked at her. The nightie exposed a lot of skin on her back, shoulders and chest leaving her arms bare. It was just too exposing and scandalous for a young woman of a respectable family to wear such a skimpy nightie. But it was ok as long as she wore it in her bedroom while sleeping.

Slowly he moved his hand forward and touched her exposed upper back with his fingers. He gently caressed the skin watching for any reaction from her. Nothing. He traced a finger down her upper arm from her bare shoulder to her elbow. She shivered slightly. He drew his hand back. He was strangely aroused and his cock was hard, tenting his pajamas.

She shifted in her sleep and moved closer to him. His erection now poked her butt. He moved back involuntary at the contact, his heart racing. She fell asleep again and he relaxed. Slowly, he moved back to his original position, this time intentionally rubbing his tent on her nightie covered butt. It felt surreal to him that he was rubbing his erection on his daughter's ass. He gently lifted her arm and placed her hand on his tent. He released her hand and it stayed there, her fingers on his cock. Suddenly, she shifted her hand slightly and curled her fingers around his tent, gripping his hard cock. His breath caught in his chest. Her fingers tightened slightly, squeezing his cock and then went slack. She went back to sleep again and Harsh sighed in relief.

He moved her hand off his cock, thinking that the squeeze had felt good. But he had to think more about how to proceed. He switched off the bed lamp, turned away from her and went to sleep.


Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India --

Gita got off the train at the railway station. Deepu received her and drove her to his room. He lived in a one-bedroom apartment with a friend, near his college campus. His roommate had already left for his home, so Gita occupied that empty bed.

She had come to the city with confidence that she'd seduce and fuck her own son; make him a man. Yet, seeing Deepu in front of her had brought out the maternal instincts, making her slightly unsure of her plan. She rolled her eyes when she saw the mess in Deepu's room. She entered the bathroom to freshen up and ended up cleaning it to her satisfaction before taking a shower. She then proceeded to clean the bedroom and tidying up all the stuff lying around. Deepu, guiltily, helped her. On Gita's request, he put the two single beds together to make a double bed.

That night, as Gita prepared to go to bed, she went to the bathroom and changed into a skimpy nightie she had bought specifically for this trip. The nightie was mostly modest yet was form fitting and accentuated her large 38C breasts. The garment was low cut as well, displaying a generous amount of cleavage. She fixed her hair and exited the bathroom.

Deepu sat at his study table, working on his laptop. She didn't look at him but could feel his eyes on her. She acted normally and sat on the bed, talking to him. She asked him general questions about his life at college and his friends. He engaged in the conversation but she could see that his eyes were regularly drawn towards her cleavage. She deliberately looked elsewhere, giving him a chance to ogle without feeling too self-conscious. Feeling tired after the day's journey, she finally went to bed. Deepu too came to bed. Switching the lights off, they went to sleep.

Sometime later, Gita woke up. She opened her eyes slowly. The room was mostly dark but not completely dark as it was earlier. Keeping still, she looked sideways to see Deepu sitting at his study table. He sat in a reclining position on his chair with his legs stretched in front of him. The laptop was on and its screen flickered, giving off intermittent illumination in the room. He had his earphones on.

Must be watching a movie, Gita thought as her eyes got used to the darkness. Then, she gasped softly. Deepu was topless wearing only his shorts. Both his hands were around his crotch, moving slowly.

Oh God! Is he masturbating? Gita thought, shocked. Where did he learn to do that? What is he watching?

She moved slightly on the bed. It creaked. Deepu covered himself in a hurry and pulled out the earphones from his ears. She closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. He looked at her for a couple of minutes, watching for any signs of movement. Satisfied, he relaxed once more and immersed himself in his laptop. He didn't put on the earphones though, and kept looking towards her every few minutes. Gita opened her eyes slightly and peeked at her son as he went back to pleasuring himself. Few minutes later, he got up and went to the bathroom, probably to finish the job.

As the bathroom door closed, she got up from the bed and went to the study table. She sat on the chair and looked at the laptop screen. The media player had been minimized. She brought it back up and hit play, staring in shock as a pornographic video started playing. She had never seen one before, just heard about it from Harsh. Yet, this was wildly different from what she had imagined them to be. This video was professionally shot and showed a man and a woman, engaged in sexual intercourse. Both actors had impossibly impressive, smooth hairless bodies. The actress had huge breasts and the actor had a massive cock, the biggest she had ever seen. Both of them were posed in difficult looking sexual positions and kept fucking tirelessly. Gita picked up the earphones and brought them near her ears. The loud moans, grunts and obscene encouragements spouted by the actress hit her ears. Disgusted, she put the earphones down and paused the video.

To say Gita was shocked would be an understatement. It was unthinkable for her, that her son would be masturbating by watching such disgusting pornographic videos. She felt conflicted. On a deeper level, she thought masturbation was bad and should only be done as a last resort to relieve some tension. Deepu seemed to have made a habit of it, which bothered her. Even more worrisome was that he was watching porn! Those filthy videos depicted everything unnatural and exaggerated about sex. It would no doubt give a very wrong impression of sexual intimacy in the minds of a naïve young man. She worried that her son would believe what he saw in those videos and think that to be natural. This was dangerous. Very dangerous, indeed, she thought.

She got up and pressed her ear close to the bathroom door, listening intently. She couldn't hear anything at first but only a few seconds later she heard a low moan and grunt from her son. Then the sounds of the tap water running. She moved away from the door and got back into the bed. As she settled back and pretended to be asleep, Deepu came out of the bathroom. He put his t-shirt and shorts back on, quietly got into bed and went to sleep. Gita looked at the sleeping form of Deepu.

Oh, my son! What have you gotten into?


Next morning, Harsh called Gita once he reached office, "I can't do it, Gita. This is a bad idea!"

"Calm down. Tell me what happened?" she asked. He narrated the events of the previous night.

"That's not a bad start, actually," she said.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked, "There was no start. Maybe you should just talk to her. Explain her what she needs to know about... sex. No need to go through all this."

"We already discussed this. Theoretical knowledge won't be enough. We need to show them how it's done. You have to do this, for her. Be a man and lead her into womanhood," she urged.

"I told you I can't do it," he said, irritated, "I don't even know what to tell her."

"Then don't say anything. Just do it and see how it goes. You've always been good at action than with words. Just act on it, like you did last night," she said.

"No, no. I feel like a pervert. Feels like I am... molesting her!"

"But you're not," she emphasized, "Think of all the times you physically punished the kids when they were younger. You didn't do it to hurt them. You did it to discipline them, teach them life lessons. This is no different."

He was silent for a moment. She continued, "You love her. You are not doing anything to hurt her. Just be firm and gentle with her, like you always have. Show her the pleasures of sex. Give her the ultimate gift a father can give to a daughter."

Harsh sighed and said, "Alright. I'll see what I can do. What about you? Any luck with Deepu?"

