

It was a relief to finally pull in our driveway after my hectic three-year schedule to finish College. Previously bringing home most of my belongings, I had one suitcase and my computer bag to haul to my room. Opening the front door, I was surprised to see my Aunt Monica talking to Mom on the couch. I hadn't seen her car in the drive, so Mom must have brought her over.

When Mom saw me, she jumped up and ran to me for a hug. Pressing her face against my neck, she inhaled deeply. My senses were bombarded all at once. Her soft breasts pressed against my chest, her berry-scented hair aroma, and her moist lips on my skin immediately made me relax and glad to be back home. Backing off, she exclaimed, "Definitely my son. Same wonderful smell."

Aunt Monica rolled her eyes as she witnessed Mom's familiar ritual. Castigating her sister, she scolded, "Melissa, he's an adult now. You still treat him like a child."

She was right. Mom had done this since I was little. Starting out as playful teasing, it had transformed into a permanent way of greeting me. It was bothersome when I was younger, especially when others were present, but for the last few years, I've craved her motherly affection.

She retreated to the couch to sit with my aunt while I sat in a chair opposite them. Mom commanded the conversation as she inquired about my activities from the last couple of weeks. My mind was focused more on how Mom hadn't aged the last three years. My schedule didn't allow much time at home, but if anything, she looked sexier than when I first began the accelerated degree program.

Every time I did come home for a weekend, Mom and I would spend all of our time together. Our relationship had gradually changed and for more than a year, I had accepted that I was in love with my mother.

Monica's appearance was noticeably different. My memories of her when we grew up together were of a gangly, skinny, and plain-looking girl. Her body had filled out the last few years. Smaller framed than Mom, she had transformed into an elegant, pretty woman.

As Mom shifted her attention to Monica to discuss her shopping list, I took the opportunity to compare the physical attributes of the two attractive women.

Monica's skirt was shorter and revealed six inches of her upper legs. They were as smooth as Mom's but were longer and thinner. Mom's legs were curvier and I wondered how much thicker her thighs were than my aunt's. Mom's legs were tanned light golden brown while Monica's were almost white. It made sense because I knew Mom liked to sit out in the sun and my aunt always preferred staying inside to read.

Traveling up their bodies, I paused on their filled blouses. As Mom was older and had larger breasts, I hoped they looked perky without any support. Monica's younger and more petite frame would probably allow her to go braless much of the time, but I'm sure she was wearing one now for Mom's benefit.

Finally reaching their similar, heart-shaped faces, it was easy to see they were genetically related. Their smiles and appealing eyes displayed their joyful personalities. Their high cheekbones added to their sex appeal.

My aunt's hairstyle matched Mom's pixie cut. Mom's brunette color was noticeably darker than Monica's beige-colored hair. Their matching brown eyes complemented each of their hair colors perfectly.

"Wake up, Alex! Time to go," Mom blurted out to me, breaking me out of my trance.

"Sorry, Mom. The long drive was tiring. Guess I drifted off. Where are we going?"

Mom explained, "You're going to drive Monica to the store to pick up some items for dinner tonight. Take your stuff to your room and get going. We're running behind."

"Sure, Mom. Glad to help."

After throwing my suitcase and laptop bag in my room, I went out to the living room where my aunt was already heading out the front door. As I closed the door, Mom yelled, "Don't you and your sister take too long shopping. I need those groceries for our meal."

"My aunt, Mom. Not my sister," I corrected her for the millionth time. She chuckled at my expected response. She often referred to Monica as my sister for good reason. She raised us as siblings. It began twenty-one years ago.


It was the night of my birth. Dad was ten years older than Mom when he married her right out of high school. He had built a thriving business and before their first anniversary, they decided to start a family.

His parents disapproved of their marriage, believing their son married a woman lower than their elitist, social circle. On the other hand, Mom's parents loved being with them. After Dad dropped Mom off at the hospital when her labor started, he drove to her parent's house and picked them up as they wanted to be together for the birth.

On the drive back, a drunk driver ran into them head-on and killed everyone. When the attending staff became aware of the accident, they didn't inform Mom until the next day to ensure a safe birth. Devastated with the loss of her parents and husband, she momentarily thought about calling his parents to help out. She knew they were notified, but they never called so she thought they were probably grieving and didn't want to be bothered.

After a week at home, she received notice of a lawsuit from his parents. It turns out they were more interested in obtaining their son's assets and business more than inquiring about their new grandson. Fortunately, the law firm her husband kept on retainer was more than glad to go to battle for her. It was an ugly fight and the parents accused Mom of cheating on Dad. She readily agreed to a paternity test knowing the result would be in her favor.

Her lawyers were more than surprised the parents continued the battle even though the odds were stacked against them. The judge could see the injustice and sided with Mom and even ruled that the plaintiffs reimburse Mom for all legal fees. Their outburst in the courtroom when they called her a cheating slut almost landed them in jail for contempt. Needless to say, she never heard from them again.

The stress of being a single parent was amplified when she assumed responsibility for the care of her sister. Being the older sibling, she had helped her mom care for Monica in her early years. My aunt was five at the time of the accident and Mom was elated when her parents' Last Will granted her guardianship. Selling off the business and her parent's estate along with the settlement from the accident provided Mom with enough resources to remain home and rear her family.

Monica was always a sister to me even though Mom explained everything when I was old enough to understand. An added benefit was that Monica was an overachiever in school and tutored me through my senior year. She received her degree in three years while still living at home and helped me plot a similar path.

My aunt moved out and rented her own place when I started college. She switched to several different jobs before landing her current one. Although her credentials would warrant a higher paying position she ended up as an office manager. She loved organizing and the job fit her personality. Mom never denied her anything, ensuring her sister was always happy. It was apparent their connection was closer than most sisters.


Snapped back to the moment, I concentrated on the drive to the store. My eyes drifted over to my aunt's shapely legs. It was fortunate she filled out after she left home as we were in close quarters when she helped me with my studies. My sexual relief each night was from thinking of Mom rather than my aunt.

Thinking back to the driveway, I asked, "I didn't see your car parked at our house. How are you getting home tonight?"

She replied, "Your mother picked me up. She wanted me to stay home for a few days until after your birthday. It's a big deal for her and she wants us to be together again, for a few days at least."

"That makes sense. Mom mentioned she wanted to take me out for my first legal drink when I turn twenty-one in two days. Nice seeing you again, anyways."

Smiling back at me, she said, "Thanks, it is nice being with family again. I feel so alone at times. If it wasn't for my books, I'd go insane."

Turning into the parking lot, we made our way into the FoodMart.

My aunt assigned me the grocery cart as she picked out the items. This allowed me to follow and admire her lithe form. Her ass had filled out and I hardened as I dreamed of squeezing her cute buns. More than once I caught an errant husband staring at her beauty. Most of them quickly glanced away when they saw me, thinking I was her spouse, but some continued to stare until their wives admonished them to keep them in line.

When finished, I loaded our items on the belt as Monica tended to the credit machine. Halfway through, Monica exclaimed, "Damn, I forgot the bagels. Alex, could you run and get two bags? They're at the end of aisle eight."

"Sure. Be right back."

Before I was out of earshot, the cashier exclaimed, "Wow, you sure have your man trained. I wished my husband obeyed me that well."

Hearing my aunt giggle, I wished I could hear her reply but her voice was too soft for me to discern anything. Making it back before our items were rung up brought a big smile from the store employee. As I pushed the cart away, I heard her yell, "Thanks! You two have fun tonight."

As soon as I pulled into the driveway, my aunt pleaded, "Alex, could you haul in the groceries? I need to go to my room."

"Of course, Monica. See you inside." It was hard to refrain from making a snarky remark about her needing to relieve herself.

With my arms loaded with filled bags, I made my way inside. Right away I noticed Mom had changed to a shorter skirt. Was she competing with Monica? Pointing to where I should place the bags, she gave me a big smile and began unpacking. As I brought in another armload, I paused as I gawked at Mom, stretching on her tiptoes in an attempt to store a box of cereal.

Her skirt had risen showing the backsides of her smooth thighs. Hearing me enter, she asked, "Could you help me? I don't want to drag the stool over."

My mind flashed to one of my stories where a son presses his hardon against his mother's behind in the same situation. Not wanting to pass up a perfect opportunity, I eagerly strolled over to fulfill my fantasy. Before I reached her, the box slid onto the shelf. She turned to me and said, "Never mind. Got it in."

Unable to conceal my disappointment, Mom mischievously grinned back and said, "Dinner will be ready in around twenty minutes if you want to go to your room and wait for my call."

"Sure, Mom. I'll go unpack my things." Mom's smirk made me think she knew something I didn't.

Discovering my suitcase was empty solidified my suspicions. Mom had unpacked my clothes. Checking the closet and dresser, I observed she had properly stowed everything. Knowing some shirts were missing, I found them in the hamper in the bathroom. She had sorted out my dirty clothes. That was my efficient mom doing her thing.

Panic hit me as I saw my laptop on the desk. A quick search of my computer bag revealed my porn was missing. I had kept the last six copies of my favorite incest booklets. Did she throw them away? After unsuccessfully searching in the trash, I scoured the room for my literary treasures. Noticing my end table was open a crack, I hurriedly opened the drawer to find them stacked neatly inside.

My emotions ran rampant as I wondered what Mom thought about my collection. Was she disgusted with my obvious stroke-off material, or did she chalk it up to average boy fantasies? Taking them out, I noticed she had put them in chronological order with the newest on top. There were only five though. I was sure I brought six. Going back to my bag I double-checked to see if one got missed. Nope. Nothing. I probably left it in my dorm room. Recovering from my panic-attack, I placed my books back in the drawer.

"Alex, time to eat. Come to dinner," my mom yelled from the kitchen. Knowing she had found my secret stash, I averted eye contact with her when I entered.

