

I could very well be competing against the old man today, she thought as she went into a backflip before going into a series of kicks, punches and blocks, Old Man Yama can really make a hard sell if he's determined to scoop up a particular candidate. That kind of pressure's hard for a student to withstand, even an extremely gifted one. Itachi…

She wound down her practice routine a few minutes later. As she sheathed her blade she heard applause coming from the edge of the training yard. Turning in that direction, she saw that her observer was none other than her Third Seat.

Kisuke smiled as she approached him. "Looking good. Working out a little pent-up stress?"

Yoruichi had to laugh at that; her old friend knew her too well. "Something like that!"

Kisuke nodded. "Thought so. Today's the big day. You've been waiting a long time for this."

"You can say that again," Yoruichi replied, "How are things coming along on your end?"

"I think I've got everything we need," said Kisuke, "I'm not sure how it's going to compare to Rhaegon's pet, but if nothing else it should draw some attention our way."

Yoruichi smiled. "Well, as long as it looks flashy, that's usually enough to reel in the curious. We've got some tough competition, but as long as we can at least draw people over to our booth then that's half the battle won right there."

Kisuke chuckled. "You provide the power and the sales pitch, and I manage the gadgets that keep it running smoothly. Soi-Fon and a few others help round out the crowd on our end, and Ōmaeda will be stuck back here on barracks duty again. With a little luck, this should be a very productive exhibition."

"I sure hope so," said Yoruichi, "We've got a lot riding on this one."

Kisuke nodded. "That we do. You ready?"

Yoruichi grinned. "Yup! Let's do this!"


Sitting off to the side of the meal hall, Itachi was mildly amused at the excited gossip that was buzzing amongst his fellow students. They'd been ordered to gather there about an hour ago, but they'd been directed to follow a rather curious route, one that went completely around the main courtyard that typically offered the most direct path. There was only one reason for them to do so, of course; the Thirteen Court Guard Squads were making the final preparations for their exhibits, and the Academy faculty didn't want to spoil the surprise.

They would've been better off just having us all stay inside the dorms, he thought, although I suppose there are plenty of windows there that look out upon the courtyard, too. Still, they could've had us all gather in one of the common rooms there instead and simply covered up the windows until they were ready.

Next to him, Jiraiya stretched his arms. "Think they're just about ready for us? They've been hyping this up ever since finals ended, so I'm ready to get this show on the road!"

Visaelya nodded. "Agreed. I don't know what the Captains have planned, but surely it wouldn't require too much work to set up. After all, these are just advertisements for their divisions."

"They wish to maximize their chances of getting high-quality recruits," said Itachi, "Our class is quite promising based on what I've overheard from the Academy faculty."

Jiraiya smirked. "Tooting your own horn, Itachi? I thought you were subtler than that."

"It's just an observation," he replied, "You've surely picked up on it as well. If not, then I seriously have to question how you became one of the Legendary Sannin."

Jiraiya chuckled. "All right, I guess I walked into that one."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Are you two ever going to tell me what that really means? While I respect your privacy with regards to your past life, Itachi, you throw that title around quite often when it comes to Jiraiya. What is its significance?"

Itachi turned to the sage. "I suppose we've known her long enough. What do you think?"

Jiraiya smiled. "Why not? Today's a special occasion, so I guess there's no harm in imparting some wisdom on our friend here!"

"Very well, then," said Itachi, "You do it. You were one of the three, after all."

Jiraiya shrugged. "All right, then."

"Three?" said Visaelya as she glanced between Jiraiya and Itachi, "The way you speak, it sounds like you were not one of them, Itachi."

"That's correct," Itachi replied, "They belonged to an older generation."

Visaelya turned back to Jiraiya. "Care to elaborate?"

"We've certainly got the time on our hands," said Jiraiya, "It was me and two fellow students. A lovely woman by the name of Tsunade, and a… troubled but gifted man called Orochimaru."

'Troubled' would be a considerable understatement, Itachi mused, I wonder what Visaelya would think of the twisted deeds he got up to…

"Anyway, the three of us were the students of a man named Hiruzen Sarutobi," Jiraiya continued, "He was the Third Hokage of our village."

Visaelya raised an eyebrow. "Third Hokage? You've mentioned the term 'Hokage' before, although with different numbers prefacing it. Was he an important figure?"

Jiraiya nodded. "You could say that. The Hokage is the leader of the Village Hidden in the Leaves where Itachi and I are from. They're the head of the local government and also the commander-in-chief of the village's Shinobi. Think of the one who holds that rank as someone like the Head Captain… although I don't know if there's ever been a Hokage that could match Yamamoto for raw power."

"I see," said Visaelya, "What made the Third Hokage decide to take you three on as his personal students?"

Jiraiya chuckled. "You know, that was always something of a mystery me. Orochimaru was extraordinarily talented; considered the village genius of our generation at the time, so the Third taking an interest in him made sense. As for Tsunade, you couldn't find a more powerful Kunoichi anywhere in the world no matter how hard you tried. Even in her youth, she was pretty damn strong, not to mention her healing skills were incredible. I was simply the class goof-off, so it was a little odd how I got thrown into the mix there."

Visaelya smirked. "Nice to see that some things never change."

Jiraiya gave her a confident grin. "Hey, laugh it up if you want, but I earned my keep! All three of us became powerful under the Third's tutelage, and we were quite the team. We had our disagreements, almost constantly butted heads and eventually went our separate ways, but when we worked together… well, let's just say we made our mark on the world."

Visaelya nodded. "I'll take your word for it. When did the three of you officially become the Legendary Sannin?"

"During the Second Shinobi World War," he replied, "Our team had been officially dissolved prior, but due to the scale of the conflict we continued to work together. We were a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield… but there was one man who proved himself to be our match."