He sensed a hesitation in her voice, as if she was hiding something. "Nothing yet," she said, "I'll talk to him today."

Later that night, Bubbly once again requested to sleep on her parent's bed next to Harsh. Like the previous night, she wore a knee length nightie with spaghetti straps. He nodded his approval and she got into the bed and went to sleep. He switched the lights off, leaving just the bed lamp on. He was wondering what he would do when she shifted and snuggled close to him. The left shoulder strap of her nightie had slid down to her upper arm, leaving her shoulder bare. The hem of the nightie had ridden up towards her thighs. He stared at the young body of her skimpily clad, sleeping daughter. He thought about the previous night, the feeling of her hand on the bulge of his pajama, her fingers squeezing his erection. His cock began to stir in anticipation.

He gently touched her exposed shoulder and traced his finger across her chest. He knew she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples hardened and poked through the nightie. His exploring fingers moved down her chest and lingered on her cleavage. Moving down, he cupped his hand over her breast over her nightie. It fit perfectly in her hand, the erect nipple poking his palm. He looked at her face for any reaction and gave the breast a gentle squeeze.

His cock was fully erect now. He opened the fly of his pajama and freed his manhood from its confines. Like the previous night, he gently lifted her arm and placed her hand on his bare cock, this time. Her fingers curled immediately around the phallus, gripping it. He left her hand there and relished the feel of his daughter's soft touch on his cock.

Moving lower down her body, he pulled the hem of her nightie up towards her hips. He glimpsed her cute, small, light blue panty. She suddenly shifted, squeezed his cock gently and went back to sleep. Heart thundering in his chest, he remained motionless, watching her intently for any more movement. After she settled completely, he moved his attention back towards her panty. Her thighs, which had been tightly closed before, looked open now. Pleased with his luck, he put his hand between her thighs, caressing the soft skin. Her fingers tightened around his cock as she squirmed slightly. His hand crept up slowly until he touched a wet spot on her panty covered crotch.

Bubbly moaned audibly and jolted awake, sitting upright on the bed. Her hand left his cock as he scrambled to put it back inside his pajama. She moved and sat on the edge of the bed on her side, facing away from him. Covering her face with both hands, she started crying.

Harsh was shocked. Oh God! What have I done? Guilt and remorse started eating him from within. I am a monster. I have ruined my little girl, scarred her for life.

Myriad negative thoughts zipped across his mind about the aftermath of this event. He had heard stories of young girls being molested, raped and sexually abused by their fathers, uncles and other close relatives. Young lives destroyed, mentally and emotionally ruined. Some of those girls even committed suicide. He shuddered to think about it. Those men he had heard about, many of them were arrested and jailed when the truth finally came out. He always thought those men should be hanged to death. Monsters didn't deserve to live. Is that what he had become now?

Bubbly continued to cry. He exhaled. He didn't realize he had been holding his breath. He had to do something at the moment. Comfort her. Console her. Apologize even. And then... he had no idea what would happen next. He shifted on the bed and sat next to his sobbing daughter. He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but hesitated. It was the same bare shoulder he had caressed lustily few minutes back. Should he put his filthy, monstrous hand on his daughter again? He was disgusted with himself.

"Bubbles...," he called her gently. It was the pet-name he had given her when she was young. She had loved The Powerpuff Girls.

She hugged him tightly, putting her head on his chest. In between the sobs, she said, "Daddy... I am sorry... I am so sorry, daddy..."

"What? Why?" he asked, confused.

"I couldn't control myself. I've been having thoughts about you... sinful thoughts. I am so sorry, daddy. Please don't be angry," she said, between sobs.

"Calm down, Bubbles. Don't cry. I am not angry. Tell me what you mean," he said, gently. He hugged her and caressed her hair, soothing her.

She calmed down and stopped crying, but kept hugging him. She said, "Do you remember, daddy, few months back, when I wore a saree for the first time?"

"Yes. You looked lovely," he said.

"You hugged me. It felt so nice. Then I felt something nudging near my waist. After you moved away, I saw a bulge in your pants. I don't know why, but I felt a strange thrill. Since then, I've been thinking a lot about that bulge, wanting to feel it again, wanting you to hug me again.

"When mama left yesterday, my urge became stronger. I don't know what I was thinking, I came here and asked to sleep next to you. And then, I felt my hand on that bulge again. I was so excited. I hoped to feel it again, tonight. And I did. It felt so good in my hand, I couldn't help squeezing it. It was throbbing, so warm. Your fingers trailing on my skin felt so good. I felt a strange tingling sensation in my... down there. And when you made contact, it felt wonderful... Oh God!" she said and started sobbing again.

She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face and asked, "What's happening to me, daddy? These urges, these feelings... they're wrong, isn't it? I didn't mean to... but it felt so good, I couldn't control myself. I am sorry, daddy. I've been a bad girl. I promise you, I didn't mean to."

Harsh was stunned to hear her confession. Few minutes earlier, he had been drowning in guilt and remorse. Now it felt like his daughter had pulled him out of despair. Relief swept over him. He felt light and hopeful. He smiled at her and wiped off her tears. She still looked at him, with big, innocent, moist, naïve eyes. There was confusion, conflict, fear and uncertainty on her cute face. He kissed her forehead.

"It's alright, honey. You are a young woman now, all grown up. And young women have certain... physical desires. There's nothing wrong with having those feelings and urges. And it's only natural to feel good and your body react in that way, when you're touched sensually," he explained.

"But mama said it's a sin to have such thoughts before marriage for any other man. A girl should only have such feelings and desires after her wedding. And those thoughts should be reserved only for her husband," she said, confused.

He sighed. This was the moment of truth. He said, "What your mama said is correct, but I am not just any other man, am I? I am your father. I am here to help you discover and safely explore those new desires and urges. I know this must be confusing for you, but trust me, it'll all make sense. Tell me, did it feel good when I touched you?"

"It did, daddy. It felt wonderful," she said, smiling shyly.

"Do you want to feel that again?" he asked. She nodded, yes, then asked, "But what about mama?"

"She doesn't need to know," he lied, "This is a dad-daughter bonding moment. Let this be our little secret."

She nodded, understanding.

"Bubbles, we have few more nights, until your mama comes back," he said, "For these nights... just surrender yourself to me. I promise you... you'll never forget the pleasures you'll experience."

She smiled and said, earnestly, "Daddy, you're my father... my creator... my god. My body belongs to you. I'll surrender myself to you, whenever you ask."

Harsh's chest swelled with pride at his daughter's heartfelt words. He held her face with both hands. She looked at him, expectantly. He leaned in. She closed her eyes. Their lips met. He hugged his daughter and kissed her passionately. She melted in his arms and kissed him back.


Gita sat on the bed in her son's room. She wore her skimpy nightie again, displaying her generous cleavage. Deepu sat at his desk with his laptop open, stealing glances at her.