"Everything okay, Alex," Mom queried.

"Sure. Thanks for putting everything away. I can't believe you even figured out which clothes needed to be cleaned."

She laughed and replied, "I've been taking care of your laundry your whole life. You don't think I have a nose for your dirty clothes?"

Monica walked in and sat at the table. Giggling, she said, "I feel sorry for you, Melissa. It must be a full-time job cleaning up after a stink bomb like Alex."

Mom grinned at her sister's comment and after she made eye contact with me, she added, "Did you check to ensure I put everything in the right place?"

Her smile was obviously intended to let me know she was talking about my books.

"Everything was perfect. Thanks a lot. Even my laptop and peripherals were set up correctly."

Her smile broadened as she finished placing the food on the table. I was relieved when Mom and Monica began one of their long discussions, shifting the focus away from our secretive talk. Once finished, Mom told us to take our showers while she cleaned the kitchen.


The hot water felt good as I lathered up my body. My thoughts were focused on the dilemma of Mom finding my books. Suddenly, I was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Alex, I forgot to put clean towels in your bathroom."

Another incest story flashed before me. In this story the son allows his mother to see his erect penis and not long after they're in the shower enjoying each other. Opening the sliding glass door, I faced the door and brought my hands to my eyes. My prick was already coming to attention awaiting Mom's appearance.

"Mom, I have soap in my eyes. Can you bring them in for me?"

She immediately replied, "Of course."

The plan was set. Peeking through slits, I saw the door open a few inches. The next thing I knew her hand poked through with a towel and she expertly tossed it on top of the hamper. The door quickly closed.

"Come join us in the living room when you're done." Mom had once again veered away from one of my fantasy story scenarios.

After drying off and putting on a pair of sweats, I checked my stash again. Taking inventory I noticed the book I thought was missing was on the bottom, but there were still only five. Mom was reading them, one at a time. Was she trying to figure out why I enjoyed them? As long as she didn't confront me, I surmised there was a good chance she wasn't upset over my fantasies.

Monica was already in her favorite stuffed chair when I made it out. Mom was still taking her shower, so I took my place at the end of the couch. Switching to a romantic movie I knew Mom and my aunt would enjoy, I finally relaxed after the long day.

Mom strode in wearing a robe matching Monica's. It wasn't uncommon as they frequently shopped together and bought identical outfits. Sitting next to me, she leaned over to press her nose on my neck.

"Ah, my son smells clean and fresh again. It's so good having you home. I've missed our time together."

"Me too, Mom. Relaxing for a few days will be a nice change."

She brought her legs up on the couch and leaned into me in an attempt to get comfortable. We weren't into the movie for an hour when I heard Mom's steady, deep breathing. Evidently, the day was long for her too. She didn't stir through the rest of the show. When the chick flick ended, Monica rose and came over to say good-night.

She shook Mom's shoulder. "Melissa, wake-up. It's time to go to bed."

Mom remained asleep so I pushed her up straight. She slowly came out of it. Rubbing her eyes, she looked around and saw the TV was off. "Guess I conked out. I've been taking these new sleeping aids and they work almost too well. Sorry I missed the movie."

Monica piped, "It's fine. You looked so comfortable we hated to wake you, but I know you have a big day planned and would want to get to bed. See you two tomorrow."

Mom and I followed Monica's lead and went to our respective rooms. It didn't take too much reading from my stash before I blew a load, mostly from the memory of Mom's display from the morning grocery event.


Mom already had the food on the table by the time I arrived for breakfast. Curious as to her planned events, I asked, "Mom, what's on the menu today for activities? It sounds like you and Aunt Monica have been cooking up some sort of an agenda."

"First, you two are taking a walk while I clean the house. When you return we'll drive to the Mall for shopping and lunch. After we get home we're going to play a game together, like old times."

"Sounds like a full day, Mom."

As soon as we finished, Mom shuffled my aunt and me out the door. Walking to the park was enjoyable as we caught up on our activities from the last few years. She clearly missed being with family and her depressed attitude was improving by the time we were back at the house.

Mom cheerfully greeted us as we went to our rooms to change for the outing at the Mall. Checking my stack of books, I noticed Mom had once again exchanged one of the older issues. It appeared she was going to read through all of them.


I was famished by the time we arrived at the Mall and hoped we would eat first, but Mom had a different plan.

As we walked by their favorite women's clothing store, Mom said, "Let's go in here and buy new outfits for Alex's birthday."

This could be good. This was a familiar theme I knew well. The son sits outside the dressing room while his Mom and Aunt parade around in sexy attire. At some point, Mom invites her son in to show off more than her clothes.

Once past the store entrance, Mom turned to me and said, "Alex, go to the electronics store and browse until we're done. We don't want to bore you. We'll text you."

Dammit, once again she disrupted my dreams. Had she not paid attention to any of the stories in the books? At least I could have fun drooling over the latest gadgets.

Almost an hour later I finally received word that they were ready. I hightailed it to the restaurant and made it at the same time as they arrived, each holding a bag of merchandise.

When the hostess led us to a booth, my aunt sat a couple of feet in as always. Mom and I usually shared one side while she sat opposite us. Mom decided this time to sit on the edge and pointed to the small space beside Monica. She explained, "I want to see the smiling faces of my beautiful children. I've missed both of you so much."

When I slid in, I was surprised Monica didn't move over to allow me more room. Our bodies squashed together was having an effect on me. It excited me as she moved around and bumped against me.

Partway through the meal, Mom started her interrogation of our romances. It was something Monica and I were used to as Mom was always trying to pry personal information from us. Both of us were reluctant to disclose anything when Mom blurted, "Monica, you've been working for a few years. Why haven't you met any nice young men?"

My aunt replied, "I haven't found anyone I can relate to and most of them are married. You know how tough it is, Melissa. You're single too." She nervously chuckled and followed up with, "A lot of men aren't interested in women like me."

Mom retorted, "Nonsense. You're a beautiful, young lady." Reaching out to hold Monica's arm, she added, "We have to get some color on you though. Your pale skin might be a turn-off. Don't you ever sit out in the sun at your apartment?"

"Nope. There isn't a private area and I don't even have a suit to wear anymore. It doesn't bother me. I have no desire to enter a relationship at this point in my life."

Mom wasn't about to let it go. "We're going to fix that. I saw some nice bikinis earlier. We'll go back after lunch, so we can get some sun tomorrow. We have a private area in our backyard. The only man around will be Alex."

My aunt knew when to give up. "Alright, Melissa. You win. Hopefully, I won't shock Alex when he's blinded by my white skin."

We laughed at my aunt's expense. I was looking forward to a sexy display of hot women. Finished dining, we made our way back to the apparel store.

Maybe I'd get lucky and Mom wouldn't ruin another great opportunity. Appraising women in swimsuits is the perfect job for an attentive son. Once again she turned to me at the entrance, handing me their bags of clothes. "Take these to the car, and wait for us there. We won't take long."

There it was, another roadblock. Sulking back to the car, I couldn't believe my bad luck. She was right though. They returned in fifteen minutes and we were off.

True to her word, Mom brought out some of her old board games we enjoyed playing during our childhood. After a few hours, we broke and ate dinner. We adjourned to the living room after our showers. Mom snuggled next to me again as we watched another movie.

She fell asleep after an hour and began twisting and turning to get comfortable. By the end of the show, her head was face-up on my lap. I loved running my fingers through her silky hair while massaging her head. Monica looked over and jokingly said, "Is she dead?"

I replied, "You might say that. Dead to the world. She must have taken another one of her pills."

Monica came over and watched Mom's facial expression. Mom must have been having a good dream as she smiled and giggled while she slept. My aunt lowered to her knees for a better look and said, "I think she's having a romantic dream. She has a look of passion if you ask me."

"Maybe. I don't know. Should we wake her?"

Monica whispered, "No, don't. Let's help her out. Lightly kiss her lips so she thinks someone is kissing her in her dream."

She had no idea of how appealing that was to me, but I faked my disapproval. "I can't kiss my own mother. She'd kill me if she wakes and finds my lips on hers."

My aunt persisted. "She won't know. Wet your lips and lightly touch hers. Like this."

She ran her tongue around her lips and instead of kissing Mom she leaned over and gave me a peck. My heart raced as my excitement level quickened. Quickly backing off, she smirked and said, "See, easy. Come on. Make your mother happy."

Finally agreeing, I wet my lips and bent to kiss Mom. After a couple of seconds of contact, I saw Monica's hand move in and squeeze Mom's robe-covered tit. I barely pulled off when Mom's eyes flew open.

"Whew, guess I fell asleep again. Sorry, I'm such a party pooper lately." Mom acted unaware of how she woke up.

Showing no sign of our indiscretions, she rose and went to her room. Meaning to give my aunt a dirty look, all I received from her was a smile and a wink. I couldn't help but chuckle and smile back at her.


After a restful sleep, I woke up and realized it was my birthday. Entering the kitchen, Mom cheerfully skipped to me and hugged me tightly. Pressing her lips to my neck, she inhaled deeply. "A year older but you still smell the same. Happy Birthday, Alex. Today is the big day. Twenty-one at long last."

Monica was sitting at the table observing the familiar ritual. She smiled and said "It's about time. Now you can drink with the rest of us adults."

Breakfast went too slow for my comfort knowing my mom and aunt were going to sunbathe this morning. Mom didn't waste any time and told my aunt to meet her in the backyard. I went to my room to change and by the time I made it outside, they were already lying on their stomachs.

They left the middle wooden chaise lounge for me. The sun's rays baked my back and I was close to falling asleep when Mom turned her head to face me and said, "I don't want your sister to burn. Be a good brother and put some sunscreen on her."

"Not my sister, she's my aunt," I dutifully corrected her as in the past.