Visaelya's eyes widened slightly. "Really? Who was this?"

"Hanzō of the Salamander," said Jiraiya, "He was the leader of the Village Hidden in the Rain. His nation was relatively small, and it was unfortunately stuck between three of what were known as the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Due to its position it had the rotten luck of serving as a battleground during the Second Shinobi World War. Even if his nation was small, though, Hanzō was no pushover. He was so powerful and skilled that he was able to take on all three of us. In fact, it was all Orochimaru, Tsunade and I could do just to survive his attacks. He had us beaten, but the fact that we were all still standing was enough for him to dub us the Hidden Leaf's Legendary Sannin. The name stuck. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of us. That battle against Hanzō was the last time the three of us fought together as a team."

"What happened afterwards?" asked Visaelya.

Jiraiya sighed. "Of the three of us, the war hit Tsunade the hardest; she lost both her brother and the man she loved. Although she made invaluable contributions to the village with her skills in the healing arts, she just couldn't continue on with being a Shinobi after confronting such a profound and personal tragedy. She left the village and the path of the Shinobi after the war. With all that she had to go through, I can't say that I blame her."

Visaelya nodded somberly. "I see. What about the man you called Orochimaru?"

Jiraiya shook his head, his expression grim. "Orochimaru… he was incredibly gifted, but there was always something off with him. I think the root of it was the loss of his parents at a young age. He became obsessed with achieving immortality. At first it might've been out of the belief that if he could live long enough he'd be able to meet his parents again when the were reincarnated into the world. However, it eventually became something far worse; a twisted desire to understand all facets of ninjutsu and to prolong his own life no matter what the cost might be. He started conducting horrific experiments on people from the village, including his fellow Shinobi. His actions were eventually discovered and traced back to him, and he fled the village as a criminal wanted throughout the Shinobi World."

"And… yourself?" asked Visaelya hesitantly.

Jiraiya closed his eyes for a moment before answering. "I tried to stop Orochimaru from leaving the village. I wanted him to face justice and repent for the crimes he had committed, but he was too far gone. He escaped, and it was in no small part my fault that he did. Had I been able to stop him then, so much pain and suffering could've been avoided. It wasn't too long after that that I left the village myself. I suppose part of it was self-imposed exile. I did what I could to track Orochimaru's movements, along with those of a newly formed criminal group that he temporarily hooked up with known as the Akatsuki."

He then turned to Itachi and smirked. "As it so happens, our class star was part of that organization."

Visaelya turned to Itachi, clearly taken aback by this revelation. "Wait a second… you were a criminal, Itachi?"

It wasn't a label that Itachi would deny, given what he had done in his past life, but the truth wasn't quite so clear cut. "Yes, but it's not as simple an affair as you might think."

She looked like she wanted to press the matter further, but before she could do so a murmur went through the rest of the assembled students. Itachi and his companions turned to see that one of the Academy instructors had entered the meal hall.

Looks like it's finally time, he thought, I wonder what awaits us out there…

The instructor cleared his throat before addressing the assembled students. "I want you all to listen very carefully. The next four hours will consist of the public phase of the recruitment exhibition. Feel free to visit all the booths set up by the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and ask any questions that you wish. This is also your last big chance to make a favorable impression upon the Captains, so make sure your conduct is appropriate. At any time during the next four hours or afterwards, you may be approached by messengers or by one of the Captains themselves. If you are approached, pay close attention, for they will tell you when and where they wish to meet you to discuss their official recruitment offer. Messengers may approach you anytime between now and the end of the day, so even after the public phase is over you can still receive an offer."

"Seems straightforward enough," Jiraiya murmured.

The instructor paused, and to Itachi the man appeared a little apprehensive. "Also, do not approach Squad Ten's… mascot without express permission from Captain Drakken. Doing so will be a ticket to an early grave."

Visaelya actually smirked. "That's putting it mildly."

So, we'll finally get to see one of the legendary beasts of the Drakken Clan, he mused, I wonder if it'll measure up to Visaelya's boasting…

"As another warning," the instructor continued, "I would strongly advise not to openly stare at Squad Eleven's guest for too long, especially with regards to direct eye contact. That will be taken as a challenge, and it is one that I can assure you none of you would survive."

Itachi's eyes widened ever so slightly at that. The nature of the warning meant only one thing; Captain Starmont had somehow manage to bring on of his Great Noble House's northern allies down to the Seireitei for the exhibition.

A very powerful ally.

Visaelya seemed a bit taken aback as well. "No way… he actually summoned one for this?"

Jiraiya chuckled, and Itachi had a pretty good idea why. "Well, now… this should be interesting!"

That's one way to put it, he thought, I know you've got a thing for women who can kick your ass, Jiraiya, but if you don't keep it in check it could get you killed today…

That should be fun to watch, the spirit of his Zanpakutō chimed in, I do hope that you get us front row seats for that event.

I'm sure Jiraiya would appreciate the sentiment.

"Any offers that you receive must be replied to before the end of the day," said the instructors, "To facilitate this, representatives from each division will remain on campus after the public phase of the recruitment exhibition is complete. They will be here at the meal hall once the public phase ends, so feel free to seek them out. Also, any of you who do not receive an offer from one of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads need not worry; you will simply be assigned to a division based on personnel needs and your individual skills upon graduation. Do not rush this process. Take your time and carefully consider each division as you visit their Captains today. You all have passed your final exams, so even if you have not yet officially graduated from this institution, you may consider today to be the springboard for the start of your careers as Soul Reapers."

With that, he stepped aside and gestured to the doors behind him. "Now, it is time for this year's recruitment exhibition to get underway. Go out there and meet the Captains, and take your first steps into the world beyond this Academy!"

