

The violet-haired Captain was currently holding court at the far end of the chamber with several students. She seemed to be in high spirits and was answering the attendees' questions efficiently and enthusiastically. A few more Soul Reapers formed a modest perimeter, and Itachi assumed that they were some of her subordinates. One of them stepped forward, and the look on her face wasn't exactly welcoming. She was on the short side, and it wasn't hard to spot her Lieutenant's badge on the left sleeve of her Soul Reaper robes. Her blonde hair was worn in long pigtails and gave her a somewhat childish appearance, but if the irritation in her brown eyes was any indication Itachi doubted it would be a good idea to point that out to her. The Zanpakutō worn at her belt was by all appearances a rather conventional katana, with the only distinctive feature of its sealed state being the small hearts that decorated the tsuba.

"Great, more newbies," she grumbled as she approached, "Look, why don't you two flies buzz off, all right? If you weren't as blind as bats then you'd see that the Captain's busy. Scram."

Not exactly a people person, is she?

He heard the spirit of his Zanpakutō giggle. Oh, like you're one to talk.

I can at least be polite. She's not even trying.

She folded her arms as she stood before them, her right foot tapping the floor impatiently. "Hey, are you two deaf? I said beat it! We've got enough pests around here as it is!"

Visaelya did a double-take at that. "Excuse me? Did you just call us pests?"

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "Pests is the word that bothers you? She called us flies as well."

"Oh, good, you two can hear," said the girl as she rolled her eyes, "Yes, I called you pests and flies because that's what you are. I can tell who's a good fit for Squad Twelve and who's not, and you two are definitely not. That's why I'm going to save the Captain some time; get lost."

Visaelya put her hands on her hips and glared indignantly at her. "That's not your call to make!"

The girl scowled. "Excuse me? I'm the Lieutenant of this division, so it is my call to make!"

"I wasn't aware that a good Lieutenant went about sabotaging her Captain and division in such a boorish manner," said Itachi, "I thought that a proper Lieutenant would want to do her duty and make sure that her division picked up the best possible recruits."

The girl rounded on him. "You've got a lot of nerve, talking to me like that! I don't know how you wound up in the advanced track; you've clearly got more balls than brains."

"And you clearly have too much of a chip on your shoulder," Itachi replied, refusing to be intimidated even if she was a Lieutenant, "You also lack the self-control required to put your duty before your temper."

The girl reached for her Zanpakutō. "Say that again, you smartass dipshit!"

She was stopped from drawing her sword by a pair of slender yet firm hands that suddenly gripped her shoulders. "Hiyori, are you being rude to guests again? Come, now, I thought I taught you better than that!"

The girl nearly jumped as she looked over her shoulder at Kirio. "Captain Hikifune! I… I was just…"

Kirio shook her head, seeming mildly amused. "I know you like have fun with potential recruits, but there's a difference between friendly hazing and scarring them off."

"It'll take more than the likes of her to intimidate us," said Visaelya as she shot another glare at Hiyori, "No offense, Captain Hikifune."

Kirio smiled. "None taken. It's good to see you again, Miss Drakken… and wonderful to see you again, Itachi! I was wondering when you'd see the light and come my way!"

Itachi bowed. "It's good to see you again too, Captain Hikifune."

"It's been too long," said Visaelya.

Kirio was positively beaming. "Yes, it has. Please, come with me. We have so much to talk about!"

"Forgive me," said Itachi as he nodded at her Lieutenant, "but I believe that we're still owed a proper introduction."

Kirio's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, my, you're right! Hiyori, if you'd be so kind?"

The girl looked like she'd much rather not, but to Itachi's surprise she sucked it up and did as she was told. "Fine… I'm Hiyori Sarugaki, Lieutenant of Squad Twelve. Don't bother introducing yourselves; I already know who you are."

Kirio patted her on the shoulder. "There, was that so hard?"

Hiyori rolled her eyes. "Am I done, Captain?"