It looked like Mom was finally following the script of one of my book's incest fantasies. She was the one who pressured her sister into sunbathing. Now she was orchestrating physical contact with my sexy aunt. There were several stories on how applying lotion leads to intimacy and I was more than happy to assist Mom with her fantasy.

Monica heard Mom and knew better than to object. Straddling her slim body, I sat on her soft buns and leaned forward to apply the sunscreen. Squirting a glob of lotion on my hands, I started with her shoulders. She was wearing her new halter top allowing my hands to cover more of her pale, smooth shoulders. She momentarily tensed as my fingers traveled across her flesh. She relaxed as I rubbed in more lotion and gently massaged her.

Her sexy skin was having an effect on me. I glanced over to Mom and verified that her eyes were closed. Quickly reaching down I adjusted myself, so I wouldn't have an obvious prick-tent. Shifting my body lower, I worked on her lower back. I could see her buns twitch as I coated the sides of her ribs.

With my fingers pressed against her, I slid my hands near her covered tits. She couldn't hide her excitement as her breathing rate increased. I hopefully asked, "Do you want me to unsnap you so you won't have a tan line?"

"No, I don't care about a line. Now hurry and finish my legs. You're blocking the sun."

She was as stubborn as Mom as far as evading a storyline. I was starting to think that maybe some of the stories in my books were made up. I positioned myself between her ankles keeping my weight off her fragile-looking limbs. Even though her legs were thin, they felt firm and fleshy. I quickly moved higher to the backs of her meatier thighs. She involuntarily spread her legs as I neared the bottom of her bikini.

Knowing my time was limited, I devised a plan to keep her mind off my groping hands.

"Aunt Monica? Since Mom is always calling you my sister and she did raise you, maybe we should act like brother and sister and call each other accordingly. You can refer to her as our mother from now on."

My fingers ventured dangerously close to her covered pussy. I thought she might yell at me, but instead, she gasped for a breath of air.

"Fine with me. I wouldn't mind having a little brother, even if he is a spoiled brat." She giggled and Mom's wide smile signaled her approval.

Knowing I couldn't prolong my groping any longer, I rose and retreated to my lounge. After twenty minutes they turned over on their backs. Feigning sleep, I peered through slits to admire Mom's perky tits and flat stomach. My prick was back up to attention.

Shifting my head to the other side I took in Monica's sexy form. While her tits were smaller, they were more than a handful. I fantasized about sucking them while fucking her petite body. After another five minutes of admiring Monica's body, Mom asked, "Alex, don't you want to turn over and tan your front?"

There was no way I could do that with a giant hard-on caused by my near-naked relatives. "No, Mom. I'm fine. It feels good on my back."

Not a peep. I had finally won a battle with her. Not two minutes later, soft legs smashed against the sides of mine. Mom uttered, "We don't want you getting sunburned on your birthday, do we?"

Her hands rubbed the lotion on my back and shoulders. My prick couldn't get any harder as Mom sensually stroked my flesh. Moving to my legs, she held one of them with both hands as she stroked up and down my length. It was more stimulating than the back massage. After doing my other one, she returned to her lounge.

After another twenty minutes, the sun's heat overwhelmed us and caused us to retreat into the cool house. Mom answered my thoughts as to what was next. "You two take your showers. I need you to go to the mall and get some more sleep aids. I'll stay here and make a nice lunch for us."

Before I could tell her I could go solo, Monica chirped, "Perfect. I saw the cutest outfit the other day to wear tonight. Let's get moving, Baby Brother!"

I chuckled at my aunt's quick acceptance of our new relationship. After my shower, I brought out my stash of incest books. I had dog-eared my favorite stories, and when I reviewed them I noticed I had tagged a dozen aunt-nephew stories. I had never fantasized about Monica, but the stories were hot, so I had marked them. Mom must have read them and concluded I fantasized about my aunt.

I needed to change Mom's perception to my real fantasy. Smoothing out the corners the best I could, I went back through and tagged only mother-son stories. Hearing Mom and my aunt talking in the front room, I put the books back and went out to run our errands.


The Mall lot was full, forcing us to park a long distance from the entrance. On the way there a couple of young boys walked toward us, horse-playing around. Monica moved closer and wrapped her arm around mine and held my hand. Her body stiffened, and I wondered if she had encountered problems when walking through lots. The boys passed by and didn't pay much attention to us.

When we were safely away from them, she didn't release my hand as she admitted, "I get scared when I'm alone and young men approach me. I'm glad you were here to protect me."

"What are brothers for, if not to protect their older sister?" We were still giggling when we arrived at the entrance. She released my hand to allow me to open the door. After we were inside, she wrapped her arm around me again, holding me tight. It was enjoyable to be accompanied by a pretty woman. She released me at the clothing store and said, "Go get Mom's pills and meet me back here. I'll be fast. I already know what I want."

By the time I got back, she was standing at the store's entrance with a bag for me to carry. As soon I grabbed it, she held my other hand as we walked out to the car. She led me to her door so I could open it. Smiling wide, she graciously slid into the passenger seat. She was obviously enjoying the subtle flirting.

When we arrived home, Mom informed us that lunch would be ready in thirty minutes. I excused myself to my room as I was eager to see if Mom had exchanged another book. Confirming my suspicions, I discovered she had acquired another one of my treasures. I wish I could have seen her face as she reviewed the updated stories I had marked.

After lunch, Mom called us into the living room for an announcement. "Since it's Alex's birthday, I want him to pick out the game we play before we go out for his birthday."

This was too easy. There were probably half a dozen strip poker stories in those books. She had to have read at least one of them. Was she helping me out?

"At school, we pretty much play only one game. Strip poker, but don't worry. We don't get nude. Once we're only wearing our underwear, we stop the game. It's not any worse than seeing people in their swimsuits." I was lying but they didn't know. I had never played strip poker at college as I was far too busy.

Mom looked like she was considering it. She was sticking to the script this time. My skin tingled as I anticipated seeing my mom and aunt strip down. She smiled and said, "Sounds interesting, but I don't think it's appropriate. We'll play a game of Risk today."

Monica looked as disappointed as I did. Was she looking forward to showing off her sexy body? Mom had reverted back to shutting down another fantasy. After what seemed like hours playing the game, Mom ordered us to get ready to go out for my birthday dinner.

Mom had pressed my dress pants and a shirt for me to wear. She was already in the living room when I finished. She was pretty without makeup but tonight she had applied enough to look even more beautiful. Lost for words as I stared at her, she said, "You look handsome, Alex. It's fun to dress up once in a while."

Before she could continue, Monica strolled out of her room. She upped the ante on looking sexy. It was obvious she didn't acquire this outfit when Mom was around. This had to be what she picked up at the mall today. Her mini-skirt barely concealed the bottom curve of her behind. Her half-blouse left her midriff bare and she was obviously braless with her stiff tips jutting out of the material.

Mom gasped and exclaimed, "Young lady, is that any way to dress to go out with your brother? Tonight is not for you to pick up men. It's about Alex."

Monica responded, "Mom, it's not bad. I thought it'd be nice to look good for his birthday."

"Good? No, it's slutty. I have half a mind to take you over my knee. You could use a good spanking."

Monica shrieked, "I'm not a little girl anymore. You can't spank me."

The moment of silence was stressful as we waited for Mom's reaction. Her expression relaxed and she appeared much calmer. "You have a point. Alex, remove your shirt and pants and carefully place them on the couch."

"Mom, why do I have to take my clothes off? I didn't have anything to do with it."

"I know you didn't. I don't want you to wrinkle your dress clothes. You have underwear on, don't you? Or are both of you dressing like sex-crazed kids?"

Not wanting to anger her any further, I shucked off my pants and shirt. As I draped them on the couch, Mom pulled out a dining room chair into the middle of the room.

"That's a good son. Now sit on the chair. I can't spank your sister, but being the birthday boy I think you are entitled to teach her a lesson. Monica, lie on your brother's legs to take your punishment like an obedient daughter."

I couldn't recall a spanking story from my collection but I wasn't complaining. Mom's improvisation was fine with me.

Surprisingly, Monica bent over my lap without any objections. Before she knelt over, I saw a slight smile emerge. Her bare stomach pressed against the tops of my legs. I'm sure she thought it was an act and she'd be getting back up right away. Mom nodded to signal I should begin.

Smack! Monica's giggling turned to a shriek once she realized I was going through with the spanking. I didn't want to hurt her so I didn't hit her with full force. Mom approvingly grinned as I slapped her three more times. I couldn't detect a panty line under her skirt when my hand connected with her butt.

Reaching to her hem, I pulled it up and exposed my aunt's bare bottom. A thin sliver of fabric ran through her crack. "Mom, it's worse than you thought. Look at what she's wearing."

Monica squirmed around and flung her arms back to pull her skirt down. Her voice sounded nervous. "Alex, please. Cover me. This is humiliating. It's time to stop."

Mom stepped over and declared, "Really, Monica? I can't believe you wore a thong for your brother's birthday party. Continue with her punishment, Alex."

Smack! My bare hand slapped against her exposed bun. Squealing and squirming, she continued her attempts to cover herself. Her slick body slid back until the bottoms of her bare breasts wedged against the side of my leg. My covered, steel-hard prick was pressed tight against her side.

Alternating from one bun to the other, they began to glow red. Her heaving chest and groans with each stinging slap gave away the pleasure she was experiencing. Stopping to admire her beautiful ass, Mom noticed my hesitation and asked, "You're not close to twenty-one slaps. Don't you want to finish?"

Not wanting to go overboard, I replied, "Mom, I think she's had enough. She's learned her lesson. Let's give her a break. After all, she has to sit at dinner tonight."

Mom smiled as she went to the kitchen and quickly returned. Handing me a bottle, she said, "Spread this Aloe Vera cream on her burned cheeks so she isn't too sore."