A day that has been far too long in coming. Will you keep up the pretense of exploring your options, or will you cut to the chase?

Itachi had to smirk at that. The spirit of his Zanpakutō knew exactly which division he wished to join, and after all this time there was no point in playing coy about it any longer.

Hers will be the first that I visit, and I'll make my intentions clear. However, there is no harm in at least checking out the other divisions afterwards. After all, we'll likely have to conduct operations with them at some point in the future. It would be good to at least have a general idea as to who our fellow divisions in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads are.

True enough. Well, there's no point in waiting around here any longer. Let's get this show on the road.

Itachi concurred, and joined the rest of his fellow students as they headed for the exits. There was a palpable eagerness coursing through the crowd, but Itachi restrained himself. The public event would last for four hours; there was plenty of time.

Jiraiya gave him a knowing smirk as they waited patiently for the bottleneck to ease up. "I'm surprised you're holding yourself back; there's a very lovely lady waiting for you out there, after all!"

"She's waited six years for this day," Itachi calmly replied, "A few more minutes won't hurt anyone."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Well, I'm all for being fashionably late, but don't overdo it. You only get so many chances to impress a beautiful woman, after all!"

"I'm surprised you get any at all, you oaf," Visaelya quipped at the sage.

Jiraiya put his palm to his chest in a gesture of exaggerated pain. "Oh, that's just harsh, little Miss Vissy!"

"My next barb will be worse if you call me that again," she replied.

Jiraiya held up his hands in surrender. "All right, all right! You can have this round."

Itachi couldn't help but smirk slightly as the three of them approached the doorway. "You two are as entertaining as ever. Might I suggest turning your energies towards the Captains instead, though? We do want to make good impressions, after all."

Visaelya gave an embarrassed smile. "Yes… I suppose we do."

Jiraiya grinned. "Do I even need to ask where you're going first, Itachi?"

"You can, but it would be a waste of your breath," said Itachi, "Feel free to go where you wish; I already know what my first stop will be."

Jiraiya nodded. "You know what, I think I'll do just that. I like the idea of checking out the other Captains at my own pace."

"If you don't mind, Itachi," Visaelya chimed in, "I wish to accompany you. I believe we both have the same initial destination in mind."

Itachi gave her a small smile; it looked like she was finally ready to make her big move. "If that's your desire, then I will not stop you."

"Thank you," she said before turning to Jiraiya again, "Try to stay out of trouble, Pervert Author, less Captain Unohana do us all a favor and relieve you of your wandering hands."

Jiraiya laughed. "Ooh, maybe she should be the Captain that I visit first! It's been a long time, after all. I need to make sure she still remembers me!"

"I highly doubt she's forgotten you," Itachi deadpanned, "You do have a way with women, after all."

Jiraiya chuckled. "Nice of you to notice, Itachi."

"I suppose Itachi and I will meet up with you when it's over," said Visaelya, "Best of luck, Jiraiya."

The sage nodded. "Same to you."

Jiraiya broke off from the rest of them as they stepped outside. Itachi hadn't exactly been sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't the sight that confronted him now. It might've been called an exhibition, but it almost had something more akin to a festival's atmosphere. The courtyard was dominated by the displays put up by each of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and it took a moment for Itachi properly orient himself in the sea of displays. Each was quite unique, with some much more prominent and jaw-dropping than others, and while he looked forward to studying each of them up close he was currently focused on finding just one in particular.

Visaelya seemed a bit surprised as well. "Oh, my… I'd heard that the Captains could get creative, but this… I've honestly no clue which one might belong to Squad Two. Any ideas?"

Itachi closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating instead on sensing spiritual pressure. It only took him a moment to find Yoruichi's distinctive presence, and when he opened his eyes he locked onto her exhibit.

"Right there," he said with a nod.

Visaelya's eyes widened slightly as she followed Itachi's gaze. "Oh, that's… interesting."

"That's one way to put it," he replied, "Shall we go say hello?"

It took a moment for Visaelya to reply; she was rather wrapped up in the display, and it was hard for Itachi to blame her. "Yes… let's do that."

It was certainly a distinctive one, there was no doubting that. While other Captains had apparently gone for either size, flare or a touch of the exotic, Yoruichi had apparently decided to embrace the element of shadow that came with the darker aspects of Squad Two and its connection to the Stealth Force. A strange mist enshrouded most of the display with the exception of the very front, and it was constantly shifting and writhing in a mix of dark blues and violets. Illumination was provided by a series of six columns with bowls of brilliant blue fire atop them, and Itachi realized that he could sense Yoruichi's spirit energy emanating from the flames.

She provided the power that gave life to them herself, he thought, much like how the flames that illuminated the barrow we explored last year were powered by the spirit energy of spell casters from the old kingdom. Fascinating…

At the center of the display was Yoruichi herself, sitting upon a stone chair that was covered in intricate and flowing runes. These runes glowed with spirit energy as well, and once again Itachi was reminded of the ancient Andunayan tomb. He could feel her power coming from the patterns emblazoned on the chair as well, a soft but clear reminder of both her strength and the incredible degree of control that she possessed. It wasn't just runes that decorated the chair she sat upon; sparks of white spirit energy danced along the back of it just over Yoruichi's head, almost providing a halo effect. The way the exhibit played with both light and shadow was most intriguing, and Itachi felt that it was rather fitting given the nature of the second division.

Yoruichi wasn't alone within the display. Standing to the right of her throne was Kisuke, while to the left was Soi-Fon. Shisui was close to the 'entrance', for want of a better term, and he also caught sight of Rija as well, along with a few other officers that he vaguely remembered from past field missions that Squad Two had taken students of the advanced track on.