Kirio giggled. "I suppose you can take a break since I've been working you so hard today. I expect you to be back within half an hour, though, all right?"

Hiyori nodded. "All right."

She shot one last glare at Itachi and Visaelya before leaving the booth. Meanwhile, Kirio motioned for Itachi and Visaelya to follow her.

"I'm sorry about that," she said, "Hiyori's a gifted Lieutenant, but I'm afraid she gets rather impatient with other people."

"Did we do something to offend her?" asked Visaelya, "She seemed hostile from the moment she laid eyes on us."

Kirio sighed. "I'm afraid that might be my fault. Hiyori's still a bit sore about how you two and Jiraiya got to come with us on the expedition to the barrow last year while she was left behind on barracks duty."

"Is her personality part of the reason why you ordered her to remain in the Seireitei?" asked Itachi.

"Most of the reason, actually," Kirio admitted, "She's the jealous type, and I didn't want her trying to scare you off during the mission."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow as they came to a stop at the back end of the chamber. "What would she have to be jealous of? She's a Lieutenant; we're just students. Regardless of our abilities, it's not like we can compete with her on anywhere close to an even playing field based on where we stand right now."

Kirio gave them a surprisingly sheepish smile. "It's actually something a bit more… childish than that. You see, she's originally from the Rukon District, and a rather poor section of it at that. She never really knew her parents, so when she came to my division I wound up becoming something of a motherly figure to her. As a result, I'm afraid she gets rather agitated whenever my attention becomes focused on someone else… as it has been on you gifted students in the leadup to today's festivities."

Itachi nodded. "I see."

Visaelya shrugged. "Well, she'd better find a way to get over it. This is the recruitment exhibition, so it's only natural that her Captain would have her eyes elsewhere."

"I'll talk to her later," said Kirio, "I know she comes across as abrasive and rude, but Hiyori's quite competent as an officer. She's very skilled in the arts of Hakuda and Zanjutsu, although her temper can be a liability there if a foe's intelligent enough to exploit it. She also has more than her share of field experience, and while it's true that I left her behind for the expedition to the barrow she's got plenty of other missions under her belt. Enough about her for now, though; that's hardly why the two of you are here, after all."

She smiled again as she spread her arms in a grand encompassing gesture. "Welcome to the exhibit of Squad Twelve! Squad Two might be the eyes and ears and knives in the dark of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, Squad Four may patch our wounds, and other divisions provide the brute strength, but we are the inquisitive mind of the Seireitei! We seek ever to expand upon the collective knowledge of the Soul Society, for it is only in understanding the world around us that we are best able to protect it!"

"That's quite a mission statement," said Itachi.

Visaelya smirked. "You certainly don't lack for pride in your division, Captain Hikifune."

Kirio laughed. "Maybe it was a bit much, but I just can't help it! There's so much that we do for the Soul Society that a venue like the recruitment exhibition just feels like an insufficient way to really get the point across. There's so little time, and I'm only allowed a handful of resources and subordinates for this event. I suppose the best way to make up for those deficiencies is through unbridled enthusiasm."

Visaelya looked around the chamber. "Your display's certainly an interesting one. It really feels more like a hall for knowledge and learning than an exhibit for a group that's part of a military organization."

"Uniqueness is vital in a setting like this," Kirio reminded her, "We can't compete with Squad Ten's mascot for sheer shock value, so I designed our display to appeal to recruits that lean more towards the intellectual side of serving the Soul Society. So far, I'd say that it's working out quite well."

"It's a well-conceived setup," said Itachi, "but there's more to Squad Twelve than just being the scholars of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; the expedition last year was proof enough of that."

Kirio grinned. "Ah, I knew you were a sharp one, Itachi! Yes, we're far more than just a bunch of academics, and our Zanpakutō aren't just for show. While maintaining the largest archives in the Seireitei is an important function of ours, we have our share of field duties, and many of those are rather unique when compared with the tasks set to other divisions."