I ran a line of lotion on each buttock and rubbed it into her burned flesh. This was enough of a present for me. My hands groped and explored her buns under the pretense of applying the herbal remedy. They were as firm and spongy as they looked. Her body shook with excitement when my fingers ventured through her crack.

Mom let me have another five minutes of fun before stating, "Okay, be a good daughter and go put on the outfit we picked out together."

As my aunt stood I caught a glimpse of the bottom of her perky breasts before her blouse dropped and covered them. Her face was as red as her bottom as she scampered back to her room. Mom retrieved my pants and shirt and threw them on my lap, knowing my tented shorts would be obvious if I stood.

Mom sat on the couch to wait for my aunt and to provide me privacy to get dressed.

Monica's attire was more conservative when she emerged from her room. Her flared skirt ended at her knees and it was evident she wore a bra under her floral blouse. She turned around, apprehensively awaiting approval from Mom.

"Much better, young lady. Let's get going before we lose our reservation."


Feeling sorry for my aunt, I pulled out her chair allowing her to cautiously sit down. It was an upscale restaurant and our meals were easily going to top a hundred dollars. Mom had splurged to make my evening special. For my birthday drink, she ordered whiskey sours for my aunt and me. Monica was thrilled when the server carded us.

Tragically losing her family to a drunk driver, Mom never consumed alcohol if she was going to drive. Whenever Mom's attention was away from our table, my aunt would chug my drink. Leaning over, she whispered, "You owe me after the ass-whipping you gave me. I need something to deaden the pain."

Her sorrowful eyes caused me to return a smile, and I wondered how much of it was an act. Nevertheless, I helped her by discretely switching our drinks when hers would get low.

Mom's concern for my aunt was elevated when she saw how drunk Monica was at the end of the meal. She gave the server her card so we could exit before my aunt landed face-down on her plate. Mom ordered, "Monica, go use the restroom. We're going to be leaving in a few minutes."

"Hokie Dokie," slurred my drunk aunt. She staggered off as Mom and I ensured she made it to the door. She entered the ladies' room at the same time Mom's credit card was returned. After ten minutes Monica emerged and after several wobbly steps, she stopped and leaned against the wall.

Mom looked worried and picked up my aunt's purse. "Alex, please help your sister. I'll be waiting for you at the car. Be as discreet as possible. I don't want her embarrassing herself."

I reached Monica as she was beginning to melt to the floor. I wrapped my arm around her and propped her up. Her hand went to my far side and gripped my shirt. She leaned into me as we slowly walked out of the restaurant. Once outside, she stopped to breathe in the cool, refreshing air. She faced me and hugged me tightly. "You're such a handsome brother. You don't know how much I cherish you. I love a man with a firm hand." Pulling back, she giggled and pecked me on the lips before backing off.

Seeing her drift off again, I helped her the rest of the way to the car. Mom was standing by the opened passenger door behind the driver's seat. Like I'd seen police officers do, I placed my hand on top of my aunt's head while she slid into the backseat. Before I could go around to the other side, Mom firmly insisted, "Sit on this side. I want you to hold her upright and don't let her puke on the seat."

Once I settled in, Monica slumped against me and rested her head on my shoulder. My mind raced with the many lap-sitting car stories in my books. I didn't see any argument I could use to convince Mom my aunt would have to ride on my lap. Another fantasy swished away.

Since I couldn't use the seat-belt, I wrapped my arm around her to keep her from swaying. She reciprocated and snaked her arm behind my back.

I'd never seen anyone so drunk. She slurred and uttered nonsense as Mom drove us home. Pressing her face into my neck, Monica's hot breath and moist lips bathed my flesh. Her fingers explored my side as she squirmed against me. Her body heat and attention caused my prick to stiffen at an uncomfortable angle. Maybe it was the booze, but I decided to free my guy to give him some air.

Carefully unbuttoning and unzipping my pants, I pushed the material down until my prick popped out. It pointed toward the roof at full attention. As the air cooled my staff, I sighed with relief.

Confident I could explore more of my aunt's body, I cautiously moved my hand up and down her side. Several times I briefly bumped her covered tit. I wondered if I could get away with holding one in my hand.

Without warning, she squirmed in her seat and swung her other hand over to land on top of my hard cock. Panic-stricken, I stopped stroking her as I tried to figure a way out of my predicament.

Her palm flattened my prick. She remained still and probably wasn't aware of what her hand was pressing against. I sat motionless, hoping I would soften so I could carefully remove her off my manhood. My plan dissipated when her soft lips pressed harder against my neck and my cock flinched. Her long fingers instinctively wrapped around my staff and squeezed tight. Soon after, she began to sensually stroke my cock. She continued with her drunken blabbering, confirming she was not cognizant of what she was doing.

Her other hand holding my waist reached around to my front and took over the handling of my prick. Her free hand pulled her blouse out of her skirt and grabbed my hand holding her waist. Pulling me to her exposed flesh, she guided me up her smooth skin.

She released me and my hand continued to explore her torso. Up and over her rib-cage, I found and cupped her silk-covered breast. Her groans increased in volume as she rapidly stroked my cock. Mom heard her and asked, "Everything okay back there? Is she sick?"

"She's fine, Mom. She's dreaming about something and uttering nonsense. Nothing to be worried about."

Mom seemed content with my answer so I continued to squeeze and maul my aunt's tits. I felt her hardened nipples pushing out the thin, silk bra. Squeezing one nub brought out a loud gasp. I feared it would alert Mom but she didn't say anything.

After ten minutes of groping my aunt, Mom asked, "When I see you two in the mirror, there are two heads. A patrolman will obviously know you're not wearing a seat-belt. Can you lower her head so we don't get stopped?"

"Sure, Mom. She's pretty much out of it. I'll rest her head on my chest so it looks like one person back here."

Reluctantly releasing her tit, I moved my hand to her head and pulled her to my chest. As soon as I released her, she lowered and engulfed my hard prick with her open mouth.

"Damn!" I exclaimed. She sucked my head as her hand continued to stroke my shaft.

Mom heard my outburst and I could see her concerned face in the mirror. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"We're good, Mom. We had to make some adjustments back here."

Monica sucked in more length of my cock as Mom unsuspectingly drove on. Moving her hand to mine again, she placed it on her bare leg directly above her knee. She guided my hand under her skirt this time. I didn't need any further encouragement. My hand traveled up her smooth, firm thighs. When I made contact with her soaked panties, my fingers pushed the moist material into her wet slot.

Her sucking became louder as I moved my fingers through her cleft. Using my thumb, I pressed against the top of her slit and ground it on her covered clit. She groaned each time I rubbed her sensitive nub.

I was ready to erupt as my aunt sucked and stroked faster than before. Keeping in contact with her puffy clit, my prick expanded as I shot out a load of hot cum. She choked and gagged as I filled her mouth with my spunk. Quickly recovering, she swallowed my load.

As soon as I finished, I felt her crevice tighten from her climax. Her juices streamed out and soaked her panties. Hearing my aunt choke on my erupting cock, Mom exclaimed, "What's going on back there? Is she losing it on my seat? Make sure she pukes on the floorboard."

"No, Mom. She was nauseous and had to swallow saliva to prevent herself from vomiting. I think she's better already. No mess made back here." Buying my explanation she returned her focus on driving. Monica moaned as she released my softening cock and rested her head on my groin. I moved my hand from her satisfied pussy and pulled her skirt back in place.

Nearing home, I raised her upright so I could zip my pants back up. By the time we pulled into the driveway, I was confident all evidence of our illicit interaction was concealed.

Mom opened the door and I exited. It was clear Monica was not going to be able to walk by herself. "Mom, I'll carry her. Open the doors and I'll follow."

Gripping her leg with one hand, I wrapped my other arm around her waist and held onto her bare flesh. She was light and I had no problem carrying her. Mom led the way to my aunt's bedroom and already had the covers pulled to the side. I gently laid Monica down on her back.

Mom shook her head while she surveyed her drunk sister. "Looks like she can't hold her liquor. Such a mess. Let's get her comfortable." She unfastened Monica's skirt while I unbuttoned her blouse. Noticing some of my cum on her cheek, I wiped it off before tossing her blouse to the floor.

I knew from groping her breasts her bra was thin. Her nipples were discernible beneath the translucent material causing my prick to stir again.

Mom couldn't miss the fact that Monica's panties were dark with her juices. "Damn, it looks like she wet herself. I guess her undies will have to come off," Mom stated.

More blood flowed to my cock. Reaching around my aunt's back to unclasp her bra, Mom stopped me. "Alex, this is when you go to your room. This is for girls only. I'll see you in the morning."

I sulked back to my room but wasn't too unhappy. Getting a blowjob from my hot aunt was more than enough of a treat for me. And, a dandy and unexpected birthday present!


After my shower the next morning, I followed the smell of bacon to the kitchen.

Mom was dressed in another floral sundress and was busy preparing breakfast when I entered. "Good Morning, Alex. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Fine, Mom. Smells good out here. I'm starved."

Setting a utensil aside, she walked over to hug me. Pressing her nose against my neck, she inhaled deeply. "You smell good, as always. I'll bet your sister is in worse shape. I heard her shower so she'll be here in a few minutes. We can begin without her. I doubt if she'll have an appetite."

As soon as I sat, she served us. Partway through, Monica showed up with her hair still wet. Cloaked in her bathrobe, she slowly moved to the table. "I feel terrible. Breakfast isn't going to cut it. Think I'll go back to bed."

As she turned to leave, Mom said, "Monica, go put your suit on. I'll have Alex move the lounges to the shade and you can lie outside. The fresh air will be good for you. We'll bring out some orange juice and a bagel."

Without stopping her shuffle, Monica replied, "Thanks, Mom. Toast, no bagel."