The Captain grinned as the two of them approached. "The class ace and the daughter of the dragons, drawn here like moths to the flame… come on in. I don't bite… well, not unless you want me to, Itachi!"

He tried very hard to ignore the rush of heat that came to his face at that last part. Did she know that she had this effect on him? From the mischievous light gleaming in her golden eyes, he suspected he already knew the answer.

Kisuke chuckled. "What do you think of our little setup here?"

"It's very impressive," said Itachi as he and Visaelya stepped inside, "How did you put it all together?"

Kisuke smirked. "Hey, you know what they say; a good magician never reveals their tricks!"

"This can't just be all your doing, right, Captain Shihōin?" asked Visaelya, "I mean, I can feel your spirit energy coursing throughout this display, but…"

Yoruichi smiled. "You're wondering if the fog is a natural power of mine or something else? It's the latter. Let me put it this way; I'm providing the energy that sustains all this, while Kisuke worked up all the tricks that harness and channel it into the display that surrounds you."

"We knew that we couldn't compete with the likes of Squad Ten in a contest of raw power for grabbing attention," Shisui chimed in, "So we decided to play a different game. Squad Two's always had a bit of an air of mystery due to our involvement in espionage, scouting and security, so we felt we should play up that darker aspect of our division."

"You've certainly done so," said Visaelya as she looked around, "Some might be rather intimidated by the encompassing shadows of the mist."

Yoruichi smirked. "But you're not among them, right? Would that be your family pride speaking?"

Visaelya smiled confidently. "The Drakken Clan doesn't balk at shadows."

Yoruichi nodded. "Well said. Now then, what do you two say we get down to business?"

She snapped her fingers, and the dark mist moved to cover the entrance entirely. Now it was just the two students, Yoruichi and her subordinates, with only the flickering bowls of blue flame giving any sort of light. Studying Squad Two's Captain closely, Itachi felt that her demeanor was now akin to a jungle cat that had her prey in her sights.

"You two know more about my division than most students in your class, given the missions that we've taken you on," she said, "Still, one of the purposes of the recruitment exhibition is for us Captains to offer information so that bright pupils such as yourselves can make an informed decision once we start bombarding you with offers. Feel free to ask whatever's on your mind."

Itachi nodded, deciding to take the lead. "Very well, then. If we joined your division as Soul Reapers, how much overlap would our duties have with those of the Stealth Force?"

"As new recruits, it would initially be a bit limited," Rija answered, "Given the nature of the Stealth Force's mission profile, your assignments would only start to intersect with theirs once you've gained greater familiarity with the division and its responsibilities."

"We want you to be able to work well with the Stealth Force," Yoruichi added, "Cooperation is essential, and even though I command both the Stealth Force and Squad Two it can be difficult for members of both groups to work together if they don't fully understand each other. That's why you'll be given time after the official orientation to familiarize yourself with the inner workings of both organizations. Your superior officers, myself included, will do all we can to guide you through that period. It's definitely a different world when compared to other units, but it also means that many of our assignments are quite unique and offer challenges and chances to test yourself in ways that you wouldn't find in other divisions."

"I know that Squad Two oversees the Nest of Maggots prison," said Visaelya, "Technically its under the jurisdiction of the Stealth Force, but your Third Seat is also the Corps Commander of the Detention Unit, correct? Would we be called upon to aid there even though we wouldn't officially be members of the Stealth Force?"

Kisuke shrugged. "It depends. The two of you have superb Hakuda and Hohō scores, which are essential when it comes to working the Nest of Maggots. You'd be given an overview of the prison and the other facilities associated with the Detention Unit during your orientation, and you'd be expected to retain what you learn there should there be a crisis and we need you to act as reinforcements. Brand new Soul Reapers don't usually get called upon, though; we want you to build up a decent amount of experience before throwing you in there."

"The inmates of the Nest of Maggots are not to be trifled with," Soi-Fon cautioned, "They're extremely dangerous, and not just because of their crimes or the skills they possess. While within the prison they can move about freely and converse with the other inmates, but the nature of the Nest of Maggots is enough to drive all but the most disciplined prisoners to madness. That insanity can lead them to suddenly attacking Soul Reapers or members of the Stealth Force at a moment's notice, which is why Hakuda and Hohō are crucial areas of skill for anyone whose duties include the Nest of Maggots."

"An ironclad rule of that prison is that there are no weapons allowed for anyone who goes in there," said Yoruichi, her eyes narrowing, "There are no exceptions, even for me. Anyone who joins my division are required to keep their Hakuda skills as sharp as possible precisely because the Nest of Maggots is under our control, and I need everyone under my command to possess the abilities required to operate in such a dangerous environment."

"Being the jailkeepers of the Soul Society isn't exactly glamorous, but it is important work," Shisui pointed out, "By keeping the inmates confined we save lives just as surely as we do when we slay and purify Hollows."

"If you are asked to work the Nest of Maggots, it wouldn't be permanently," Rija added with a reassuring smile, "Wardens and guards are regularly rotated in order to avoid fatigue and burnout."

Yoruichi grinned. "If we're being honest here, I wouldn't be recruiting you guys just to turn you into my newest jailkeepers. The kind of talent you two have is best put to use out in the field, and that's where I want you! I may let Kisuke borrow you from time to time to help out the Detention Unit once I know that you can handle it, but it would only be on a temporary basis."

"What would our field work consist of?" asked Itachi, "The missions we did with you as students gave us a good look at some of Squad Two's operations, but I imagine that there's far more to it than the glimpse we got."

