
The Demonic Mark


"Because it was then that I found out about it." 

His words left me in confusion, while the sad smile which was tugging at the corners of his lips left me curious.

"Found out what?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity and asked him. 

"That It was the same demon hunter who killed my parents." He answered me. I could see tears twinkling at the corners of his eyes under the faint moonlight as the words left his mouth. 

"What?" I was left speechless and confused. Never did he mention anything about his parents to me before when we were together. And never did I bother myself asking about them.

I was the kind of person who'd let people do as they pleased without poking my nose into their business. If they were okay with sharing pieces of their lives with me, I was more than willing to listen to them. But if they didn't bother saying about things out loud, I would not bother asking them. 

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