Mom smiled and returned her attention to me. "Be a good brother and rearrange those cots. They're too heavy for her."

"Sure, Mom. Happy to help out."

After setting up the outside area I returned to finish my meal. Monica shambled by on her way to recuperate outside. Mom rose from the table and prepared some toast and orange juice. Once ready, she placed them on the table and asked, "Could you take these to your sister? Thanks, Alex."

Monica was sitting upright and smiled when she saw me bringing her meal. I wondered if she remembered anything from last night. I sat on the adjacent lounge to keep her company while she ate. If she did have any memories, she was an expert at concealing them. She quickly confirmed my suspicions.

"Last night is a blur to me. I don't remember anything after the first drink. Guess I'm not cut out to be a barfly."

Relieved my secret was safe, I nervously laughed and changed the subject.

When she finished eating, she pleaded, "I forgot to bring my book and glasses. Could you get them for me? They're on my end table."

"Sure. Be right back."

Mom was drinking coffee at the table when I re-entered. When I told her I was getting Monica her book she urged, "Slip on your trunks and sit with her. I'm going to change and clean the house. It'll be easier with you two out of my hair."

After removing my robe and sliding on my suit I proceeded to retrieve her book. Her bed was already made. She was always a neat freak. Grabbing her items, I left to go back outside. On the way out, Mom handed me a cup of coffee to take to Monica.

After explaining to my aunt that Mom wanted us out of the house to clean, I pulled the back of my chaise to the vertical position, so I could sit and visit. After sipping her coffee, she slipped on her glasses to read. They were oversized and made her eyes look larger and sexier. I couldn't help but stare at her pretty face.

I'd heard of men having an eyeglass fetish but never considered it to be erotic. Now I understood the appeal. After reading several pages, she caught me gawking at her. "What's the matter? Do I have food on my face or something? You're staring at me."

Blushing, I explained, "No, I've never seen you with glasses before. They bring out the color of your eyes. They look good on you."

It was her turn to blush. "Thanks. They're reading glasses and I don't need them all the time. My eyes tire out fairly fast if I don't wear them."

Before my prick rose to full attention, I leaned back to relax. I fell asleep immediately and didn't stir for several hours. When I opened my eyes, I saw Monica had set her book and glasses on the ground and was lying face down, fast asleep. Careful not to wake her, I grabbed her empty cup and went into the house.

Mom was stretched out on the couch watching TV. When she mentioned she'd change to her work clothes, I didn't imagine them being so sexy. Her pleated, short skirt revealed a good amount of her luscious legs. Her blouse was thin and was pulled out of her skirt. Her pointed tips gave away the fact she was braless.

My shorts were bulging as I stared at her body. Setting the cup on the counter, I tried to escape back outside before Mom could see my hardon. Her voice stopped me before I could exit.

"I was thinking about last night when you carried your sister. What would happen if something happened to me? How would you deal with that? She's much lighter and I don't think you would be able to do the same."

"It wouldn't be a problem. You're not much heavier."

She retorted, "Doubt it."

Her tone was more of a challenge than a reply. Walking over to her, I slid my arm under her legs. She giggled and squirmed. "What are you doing? It tickles."

"I'm going to prove that I can carry you to your room."

When my hand gripped her soft flesh directly under her knee, she shrieked and wiggled.

"Mom, you're supposed to be passed out. No moving or talking."

"Sorry. I'll be good now. Carry on."

She closed her eyes and her body went limp.

With a firm grip on her leg, I ran my left arm under her back. Her blouse had risen and my hand gripped onto her bare waist directly under her rib cage. A tingling sensation flowed through me as I held my hot mom. Before my prick could rise, I lifted her off the couch. Her head hung low so I shifted my left hand higher and pulled her against my body. She was heavier but I knew I could easily carry her.

Holding her close elevated both of our body temperatures. My right hand was slipping and moving higher on her slick skin. Fearing I was going to drop her, I extended my thumb and fingers around her fleshy thigh and squeezed hard. She let out a gasp but didn't open her eyes, still pretending to be passed out.

With my hand firmly holding her upper thigh, within inches of her groin, I continued our walk to her room. After a few steps, her head started to droop. She was out of balance so I shifted my left hand higher. Traveling up her slick ribs, I stopped when I was comfortable with her weight positioning. "Much better. A little more top-heavy than my sister."

Forgetting Mom was only pretending to be asleep I wondered if she heard me. Her wide smile confirmed my suspicion. Feeling my hand slip, I extended my fingers and dug into her soft flesh to get a better grip.

Without realizing how high my hand had gone, I was surprised when my tips pressed into the side of her meaty breast. She gasped and her chest heaved from my groping digits. If I lowered her now she'd collide on my horizontal, stiff prick. Not wanting to risk any more adjustments, I continued to carry her with my fingers dug into her spongy tit.

Having no trouble going the rest of the way, I gently placed her on the bed. She remained silent, so I thought now was the time to proceed as we did last night. My hands shook as I unbuttoned her top blouse button. I was about to see my Mom's bare breasts. As soon as I touched the second one, her hand caught mine and pulled me away.

Her eyes opened. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, Mom. I thought we were rehearsing what we'd do if you were passed out. Like we did with Monica last night."

"Not going to happen. You proved you could carry me and that answered my concern. Give me some privacy and I'll be out in a bit."

She smiled and her eyes widened when she locked her eyes onto my protruding erection.

As soon as I entered my room, I checked my library to find she had exchanged another book. Still hard from the erotic encounter with my mother, it took only a few minutes to coat my stomach with a load of hot cum.

Mom had changed into her morning sundress and was working in the kitchen when I emerged. Handing me her bottle of Aloe Vera, she said, "Your sister would probably appreciate some lotion on her skin today. It'll make her feel better after the rough night."

"Sure, Mom. Yell out when you want us to come back in."

Monica was still sleeping when I straddled her body and began spreading lotion on her shoulders. She moaned as she woke up. "That feels good. Thanks. I never knew having a little brother could be so beneficial."

Switching to her lower back, I massaged in the moisturizing gel. When I moved to her legs, she whispered, "I want my entire back done. Unsnap me, please."

Not wasting time any time, I quickly undid her top and pulled the straps to the sides. My hands traversed the length of her back ending at her shoulders. She moaned in appreciation as I caressed her smooth flesh. Moving out to her sides I ran my hands higher and lightly contacted the sides of her squashed breasts.

Not hearing any objections I brushed against them again on the downstroke. Her back rose as her breath deepened. What would she say if I ventured lower and connected with her nipples?

My courage was at an all-time high and I was going to try it on the next pass when she said, "Okay, fasten my top and do my legs." My hands shook as I reattached her top.

Kneeling behind her feet. I ran a bead of lotion down the lengths of her flesh. Stroking her thin, firm legs was having an effect on me as I started to stiffen again. Damn, these women were keeping me aroused full-time.

Bringing my hands closer to her groin produced the results I was looking for. She slowly opened her legs to make it easier to coat her thighs. Her bikini was filled with her firm buns and beckoned for me to caress them as I did after I spanked her.

Breaking my attention, I heard Mom yell, "Dinner Time!"

As soon as Mom was back in the house, I took my chance. I slid the sides of my aunt's suit bottom to the middle and stuffed them down her crack. Before she could object I cupped her buns and massaged them as if I were applying lotion. Instead of objecting, she groaned as I groped her luscious ass.

Knowing Mom would come back out if we didn't appear, my hands slid lower. Monica's voice cracked as she croaked, "You better cover my butt. It's obvious you and Mom don't like seeing it from the spanking I received."

Sliding the material back to cover her white flesh, I said, "Mom might have been upset, but I wasn't. Your buns are sexy."

After extracting myself I limped into the house, unsuccessfully hiding my tented shorts. When we finished eating, Mom said, "It's nice outside. Why don't you two change clothes and take a walk? When you get back we'll play another game."

Opening my drawer I knew exactly the game Mom was playing. She was going through my books at a rapid pace. No wonder she liked sending Monica and me out. I reviewed the next book she hadn't read to make certain only mother-son stories were tagged. Arranging them back in a neat stack, I changed to some jogging sweats for our walk.

Monica was ready to go by the time I made it out to the door. Less than a block away she wrapped her arm through mine and held my hand. Throughout our walk, she bumped me and brushed her body against mine every chance she got. Almost an hour had passed by the time we made it back.

Checking my stack I saw Mom had taken another book. What would happen when she had read them all? Would she start over?

Mom yelled to come out and play a game with them. They were both sitting on the floor without a game board. "Mom, what are we playing today?"

"It's one day past your birthday and I feel bad I didn't let you decide yesterday so today we're playing strip poker, but only two pieces of clothing will be lost on any one person. Once the last person loses, the game is over. Both of you have underclothes on that aren't more revealing than swimwear, right?"

We both nodded as Mom split up the small number of chips. The games were going to be short and the first person to run out of chips would lose a piece of clothing. We had played poker as kids so we all knew the rules and more importantly I knew exactly when they bluffed and when they actually had good hands. This would be too easy.

I lost on purpose the first game to verify how they bet and to not discourage them in case they thought I held an advantage. I took my top off and redistributed the chips for game two. Monica's recent actions swayed me to cause her to lose although I was able to transfer enough chips to Mom and she was the one to bust her.

My aunt quickly unbuttoned and removed her blouse. She was almost too eager to strip for us. My eyes roamed over her slim form, remembering the night I ran my hands up her chest and squeezed her tits.

The next game I quickly had possession of Mom's chips as I anxiously wanted to admire her upper body. She was slower to remove her top, and the suspense was killing me. It was worth the wait. Her tight, low-cut bra caused her tit-flesh to spill out of the top, barely concealing her nipples. Monica's look of jealousy brought a wide smile from Mom.