"Like the barrow expedition," Visaelya commented, "Squad Two might've helped, but Squad Twelve was basically running the show."

Kirio nodded. "Yes, that's a superb example. Yoruichi's one of my favorite Captains to work with on cooperative ventures such as those; she recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of all parties involved, and she adapts her tactics accordingly. Her division's talent for scouting and stealth makes Squad Two an invaluable partner for our endeavors, although we do of course maintain working relationships with the other divisions. We can't rely just on one of our fellow squads for support, after all."

"Who else do you typically partner with?" asked Itachi.

"Squads Six, Eight, Nine and Thirteen when Squad Two's unavailable," Kirio replied, "Other divisions we'll work with to a lesser extent if we're pressed. If I had to pick a least favorite, it'd definitely be Squad Eleven. Too much brawn and too little brains, although Captain Starmont is something of an exception when compared to the bulk of his subordinates. At the very least, he has enough mental capacity to recognize that we're more than just a bunch of bookworms, which is far more than can be said for the rest of Squad Eleven."

Visaelya sighed. "That's rather shameful when one considers that Captain Starmont is from one of the Five Great Noble Houses. He should give the men and women under his command a better appreciation for the values of scholarship within the Thirteen Court Guard Squads."

Kirio shook her head. "It can't be helped. Squad Eleven's focus is purely physical combat, after all. They serve their purpose just as we serve ours. That's all there is to it."

"If that's the case, then perhaps you could elaborate further on the purpose of Squad Twelve," said Itachi, "Apart from barrows of the old kingdom, what else do your field teams seek out in the expanses of The Wild and beyond?"

Kirio smiled. "Fist and foremost, knowledge of our enemies. In that respect, we're not so different from Squad Two, but while Yoruichi's division combines scouting with precision stealth strikes, Squad Twelve performs in-depth studies. Many members of my division perform what might be closer to nature observations for learning about Hollows. As intelligent as they can be, many of their behavioral patterns are closer to animals than that of humans. By suppressing our spiritual pressure and taking advantage of the environment, we can keep a low profile as we take detailed notes regarding the habits of Hollows. Their feeding patterns, territorial rivalries, how they hunt, where they seek refuge when they're not fleeing to Hueco Mundo; records on all these behaviors and much more are kept in our archives, and we expand upon them with every trip out into the field."

"Observation's all well and good," said Visaelya, "but what about direct engagement? Squad Twelve does have combat potential, right?"

Kirio nodded. "Yes. Direct combat may not be our primary mission, but every Soul Reaper I dispatch on field missions is capable of defending themselves. We'll support the divisions we work with when it comes to eliminating Hollows, although our assignments are not typically centered around such work. We also conduct the occasional Konsō mission, particularly in the wake of large battles or natural disasters in the Realms of the Living."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. "Speaking of the Realms of the Living, what role does Squad Twelve have to play there beyond the roles you've already mentioned?"

Kirio grinned. "I'm glad you asked! Squad Twelve's records are not just focused on Hollows or the ancient history of the Soul Society; we're keen to learn as much as possible about the various Realms of the Living. In particular, we focus on determining which ones Hollows tend to favor and helping the Thirteen Court Guard Squads devise means to keep them in check, although we have other interests as well."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"The location and observation of mediums, for one," Kirio replied, "The Quincy that were once prominent in the major Realm of the Living known as Terra are just one example of such beings that can be found. It's vitally important for the Soul Society to keep track of all such individuals and orders, both to monitor prospective allies and also to keep abreast of potential threats."

Itachi nodded. "The method in which the Quincy exterminated Hollows removed them completely from the flow of souls, right?"