Yoruichi nodded. "You're right about that. I know you two have already gotten a good overview of our duties; in addition to the usual Hollow hunting, we're the eyes and ears of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads out in the field. Scouting missions in The Wild and the Realms of the Living are a regular occurrence for us, so you'll pick up plenty of reconnaissance work. Along with tracking and slaying Hollows, we also hunt down criminals, and you would be working with the Stealth Force for operations like that."

"We also tend to get more unusual assignments than other divisions," said Kisuke, "That expedition to the barrow in the north was a good example of that. Helping Squad Twelve with surveying and updating official charts and maps of the Soul Society isn't unheard of for us, especially since our members tend to excel at rapid movement. We also do extended patrols out in The Wild to keep tabs on the movements of known bandit tribes to make sure they don't consolidate and become a serious threat."

"In some cases, we'll be called upon to infiltrate those tribes for the purposes of intelligence gathering and sabotage," Shisui chimed in, "Assassinating leaders, burning food supplies, destroying weapons; you name it, we do it."

Rija nodded. "We're not just another sword for the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; we're the knife that they use for their dirty work. We seek out threats and nip them in the bud through whatever means necessary."

Not unlike the Anbu black ops, thought Itachi, I'll be more at home in Squad Two than I could ever have imagined before starting my education here…

"Speaking of seeking out threats, that includes internal ones as well, right?" asked Visaelya as she turned to Shisui, "When we were exploring the Andunayan barrow, you mentioned that Squad Two often works with the Stealth Force to police the Seireitei. As new recruits, would be asked to partake in such operations?"

"On a case by case basis," Shisui replied cautiously, "The Seireitei's a whole different kind of jungle than what you'd find out in The Wild or the Realms of the Living."

Yoruichi nodded. "He's not wrong. The Seireitei may be the heart of our civilization, but don't let that fool you; policing it can be just as dangerous as hunting down Hollows or marauders beyond the Rukon District. After all, in here your opponents are much more likely to be your fellow Soul Reapers. They know the terrain just like you and have had the same education, not to mention they'll all have their own Zanpakutō."

She leaned forward and clasped her hands in front of her with a dark look in her eyes. "Since the internal security of the Seireitei is such a serious responsibility, should you join Squad Two you will also be given additional training in how best to take down your fellow Soul Reapers, and here's a hint; it won't be through honorable combat. The other divisions know this, and their members often harbor more than a hint of resentment towards us for that. We don't fight clean; we can't afford to when it's the safety and security of the Soul Society at risk. You'll learn every dirty trick you can think of and a good deal more besides, and you will be expected to use them should the need arise."

Itachi nodded; he'd expected as much, and it wasn't all that difference from what the Uchiha Clan had once done in their role as the Leaf Village Military Police Force. "Understood."

He glanced at Visaelya, and to her credit she did not seem daunted by what Yoruichi was describing. "Of course. The protection of the Soul Society must come first. Our personal honor is a secondary concern."

Yoruichi gave an approving smile. "Impressive. I expected as much from you, Itachi, but you, Visaelya… you're full of surprises today. I definitely like you more than your uncle, that's for sure! He's too prideful to truly appreciate our duties like you do. Are you sure you're a Drakken and not a long-lost Shihōin?"

Visaelya returned her smile. "While I'm sure it would be an honor to be counted amongst the members of your clan, Captain Shihōin, my blood is that of the dragons."

"Maybe," Yoruichi replied, "but your mind is something else. I think you might take to our kind of work much more naturally than any other member of your family ever could."

"I would be honored to be given the chance to prove you correct," said Visaelya.

Yoruichi grinned. "Interesting…"

"Did either of you have any additional questions?" asked Soi-Fon.

Itachi nodded. "Yes. Do Squad Two and the Stealth Force patrol the Rukon District in addition to the Seireitei, The Wild, and the Realms of the Living?"

Yoruichi gave him a thoughtful look. "We do, yes. After all, since it surrounds the Seireitei its important to keep tabs on developments there."

"Do you maintain records of particular groupings or communities within the Rukon District?" Itachi asked.

Yoruichi leaned forward again. "Yes, and should you join our ranks you would have access to them."

The light in her eyes was all Itachi needed to know that she had an idea as to why he was pursuing this line of inquiry. It wasn't surprising; he knew that Shisui took the time to patrol the Rukon District in an effort to track down other members of the Uchiha Clan, and it was likely that Yoruichi at least suspected what her Tenth Seat was doing out there.

"That being said," she continued with a smirk, "should you be assigned any Rukon District patrols, you would be expected to make sure that the mission remains your priority. I'm not opposed to you surveying the Rukon District out of personal interest, but I do expect you to maintain your professionalism and accomplish your assigned objectives."

Itachi gave a very small smile; she'd all but given him permission to join Shisui in searching for traces of their clan should he join Squad Two, and that was all the more reason for him to sign up as quickly as possible. "I understand. I can assure you that I would be able to maintain my focus and complete such missions successfully."

Yoruichi grinned. "I never doubted that for a moment. Any other questions?"

Visaelya nodded. "Yes. Forgive me if this sounds premature, but how soon would we be given opportunities for advancement?"

Yoruichi chuckled. "My, my, someone's eager to start moving up the ranks!"

Visaelya gulped nervously. "Forgive me, I just…"

Yoruichi laughed. "Oh, lighten up! I don't mind the question. I'm actually kind of surprised it took you this long to ask it. As for the answer, your rate of advancement will be determined by a few different factors. Skill's obviously an important one, but there's also the matter of how soon new positions open up in the ranks above you. There's a fair amount of personnel turnover throughout the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, what with promotions, transfers, leaves of absence, and of course unfortunate deaths in the line of duty. Work hard and show me what you're made of, and you'll have a fair shot at climbing the ladder!"