"Deepu, how are your friends at college?" she asked.

"Yeah, there are some guys in my class I am friends with," he said.

"That's good," she said, nodding her head. "What about the girls?"

He blushed and said, "No... I... umm... I don't talk to girls."

"Why not?"

"It feels awkward," he said with a shrug, stealing a glance at her cleavage.

"But you like looking at them, don't you?" she asked.

He quickly averted his gaze, afraid that he was caught staring at her.

She sighed and shook her head. "Deepu... I have seen what you've on your laptop."

He paled with shock and stammered, "Mama... I... uh..."

"Why do you have those vulgar videos in there?" she said, disappointment heavy in her voice.

He kept quiet and hung his head in shame. In a meek voice, he said, "I am sorry, mama. Please don't tell daddy." He pleaded, scared of his father's wrath.

"I won't tell him. But you need to come clean and tell me what I want to know. Come here. Sit next to me," she said, patting on the bed.

Deepu reluctantly got up from his desk and sat on the bed next to her. She put her hand on his and said, gently, "What happened, Deepu? Tell me."

He sighed and said, "Mama... it's different here, in college. Guys only talk about girls all the time... and also about... sex. I had no idea about sex and very little interaction with girls. They made fun of me. Told me I was still a kid and I should go back to school. Some even bullied me, they said I must be gay."

"Oh, my poor boy," said Gita, sympathetically.

He continued, "My new friends gave me some of those videos. They said I should watch them."

"I am really disappointed. Your father would be furious if he knew. We sent you here to study, to have a good career, and this is what you're doing?"

"Mama, I am sorry. I won't watch those again. I'll delete everything from my laptop, I promise. Please don't me mad," he said, desperately.

"I am not mad, Deepu. I feel bad that you had to endure such bullying. But this is not the way to learn about... sex. Those filthy videos... that's not sex education. That's not real life physical intimacy, that's just cheap, vulgar entertainment," she ranted.

Deepu looked down and nodded. He said, "I understand, mama. I'll delete those videos immediately and never watch them again, I promise."

"That's my boy," she said and smiled, stroking his hair, lovingly. She kissed his cheek and went to bed. He deleted all the porn videos from his laptop and went to sleep.

Gita was awakened some time later. She opened her eyes and looked around sleepily. She checked her phone, it was midnight. Deepu shifted uneasily on the bed next to her. She switched on the night bulb to have some more visibility. His eyes were closed and he made some low grunting noises. He had kicked his blanket down to his feet. In spite of the cold weather, there were small beads of perspiration on his brow. She wiped them off and touched his t-shirt. It felt damp with sweat. And then she saw it.

The massive bulge on his crotch, tenting his shorts. Is he having a wet dream? she wondered.

"Deepu...," she whispered, gently.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

"Let's get these off, you're sweaty," she said and pulled his t-shirt.

He shifted his torso which helped Gita take his t-shirt off. Bare bodied, he slumped back to bed.

"I am not able to sleep, mama. I feel so... restless."

She shifted up and next to him, pressing her body to his. Caressing his hair, she gently pressed his head into her big, motherly breasts and said, "I'll help you. I know just the thing you need."

All the shifting and movements had pushed his erection out, through the fly of his shorts. Gita reached down and curled her fingers around the hard shaft, gripping it.

"Mama...?" he asked, confused.

"Shhh... it's ok. Mama will make you feel good, help you sleep," she said, soothingly.

In the dim light of the night bulb, she couldn't see her son's cock clearly. Holding it in her hand, she explored it with her fingers. Although, slightly smaller in length, it felt thicker than her husband's. She squeezed it gently.

"Mama...," he moaned, burying his face in her bosom. He nuzzled into her cleavage, seeking comfort, like he used to do as a baby.

She retrieved her bottle of body lotion from behind her pillow, squirted some in her hand and applied it to her son's bloated cock head. Her hands glided easier on his manhood. She cupped his balls and massaged them gently.

"Oh, poor baby. Are these filled up and hurting you?" she asked.

He whimpered and moaned, his face still buried in her bosom.

"Don't worry," she said, fondling his balls and gripping his cock again. "Mama will milk them for you. Drain every last drop."

She felt the length and girth of his cock again, squeezing it, feeling the warm pillar throb in her hand. God! It's so thick! She pulled the foreskin down all the way, exposing the swollen pink head out of its sheath. A drop of pre-cum oozed out from the tip. She smeared it all over the cock head. He gave out a muffled moan. She started slowly jerking him off.

Gita felt proud hearing her son's moans. She had always strived hard to be a good mother, always took care of her children, provided them with all the love, care and comfort she could. When Deepu was younger, she smothered him with her motherly love. As he got older, she distanced herself a little, assuming the role of a strict mother to guide and discipline him. But now, she was back to doing what she knew best; comforting her darling son. When he was younger, he used to have headaches and anxiety from long hours of studying for his tests at school. On some days, he would have trouble sleeping. She would sit beside him on his bed, on those nights, rubbing his head, caressing his hair, making him relax and fall asleep. I am doing the same now, she thought, helping him relax, helping him sleep. Hearing his moans, she knew she was doing it right.

"Umm... mama...," he moaned. He was getting closer. His toes twitched. She knew the telltale signs. Encouraged, she doubled her efforts and sped up.

"Is this good, Deepu?"

"Oh mama, it feels so good. Your hand is magic," he said.

She stopped jerking the entire length of his cock and focused on his cock head, rubbing along the flared ridge. He squirmed and whimpered, burying his face back into her chest and clutching her back.

"Shoot it out. Cum for mama," she encouraged him.

He threw his head back and grunted loudly. His body shuddered and his hips thrust up. She felt his cock swell even more in her hand. Cum shot out of his cock in a powerful spurt, arced in the air and splattered all over his tummy and groin. Spurts after spurts of hot semen shot out of his phallus, drenching her hand.

"Yes. Let it all out," she said, continuing to milk her son's cock. The spurts slowly reduced in intensity and quantity, finally reducing to a dribble. She squeezed out the last drop and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Deepu sighed and slumped back on the bed, completely spent. Gita looked at the cum dripping from her hand and thought, God! What a huge load! She made a mental note to get back on pills. She wanted him bareback inside her when she would take his virginity, but now she was afraid of his potency.

She wiped off the cum with his t-shirt and threw it into the laundry hamper. He was already asleep, relaxed after that orgasm. She slept next to him, smiling, pleased with herself.


Back home, the father and daughter embraced each other and kissed passionately. Harsh was thrilled and could scarcely believe the situation. Just that morning, he had been ready to give up, thinking this as impossible. Yet, here he was, his young daughter in his arms, ready to surrender herself to him.