"Yes," said Kirio, "As I'm sure you know, if their form of Hollow hunting continued on a large scale for a prolonged period of time, this would eventually result in an imbalance of souls between the Soul Society and Terra. Even if Terra is only one Realm of the Living, its massive population when compared to other Realms means that what happens there often has major consequences for the greater Web of Worlds and the stability of the afterlife. In the case of the Quincy, their utter extinguishing of Hollows instead of the cleansing that Soul Reapers perform with Zanpakutō had the potential to disrupt the flow of souls to the point as to invite the apocalypse. This threat was dealt with, although the extreme measures taken are justifiably a source of controversy even to this day, despite the gravity of the situation at the time. Anyway, that's why the study of mediums in the Realms of the Living is so important; it's crucial for us to determine if there are others like the Quincy who could pose a long-term threat to the balance of the Web of Worlds."

"Or, alternatively, find much needed allies," Visaelya pointed out, "From what I've learned over the past six years, the Thirteen Court Guard Squads could certainly use all the help that we can get."

Kirio smiled. "As I mentioned earlier, that is one of the reasons why we're so keen to track mediums. Oftentimes we get initial reports courtesy of our friends in Squad Two, but it's Squad Twelve that will then conduct the follow-up investigations. If friendly contact and relations can be established then naturally we strongly make the recommendation to the Soul Society to do so. Of course, the final decision on that matter rests with the Head Captain."

Suspicion wormed its way through Itachi's mind. "And if the Head Captain deems any newly discovered mediums to be a threat?"

Squad Twelve's Captain gave him a grim look. "Then they are dealt with accordingly."

"Even if they've displayed no hostile intentions towards the Soul Society?" asked Visaelya nervously.

Kirio sighed. "I know it sounds cold, but the balance of souls comes before everything else. When the very fabric of existence is at stake, harsh measures are unfortunately sometimes necessary."

"Does Squad Twelve take an active role in carrying out these measures?" asked Itachi.

Kirio shook her head. "No. That's typically left to the combat divisions. We are not innocent in such matters, though. After all, we do supply the information that they act upon. I will not whitewash affairs like these; they're brutal, distasteful, and sometimes downright monstrous, but given the stakes we can't afford to leave things to chance. Oftentimes a snap decision has to be made if the threat is severe enough… or if it has the potential to someday become a severe threat."

Visaelya shuddered. "How often do these situations come about nowadays?"

"Thankfully, much less now than in the past," Kirio replied, "The final campaign against the Quincies was over fifty years ago, and we were thorough. The mediums that we've discovered and monitored since then have all been little more than men and women with a modest bit of spirit energy dabbling with their powers. They're harmless enough, and in fact we try to take steps to protect them from Hollows where we can. After all, mediums are quite appetizing to those beasts, and devouring even one can considerably boost a Hollow's strength, so we have a vested interest in keeping them off the menu."

Itachi's brow furrowed in thought. "Have you ever found any of these mediums in the Shinobi World?"

Kirio smiled. "Looking at your home Realm of the Living in a new light with all that you've learned since arriving here? To tell you the truth, we don't make it out much that way, and we really need to change that. I did some digging through the archives after I found out that you and Jiraiya were from there, and I was able to uncover a few reports of beings who appeared capable of detecting Hollows and spiritual beings like Soul Reapers. There weren't nearly as many as those found in other worlds, which was rather surprising when considering the kind of power the energy people of that Realm call chakra can grant."

Itachi was curious. "Were there any common factors that tied them together?"

"You mean beyond their ability to see spiritual beings?" asked Kirio, "Not particularly. They were all spread out over disparate areas, belonging to different cultures and practicing varying beliefs. Although…."

Itachi immediately seized upon her hesitation. "What is it?"

"A few reports mentioned something rather specific," she said, "The time between them was considerable, so I didn't connect them at first, but looking back I think that was rather sloppy."

"What are you talking about?" asked Visaelya.

"One account was several centuries old," Kirio answered, "Another was much more recent… in fact, it was actually dated around the time that you first came to the Soul Society, Itachi."

Itachi raised an eyebrow. "What did these accounts mention?"

"They spoke of two clearly separate and distinct individuals," Kirio replied, "The similarities were thus; strikingly high levels of the energy known as chakra, and strange eyes."

