
Chapter 17 the talk

"Dad you called us here," Alexa said the door suddenly opened up again walking is was Jon's dad and mom Carl Jon's dad walked towards Alex giving him the usual hi gestures "dad why is Carl and Amy here and isn't Alex supposed to be in school," Alexa said lance was sorta intrigued on how this would end "the train is being postpone because of some unfortunate weather anyway Alex is going to take The lead," lance said.

Alex stepped forward while lance stepped back Alex's facial expression proved to do some effect as the parents who were smiling and talking immediately quieted down "you both lied to me and my littler brother for years my whole life I found out was a lie," Alex said Alexa was a bit worried Alex tourney around pacing forward "honey what do you mean we both lied what did we lie about," Alexa said Alex became a bit more upset and angry as she knew what he was talking about he stopped pacing still looking in front of him or what was currently his front while his parents looked at his "you lied about who my mom was and who Tyler's dad was!" Alex said.

Turning around with a angrily face Both Alexa and Alexis froze up they were at a loss for words "don't even bother lying I know my mom is actually Jon's mom and Tyler's dad is actually Alexis," Alex said Alexa and Alexis we're both shocked and became even more frozen and not understanding on what to do while Carl and Amy were shocked they had no idea "Alex..... is my son that can't be right Tyler's my son I even had gotten the DNA test and everything they even caught me doing you," Carl said he was at a loss for words Alexa rejoined reality and had to think of how to explain and so did Alexis "look I can explain this ok," Alexa said.

everyone looked at her gesturing her to explain while Alexis who was thinking still "it was a long time ago before Alex was born and before we even met me and Alexis has gotten into a fight as it was hard for me to become pregnant because there was something wrong with him I had thought of a plan I would go to a bar Sabotage the mans protection then sleep with him it worked out all well but the guy who I found out was you Carl wanted to live with me and love me beca of his also failing relationship now skipping to the part after I had alex I found out the guy I slept with was at the same hospital he was happy to see me as he recently also had a baby so carl asked would Alex and Jon like to be playmates oh and fast forwarding a few years later Carl and I had sex again I found a way out of telling Alex about his biological dad by pretending Tyler was Carl's biological son we even went to a facial, Appearance, and hair mage to make Tyler look like carl we did the reverse thing for Alex," Alexa said.

Alex then remembered something he remembered that appearance spells can cause no horns "can the spell be reversed for both of us," Alex said Alexis finally heard something he knew about so he jumped in immediately "yes it can but I don't recommend it," Alexis said "I don't care of what you think anymore you lied to me throughout my life I want this now!" Alex said Alexis then immediately took out two glass balls Alex took out his hand and grabbed them both while Alexa was scared "oh honey please don't do this your little brother he'll never forgive us," Alexa begged.

she kept on do it but to no avail quickly and cruelly he threw both the glass balls at the wall shattering them both a bit of magic came out destroying the spell that had been used on Alex showing what he had actually looked like he immediately took out a small mirror and saw his faces he became extremely disappointed "aww man I don't even look all that different the only difference is the red hair and red eyes and paler wait a second," Alex said he looked at were his horns are supposed to be and there they were curved horns "oh my god I got horns finally," Alex said the door surprisingly swung open and who came inside was someone completely different paled knew who that was and looked at all the difference instead of Tyler's pink hair like his mom he he had black hair his eyes were a silver color his skin a bit darker but still pale once his skinny demeanor turned into a chubby demeanor "mom why do I look different," Tyler said.

alex Bowes down with a bit of a fake smile "because today I will tell you the truth your dad is not your dad your dad is my dad and my dad is your dad," Alex said everyone was very worried "that was to strait forward," someone said whispering.

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