She leaned back and stretched. "That being said, there's a general rule across the Thirteen Court Guard Squads; the ranks of Fifteenth Seat and above are typically reserved for those who have unlocked their Shikai. There are a few exceptions, but they don't come up very often. If you want to move up the ranks, the fastest way to do so is to deepen the bond between you and your Zanpakutō. Once you unleash your Shikai, you'll find a whole new world of opportunities opening up before you."

Visaelya nodded. "I see. Thank you for your time, Captain Shihōin. This has been very informative."

"Yes," said Itachi as he met Yoruichi's gaze, "I'm now surer than ever just which division I wish to join."

It was as clear a message as he could offer to Squad Two's Captain, and she grinned in response. "Glad to hear it! Still, don't be afraid to check out the displays that the other divisions are putting on. This is your only chance to experience the recruitment exhibition as students, after all, so have some fun and make the most of it!"

Visaelya smiled. "Of course. I'm honored by the time you've given us today Captain Shihōin… and should I prove worthy of your consideration, I eagerly await your offer."

Yoruichi smirked. "Not exactly subtle, but I like someone who's confident enough to lay their cards out on the table. You'll be hearing from me sooner than you might think, Visaelya. Same goes for you, Itachi!"

She snapped her fingers, and the mist behind them receded to reveal the entrance again. "Now, go out there and enjoy yourselves! Captain's orders!"

Shisui gave them a friendly smile. "It was good seeing you two again. I'll come find you both in a little while, so don't stray too far!"

Itachi gave his friend a nod. "I'll be looking forward to it."

"Yes," said Visaelya, and Itachi couldn't help but notice the slight blush that came to her face, "Same here, Tenth… I mean, Shisui."

As the two of them left Squad Two's exhibit, Visaelya turned to Itachi. "So, where next?"

Itachi shrugged. "I have no plans. I was assuming you'd want to check out your uncle's division, but if you want to inspect another's exhibit instead that works for me."

Visaelya nodded. "Squad Ten sounds good. Let's go."

He gave one last look over his shoulder at Squad Two's Captain. Some new students had entered her division's exhibit, but before the mist moved to conceal them Yoruichi gave Itachi a wink and a smile. He nodded in return. His intentions were clear, as was her invitation.

I'll pay the others a visit, but at this point it's little more than a formality.

Good, the spirit of his Zanpakutō chimed in, I can't imagine a better division for us.

Glad we're on the same page.


As fascinating as the displays of each division appeared, there had never been any doubt in Jiraiya's mind as to which one he'd visit first. It had been far too long since he'd laid eyes on Squad Four's lovely Captain, so even if he didn't consider himself to be cut from the healer's cloth he was still determined to check it out if for no other reason than to speak with the division's beautiful leader.

Not for the first time, he idly wondered what would've happened had Squad Four's Captain met Tsunade. Two incredibly gifted healers who were also powerful fighters and gorgeous women to boot? If nothing else, they'd probably have more than their fair share of jokes to make at his expense!

The chakra that Tsunade's build up over the years, combined with her skills in the healing arts, means that it will likely be many more years before she finally passes on to the Soul Society, he thought with a smile, I hope that's the case, at least. As much as I might want to see her again, she deserves as much time as possible in the Realms of the Living. In the meantime, I've got another powerful woman that I can work my charms on!

The Academy courtyard was filled with the spiritual pressure of the Captains to a point that it was almost suffocating, even though Jiraiya was sure that they were still suppressing the bulk of their power. Even so, it was relatively easy for him to pick out Unohana amidst the ambient spirit energy. Hers was a most unique presence; calm and soothing, yet with an undercurrent of steel… and a hint of something darker just beneath that. Jiraiya couldn't quite put his finger on what that might be, and it made her all the more intriguing to him.

Her division's exhibit wasn't as flashy or exotic as those of her fellow Captains, but it had a certain simple elegance and tranquility to it that he found to be quite appealing. A light blue banner was suspended by two poles overhead, with the words 'Squad Four' emblazoned upon it in black characters, and the writing was surrounded by a white embroidery pattern that looked like the gentle waves of the ocean. The division's insignia was the bellflower, and many pots filled with these blue-violet flowers created a beautiful perimeter around the display. Sitting on a simple yet quite comfortable looking cushion in the center of the exhibit was the Captain herself, a beacon of gentleness and serenity in the lively courtyard. Her Lieutenant, whom Jiraiya recognized thanks to his visits to the Squad Four barracks during the soul fracture incident with Itachi, was seated just to the left behind her.

There was another figure that was on a cushion to the right behind Unohana, a woman that Jiraiya had not seen before. She was unusually tall, at least six feet if Jiraiya had to guess, and had friendly if slightly nervous grey eyes that went rather well with her short and slightly messy silver hair. It was styled a little strangely on the right side with two shoulder-length braids, but Jiraiya had to admit it looked good on her. Thin and dangling red earrings framed her face and provided a bit of variety to the rest of her attire, which consisted of the standard Soul Reaper's uniform. Her figure was quite athletic, and her rather prominent chest, while not as magnificent as Tsunade's, was still enough to elicit a small smile from the renowned Pervy Sage. Of course, he couldn't afford to give it more than a glance while under the watchful gaze of Unohana.

Speaking of the Captain, she gave him a smile that was as charming and serene as it was downright beautiful. "Ah, if it isn't the Seireitei's latest literary sensation. Welcome, Jiraiya. Should I be flattered or concerned that you've apparently chosen to visit my division's exhibit first today?"

Jiraiya laughed. "I'm humbled by your praise, although your question wounds me! If a man doesn't seek out first the loveliest Captain in all of the Soul Society, then I'd have to question his priorities!"