He kissed her, putting all his passion and lust into it. At the same time, he realized this was her first kiss. The inexperience was obvious. Bubbly burned with desire and wanted this, yet her kiss was awkward and hesitant. He would of course have to teach her how to properly kiss. But for now, he wanted to give his daughter, her first taste of an orgasm. He disengaged from her and stood up next to the bed. He pulled her up as well to stand in front of him.

"So... this body belongs to me, huh?" he asked, eyeing her lustily. She nodded.

"Then I want to see it, all of it," he said.

He moved forward and placed his hands on the hem of her nightie. Slowly, he pulled it up and out of her body. His daughter's young, nubile body came into view, in all its glorious nakedness. She closed her eyes and looked sideways as he ogled at her with lust and desire. It had been years since he had last seen her naked. She had been just a kid back then. But now, she was all grown up and nicely developed. Nice, round, firm breasts sat high up on her chest, defying gravity. Her brown nipples were erect. Her mostly flat tummy still had some baby fat around the waist. Wide hips tapered down to nice, long legs. It was the body of a young woman at the cusp of maturity. It had been so long since he had last seen such a young naked body. Her pussy remained hidden underneath curly pubic hairs.

"Won't you open your eyes, Bubbles?" he asked.

"I feel... shy, daddy," she said, standing awkwardly, "I've never been naked in front of anyone, in a long time. Do I look alright?"

"Absolutely beautiful! Look, what's it done to me," he said and took off his pajama, standing naked himself in front of his daughter.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her eyes ventured below and became fixated on his huge erect cock. He moved forward and gently placed both hands on her breasts. They were smaller than his wife's 38C, but looked fresh and untouched.

"These are so lovely," he said, appreciatively, "What size are they?"

"34C, daddy. I am glad you like them," she said, squirming as he played with her erect nipples. "Mmm... feels good, daddy," she moaned.

He took her hand and said, "Come on. Let's get into bed."

"Are we going to... do it, daddy?" she asked, innocently.

"No, Bubbles. But I am going to make you feel good," he said, helping her get into the bed.

They lay side by side embracing each other. "Just follow my lead," he said, as he leaned in and kissed her soft lips again. She tried to copy what he did and the kiss became less awkward and more natural. He roamed his hands over her young body and explored every inch. He fondled her lovely breasts and pinched her nipples. He caressed her curly pubic bush but deliberately left her pussy alone. He especially loved her tight ass and gave it a squeeze. His hard cock nudged against her waist. They broke the kiss and she looked down at his shaft.

"Go ahead. Touch it," he said.

When she looked at it mesmerized but didn't move, he urged again, "Don't be afraid, Bubbles."

She gingerly touched his manhood and then curled her fingers around it. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she gripped his cock.

"It's so warm, daddy. And it's throbbing," she said with the glee of a child getting to play with a new toy.

He smiled at her and moved to open her legs. She immediately tensed and clamped her thighs. Then realizing that, she relaxed again.

"Sorry daddy. Force of habit. Mama always told me to keep my legs closed," she said.

"Your mama taught you well. But now I want you to give me access to your yoni," he said.

She nodded and relaxed on the bed. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and slowly opened her legs. He slid his hands between her thighs and gently cupped her pussy. It was wet with arousal. She moaned at the contact. He rubbed her pussy lips and smeared the slick juices all over her vulva. He slowly caressed his daughter's pussy, watching her squirm and moan with pleasure

"Oh, daddy! What's happening to me? It's never been that wet before... down there," she said.

"You're sexually aroused. It's natural. It's just your body preparing your yoni for penetration," he said.

He sucked on his middle finger, coating it with saliva and slowly worked it into her cunt. She groaned with pleasure and clutched his shoulder tightly as his finger slid inside her.

"How does it feel, Bubbles?"

"Feels so different, so weird. I've never felt like this before. But it feels good, daddy."

He started moving his finger in and out of her pussy, gently fingering her. Few moments later, he started to rub her clit with his thumb as well. Her moans became more vocal and frequent.

He loved the way her pussy walls gripped his finger. His daughter was so tight! He remembered his wife being similarly tight, years earlier when they were newlyweds. But several years and two pregnancies later, she had loosened up where he could now slide two or even three fingers simultaneously. He salivated at the thought of sliding his cock in his daughter's tight, virgin cunt, which no doubt would fit him more snugly than his wife's. He looked at her face to see her eyes closed, lost in passion and enjoying the pleasures of being fingered for the first time. He smiled, pleased with himself. He doubled his efforts, focusing on her swollen nub.

"Daddy... I feel weird. I don't know what's happening. It's tingling. I feel like I might pee," she said.

"It's ok, Bubbles. You're approaching your first orgasm. Just relax and let it happen. Just surrender your body to these sensations," he said, soothing her as he continued to finger her and rub her clit.

Moments later, she stiffened and tensed. She gripped his shoulder tightly and let out a loud moan as the orgasm came crashing down on her. Her body shuddered and quivered.

"Yes, Bubbles. Just let it wash over you," he said, encouraging her.

As her orgasm subsided, she calmed and slumped back on the bed. He gently slid his finger out of her pussy and cupped her vulva, possessively. This yoni is mine, he thought, proudly.

"Oh God, daddy. I was so loud. Sorry, I couldn't help myself," she said.

"That's good, Bubbles. Never shy away from expressing yourself, especially during sex. Did it feel good?"

"It was awesome, daddy. It was the best feeling in the world," she said, smiling. She kissed his cheek and settled back on the bed, cuddling with him. He caressed her hair, kissed her forehead and watched her sleep in his arms. Sometime later, he himself drifted off to sleep.


Harsh opened his eyes. It was early morning. He could hear birds chirping outside as he rubbed his eyes. A pleasurable sensation emanated from his cock. He looked down to see Bubbly, lying on the bed with her face near his crotch. She had put her nightie back on while he was still naked. She was propped up sideways on her elbows, holding his cock, which was erect. She looked intently at his hard shaft, twisting and turning it, as if studying every inch.

Noticing he was awake, she smiled and said, "Good morning, daddy!"

"Morning, Bubbles. How long have you been awake?" he said.

"Few minutes. I saw... this... standing straight," she said, running her fingers across his phallus.

"You can call it a lingam when you're with me privately, or when you're alone with your husband in future," he instructed.

She nodded and said, "I saw... your... lingam, erect and upright. I got intrigued and was checking it out. I had never seen an adult one before."

"It's usually erect early in the morning. This is common among men," he explained.

"It's so big, daddy," she said, squeezing his cock, gently. "All these veins running across. I love the way it's throbbing. It's beautiful, daddy," she said.

He laughed, filling up with pride, hearing the compliments from his daughter. Consequently, his cock filled up with more blood flow, making it even harder.

"Does this slide down?" she asked, pulling his foreskin down all the way, exposing the pink swollen glans. "Ooh, it feels so hard... yet spongy," she remarked, touching his cock head and feeling it with her fingers. "Daddy, look, there's a drop of clear fluid at the tip," she said, enthusiastically.

