

There's a different kind of friend like close, casual and intimate.

Close friendship are develop through sahring of interests and spending time together.

Casual friendship are happen through cotinued contact.

But Intimate friendship are what everyone desires and needs. These are friends that samtay with us no matter what, they also listen to us and they interested in what is the best for you. They also tell the truth, even if it hurts sometimes.

Sometimes we all have habit of talking behind friends back.

So here some ways to admit your wrong sometimes.

First, admit your mistakes. Take responsibility for what you've done that has hurt others. Second, tell the person what you did and ask for forgiveness. Whether they accept your apology or not, work to rebuild they trust by saying only good things about them "behind their back." Last, treat others the way you want to be treated.

So what are you waitinv for?

Admit. Take action. Change!

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