He was surprised to actually hear her giggle, and boy was it the sweetest music to his ears. "Your boldness may yet be your undoing, but your silver tongue comes second only to your literary talents. Come then, Jiraiya, and let us see where your nerve takes you today."

She motioned to the cushion in front of her, and Jiraiya took a seat. With a much closer vantage point, he took the opportunity to study her gaze. Her deep blue eyes were much like her spiritual pressure; calm and gentle, yet with a hint of shadow that suggested something ominous lurking just out of sight. It was definitely a different feel than he'd gotten from Tsunade; her threats of retribution for his mischievous ways were open and quickly followed by a decisive beating from her inhumanly powerful fists. For all the compassion and tranquility that seemed to surround the Soul Society's greatest healer at first glance, that shadow suggested something much more dangerous awaited those who ran afoul her. A lesser man might've been scared.

Jiraiya was most certainly not lesser men, and he was intrigued.

A mystery for another time, he thought, I definitely want to know more, but that's not on today's agenda.

"Smooth words and an unhealthy boldness aside, I must admit that I'm rather surprised at your decision to approach my division before any other," said Unohana, "I've seen your Academy grades, and while they are most impressive, your results and notes from your instructors seem to indicate that your inclinations are more those of someone who wishes to fight on the front lines rather than act in a supporting capacity."

Jiraiya chuckled. "I'm more than just a fighter, you know? I've already surprised you once today; who's to say I can't do so again?"

The Captain smiled. "Yes… and the day is quite young."

Jiraiya nodded before turning to the silver-haired girl. "It is, which means we've got time for proper introductions. What's your name, my lovely lady?"

He saw just a hint of red appear on her cheeks before she answered. "I'm Isane Kotetsu, Squad Four's Seventh Seat!"

"Isane is quite a gifted Soul Reaper," said Unohana, "Her talents in the healing arts are coming along superbly, and she is also quite competent with her Zanpakutō. Truly, I'm most fortunate to have her in my division."

Jiraiya gave Isane a warm smile. "That's high praise coming from someone as accomplished as you. Keep up the good work, Isane!"

The plaudits seemed to fluster her, although she was still able to return his smile. "Oh… I will! Thanks!"

Unohana then gestured at the man behind and to the left of her. "I believe you're already acquainted with Lieutenant Yamada."

Jiraiya nodded. "How've you been?"

Seinosuke Yamada simply nodded. "Well enough."

This one's a cool customer, he thought, I wonder what it takes to ruffle his feathers…

"Now, let us commence with the business at hand," said Unohana, "As amusing as your company can be, Jiraiya, the recruitment exhibition does require that these sessions be handled seriously. So, what does a romantic-comedy novelist and soon-to-be Soul Reaper wish to know about Squad Four?"

Jiraiya leaned forward; if she wanted to curtail the small-talk, he could oblige. "Well, then, I suppose the best place to start would be this; what's it like in your division? I know you're the healing heart of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, but there's gotta be more to it than that."

"Medical duties are the core of our function," Unohana answered, "but you are correct; like a fine gemstone, there are several facets that we must be viewed through. In addition to our primary role as healers, you could also consider us to be the premier logistical division of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. We help ensure that the other divisions are properly supplied, both with emergency first aid necessities in case members of Squad Four can't be immediately present and also with more mundane items such as rations and other consumable goods."

"We help administer the flow of consumables throughout the Seireitei," Lieutenant Yamada added, "Relying upon private merchants simply isn't sufficient, especially from a security standpoint. While Squad Four may be first and foremost the medical division, our members do have basic combat training, so if needed they can defend supplies, although of course they would also call for support from the other squads."

"We also help manage the overall inventory of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads," Isane chimed in, "We work closely with Squad One in that regard since they're the main administrative division."

Jiraiya nodded. "So, it's a lot of behind the scenes work, then. Am I on the right track?"

Unohana smiled. "Yes, you are. Some of it may not be as flashy or glamorous as the duties of other divisions, but they are essential to keeping the Thirteen Court Guard Squads as a whole up and running. While I'm not one to boast, it's a simple fact that without our work the entire organization would collapse."

"I see," said Jiraiya, "What else does Squad Four get involved in?"

"Teaching," Unohana replied, "When we have the available time and personnel, we host lectures and practical lessons regarding emergency healing. Members from all divisions are invited to attend, and even if medical duties are not their primary responsibilities these sessions can still provide a chance to learn and practice invaluable lifesaving skills. After all, even though Squad Four has relief teams that work with the other divisions, in the event that our members cannot be physically present for an operation or must scramble to reach units in the field, having personnel on hand that have even just a basic knowledge of field first aid can mean the difference between life and death."

Jiraiya smiled; he had enough experience from his past Shinobi life to know that she spoke the truth. "You're right about that. Where do you advertise for these sessions? I definitely wouldn't want to miss out on one."

"We take out ads in the Seireitei News Magazine," said Isane, "We also post notices on the public boards that every division maintains."

"It's effective enough," chimed in Seinosuke, "We have steady and reasonable attendance at our events, although of course the ones that tend to draw the biggest crowds are those led by the Captain herself."

Jiraiya grinned as he met Unohana's gaze again. "Well, that's only natural. I'd be all for some instruction from a Soul Reaper as accomplished as you!"

Unohana gave him a knowing look. "I wonder if you'd be saying that to Captains that weren't of the fairer sex."

Jiraiya laughed. "Of course, I would!"

He could tell that she wasn't buying it one bit, but she at least seemed willing to humor him. "Well, I'm pleased to see that you have an open attitude about such things. Is there anything else that I might assist you with today?"

"I know your division is primarily support, but when things are dire, have you ever been deployed straight to the front lines?" asked Jiraiya.