"You're turning me on, Bubbles. I am getting aroused. Remember the wetness of your yoni last night. This is similar. Spread it around with your finger."

She did as instructed. Soon after, another drop oozed to take its place. She smeared it around as well. And then another. Soon, his cock head was fully coated and slippery.

"Daddy, what do I do with this? I want to make you feel good, just like you did for me last night."

"You're already doing great, Bubbles. Just keep touching and playing with it," he said and relaxed on the bed.

She continued playing with his cock, touching it, fondling it, caressing and squeezing it. Every time a drop of pre-cum showed up at the tip, she spread it over the head, keeping it slick. She was completely engrossed in it. At times she would look at him, make eye contact, smile and then focus on his cock again. This was her first time handling an erection, the inexperience showed, but her enthusiasm made up for it.

Harsh was enjoying this immensely. His daughter's naive fingers touched his cock and balls differently than his wife's experienced hands. He was used to his wife's handling of his cock and knew what to expect. But with Bubbly, it was unpredictable, her touch gentle and unsure. He especially loved his daughter's joy and enthusiasm and looked forward to teaching her to suck his cock tonight.

As he approached his climax, he said, "I am getting close, Bubbles. Just grip the lingam and move your hand up and down the shaft. That should do the trick."

She performed as instructed. Within a few strokes he went over the edge. He grunted and groaned. Thick, creamy semen gushed out of his cock, spurting over his groin. She gasped, watching in wonder, as the cum flowed down her fingers. She kept jerking his cock as he unloaded.

He put a hand on hers and said, "Slow down, Bubbles. Once the lingam starts ejaculating, it becomes sensitive. You should continue stroking it, but do it slowly."

"Oops! Sorry, daddy," she said.

"It's ok. This was your first time. You did good. Now bring me a towel and go wash your hands."


Gita woke up. Deepu was still asleep. Letting him sleep, she got up and freshened up. She made tea and carried the cups to the bed. Deepu was just awake by then.

"Morning, mama," he said, accepting a cup of tea.

"Good morning!" she said, sitting beside him, sipping tea. "Did you sleep well last night?"

He paused and blushed. "Yes. I... uh... Thanks mama!"

"Glad I could help," she said, smiling. "Deepu... I thought about what you said yesterday, about being bullied and ridiculed for your lack of sexual knowledge. Although, I am sure those guys who bullied you, won't have much knowledge either. But, I realize now that it's an important knowledge to have in life. Yet, I believe the source of every knowledge is vital as well."

He looked embarrassed and said, "I've deleted all the videos, mama."

"That's good," she said. "But I feel your introduction to sexual knowledge might have been tainted because of those videos. Your perceptions would've been colored by them. It's important to purge those from your mind and start re-learn it anew. This is where I can help you."

"I don't understand..."

"What I mean is that I can teach you all there is to know about sex and intimacy. I can show you how to please a woman. And... I'll let you practice it on me," she said, looking him in the eye.

He looked back at her, shocked, with his mouth hanging open.

"You don't have to say anything now," she said. "Think about my offer. Think about how you feel about last night. We'll speak later, tonight."


"Really? That's great! Just yesterday, you were ready to give up! I am impressed," Gita said, over the phone.

Harsh grunted and said, "Yeah... well... things just happened."

Harsh had called up Gita as soon as he reached office and had recounted the events of the previous night and that morning.

"What about you and Deepu?" he asked.

"It's been slower progress than you. But I think I am onto something," she said and recounted her side of the events. She didn't mention about the pornographic videos, though, to save Deepu from Harsh's wrath.

"Kids these days...," he said, disgruntled, after hearing about his son being bullied for his lack of knowledge about sex. He wanted to slap those punks for ridiculing his son.

"Anyways, there's one more thing I wanted to discuss," said Gita. "I presume you haven't told Bubbly about our plan and what I am up to with Deepu. Let's keep it that way. Let them think their sibling and other parent are unaware of what's happening."


Later that evening, Harsh reached home. Bubbly greeted him cheerfully at the door. He entered and closed the door behind him. He pulled her to him and kissed her lips. She melted in his arms and kissed him back.

"I missed you, daddy. Was thinking about you all day," she said, hugging him tightly.

He chuckled and said, "Me too, Bubbles."

After getting freshened up, he closed all the doors and windows and closed all the curtains, for complete privacy. He undressed and walked into his daughter's room, completely naked.

Bubbly gasped, closing her eyes and turning her face away, when she saw him. He laughed and said, "What's the matter?"

"Daddy, you're naked!" she said, opening her eyes but keeping the face turned away.

"Yes. And I want you to be naked as well. Your mother and I used to practice nudism during the initial years of our marriage. We stopped doing it after your brother was born. It's such an unique experience. Come on."

She reluctantly came and stood before him. He took her nightie off, exposing her young, nude body. Both, father and daughter, went into the kitchen, naked and started preparing for dinner.

Harsh helped Bubbly in the kitchen. She made dinner and he helped her around, both of them naked. Many times, he would hug her from behind and kiss her nape or shoulders, poking his erection into her waist or butt cheeks. She too, became gradually comfortable in the nude, and started losing her inhibitions. When he touched her, she wanted to touch his cock, but first asked for permission.

"Daddy, your lingam is hard again. Can I touch it?"

"Of course, Bubbles. Whenever we are alone, you can touch it. No need to ask."

And so, she touched his hard cock, gripping his shaft, fondling his balls whenever he kissed her. They laid the table and sat for dinner, naked.

Post dinner, Harsh said, "Come on. Let's take a shower and clean up."

Together, they entered the bathroom. He retrieved the pair of scissors from the cabinet and gave his pubic hairs a trim. He made sure to keep them at medium length; too long and it would get in her way during blowjob; too short and it would prick her vulva during intercourse. Next, he trimmed her pubic hair as well.

He adjusted the shower to a comfortable temperature. The father and daughter got underneath the water. He pulled her close and kissed her lips. After getting wet all over, he squirted some shower gel onto his hands and lathered up all over her body. He fondled her breasts and played with her nipples, as she moaned and closed her eyes in pleasure. Lathering up her tummy and back, he played with her cute ass. Finally, he lathered her vulva as she moaned again. He took some more shower gel and lathered himself up. Then pulling her close to him, he hugged her, sliding their bodies over the their slippery skin. Naturally, many times, his erection slipped between her thighs, rubbing her vulva. She gasped every time, probably thinking it might penetrate her, but he was careful not to do that. But he did enjoy making her gasp each time by poking her with his shaft. They dried themselves and retired to his bedroom. Harsh sat on the couch and placed a cushion on the floor between his legs.

"Tonight, we'll pleasure each other with our mouths. First you need to learn the blowjob, which is to suck on a man's lingam. Come," he said.