My aunt would have to be the next loser since she appeared eager to strip. Once again, I used Mom to defeat her. She unsnapped her skirt and flung it off and sat cross-legged with a confident grin. She was proud to show off her long and sexy legs. It was hard to look away from her thighs, but Mom's smooth belly and protruding bosom brought my eyes back to her.

Giving Mom a break, I quickly lost the next game. Shucking off my sweat pants, I sat like Monica, mainly so I could adjust my hardening prick when I crossed my legs. Their attention was riveted on my legs as I reset the chips. There was only one piece left, Mom's skirt. It took some patience but I managed to get Monica to win and zero out Mom's stash.

Instead of removing her skirt, she declared, "Okay, the game's over. We all lost two pieces. Looks like I won too."Monica objected, "Mom, you still lost and have to remove another piece. You wouldn't want to set a bad example to your kids by cheating, would you?"

Mom knew she had lost this battle. "Okay, you're right. Rules need to be adhered to."

Monica and I had puzzled looks when Mom reached under her skirt. Soon after, her hands returned as she pulled her panties to her feet and removed them. Triumphantly, she decreed, "There, two pieces of clothing removed. Rules adhered to."

Smiling wide, she rose and left for her room, but not before saying, "Losers."

Monica and I looked at each other and laughed at getting outwitted by Mom.


After dinner and showers, we assumed our usual positions in the living room. Mom must have taken her pill as she quickly fell asleep leaning against me. She kept shifting her head to get comfortable and finally landed on my left shoulder.

They let me pick the movie so I selected a Sci-Fi I had been wanting to watch for awhile. After an hour, Monica lost interest and came over to say goodnight. Looking at Mom, she mischievously grinned and asked, "Do you need help waking her again?"

"No, thanks. I'm going to let her sleep until the end of the movie. It was a long day and I don't want to disturb her."

She sighed in disappointment but didn't pursue it any further. "It was a big day, especially after last night. My bed is going to feel good tonight. See you tomorrow."

Throughout the rest of the movie, Mom managed to wiggle around until the side of her face was pressed against my bare chest. Her hot breath washed over my skin as she soundly slept. When the movie ended, I chose not to wake her, deciding to carry her to bed, and not interrupt her rest.

She had snuggled close, causing my robe to come off my left shoulder. The heavy, cottony material would interfere with my attempt to lift her. It was easy pulling my right arm out. Using my freed hand, I gently shoved the left arm of my robe off. Now it would fall off and out of the way.

Sliding my arm under her legs, I clamped onto her bare leg. There was no chance of slipping like the first time I carried her. I moved my left arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Having a good hold on her, I slowly rose. Everything worked well and I was pleased with myself for successfully getting her off the couch without waking her.

As I traipsed by Monica's room, I hoped she didn't come out and catch me in my underwear. Fortunately, there were no mishaps and I successfully entered Mom's room. Her bed was made so I laid her on the far side. Pushing the sheets and top cover over I gently lifted Mom and lowered her to the cleared side.

I detected a bra under her robe so I wouldn't get in any trouble removing her outer garment so she could sleep better. Untying her belt, I pulled apart her robe to reveal her scantily-clad body. My prick jutted out in appreciation.

Her light blue panties were puffed up and a few dark-brown pubic hairs crept out from under the silky material. Her breasts strained to pop out of her silky bra. Removing it might be crossing the line. She would be upset if she knew I stripped her while she slept. I decided against removing her underwear and continued with her robe.

Rolling her on her right side, facing away from me, I pulled the robe off half her body. Tucking the loose material under her, I rolled her back until she was facing me on her left side. Her head landed on her soft pillow, and she continued to breathe deep and steady. Removing her robe the rest of the way, I was ready to position her on her back.

Before I could continue she moved her top leg forward and bent it at her knee. Her left arm reached up under her pillow and straightened out toward the headboard. I recognized this position as it was the way I slept. We were side-sleepers. After staring at her beauty for another five minutes, I carefully covered her with the cottony sheets.

Retrieving my robe, I made it to my room and quickly pulled out the top book. With fresh visions of her body, I blasted out a load while reading the first marked story.


Waking to voices in the kitchen, I realized I had slept longer than anyone. Throwing on my robe I made my way out to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Sleepyhead. How are you doing this morning?" Mom queried.

"Fine, Mom. Slept like a log."

She smiled back. "Me too. I can't even remember walking to bed. Guess my pill did it's magic again."

Breakfast was almost over when Mom said, "Alex, your sister wants to go back to her apartment today. Would you mind taking her? Return as soon as you can. I want to go to the mall for lunch."

Before I could agree, Monica piped, "Yes. I can't wait to get back to a decent shower." Mom frowned at her comment.

"Sure, Mom. I'll change and drive her home." Looking at Monica, I said, "Thanks for staying through my birthday, Sis. It's been fun."

She replied, "It sure has. Being with you two the last few days has uplifted my spirits."

Excusing myself, I went to my room to change. Checking out the last book Mom would probably read in the next hour, I verified all the hot mother-son stories were tagged.

After parking in Monica's carport, I got out and went around the car to let her out of the passenger side. She pleaded, "Alex, could you check my apartment first to make sure no one is in there?"

A little paranoid but maybe she was going to invite me inside so we could make sweet love. None of my fantasies had previously worked. Maybe this was the time.

Handing me her house keys, she stood directly behind me holding my waist. As we entered her apartment, her breath bathed the back of my neck. Everything was immaculately arranged, the same way she maintained her bedroom at home. Her kitchen was open and part of the main room. I had to chuckle at all the appliances perfectly arranged, spotless, and lined up on the counter. She whispered, "Check my bedroom, please."

Of course, she needed to navigate me to her bedroom to take advantage of her little brother. Smiling widely, I led us to her room. I noticed her end tables both had books resting on them. She loved to read.

"Thanks, Alex. It looks like my fears were unwarranted."

Needing to prolong my time with her I took notice of her mirrored closet doors. "I better check in there. It's the perfect place to hide."

She didn't object as I moved over and slid the doors open. I wasn't surprised to see her clothes meticulously sorted by color and type. A short, thin, blue nightie was on one end. Reaching out, I ran my fingers through the silky material. She sucked in air, watching me fondle her nighttime attire.

"Boy, wearing this around Mom would result in another ass-whipping."

She giggled and placed her hand on mine and pulled it off her sexy nightwear. "That's for my use only. We're good here. Come out to the living room. I want to talk to you about something."

Hopefully, she wanted to talk about how we were going to have sex for the next hour. Facing me close, she held my hands before she spoke. Her face looked conflicted as if she didn't know how to explain.

"Alex, I can see how much you enjoy being with your Mom. I hate being the third wheel, but my lease is ending. I don't care for this neighborhood and was thinking about moving back in with you and Mom until I can locate a new place."

She sighed as she finished. It must have been weighing on her and she appeared to be apprehensive about returning home. "It's fine, Sis. Whatever makes you feel safe. Do you want to pack some things now and return with me?"

"No. I haven't talked to Mom and I need to figure out what items to bring home first. I'll talk to her tomorrow and make arrangements. Thanks for understanding."

It was more like a misunderstanding. My fantasies had failed again. At least I'd see more of her when she was back home, living with Mom and me.

"One more thing before you leave," she croaked. She moved close and at the moment when I thought she was going to kiss me, she planted her lips and nose on my neck. Inhaling deep, she pulled back and giggled. "I wanted to see for myself what Mom smells. Nothing special, other than little brother stink."


Mom greeted me when I arrived home. Her look turned to one of concern. "Your sister has mentioned she doesn't care for her shower several times. Could you take a look at it and see what's wrong?"

Grabbing some tools from the garage I made my way to her bathroom. I immediately saw the problem. Her showerhead was the same as mine. Close to twenty years old, it provided a pitiful stream compared to current models. Removing it, I went to mine and did the same. Checking Mom's bathroom, I discovered hers was a newer model. Taking the two old ones out to the kitchen, I showed Mom my findings.

"Mom, the showerheads from Monica's and my bathroom haven't been updated like yours. This is what she was complaining about."

Mom examined them and explained, "I replaced mine after you two left, and I didn't think to have the others replaced. We'll stop by the appliance store on our way to the mall. Put them in a box and we'll take them with us."

Making a quick trip to my room to get ready, I checked on my porn library. The latest one was on top. Why didn't she take it when I was at Monica's? Taking count, I noticed all six books were present. She had replaced the other one after reading the final book.

Mom yelled that she wanted to leave, so I grabbed the box of shower fittings and met her at the car.

I surfed on my phone while Mom browsed through the plumbing shop. After thirty minutes she showed up, ready to proceed to the mall and lunch. Noticing she didn't buy anything, I asked, "Mom, didn't they have any you liked?"

"They did, but not in stock. We'll come back in a few days to pick them up. Let's get going. I'm hungry."

It was nice being with only Mom again on our outing. Sitting across from her at a booth, I could admire her beauty without any distractions from Monica. When we finished eating, Mom's face turned serious. "Alex, I need to talk to you about something. It might be a little uncomfortable for you."

"No problem, Mom. What's up?"

"I want to discuss your collection stashed in your end table."

My face reddened, knowing she was talking about my porn. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I don't ..."

Before I could continue my fake charade she calmly stated, "You and I both know about your books. I've read through all of them."

There was no denying it now. "I'm sorry, Mom. I should have disposed of them before I returned home. It was never my intention for you to find them."

Mom smiled as she countered, "I don't want you to get rid of them. I'm not completely ignorant of a young man's needs. As your mother, I thought if I could see what your interests were I could help you with your fantasies so you could relieve yourself easier at night. It was fortunate your sister was home to unwittingly help out."

"Mom, the stories I liked most weren't about brother and sister."