A chill went down Itachi's spine; the detail would be crucial, and he had to know for sure. "What did they look like?"

"According to the reports, they were purple," said Kirio, "Much more interesting than the color, though, was the fact that within them were ripple-like patterns surrounding the pupils. It was such an odd description that I actually had to go back through the reports to make sure I was reading them right. Even now, it's still very strange to picture eyes like those."

Itachi nodded, his mind racing with this new information. "Yeah… I can imagine what your subordinates felt when they saw them."

Kirio's eyes narrowed. "You know what they encountered, don't you?"

"I do," said Itachi firmly, "A very rare form of eyes in the Shinobi World. In fact, they were once believed to be no more than legends among my people."

"What was it?" asked Visaelya.

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment. "The Rinnegan."

Kirio's brow furrowed. "The Rinnegan, hm? That's the first I've heard of that term."

"That's not surprising," said Itachi, "Like I said, it was rare enough that it was once thought of as nothing more than a myth. Suffice to say that it grants extraordinary power to whoever has it; the ability to see spiritual beings with those eyes would not be beyond the realm of possibility."

Kirio nodded. "I see. If you know what these eyes are called, then would it be a stretch to assume that you might know the beings who had them?"

"One of them, at the very least," said Itachi, "The being from the more recent report; was it a man with orange hair?"

"Yes," said Kirio, "My subordinate was, naturally, focused more on the eyes, but he did make minimal notes regarding the being's physical appearance, and orange hair was a part of it."

Itachi nodded. "I thought so. He was a colleague of mine when I was alive. He was incredibly dangerous; your subordinate did well just to recover the information they were able to gather and escape with their life."

Kirio sighed. "Unfortunately, that was all about all we were able to do. I tried to send others back out to actually establish contact, but every time they attempted to get close they perceived an unspoken threat coming from those eyes and kept their distance. This man didn't appear to be acting in a manner that posed a threat to the balance of souls, so at the time we didn't feel any need for further follow-up. Perhaps that was a mistake."

"What was this man's name, Itachi?" asked Visaelya.

"When originally I knew him, it was as 'Pain'," Itachi replied, "That wasn't his real name, though. I believe it was actually Nagato."

"Interesting," said Kirio, "Was he a Shinobi like you and Jiraiya once were?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes… one of the most dangerous in the world. In fact… he's the one that killed Jiraiya, and was once a pupil of his."

Visaelya's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"Completely," said Itachi, "Jiraiya will definitely want to know that you encountered him, even if it was only briefly. I'll pass the word along to him later. Have there been any sightings of him in the Soul Society?"

Kirio raised an eyebrow. "You believe he's passed on since we last saw him in the Shinobi World?"

"I do," said Itachi, "When I was temporarily revived, the ninja who did so had me under the same spell as Nagato; he'd died his first death some time after my initial arrival to the Soul Society, although I didn't realize this until the soul fracture was healed. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say that Nagato's revival was undone before my own, and I witnessed his second passing."

Technically, that wasn't entirely accurate; Itachi had stabbed Nagato with his Susanoo's Sword of Totsuka, which had restored the young man's consciousness before supposedly sealing him away in a realm of drunken dreams for all eternity. Given what he had learned about the afterlife since his passing, though, Itachi had to wonder if that was what Nagato's ultimate fate had truly been.

The Sword of Totsuka is a spirit weapon, although it is quite unlike those we found in the barrow of the old kingdom, he mused, When I died the second time, what happened to the souls that were trapped in the gourd? It was bound to my Susanoo, but since I passed on to the Soul Society for good, my Susanoo should've died with me. The souls in the gourd… perhaps they were released into the Soul Society upon my final passing. Whether that is for good or ill, though, is something I cannot say for sure…

"I see," said Kirio, "Well, I've heard nothing regarding anyone in the Soul Society matching this man's description, but that's not surprising given just how vast it is. Even someone with a feature as distinctive as this 'Rinnegan' would be difficult to track down."