Bubbly nodded and knelt on the cushion between his legs. Both of them repositioned themselves to get comfortable. His erection bobbed near her face. Following his instructions, she held his cock in both hands and caressed it, while also paying attention to his balls.

He felt proud that her daughter was in awe of his phallus. It made him more aroused and erect. She held and caressed it with reverence.

"It's so beautiful, daddy. Looks even bigger than yesterday. How big is it?" she asked.

"Around 6.5 inches," he said, proudly.

"I am so lucky, daddy. I don't think any other girl would have the privilege of seeing and holding their father's lingam. And here I am, getting to worship it. This is the place of my creation," she said, fondling his testicles. "And this," she said, gently squeezing the shaft, "This is the staff that delivered the seed into mama's womb. Thanks lingam!" she said, cheerfully, and kissed the underside of his cock.

Following further instructions, she licked the entire shaft with her flattened tongue, fluttering the tongue tip at the back of his cock head. She licked the underside of the flared ridge of the head. Finally, she took the swollen head of his cock in her mouth and pursed her lips around it. He sighed with pleasure and leaned back as his cock head disappeared into his daughter's mouth. What she lacked in experience, she made up in enthusiasm. She listened to his every instructions and even asked questions of her own. Harsh was pleased with his daughter's eagerness to pleasure him. She was soon, giving him a hand job with one hand, fondling his balls with the other while sucking his cock.

Almost 15 minutes later, they changed position. Harsh stood up while Bubbly sat on the edge of the bed. She continued pleasuring his cock for another 10 minutes and he got ready to cum.

"I am getting close, Bubbles. Speed up your hands and mouth. I am going to cum into your mouth. Make sure you swallow all of it. You'll honor me by drinking my essence," he said, stretching his legs and holding the back of her head.

She grunted her acknowledgment and sped up her efforts. Soon, Harsh went over the edge. He held her head steady and plunged his cock even further into her mouth as he shot his load into her throat.

"Ohhh Bubbles, here it comes. Take it. Take it all!" he groaned.

He could feel some discomfort and struggle from her, but he ignored it. She needed to be trained to get used to his cock. He was the man of the house and it was her duty to please him. He was proud to see her get used to it quickly and able to swallow his huge load without gagging. As he finished unloading his cum, he withdrew his cock from her mouth. There was some tears in her eyes from the initial discomfort. He wiped them off and soothed her.

"You did very good, Bubbles. I am proud of you! You were also able to overcome the gag reflex quickly, which is quite an achievement for your first blowjob. I am very pleased."

"Thanks daddy. I am glad you liked it. I hope we'll do it more often."

"Yes, we will. I'll teach you other techniques and we'll work on your deep throating as well. Now, come on. Let me return the pleasure."


Gita and Deepu returned to his apartment after a shopping trip from the mall. Secretly, she had bought couple of sexy, lacy lingerie at one of the shops.

After dinner, Deepu asked, "Mama... what you said this morning... will you really teach me?"

"Yes. Would you like to learn?"

He nodded, yes. She smiled and said, "Wait here on the bed. Give me sometime to get ready."

She took her shopping bag and went into the bathroom. After a quick shower, she groomed herself, put on a subtle make-up and stood in front of the mirror, reviewing the effect.

Her face and body showed the effects of her age yet retained the beauty she was popular for. Lustrous hair fell till the middle of her back; the deep black had been grayed at some places which were now dyed a deep orange with henna. She had always kept herself fit with regular morning walks with the other women in her neighborhood. Her 38C breasts were still beautiful as ever, though age, childbirth and gravity had started showing their effects.She wanted to start her son's lessons by unveiling the mysteries of the vagina. Once he was familiarized with her pussy, she would teach him how to pleasure it with his fingers and tongue. For that, she decided to trim her pubic hair, to give her son a clear view and full access. She put on her new maroon lacy lingerie. The set was smaller and more revealing that what she usually wore. Her breasts threatened to burst out of the confines of the bra and the panties left very little to the imagination. Her heart fluttered but the lingerie made her feel sexy and confident, keeping her nervousness at bay.

She stood near the bathroom door, her hand on the door knob and took a deep breath. This was the moment. She was going to walk out of the bathroom in that skimpy lingerie and give her son a taste of his first woman. Her former self would've been outraged by this act, but she knew better now. This had to be done. Steeling her nerves, she opened the door and walked out.

Deepu sat on the bed, bare torso, wearing only shorts. He gasped when he saw her. His eyes scanned her body, mesmerized. Mouth slightly open, he gazed at her, intently. She smiled at him confidently, thrilled at having captivated her son's attention. He got off the bed and stood in front of her. She could see a tent already forming near his crotch. He was unsure what to do and what to say. She decided to take charge and lead the way.

"Tonight, I am going to teach you all about the yoni and how to pleasure it," she said. He nodded.

She got into the bed and settled in the middle. He kept standing. She raised her hips up slightly and said, "Take this off."

He awkwardly stumbled on to the bed and placed his shaking, cold hands on the waist band of her panty. As he slid it down and off her body, she bent her legs at the knees and slowly opened them. Briefly, she wondered, whether he'd be attracted to her regular old pussy after seeing those young designer pussies in porn. Yet, he looked on, enthralled as her mature, motherly pussy came into view, displayed openly for his viewing pleasure and much more. He didn't say anything, but his unwavering attention meant he found it alluring. She gestured him to take a closer look. He laid on the bed on his tummy, propped up on both elbows, between her legs and gazed at her vulva. She gave her pussy a gentle caress and began her instructions.

"Take a good look at my yoni," she said, tracing her fingers over her vulva, drawing his attention. "These are my outer and inner labial lips," she said, pulling them slightly.

It felt absolutely surreal to her, displaying her pussy so unabashedly to her son, giving him a tour of that which he should never lay eyes on. She spread her inner labial lips with two fingers, giving him a glimpse of what lay within. She pointed out the clitoral hood and the clitoris.

"This is the clit, it's the pleasure nub of the yoni. This is the most sensitive part of a woman's body. Clitoral stimulation is the easiest way to achieve orgasm. But, it's highly sensitive. Never jump at it, the first chance you get. A woman has to be aroused and well lubricated before you touch the clit."

He nodded, enthralled at her words and the beautiful sight of her femininity.

"Now, touch my yoni. Feel it," she asked.

He shifted closer to her pussy but was unsure how to begin.

"Take your time. Be gentle and patient with it. Touch it, caress it."

With trembling fingers, he tentatively touched her pussy, feeling the texture and contours of her labial lips. He licked his lips, moved closer and softly kissed her flower petals. She moaned and relaxed on the bed. He placed soft, tentative kisses all over her vulva around her outer labia. He didn't need much instructions, she observed.

"Where did you learn to do this?" she asked.

"Umm... Those videos," he said, hesitantly.

