
Barbarians of Germania


Tiberius POV

I watched the barbarian army charge towards the shield wall before issuing my command.

"Archers nock your arrows and wait for my command!"

The archers nodded as they raised their bows aiming towards the sky, waiting for the enemies to be in their firing range.

I feel the earth shake as the barbarian army charges and the sound of screaming men as they roared their warcries trying to demoralize the legion yet they don't know how disciplined my legionnaires are. The strict training that they received when they were recruited made them have a stronger will than any other normal men.

"They're just wasting their breath."

The barbarians looked intimidating with their large size and strong build, they looked and behaved like wild animals too, especially the ones that wore animal skins.

I watched my men silently stand and stare at the charging enemies as the barbarians wave their weapons around and screamed in exhilaration thinking that the legionnaires were intimidated by their actions.

I smirked at their futile efforts. "They won't break the will of my men."

The legions of Rome has fought too many tough adversaries since its founding. Our history has taught us that Rome's legions are the mightiest in the world, after all, we conquered Carthage, Egypt, and Greece, all those lands that Rome conquered were home to ancient and powerful nations. "True, that they were tough opponents for Rome, we lost some battles and sustained large casualties yet still, they fell when they faced the might of the legions steels." The people that the legions conquered bowed their heads to Rome's supremacy as they fell to the legions might.

"From a republic to an empire, Rome would grow stronger as we continue to expand our borders and now Germania would be next on the list to join our territory."

I smiled at the thought of me ruling an empire so large that my name would go down in history as the greatest emperor to ever rule.

As I daydreamed about my future I noticed that the barbarians were at firing range so I issued my command.

"Archers Release!"

I watched the arrows fly through the air with quick speed and great height. As the arrows reached the end of their flight they soon fell down bringing a rain of arrows toward the incoming barbarians. The poorly equipped barbarians fell in great numbers, weakening their momentum yet they were still undeterred by their casualties and continued to charge.

I heard the shouts of centurions ordering the infantry to throw their javelins. The javelins fly before piercing the chest of the barbarians further weakening their momentum.

"Shield Wall!" I hear the centurions shouting once more as they prepared the men for the incoming impact.

I feel the bloodlust and excitement of the legionnaires. Knowing soon they will earn merits, enough merits to bring glory and enough merits to own lands, and if they were lucky enough to slay a number of enemies they could earn a promotion.

They didn't have to wait long as I see the barbarians are already at the front of the shield wall.


Looking towards the front of the legions I heard the sound of bodies slamming at the shields. The barbarians are strong and their charge was heavy yet not enough push the lines of Romans. The lines of shield managed to hold, albeit with great difficulty as the men stand their ground while gritting their teeth.

"Die barbarians!"


Soon I heard the screaming of cries and pain as hundreds of men died a second.

I watched the melee ongoing at the front and praised the enemies. The barbarians were truly strong, physically they could have overpowered any of my men on single combat but too bad wars were fought in large numbers.

After a while, I see the differences between the two sides as the battle progressed. The legionnaires were helping one another, unlike the barbarians. My men carried the wounded back towards the rear while the barbarians stepped on their fallen comrades even though some were still alive.

I see the barbarians rushing towards the gaps in the formations but before they can take advantage of it, the legion's reserves already blocked the gaps. I nod my head as I see the legionnaires staying close in formations so that they could share the burden from the attacks while shaking my head when I see the barbarians recklessly assaulting them without caring how many have to die to breakthrough the legion's formation.

Continuing to observe the battle that has been ongoing for three hours, I finally made the decision to deal the finishing blow when I saw the situation deteriorating for the barbarians side.

"Its time to launch our attack that will end this battle."

I looked towards my left and give my command. "Darius, take half of the cavalry and flank their left while I go to the opposite side."

"Yes, your highness! Men to me!" Darius nods and leaves to execute the command.

I watched as Darius rides with his men into position.

I nod and unsheathed my blade. "Alright men, let's end this battle! The emperor is waiting for news of our victory!" I point my blade towards the enemies. "CHARGE!".

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