Visaelya rubbed her chin in thought. "What about the older report that you mentioned earlier? The one that goes back several centuries?"

Kirio sighed. "Beyond the description of the eyes, I'm afraid there wasn't much to go on. Unfortunately, whoever was running Squad Twelve at that time wasn't as careful with records maintenance as other Captains of the division have been; the parchment was faded, and despite restoration efforts there's only so much we can do to make poorly cared for documents legible."

Several centuries ago, Itachi thought, I wonder… the timing combined with the eyes...

"The Sage of Six Paths…" he muttered, more to himself than to his companions, "Is it possible?"

Kirio looked puzzled. "Sage of Six Paths? Who's that?"

"A historical figure in the Shinobi World," said Itachi, "Actually, 'legendary' might be a better term for it. The Rinnegan was first associated with him, and it was said that he was responsible for the creation of the Shinobi World in the first place."

Visaelya's eyes widened. "Wait, so he was some sort of god to your Realm of the Living?"

Itachi shook his head. "Not entirely. The world itself had already existed before he came along, so to think of him as some creator deity would be a mistake. Rather, it was he who first spread the teachings that allowed humanity to manipulate chakra, and that could be considered the root of the Shinobi World that Jiraiya, Shisui and I lived in. Supposedly, his power was extraordinary, thanks in no small part to the Rinnegan. That's actually part of why the Rinnegan was considered a myth for such a long time; there had been a long-running debate in the Shinobi World about whether the figure who had wielded it was historical fact or something that our ancestors had come up with in some past story to explain the founding of the ninja arts."

"Fascinating," said Kirio, "What side of the debate were you on, Itachi?"

"I didn't pay it much mind," Itachi replied, "At least, not until I met Nagato. After learning that the Rinnegan was in fact real, I had to reconsider many previous assumptions. Looking back on it all now, it wouldn't surprise me if the Sage of Six Paths was real… and if the timing of that report you mentioned is any indication, then I believe that the bearer of the Rinnegan that Soul Reaper spotted might actually have been him."

"If that spotting was several centuries ago, then this sage must've passed on long ago, regardless of how powerful he was in your Realm of the Living," said Visaelya, "A being that strong in life would likely be power in death as well. Wouldn't the Soul Society have picked up on someone like that before now?"

"Not necessarily," Kirio countered, "Remember just how much ground there is to cover here. The Rukon District alone is impossible to patrol thoroughly due to its sheer size, and that's not even getting into The Wild. If this sage has not been found in the Soul Society, there are plenty of logical explanations for why that might be."

Itachi nodded. "That's true. If he wanted to be found, I imagine that would've happened by now. Either he's vanished on purpose, or perhaps his spirit's already gone back into the flow of souls and he's been reincarnated in the Shinobi World again."

Kirio shrugged. "It's all academic in the end, really. As fascinating as this topic might be, it's not why the two of you are here today."

Visaelya smiled. "You're right. It might be interesting, but it's only related to one aspect of your division. I'm sure that there are many unique mediums scattered throughout the Realms of the Living."

"Exactly," said Kirio, "If you join Squad Twelve, you'd have a chance to help us learn more about them. Hard to say no to thrill of discovery, isn't it?"

"That seems to be the spirit of Squad Twelve as whole," said Itachi, "Discovering new insights into the world around us. Would I be wrong?"

Kirio shook her head. "Nope, you've hit the nail right on the head. Glory in combat is not our way, but there is far more prestige in the acquisition of knowledge than the other divisions would have you believe. You two are exceptionally bright; I didn't need our field trip last year to know that. Your grades are clear indicators that you appreciate the value of scholarship in addition to the combat training you were given at the Academy. I cannot force you to decide on one particular path, but I can say that Squad Twelve would welcome both of you with open arms... and respectable starting positions."