"Not bad. At least there's something to learn from them after all. But start with the thighs first. Tease and build up the anticipation before moving to the yoni."

He nodded and kissed her thighs and around the outer edges of her vulva. She moaned. Coming back to her pussy, he kissed it again and took her labial lips into his mouth. He sucked on them gently, eliciting a moan from her.

Encouraged, he sucked on the lips slightly harder. "Ouch! Not so rough," she said, "Women don't get aroused as easily as men. Be patient."

He took her labial lips out of his mouth and licked them vertically with long broad swipes of his tongue. Every now and then, he slipped in a few quick flutters of the tongue. He tilted his head and licked her pussy with horizontal swipes across her labia.

"Oh! That feels good. You're natural at this," she cooed. "You can move on to the clit now."

He pulled back and looked at her vulva. Her labia glistened with his saliva. He could see a slight trickle of her clear fluids down her pussy lips. Using both hands on either side of her vulva, he gently parted her labial lips to glimpse the treasure within. Her pink inner flesh came into view, wet and glistening with her arousal. Her engorged clit lay mostly hidden within the clitoral hood, peaking out slightly, almost eagerly. He kissed her clitoral hood and sealed his lips over it. A long low moan escaped her lips. She propped up again on her elbows to watch him. He looked at her with desire etched on his face. He dove back into her treasure and took her clitoral hood back into his mouth. Her hand caressed his hair and pushed his head further into her pussy, holding him, guiding him. He licked and sucked her clit as she moaned with pleasure.

"Oh! Deepu, You're driving me crazy. Put your tongue inside my yoni."

After few intense licks, he hardened his tongue and plunged it inside her. He licked the insides of her vagina, moving his hard tongue in and out. At the same time, he massaged her clit with a finger.

"Oh God! I am getting close. Lick my clit."

He complied, focusing all his attention on her engorged pleasure nub. Gita could feel herself at the edge of her orgasm, her first from her son. She threw her head back and pressed his face deeper into her pussy.

"Yes! That's the spot! Don't stop. Oh God! Don't stop!"

His tongue became a blur as he fluttered it vigorously on her clit. Copious amounts of saliva oozed out of his tongue, drenching her pussy. She became tense and her entire body went stiff. Her moans stopped. Then, orgasm hit her. She heaved and exhaled, moaning and grunting loudly. Her body shuddered and twitched as intense pleasure filled her and took over. She slumped on to the bed and pushed his face slightly away from her pussy.

"Sensitive..." she said, between breaths. "Always leave the clit alone after the woman reaches orgasm."

He nodded and sat up. Few minutes later, she got up and sat next to him.

"That was really good, Deepu," she said, caressing his hair. "You've a natural talent for this. I am so proud of you."

He beamed with delight at her praise. "Thanks mama," he said. His erection bobbed in his shorts.

Gita smiled and put a hand on his bulge. "Oh... poor thing. Let's give you your reward."

He stood up next to the bed. She pulled down his shorts. His erection came out, bobbing in front of her face like a snake ready to strike. Gita gasped. In the bright light, she saw her son's cock for the first time in many years. Fully erect, it was maybe slightly shorter than her husband. She knew her husband was 6.5". This looked around 6". But what it lost in length, it made up for in girth. Her son's manhood was noticeably thicker. She gripped it and appreciated its girth. The green veins crisscrossed across the shaft. She pushed the foreskin back, revealing the pinkish bulbous head. She again noticed the difference; while her husband had a mushroom head which was thicker than the shaft, her son's cock head was more pointed at the tip and gradually increased in thickness towards the base. She also noticed that he was shaved.

"Do you keep your pubic hairs shaved?" she asked, moving her fingers over the smooth skin.

"Not always. I did it for tonight," he said.

"You can always keep it trimmed. Shaving it is a hassle, and once you start you have to keep doing it. Else it gets itchy once it starts growing back."

A clear drop of pre-cum oozed out of the tip. Gita bent and licked it off. Deepu moaned.

God! What a thick cock this is! Will I be able to accommodate it inside my yoni? she wondered. Anyways, there's time for that. Let me first get it into my mouth.

She adjusted herself on the bed and pulled him closer to him. Finally, comfortable, she looked up at her son. He was looking down at her with anticipation. Maintaining eye contact, she opened her mouth in a big 'O' and took his cock head inside her mouth.


"I think it's time. Tonight's the night, we take their virginity," Gita said. She and Harsh were on call, the next morning. Both of them exchanged stories of the previous night's progress.

"Agreed," Harsh said. "What about contraceptives?"

"Bubbly should be safe for now. As am I. But going forward we'd have to think about condoms or pills," she said.

After the call, Harsh went to Bubbly's room. He kissed her and said, "Bubbles, be ready. Tonight, we're going to make love. I'll make a woman out of you, tonight."

"I am so eager for that, daddy. Please come home early," she said.

"I will definitely try," he said and kissed her again.

All throughout the day, Harsh could hardly focus on his work at the office. He kept thinking about his daughter. Her naked, young body flashed in front of his eyes. He remembered the taste of her virgin pussy on his tongue from eating her last night. He recalled her tight pussy gripping his finger as it had moved in and out of her. He wondered how pleasurable it would feel to sink his cock into her virgin cunt. Thoughts, visions and anticipation kept him hard all day. By evening, he was almost restless to go home and fuck his daughter. On the way home, he stopped by a salon and got a nice haircut and shave. He got his hair dyed, making him look younger. All spruced up, he went home.

He entered the house to a heavenly smell of chicken butter masala wafting from the kitchen. It was his favorite. His mouth watered at the aroma and his stomach rumbled. Bubbly came out of the kitchen wearing a nightgown and a kitchen apron. Seeing her, after thinking about her all day, made him hard. He pulled her to him and tried to kiss her but she wiggled out of his arms.

"Patience, daddy. Let's wait till after the dinner. You look nice, so handsome," she said.

He smiled and settled in the dinner table. Few minutes later, Bubbly laid the dishes. The chicken butter masala was delicious. She had learned well from her mother and had cooked the dish to perfection. Together, they had a sumptuous meal.

Harsh noticed she looked slightly different and more beautiful. "You look pretty," he remarked.

"Thanks daddy! I went to the parlor today and got my hair and eyebrows done," she said, moving her fingers through her hair.

After the dinner, she asked, "Daddy, could you please give me some time to get ready?"

"Take all the time you need."


Gita and Deepu were curled up on his bed, naked, under a thin blanket. They watched a movie on his laptop. They had spent the evening, naked, in his apartment. Gita had him practice nudism to give him a taste of that experience. Looking at her mature naked body had him hard all throughout the evening. They had kissed frequently and she had loved the attention. Even now, she could feel her son's thick shaft pressed against her butt as he spooned into her from behind.

Deepu was hardly watching the movie. He played with her breasts and erect nipples, kissing her back and neck frequently. She bent one knee, opening up her thighs. He got the non-verbal message and immediately started caressing her pussy with his fingers. She sighed and relaxed as the movie played on.