That shadow in her eyes grew just a bit more prominent in response. "As a division? No. If matters are so severe enough that members of Squad Four are needed as combat reinforcements, only one is sent. Only myself… and I can assure you that that's not only quite intentional, but more than enough."

Jiraiya didn't doubt it for a moment; even in a friendly setting such as this, he could feel the power that she was suppressing. When combined with that hint of shadow in her gaze, it made him almost feel sorry for whatever Hollow had the misfortune of becoming her target.

"I can definitely see that," he said, "I still remember the night you and Captain Shihōin saved me and Itachi like it was yesterday. You dealt with your Hollow pretty easily."

Unohana smiled. "I'm glad that I could leave you with such a positive impression of my skills. Truth be told, though, my performance that night could've used some work. I do my best to keep a reasonable training regimen, but the simple fact is I don't get similar opportunities for field combat as other Captains. I'm quite proud of my role as a healer, but I must admit it is somewhat regrettable that my status means the Head Captain is reluctant to send me to the front lines in a combat capacity."

Jiraiya nodded. "I see. I can understand his reasoning, although I do think it'd be better for all of us if he gave you a little more leeway. Any division would be lucky to have you appearing on the front lines to reinforce them."

"Once again, your talent for flattery is quite remarkable," Unohana replied with a laugh, "Of course, I do not consider flattery alone to make someone worthy of joining Squad Four."

Jiraiya grinned. "Maybe, but it can't hurt my chances, right?"

Unohana nodded, although the look on her face was rather serious. "I suppose not, but is this something you are seriously considering? Your spirit energy reserves are remarkable, especially for a student, so I have no doubt that with proper training you would make a most effective healer. However, your aptitude scores and finals results indicate a disposition that is much more suited for field work."

Jiraiya leaned forward. "There's nothing wrong with me exploring my options, right?"

"There is not," Unohana concurred, "but that does not change my reservations."

She looked at him for a moment, and Jiraiya could sense the gears at work behind those deep blue eyes. What she was pondering, the sage couldn't say, and this was despite the experience he'd gained at reading people over his long career as a Shinobi.

She nodded a few seconds later. "Well, as much as I enjoy educating others on the inner workings of my division, I cannot devote the entire recruitment exhibition to a single student, even one as charming and talented as yourself. If you are indeed exploring your options, Jiraiya, then it would be a disservice for me to keep you here so long that you miss the chance to make inquiries of the other divisions."

That seemed to be her hint to leave, but before he could do so she smiled again. "Might I suggest Squad Eight as your next stop? I know that Captain Kyōraku has been rather keen on meeting you again, especially since he has a taste for your novels. You may find some intriguing possibilities with his division… and those may have threads that tie back to mine as well."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "Really? Care to elaborate?"

Her smile took on an air of amusement. "Not at this time. There are many mysteries in life, after all, and where is the fun in depriving a man like you the chance to solve one?"

Jiraiya chuckled. "So that's the game, huh? All right, then. I suppose I can play along."

He stood up and gave her one last smile. "It was a pleasure to speak to you again, Captain Unohana. I'm already eagerly awaiting our next meeting."

Unohana nodded, and her reply surprised him. "As am I, Jiraiya… and it may come much sooner than you think."


As she and Itachi approached Squad Ten's exhibit, Visaelya took a deep breath. She should not have felt this apprehensive given that this was essentially her family's division, but her growing desire to carve out her own path and deviate from what was seen as the only true road for members of the Drakken Clan to follow meant that her nerves threatened to betray her.

You haven't made up your mind yet, she told herself, there's no harm in simply looking around and paying a friendly visit to your uncle.

Unfortunately, Visaelya knew that that wasn't as true as she might wish it were. No doubt her uncle had expected her to visit his division first, so in his eyes she'd likely already committed her first slight by going to Squad Two's exhibit at the beginning instead. That might be something he'd overlook if she still joined Squad Ten, but if she did ultimately follow the guidance of her friends and strike out on her new path then her perceived offense would be multiplied a hundredfold.

She was so wrapped up in her doubts that she practically jumped when she felt Itachi's hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're up for this? We can visit another division before this one if you want."

She had to smile; her friend had seen right through her, and while she might've wished for Shisui to be at her side here instead, she was still pleased that Itachi was willing to support her. "Yes, I just… well, it's a little harder than I'd anticipated."

Itachi nodded. "I imagine so. Remember, no matter how much influence your uncle or any other member of your family may try to exert on you, ultimately this is your decision. Do what feels right for you, not them."

Visaelya took another deep breath and felt her nerves begin to settle. "My decision… yes. Let's do this."

Her personal circumstances aside, the Squad Ten exhibit would've been imposing for any approaching student. The front was relatively straightforward; an archway of black stone had been constructed, and carved at the apex of the arch were the words 'Squad Ten', and just beneath those was an engraved image of a daffodil, the division's symbol. Above the division name was another engraved image, this one of a dragon's head wreathed in flame; the sigil of the Great Noble House Drakken. As impressive as the craftsmanship of the archway was, though, it paled in comparison to what lay beyond it.

Visaelya could feel the power radiating from the three men that were representing her family's division again. At the peak, of course, was her uncle, who looked utterly in his element at the spectacle that was the Academy's recruitment exhibition. He stood tall and proud, practically the poster child for men of the Drakken Clan. His skin was immaculately cleaned, and not so much as a strand of that long silver-blond hair that the clan was so widely known for was out of place. His violet eyes were gleaming with energy as he fielded questions from what must've been at least a dozen students; most members of the Drakken Clan were quite at home being the center of attention, and Rhaegon simply took to it even more naturally than the rest.

Next chapter