Visaelya smirked. "Well, if that means offers will be coming our way before the day's done, then the very least we can do is take them into consideration."

"Agreed," said Itachi, "If nothing else, it's intriguing."

That was more for the sake of politeness than anything else; his mind was more or less made up by this point as to which division he wanted to join. Still, Itachi had to admit that the life of a scholar was an interesting alternative path.

Perhaps in another lifetime, he mused, I hope you can forgive me for turning you down this time, Captain Hikifune.

Kirio smiled. "Well, as much as I'd love to snap the two of you up right here and now, I've no right to pull you into my division without giving you the chance to examine the rest. Go out there and explore some more; the recruitment festival is a banquet of knowledge in its own right for students such as yourselves, and you should feast until you've had your fill!"


Moving along at his own relaxing pace, Jiraiya had initially been indecisive as to which division he wanted to visit next. Squads Four and Eight had been the ones at the top of his list, and while he certainly wanted to check out the others he didn't have a particular order in mind. Squad Two would definitely be soon, not for the very least because it would give him a chance to visit the lovely Yoruichi and likely the feisty Soi-Fon as well, but he wanted to spice things up with a new division first.

And there was one that had caught his eye; Squad Eleven.

The division's display in and of itself was impressive, if not exactly original. Two rows of six stone columns had been set up, each topped with an iron granite bowl that housed a smoldering fire. The columns themselves had images engraved upon them, most of which were of warriors clashing with either each other or with Hollows in scenes of epic battle. Runes that reminded him of the Andunayan barrow were carved beneath them, and Jiraiya assumed they provided some context to the images. While he was mildly curious as to the history behind them, that was easily eclipsed by his interest in the exhibit's occupants

At the center, of course, was Squad Eleven's Captain; the ninth Kenpachi, Torrence Starmont. Although it was customary for every Squad Eleven Captain to replace their first name with the title of Kenpachi, it was rather difficult for this one to do so given that he was also the eldest son and heir of the Starmont Clan, the Great Noble House that ruled the far north of the Soul Society. Jiraiya had heard that his subordinates used the traditional title for him, but outside the confines of the division the man's name largely depended on who was addressing him. Naming aside, there was little doubt that the man was very much the image of both a rugged northern noble and the indomitable leader of Squad Eleven. Tall and very well built, with musculature that had been enhanced and refined through both rigorous training and heated battle, his appearance lent no doubt that he was first and foremost a warrior. His dark brown hair was long and, while groomed, still had a bit of a wild look to it, like it was less the mane of a man and more the untamed fur of a bear or wolf. His grey eyes had a fierce light in them, as if they were constantly searching for something to test his mettle against. The Zanpakutō that hung at his side was longer than most, taking on in its sealed state the form of a great ōdachi with grey and blue hilt wrapping and a silver guard with wolves engraved into it. His spiritual pressure was suppressed in order to avoid harming any of the students, but even then Jiraiya could sense its distinctive characteristics; hot and volatile, rather ironic given that it was the energy of one that hailed from a clan known for its harshly cold homeland.

While the Captain was naturally at the heart of the exhibit, it wasn't hard for Jiraiya to pick out his Lieutenant amongst the other Squad Eleven officers gathered there. Even more imposing than his direct superior, at least on a purely physical level, Gosuke Kiganjō was a mountain of a man. Broad with built-up muscle, his Soul Reaper robes were open enough at the front to reveal a large patch of thick black chest hair. His complexion was quite dark, and his brown eyes and black hair only reinforced it. He had two spiked piercings below his lips, and overall his appearance was quite rough; if Jiraiya had seen him out on the street, it would've been easy to mistake him for a thug rather than a Lieutenant of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. His spiritual pressure was considerable even when it was being suppressed, and Jiraiya had to wonder just how much of a gap there was between him and his Captain. The Zanpakutō he wore was an interesting one, with a thick open ring at the bottom of the handle, complete with a small red tassel and a golden circle engraved into it.

Next chapter