
Pokémon camp part 1

Owen POV

It's finally time to go to Pokémon camp and I am so excited. Since I live in pallet town I will be heading to Professor oaks lab and he will take us to camp personally instead of having to drive there ourselves. Ash, Gary and a few other kids from pallet town will be coming with us.

Me and my parents finally reached the lab and my mom knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door was opened and i finally saw him in real life. He had Grey hair and was wearing a lab coat just like in the games. " welcome to my lab Mr and mrs cipher, I assume you are here to drop of your son for Pokémon camp?" He asked my parents. " yes we are professor, his name is Owen cipher and he is currently 7 years old" my mom replied. " nice to meet you professor oak" I said with a smile. " glad to meet you boy" replied the professor. Honestly I half expected him to ask me for my gender but I'm glad he didn't.

I then said goodbye to my parents and the professor told me to wait with the other children. I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get the opportunity to talk to the professor but I have a whole week to show him my knowledge so I'm not in any hurry. I then went to wait with the other children, we were waiting for a few more kids to arrive before we went to camp. I recognized ash and Gary and a few other close friends from school. That's right I went to school, I didn't really care for school since I already learned everything. There wasn't any drama since everyone was still young and I only paid attention when the teacher talked about Pokémon. I was fairly popular and I considered my self to be good looking but all the girls I know beside my sister are to young for me or them to be interested in love. I have short dark brown hair with a few light brown highlights and my best features in my opinion are my heterochromatic eyes. My right eye is sea blue and my left is crimson red. I'm also pretty tall for my age and have a lean body with barley any baby fat.

I talked to a few close friends of mine until the last few kids arrived with there parents and the professor appeared and told us to bored a bus that will take us to the camp. It was an hour drive in the bus and when we finally arrived at camp the professor assigned us to cabins and told us that the other kids from different cities or regions will be showing up before dinner and that we have the rest of the day to socialize and relax and that tomorrow we will start the activities. Right now I was lying on my bed and reading the latest edition of Pokémon today and waited until dinner time. I occasionally talked to a few friends but spend most of the time relaxing.

Eventually it was time for dinner and I saw a lot of new faces that I haven't seen before, these must be kids from different cities and regions. I was walking to the cafeteria when something bumped into me. I turned around and saw a girl on the floor. I helped her up and finally got a good look at her. She had waist length creamy blonde hair and had bangs covering her left eye. She also had grey eyes and seemed to be a few years older than me. She seemed familiar as if I had seen her before but before I could try and remember where I had seen her from she spoke "sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, are you ok" she asked in an embarrassed tone. "I should be asking you that" I responded while pointing at her clothes that were covered in dirt. " no!!! I just bought this outfit " she said while trying to get the dirt of her outfit. "I'm Owen by the way,I'm from pallet town nice to meet you" I said . "I'm Cynthia, I'm from Celesctic town in the sinnoh region".

A lot of thoughts were going through my head at the moment with the most prominent being how lucky I was to meet my favorite Pokémon champion. I'm also pretty sure that Cynthia was not supposed to be this young in the cannon but screw the cannon, if Cynthia is a similar age to me I will befriend her and try to get closer to her. I'm not sure what lies ahead but for now I have the entire Pokémon camp to get closer to Cynthia and also to show off my knowledge to professor oak and try to become an apprentice.

Next chapter