
Chapter 23

It was quiet for almost half an hour, Nadia had decided to try walking a little by herself. It was interesting to see, she looked like a newborn, climbing to her feet and wandering just a few feet away from him. Each time she stumbles, he moves to get up, but she seems to shake her head at his attempts to help her, wanting to do it herself.

He, on the other hand, was thinking about what had happened, it seems like he found a way to evolve his current residents. Which excited him, and scared him a little, he didn't want to do a huge amount of changes before everything had settled. His mind was drawn to a pine tree that was near him, making him squint a little at it, thinking about whether he could affect plants like he did the hedgeboar.

Climbing up from his seat, he smiles at Nadia, she had managed to get to 4 steps before any sort of stumble, she would soon become as good as a normal biped. Then again, in his thoughts, he wonders if the woman would forget when they get back. That was a strange thought, she would have to learn how to walk on two every time she came in.

He shakes his head a little and smiles, moving over towards her, he rests a hand under her chin after she stops moving, and gives a quick kiss between her eyes, "I'm going over there, I have something that I want to try. Just call out if you need any help, okay?" He asks looking into her eyes.

She doesn't mind action, nodding towards him, "Okay, I will." She says with a smile that shows a bit to much teeth, still trying to learn about her body. He chuckles and runs his hand over her head. Walking quickly over to the pine tree to see if any cones had fallen down, letting him collect a few, in case he made some mistakes.

He lifts one up, taking a good look over the familiar forms, they were an oblong shape, protected by a rough bark like shell. He runs his fingers over the brown shape of the outside, feeling how rough it was, but not unpleasant to his fingers. He could tell there is seeds hidden away inside of the cone.

Just like when he practiced with the tether, he closes his eyes, his mind moves towards the protected seeds. He breathes in deep, then taking a slow breath out, something seems to connect to him, he could start to press the image of the core, as he assumed, into the seeds. Turning them minuscule like grains of sand filtering inside of the seeds.

It doesn't take much energy, which comforted the wolf, he didn't want to feel the drain that core he had made earlier. It almost was a strange difference to know it would be easier to change the plant life wherever he roams. He opens his eyes looking over the seed pod, his fingers run over it, it was now a smooth, almost seamless like a piece of metal from a mold. He keeps moving through the pods, just letting them all soak it in.

He nods a moment later, looking down at his hard work, "Well, now I have to wait. Should see results pretty quickly, plants always grow quick. Hopefully they all germinate." He mutters to himself. Thinking a little before he nods, he hadn't noticed, but he was sitting on his haunches, it wasn't uncomfortable, just a little strange that he hadn't even felt any strain, unlike before.

Nadia seems to have decided that they both were done, wandering up from behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck, "Ready to go?" She asks softly, burying her face into the fur at the back of his head. His ears flick a little as he nods to her question, he was happy, and it isn't like he would be happy watching trees grow. His stomach lets out a little growl, definitely hungry, and hoping for a good meal as quick as possible.

Only the vague thought of those fruit trees were in his mind. Curious if any had born fruit, he did stop himself. He wound up having to pick up Nadia, she had decided that she didn't want to walk. He shakes his head, feeling the woman's breast against him, it was an interesting happiness point towards it. It didn't stimulate, but his mind knew the reason for it, he had been around them and he was always naked now, instead of clothed in his previous life.

His arms were resting right under her behind, keeping her resting above his tail, he could feel hers sway from side to side, leisurely. It almost felt like a little kid getting a ride from her father. He shakes that useless thought from his mind, the trees were flowering, preparing to have fruit, but not close, at least not yet. He did think about going to grab some nuts, but the weight on his back reminds him that he had another option to him.

He doesn't take to long, starting to pull himself out, "Can't wait to see what our children and my grandchildren will be like." He blanks for a moment as he had pulled them out right when it was mentioned. He turns his head to look at Nadia, giving her a blank stare.

She seems to be smiling a little, "What are you talking about?" The vixen seems to be getting a Cheshire grin. Like saying, 'You want answers? Come get them from me.' He moves to take her up on the offer, before promptly falling on his face with the pain in his joints. "I'm going to get those answers sometime." He huffs and turns his head and pouting.

Azure and Lapis were a few minutes later, bringing a couple of small rabbits and a male. The pair of foxes were keeping away from his muzzle, but they put their kills on display to him. His mother soon wanders into the clearing, seeming to notice the tension between him and Nadia. She lets out a huff of amusement, it seems like she knew what exactly the vixen had meant earlier.

It was like being left out of a joke, he seems to just try to disregard it, moving to get himself buried into the rabbit meat, quick to fill up his stomach, satisfying his needed meal, while the pair of vixens happily are gorging themselves. Their cute little faces covered with smudges of blood. Nothing goes to waste as we all work to get a great meal. Nadia had moved over to join her daughters, they had been more willing to share, having brought the male. It left a little distaste in his mouth, but the little ones would have died either way without the parents, this was easier.

His mother comes over and lays down next to him, keeping an eye on him. Almost like she knows something in him should have changed. She just lies there, waiting for some sort of sign or tell. He has no idea what she might have been thinking. Watching her climb up and stretch, he thinks about how the oldest women he knows act so strange sometimes.

This elicits a huff from Syren, "Well I am less than five years old." The wolf cub squints his eyes at that. Almost thinking the rude thought of, aren't you 35 in dog years. Then again, they probably do not have the concept of aging pets artificially. Even more since they had very limited interaction with humans.

He sighs a little and let's the corpse dissolve to dust with his finished meal. He decides to try and do like the vixens, taking a moment to gather his energy and toss it towards them. It bursts into flashes of colorful smoke. His energy was a bit easier to work, but he could sense something was starting to pulse. Syren's head lifts up, looking at him with a sense of knowing. It seems like she knows something specific.

He moves to have a tight tunnel with his mother, it was something he hadn't practiced, but remembered from earlier in his life. "Is this what made my father leave?" He asks her curious.

She nods towards him before letting her head fall on her paws, "This world doesn't support your relations unless your here for a breeding." She tells him, "This world is the only place that supports it. At least, he only stated until you can make one. Something about the flat world being a good connection point."

He nods listening, his head suddenly perks up. His eyes blinking at the fact that he is on a flat world. He had no problem believing it. It was strange to know he was on such a unique place. He hadn't truly watched the celestial bodies move, so it makes him curious as to what actually happens.

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