It was Mom's turn to blush. "Yes. I understood your message after the first couple of books. You didn't think I wouldn't have noticed the dog-eared pages had been flattened and only mom-son stories were tagged? I can understand your attraction to your sister. She's a beautiful, sexy woman. As far as me, a lot of young men go through a phase where they fantasize about their mothers. You'll get over it when you date more."

"Not a phase, Mom. I've had thoughts about you for years. You're beautiful and sexier than any girls my age."

Mom stuttered, "I'm flattered, Alex. It can never happen for real, though. Family members can never participate in those kinds of fantasies. It's fine for you to keep using your books as an aid, but I can't assist you. It's up to me as the mother to guide my children appropriately. Let's not talk about this any longer. We've discussed it enough."

I was disappointed, but it wasn't the end of the world. I enjoyed being around her and while it may be a little uncomfortable, I'd get used to it.

Arriving at home, Mom was quick to assign me some chores which took most of the afternoon. After a light dinner, I went to my room to take my shower and change. When the water gushed out of the pipe, it dawned on me about disassembling our showers. The dinner with Mom made me forget about the visit to the plumbers. Throwing on my robe, I went out to the kitchen where Mom was cleaning.

"Mom, we left the showerheads at the plumbing shop. Do you want me to drive there and get the old ones back?"

"Don't bother. You can use my shower. Take your underwear with you and afterward, you can relax in the living room."

A few days ago my mind would have searched for a story where the mom invites her son to use her shower and steps in to join him. Not any longer though.

Her shower was definitely an upgrade. Monica was right about our old ones being unacceptable. Once dried and dressed, I sat at my usual spot at the end of the couch. I wondered if Mom would sit beside me like she has been doing, or is our cuddling time over too?

Hearing Mom's shower stop, I knew I'd soon find out my answer. Emerging cloaked in her robe, she strolled over and said, "Alex, I already took my pill and it's taking effect. I'm retiring early tonight. See you tomorrow."

She turned and left before I could say anything. I was tired also and figured that after watching the rest of the show I'd head to bed. Twenty minutes later I heard her door open.

"Alex, I was looking in my closet for my sleeping mask when I came across something I think you'd like."

Turning to look at her, my mouth hung open in awe. Her mask was held on top of her head and she was wearing a light pink nightie I'd never seen her wear before. She was right about me liking it though. Her silk panties and bra were clearly visible beneath the thin negligee.

Her perfume hit me as she sat beside me. I croaked, "Mom, you're beautiful. I like it more than you can imagine."

She looked puzzled and looked at where I was staring. "Not my nightie, Silly. I found these." Holding up her arms she had neckties wrapped around each one. She unwound them and ran them across my arms.

"These silk ties were your father's. See how nice they feel. I thought you could use them when you get a job."

She wrapped one around my arm, tied a knot, and cinched it tight. "See, it feels good against your skin. You better figure out the correct knot to use though. This one could strangle you." She giggled as she emphasized her meaning by pulling tight on it.

"Mom, entry-level positions generally don't require a tie, unless you have to go to a meeting but that's rare."

Mom smirked and squeaked, "Perfect. Four will be enough. As far as the nightie, you can't be looking at your mother like you're undressing her. It's not proper. Remember what I told you at lunch. No matter how attracted a mother and son are to each other, a mother can never willingly submit herself to her offspring."

Dejected, I said, "I know, Mom. It doesn't help that you look so sexy in it. I couldn't help myself. Good-night."

"Same to you, Honey. Don't stay up too late reading."

When she rose to leave my eyes remained locked on her bare, sexy legs. Another waft of perfume hit me along with a smell I recognized from my old girlfriends. Mom's pussy was aroused and her scent was having an effect on my prick. She was right about one thing, I'd be reading tonight.

When my show ended thirty minutes later, I made my way into my room. Removing my robe, I plopped onto my bed to relieve my built-up tension. Opening my drawer I noticed something amiss. One of my books had been folded so an inside story was on top. Picking it up I looked at the cover to discover it was a three-month-old book. It would normally be lower in the stack.

Turning back to what was originally faced up, adrenaline flooded my system causing my prick to harden. I immediately recognized the story. It was a scenario where a horny son crept into his mother's room, blindfolded her and tied her to the bed. He disguised his voice to make his mother believe an intruder was the one making love to her instead of him.

It came together now. The sleeping mask, pills to knock her out, ties, and her last statement about a mother wouldn't willingly allow interaction with her offspring. She wanted her son to take her.

How long had she planned this? She must have staged the book when I was taking a shower in her room. Did she plan for the showerheads to go away so she'd have time to set it up? She was finally giving me the green-light to fulfill my wildest fantasy.

Realizing I was wasting valuable time when I could be enjoying my mother's body, I threw my robe on and headed to her room. I felt the ties in my pockets where I had previously stashed them. Would I even need them? Evidently, she wanted me to proceed with her charade and I wasn't going to disappoint her.

When I opened her door, the light from the hall allowed me to see her sleeping on her side with her mask over her eyes. I turned on her end table light. I didn't want her luscious body shaded by darkness when I finally uncovered it. Her left arm was stretched toward the headboard under her pillow.

I wrapped the first tie around her wrist and secured it a post. Since her feet were covered, I carefully pulled the sheets out and draped them over her calves. After I tied her left foot, I hesitated to analyze my next move. I couldn't continue until she was flat on her back. Reaching under the covers, I left my hands on the bed near her body. I didn't want my cold hands to alarm her. Once they were warm, I gently rolled her flat.

Her right arm was along her side. Walking around to the other side, I knelt and snaked my hand underneath the covers again. It was hot as an oven. This was why Mom didn't have a weight problem. She burned off calories while she slept. Gently pulling her arm out, I stretched it up and attached another tie.

After securing her other leg, I stood to admire my work. I used hitch knots which could be easily released if necessary. Throwing off my robe, my prick bobbed and was steel-hard. The cool air didn't provide any relief. Sweat was forming and my heart raced as I anticipated my next step.

She was still asleep or at least good at feigning sleep. I was certain the sleeping pill acts were all fake, but I didn't care as I was going to follow Mom's script. Gripping the top of the sheets, I slowly pulled them lower, revealing my beautiful mother. Not seeing any bra straps I knew her bare tits would soon be visible.

The sheets glided over her perky breasts exposing her exquisite mounds. Her nipples were chocolate-brown and rock-hard. Her body wouldn't allow her to conceal her excitement. Her smooth stomach caved below her ribcage and was pulsing with short rapid breaths. Her hips flared out as her panties came into view. Shoving the sheets on the floor I stared at my almost-nude mother. Her puffed out panties were framed nicely between her firm thighs.

Crawling on the bed, I straddled her and rested my bare ass on her panties-covered crotch. Cupping my mother's breasts for the first time caused my prick to ache and lurch. I leaned over her and pressed my cock into her lower stomach.

Gently kneading her fleshy mounds, my fingers wrapped around her taut nubs. Twisting them brought out a gasp. Lowering closer I latched onto her engorged tip. Her body shook as I nursed on her tit, and she couldn't carry on with pretense of sleep any longer.

She moaned and her voice cracked as she woke up. "Who's there? Please don't hurt me or my family. You can have whatever you want."

I knew I couldn't convincingly disguise my voice, but I could give it a try for Mom. I gruffly replied, "You have a family? How many people are in the house?"She croaked, "I have a son and daughter. Only my son is here tonight. He's in his room sleeping. Please don't hurt him."

"Do as I say lady and I won't have to bother him. Keep quiet and I'll be out of here in no time."

"Okay. I'll do whatever it takes."

I made a mental note to feast on her tits at a later time. I was anxious to explore the rest of her body. Holding her sides I moved lower as I kissed my way to her panties. Sitting at the end of the bed, I stroked her long legs. My hands traveled the entire length, ending at her panties leg and back to her feet. Her breasts heaved as I continued to pay homage to her sexy legs.

"Lady, these are the best looking legs I've ever seen. Your son is a lucky bastard. He can look at these shapely gams every day. He probably wishes he could be stroking them like I am right now."

Mom remained true to her act. "No. He doesn't sexually look at his mother. We're not a depraved family."

My final objective was in sight. Her panties. Holding the top of them on each side I pulled them down until her spread legs wouldn't allow them to go any lower. Her bushy pussy was as deep-brown as her hair color. I palmed her mound, feeling the soft texture of her pubic hair. She gasped as I ran my fingers through her silky forest.

Pulling back I commanded, "If you behave yourself, I'll release your feet. Don't try anything you and your son will regret. Mind my commands, and you'll come out of this without harm."

"Yes, Sir. I'll do anything to protect my son."

Pulling the hitch knot on both ties released her feet. I moved her legs together and pulled her panties off. Gripping underneath her knees I lifted them and splayed her legs, opening her up. Desiring more access to her luscious pussy, I gently lifted her head and retrieved her pillow.

"If you scream, I may have to cover your face, but until that happens I have a better use for this."

Lifting her pelvis, I shoved the pillow under her ass. My cock jerked when her hairy pussy was prominently displayed. Pink, glistening folds were visible between her open, outer lips. Her scent was strong as I kissed her left knee and worked my way down her leg until my ear hit her puffy mat of hair.

I repeated on her other leg and her pelvis humped into the side of my head. She was becoming impatient, but she would have to go at my pace. Running my fingers through her mound, I slowly traced my fingertips over each blood-filled outer lip. She jumped at my touch.

Spreading her lips, I exposed her wet interior. Maintaining contact with my fingers, I kissed my way down her thigh again and ended with a kiss on one of her puffy labia. I repeated my slow build-up, caressing her thighs and kissing her pussy lips on each pass. Her moaning grew in volume as I worshiped her body.

On the next pass to her pussy, I captured her engorged lip with my mouth and rolled it through my lips. She shrieked with the contact. After I did the same with the other side, I used my fingers to close her gap and brush-stroked my tongue through her slit and over her covered clit. She was benefiting from someone who was trained in pussy eating by one of my horny lab partners.