After almost half an hour, Harsh heard Bubbly calling him. He went to her room, opened the door and was surprised. The room was decorated with small fancy lights. Fragrant flower petals were strewn across the double bed. On the middle of the bed, sat Bubbly, dressed in an Indian bridal outfit of red lehenga-choli, a dupatta and other accessories.

He looked around, speechless. She got up from the bed and came to him. Standing in front of him, she bent down and touched his feet, in a traditional gesture of seeking his blessings. He put his hand on her head, blessing her symbolically and pulled her to her feet.

"What's all this?" he asked, pleasantly surprised.

"It's my dream, daddy. Ever since I've known about marriage, I had always dreamt of losing my virginity to my husband, on my wedding night. And this is what comes to my mind when I think about it," she said, gesturing to the decorations. "I am so lucky, I am getting the opportunity to lose my virginity to you. I thought, why not have the decorations, to make this night even more indelible in my memories. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course," he said and embraced her. She melted in her arms as they kissed passionately on the lips.

Slowly, item by item, he began undressing her. First, the dupatta, followed by the ear-rings, nose-rings, necklace and bangles. He turned her and pulled the knot of the lace of her choli, kissing her upper back in the process. She sighed and arched her back at the sensation. He removed the blouse from her body leaving her wearing a black lacy bra. He traced his fingers down her waist and pulled at the knot of her lehenga. As the skirt came free, she wiggled her hips and stepped out of it, wearing her black panty. She stood now in front of him only in her lacy black lingerie contrasting on her smooth fair skin.

He quickly undressed completely, his cock hardening at the sight of his daughter's young body. He lifted her up in his arms.

"What now, daddy?" she asked, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

"Now, I am taking you to bed, Bubbles. And then, I'll be taking your virginity," he said, as he carried her over to the bed and placed her in the middle.

He knelt on the bed, his cock hard and jutting out straight towards her. "Come, worship my lingam with your mouth," he said.


Gita was wet with arousal. Deepu had been playing with her pussy. She had enjoyed his fingering, but she wanted the real thing; her son's thick manhood. She pulled his fingers out of her pussy and pushed him onto the bed on his back.

"Mama... are we going to...?"

"Yes, we will. But, you're too aroused. You won't last long when we make love. Let me take care of this," she said, squeezing his erection.

She gave his cock long licks from the base to the top with the flat of her tongue. She focused on the swollen cock head, giving it playful licks of her tongue, eliciting an appreciative moan from her son. Tilting his cock towards her face, she opened her mouth wide and took his cock into her mouth.

"Ah... mama," Deepu moaned.

Slowly and steadily, she worked on his cock, getting more of him into her mouth. The girth of his cock made it difficult for her to take all of him into her mouth, her jaws were stretched to their limits. She knew he was close to orgasm, having been in a constant state of arousal since evening.

She took his erection out of her mouth and concentrated on just the head of his cock. She licked the back of his cock head at the sensitive spot with the tip of her tongue. She gripped the base of his manhood with one hand while playing with his balls with the other.

It didn't take long for him to go over the edge. His moans became louder and his legs twitched. She took his cock back in his mouth just as he erupted. Hot semen shot out of his cock and hit the back of her throat with force. She was surprised but quickly swallowed her son's creamy offering. He grunted loudly as he unloaded spurts of cum into her mouth. She swallowed the first few spurts immediately but savored the taste and texture of the last few spurts. It felt different than her husband's yet tasted good to her. She kept sucking her son's cock, milking every last drop of his load.


Harsh fondled Bubbly's taut ass cheeks as he licked her juicy pussy lips. He could feel the pleasure coursing through his cock as his daughter sucked him.

She had started with a blowjob with him kneeling on the bed. He had removed her black lacy bra and panty while enjoying the feel of her tongue on his cock. They had moved on to a 69 position, so that he could pleasure her as well. He could feel her pussy was fully lubricated, juices flowing freely. He too was completely aroused and fully erect. They were ready.

He pat on her ass gently. She got off him and sat on the bed. He kissed her lips and then sucked her erect nipples.

"Oh daddy, I can't wait anymore. Please... I need your lingam in my yoni. Make me a woman, daddy," she whispered in his ears.

He laid her on the edge of the bed with her legs dangling from the edge. He stood on the floor between her legs and bent her legs at the knees and opened her thighs. He could see the lust and desire on his daughter's face. It was time.

Bending his knees, he aligned his cock with her pussy. He gripped his shaft and rubbed it on her pussy lips, teasing her and making his cock head slick with her juices. She moaned at the sensation of his cock rubbing on her clit. She looked down at the point of contact. He placed his swollen cock head at the entrance of his daughter's virgin pussy and pushed gently. Her pussy lips parted around his cock and his cock head disappeared inside.

"Ohh daddy...," she moaned, throatily as he pushed more of his shaft inside her. He groaned as her tight pussy lips gripped his phallus, slowly expanding and allowing his cock to sink further. He embraced her and kissed her lips, passionately, as he made the last push and sank all the way inside his daughter.

She whimpered and groaned in his mouth as her young, virgin pussy adjusted to his length and girth.

Not a virgin, anymore, he thought to himself. He had finally taken his daughter's virginity. Tears of pain, pleasure and emotions leaked out of her eyes.

"Daddy... I feel so full... I feel complete now," she said.

He thought about her childhood. He had helped create her, bring her into this world. He had held her hands and helped her take her first steps. Her school, college, studies, cycling, riding; he had been there for her at every step. Now he felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he led his daughter across the threshold of womanhood. His cock hardened even more in her pussy at this realization.

He saw that she was looking at him intently. He wiped the tears from her eyes and thrust into her, gently. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure.


Ah! The virility of youth! thought Gita, as her son's cock started to harden once again in her mouth. She had just finished swallowing his massive load. His cock had gone slightly softer but she had kept it in her mouth, playing with it with her tongue. Soon enough, it started to stir, getting to its full strength.

"Oh mama! Your mouth feels so good," Deepu said.

She smiled and said, "My yoni will feel even better."

She moved on top of him, sliding her pendulous breasts across his tummy and chest until it reached his face. He took her nipples into his mouth and sucked on them one after the other. She positioned herself on top of him and got hold of his erection. He moaned as she rubbed his cock head on her pussy lips. This is the moment, she thought. Looking down, she saw her son sucking her nipples. It brought back memories of him as a baby, suckling her breasts. She had always cared for him, looked after him. Now she was going to give him the ultimate pleasure a young man can only dream of. She fed his cock into the entrance of her pussy and lowered herself. The pointy tip of his cock easily parted her pussy lips and entered her forbidden tunnel. He moaned with pleasure. She lowered herself further, now facing some difficulty as his cock thickened towards the base.
