
Chapter 42

It took a few minutes before they were far bored waiting. Syren let's out a light yip that draws the attention of the man in the clearing, A small piece of flame is pulled out, just floating and ready for use it seems. His hands moves toward the flame, pouring it back into the campfire. Bob didn't seem surprised, more just a little bit confused.

Azure and Lapis were moving to the center of the clearing and moving to sniff around the tent. The man was looking around at them, taking a time to move and look around the clearing, the fact there is no other forms in the trees, except for the one vixen that was behind them. It seemed to cause him to calm down, taking a deep draw. the stream of smoke he releases is impressive, it seems to be a smell of tobacco, mixed with something else, the familiar old scent seemed to have a pine tint to keep it from overpowering. Though, it seemed to have a bit of change with each draw.

The young wolf starts to stand and start to move towards her, moving in towards the fire. Bob didn't stand or have a jerky movement in aggression. His hands holding the pipe and taking his relaxation. "Well, looks like you have decided to come for some fun. What brings you here?" He asks, curious, already knowing the wolves were intelligent.

He didn't really mind that, having a bit of company in the wooded area. The sparks from the pipe flow out, seeming to clean out the plain pipe. Setting it down as he waits for an answer. Syren sends a message, "We are curious about the array. We are wondering about how they work and how to to make them." The human looks a little bit surprised at that question.

"I actually only have the one, my clan only has these prepared for the scouts. They do not have anything else that they felt to inform us about. I know there is some arrays that were actually designed to protect the mind." The man says with a chuckle. Knowing that the wolfess was intrusive, but did not really have any way to keep her out. But it didn't seem like he really had any issues with that at the moment. taking the time to stand up and move towards the vixens that were trying to knock over the cloth fabric.

The wolf watches, looking onto the man starting to try and shoo the pair off from his tent. Taking a good chance to try and get them from lying around. He didn't really help the matter, encouraging the pair to split up, running in different direction, having them look like they were planning to chase each other's tails. The confused man didn't really keep on chasing after that. It was a moment to get him figuring out that matter.

The little cubs were having fun with it. They didn't seem to have any issues with getting him to chase after them. The little cubs taking turns to let out a spurt of water towards him, getting the man encouraged to chase after them instead of just sitting around. They didn't let up for a few minutes, just enough to get the man running around. Bob wasn't really unsure as what was happening. After a bit, he decided to just give up, pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to capture them without any harm.

The duo were pretty quick to play with each other once they were ignored, sniffing around the campsite a bit more. Syren looks at Bob for a moment, then back to her son, unsure what the plan might be. The young wolf is uncertain either, realizing his thoughts about array were a little preemptive, why would someone with the knowledge to set all sorts of arrays be limited to camping in the woods, unless they were having issues with leadership.

Nadia, in the meantime, was actually staring at the fire, she had seen it before, but she had never seen it contained. The fact that it wasn't something she needed to run from, causes her to start into the fire pit, almost in a trance, She sits close enough that if it was sparking, it would be dangerous for the luxurious fur.

It was a little strange, considering her elemental bent. The reaction seemed to give a thought as to what could be possible, instead of probable. It was something that he would be getting into with her later. Syren was still focused on Bob, who moves back to claim his seat, a fold out wooden seat that was sturdy enough to not move at all.

"Is there anyone who can help me learn?" The little wolf asks, eyes still focused on Nadia, not minding what the man was doing. "Or even something that I could study from?"

Bob shakes his head, "Most masters require an apprenticeship. There ware some known formations out of the market, and most of them are pretty basic. Nothing that you can directly modify, or would be good to help a clan rise to power. Most of those either require an auction, or to be related." He informs. Letting out a sigh.

The wolf nods at that fact, there would be information, but it probably would be guesswork to even figure out, or research them. It probably would require so many resources, and even more time. The fact that he didn't have any opposable thumbs he could use without issue.

"How about practice arrays? I'm just looking for something that would set up and imitate prey, or an actual fight." His mother happily relaying, causing Bob to go contemplative.

Bob's hand moves to stroke his chin, thinking on the problem, "There is a possibility, it requires the ability to press a recording device against the person or thing. It will imitate the easiest moves". He says with a light smile, "Some even hunt for unique creatures to spar.

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