I lapped her slit while jabbing my tongue in as deeply as I could before quickly withdrawing. Her moaning elevated to gasping. Going back to mouthing her sensitive outer lips I asked, "When's the last time anyone paid attention to this beautiful pussy."

She managed to say, "Nn ..." She stopped to groan when I ran my tongue deep in her channel.

"Nine months? Weeks? Days? How long, Lady?"

"Nn ..." This time she stopped to gasp when I ran my tongue over her covered clit.

"Nine years? Has it been that long?"

Before I stimulated her again, she howled, "Never. This is the first time. My husband didn't like to do oral."

Releasing my mouth from her excited quim, I shoved three fingers deep inside her. She shrieked and humped her groin to meet my intruding digits.

"That's a crime. A pussy this fine screams for attention."

Stroking my fingers in and out of her gash, I leaned in and licked her steamy slot. I was patiently waiting for her clit to fill with blood and show itself. My tongue competed with my fingers to make contact with all of her sensitive areas.

Shifting her feet closer to her body, she used the leverage to lift her starving pussy higher. Her pelvis humped my fingers in an attempt to increase stimulation. Her groans were louder as she experienced oral sex for the first time. Her meaty thighs slammed against my head ensuring I kept my face on her quivering quim.

"Oh God! I'm building up to an orgasm. Keep sucking my horny pussy. I need relief so badly."

Increasing my pace, my fingers were coated with pre-cum as she escalated toward release.

"Don't get too loud. Your son will hear and come witness your hairy pussy being fucked by a hard tongue. It might give him ideas."

She gasped with carnal lust and her shiny, engorged pearl emerged. She was fully excited and needed to climax. My desire to please my mom convinced me to end her sexual suffering. Leaning in, I sucked her clit between my lips. Rolling and squeezing her sensitive nub while rapidly plunging my fingers in her sopping pussy resulted in her orgasm.

Her body shivered and shook as her pussy clamped onto my fingers. As her fluids spewed from her spurting snatch, I eagerly lapped her honey nectar.

Mom was out of breath when her pussy finally quit pulsing. Every muscle relaxed as she fell back to the bed. Her breasts heaved as she tried to recover. Her mouth was open and gasping for air.

"That was a nice display of sexual release, Lady. You had a lot of pent-up tension. It's not good to keep it in so long. You should have enlisted your son's help."

She was exhausted but not worn out enough to relinquish her morals. "No. Sons can't do that to their mothers. It's inappropriate."

Grabbing her knees, I pushed her legs outward and crawled up to her groin. I rested my stiff cock on her cum-soaked mound.

Sounding alarmed, Mom said, "You've had your fun, Mister. Can't you leave us alone now? My son might eventually hear us. I don't want you hurting him."

"It was fun for you but I have some unfinished business. Your tits are fucking fantastic. So firm and spongy." I kneaded and played with her full mounds. Her breathing rate increased as I squeezed and caressed her breasts.

"Your nipples are exquisite. They're so puffy and their dark-brown color beautifully contrasts with your creamy, white skin. They remind me of chocolate mint kisses."

Mom giggled and her breasts jiggled making them even sexier. "What's so funny, Lady? Are you laughing at me?"

"No, Sir. It struck me as funny because my son loves those candies. They're one of his favorites."

My fingertips ran higher and trapped her tips. I lightly squeezed and twisted them. Mom gasped for air and flinched. "Please. They're sensitive. Don't be so rough."

Her tits were truly magnificent. The light blue veins barely visible under her alabaster skin led to her areolas which were the best I've ever seen. "I bet your nipples provide a lot of pleasure for you. It must have been fun having your baby boy suck on your tits. Do you remember feeding him and how great it felt?"

My fingers played with her nipples, lightly rubbing and gently pulling them.

Mom stuttered, "No. Yes. What I mean is that I remember feeding him but it wasn't the way you think. It's not sexual when a mother nurses her child. It's a satisfying and nurturing experience. It's how a mother bonds with her child."

Leaning closer I gently blew on her engorged nipple and kissed it. She jumped and yelped.

Teasing her more, I groaned, "Your nipples are like magnets. If your son walked in right now I'm sure he'd want to bond with his mother again. I'll show you the first thing he'd do to your chocolate delights."

I latched onto a nipple and sucked hard while I twisted the other. Her body trembled as I licked and mauled her sensitive tits. Holding her nipple between my lips I pulled up to elongate it and let it bounce back. Immediately capturing it again, I ran my tongue around the tip.

Her head thrashed side to side and her back arched to push her needy breasts into my hungry, sucking mouth. Her pelvis bounced as her body was consumed with pleasure. Her lustful screams were constant as her nipples sent shock waves to her spasming pussy.

Pulling off her brown buds, she slowly relaxed from the erotic moment. "Wouldn't you want your son to bond again with you? Think of the pleasure it would give both of you."

"No, it's not right. I can't allow him to feed on me. He's an adult. Please don't humiliate me any longer. Leave my son out of this."

Rising off her, I held my prick by the base. I drug it through her slick furrow, taking care not to enter. On each stroke, I made certain my flared head scraped her hidden clit. Her breathing increased as she anticipated her son's fat prick plowing into her hungry cleft.

Lodging my prick length-wise in her slit, I lowered myself on her body. Her body shivered when I slid my prick across her slot. After each pass, I would pause and rest it in her forest of fur.

"Your tits are a dream come true, but you know what's even more exciting? When a son gets a glimpse of his mother's hairy pussy, it's over the top. There's nothing more exciting and every son fantasizes about his mother's treasure."

She gasped and writhed under me, trying to coax me to give her what she needed.

"What's going to happen when I leave and you have no one to service your horny pussy? Your son is perfectly healthy to fill in. Do you think he'd be willing to fuck his beautiful mother?"

Breathing rapidly, she stammered, "Yes, he would love it. He's dreamed of it for years. I have to remain strong and I can't allow him to commit incest."

Sawing her pussy faster was causing more juice to flow from her slot. It was my time to groan as I felt the underside of my shaft slide along her wet, soft folds. Her fat lips spread around my cock and smothered it with another coat of her sweet nectar.

While squeezing her mounds, I moved my face closer to hers. I whispered, "I'm going to release your hands now. Don't do anything out of line."

"Of course not. I'll do whatever you say."

A quick pull and her hands were free. She brought them around my back and stroked my slick skin.

"One more thing I want from you. I want you to pretend I'm your son and tell him what you desire."

She drew in a deep breath and before she could object, I pulled her sleeping mask off. We stared into each other's eyes. I allowed the head of my prick to pop into her hot vagina for an inch before withdrawing.

"Let your son know what you want. Tell him you desire him and how you want to physically express your love."

She softly whispered, "Please, Alex. Push it in. I'm so excited and need to be filled with your hard cock."

"No more resistance, Mom? Are you ready to accept me as a lover? Willingly?"

"Yes, please."

I wasn't letting her off that easy.

"If you want it, you need to stick it in. You need to be the one to initiate our intimacy. You're the mother and know what's best for us."

Her eyes glazed over as her hand lowered and gripped my cock. Every time she attempted to jam it in I pulled back out of range. I kissed her neck and sucked in a hunk of flesh. She tried again. My hips pulled back again. Her breasts heaved under me as I prolonged our first incestuous union.

"I love you, Alex. Please make love to me. I need you. I don't care what society says. All that matters is how much we love each other. I want my son to fuck me hard."

She had finally accepted our relationship. Her needs and mine were the same. We both needed my cock buried in her pussy. Obliging our mutual desires, I shoved my bulbous head into her tight sheath. Her hand flew to the back of my head pulling me to her lips. We french-kissed as my shaft slowly sunk into her clinging, slippery channel. The flared edges of my tip separated her folds sending bolts of pleasure through her body. Her hips lifted as she tried to suck me in deeper.

I'll never forget the deep moans she made the first time my prick plowed into her hungry slot. I couldn't believe it. My cock was in my mother's pussy. Blood poured into my shaft, increasing it's already large size. Our eyes were locked together conveying the love we held for each other. Her tongue fucked my mouth as we kissed like lovers. Her body shook as my prick was buried to the hilt, my balls hitting her butt cheeks.

Slowly pulling back out, I paused to relish the feel of her squeezing pussy that was desperately attempting to keep me inside her. Back to the bottom, faster this time, using my hips to shove through her tight slot. Her breath was short, and she released my mouth to breathe. Her eyes widened as my cock serviced her. Her ass lifted as she met my thrusts and her body shook.

"Oh, fuck! I'm coming on my son's cock. I forgot how good it feels to be fucked by a fleshy prick. My pussy feels like a baseball bat is stuffed in it. Fuck me hard, Alex!"

I hunched my butt and dug my cock deep into her as her orgasm overtook her. Hot fluid bathed my invading staff as her shaking body signaled her long-awaited climax.

"Let it out, Mom. Enjoy the fucking we've both needed for so long. Show me your love. Climax on my cock."

Her pulsating pussy clamped several times while I continued to slam into her. Her slot was so slick my prick easily slid in and out. I thought about anything else besides my hot mother to keep from coming. I didn't want our first time to last only seconds. Her body tensed up one last time as she worked through her orgasm.

She dropped to the bed when she was finished. Her breathing was rapid and sweat formed on her forehead. I stopped stroking and left my prick lodged deep in her pussy. Brushing away her hair stuck to her sweaty forehead, I kissed her cheeks, her nose, and finally her full, quivering lips. Her hands wrapped tight around me, holding me close to her soft body.

Recovered from her orgasm, she was finally able to speak. "So damn wonderful. I can't believe I made love to my son and enjoyed every minute. I've never come that hard."

"I know. A mother and son physically bonded together is the purest form of intimacy."
