
Quick to Violence

"Did you read that last part right? " Sarah and Chloe asked almost at the same time as the listened to Seth read the Information Guide they purchased.

"It does not exactly mean that if we die in here we die in real life that would be illegal so I doubt that is what they meant by this. " Seth said trying to find a good reason to believe himself when he said it.

Reading over the rest of the Guide to try and find more clues the only thing they could find was information on all of the normal classes and where to buy skills, potions, and camping gear in the town they are currently in.

Finishing their food in silence they set out to buy some camping gear so they could stay outside the town and focus on leveling up more until it is time to reach the next area. The next town is a level 20 area so they still had a ways to go until they could make it there. They had purchased enough food to last them a week along with their camping gear along with a 'Warding Log' which would keep the monsters from entering their campgrounds giving them safety while they rested.

"I put all of my free points into INT so my healing skills will be more effective but try not to get to injured please. " Sarah said waving her status window away as they left the town opposite of the side the came in.

"Dont worry just stay behind Seth and I and we will keep the monsters off you, but you should also put some points every now and then into your defense so if you do get attacked it does not kill you. " John said giving her some advice on how to build her stats as a healer class.

While making their way out of the town they had noticed the town was starting to fill up with players. A small group was charging the lower leveled players a fee for transporting players to the new town making a small fortune from the new players who had just planned on riding the game out taking things slow and enjoying their new life for the next year.

"If we don't hurry up and level we might lose our edge over the other players who are spending thier time leveling right now. " Seth said wanting to maintain their lead over the other players for as long as they could.

"Yeah but eventually some other players will catch up and maybe even pass us up you know. " Chloe said while taking her position behind Seth and John as they got closer to the level 11 Black Tree Sprouts. The Black Tree Sprouts looked like small trees with only a few branches that acted as limbs they would attack with while only being a few feet tall.

Going back to their routine Seth and John managed to mob together 5 of the monsters leaving them open for Chloe to attack while Sarah focused on landing a few small hits to help with damage output not wanting to feel useless.

Grinding like this for a few hours a few other new level 10 players had reached the same area with a few of them wanting to join their party. Declining the players who were all mostly Swordsmen and Knights on the grounds of already having a tank and damage dealer they continued clearing a path deeper into the forest. The players who got turned down ended up forming their own party taking on the monsters left behind by their party while following behind them as they started to quickly make their way reaching level 12 in a short time with their added damage making things easier.

Bringing up his status window like the rest of his party Seth looked at his stats and carefully decided what he needed to focus on now that some players are only a few levels behind them.

Name: Seth

Class: Demon


Level: 11 > 12

HP: 510/510

MP: 310/310

STR: 65 > 80

VIT: 35 > 40

INT: 10

DEF: 40

AGI: 40

Skill Points: 20 > 0

Elru: 1010

Skills: Dread Slash, Sword Shot, Demon Smash, Shadow Rush, Demon's Call.

Unlocking his next skill 'Demon's Call' a skill that pulled aggro of up to 5 monsters decreasing their defense while buffing his damage by 2% Seth was happy now able to pull more monsters but regretted not putting more points into his DEF.

John and the rest of the party had also unlocked a new skill, John having unlocked a upgraded taunt skill that could hold the aggro of up to 5 monsters while increasing his DEF by a good margin letting him become a better tank for the party. Chloe had unlocked a spell called 'Flame Bullets' a skill which shot 4 fire type attacks out at a single enemy inflicting burn damage over time. Sarah had unlocked a Buff skill called 'God's Light' a skill that would buff the users party with increased HP and MP regen while letting her heals become more effective to her teammates while the buff was active.

With their new skills they increased their mob size from 5 to 10 monsters at a time letting them level quite a bit faster while also making Sarah work harder to heal Seth who had been taking a decent bit of damage. Thanks to her new skill however her heals would bring him from half health back to full with a single heal letting her save her mana.

The party had continued like this for hours reaching level 13 in no time while reaching a clearing in the forest giving them a spot to set up a campground. Looking around they noticed the other parties could not catch up due to them not having a healer in their party.

"See you are vital in our party Sarah so don't feel down anymore. If it wasn't for you we would still be much further behind fighting over mobs with the other players. " Seth said taking a seat next to Sarah who had just finished putting up her tent.

"I know you are right but I still wish I could do more. " She replied while laying back on the grass looking at the sky which was turning dark.

"You will get there don't worry. It is amazing that you can even hear crickets while looking at the star filled sky. " Seth said laying back next to her looking at the amazing sight of stars filling the sky with the moon in the distance making its way to the top of the sky.

"Hey John are they a couple? " Chloe asked loud enough for Seth and Sarah to hear making both of them blush a bit without looking at each other.

"Their reaction totally confirms it wouldn't you say? " John replied with a grin giving his bud a thumbs up causing Seth to give him a middle finger in return.

"Haha, don't be like that bro. " John said while finishing putting his tent up and lighting the 'Warding Log' in the middle of the camp.

Hearing a twig snap close by all 4 of them stood up grabbing their weapons in case the Warding Log was not working.

"Woah calm down everyone my party saw a light and wanted to see what was going on that's all " A older man said while 4 others came out of the brush beside him.

"Forgive us if we are on edge, we have been attacked by monsters as well as players. So if you don't have any business please move on. " Seth said coldly not trusting them at all.

"Don't be like that man, if we had been PKers our names would change color and that clearly is not the case. My name is Mark, my party and I have been grinding levels since we arrived in the game. It looks like you guys already have good armor and weapons as well as camping gear. Would you mind giving us new players some advise? " Mark said staying where he was.

"Yeah don't be so unfair towards us we didn't do anything to you. " One of the younger guys next to him spoke up in a rude tone.

"We only have 1 day head start of you guys at most. You can buy a information guide in the town if you talk with a NPC. " John replied trying to defuse the tension in the air.

"Oh you guys have a healer that must be nice we have had to spend all our money purchasing health potions. Would you like to join our party instead Miss? " Mark asked with a smile ignoring John taking a step closer to her.

Standing up and grabbing his weapon Seth stood between Mark and Sarah making it clear that he needed to leave.

"Seth it is okay obviously im not going with them. " Sarah said putting her hand on the back of his shoulder.

"That is not what this is about at the moment Sarah, poaching healers in a MMO is always a good way to start conflicts between clans and players. This is basically the same thing so obviously we are going to protect you. " John said standing beside Seth.

"No need for a fight but you have one damage dealer while we have 4 what do you guys think you can do against us anyways? " Mark said pulling out his own sword while his party did the same.

Not thinking anymore Seth used his skill 'Shadow Rush' knocking Mark down before kicking the sword out of his hand and pointing his sword at his neck. "Leave. Now. " Seth said coldly showing he could take a few with him if he needed to.

"Che~ " Mark stood up brushing himself off and drinking a potion taking way more damage than he thought he would with just one move. "We will leave but watch your backs. " Mark said leaving with his party.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?? " Sarah shouted wanting to know why on earth Seth was so quick to violence against other players.

"As soon as they noticed you they had already planned on fighting to get you, it is better to strike first and show you will fight than it is to let them have their way. " Seth replied then apologized to her.

"I do think you acted rashly Seth but I can see why you acted the way you did. " Chloe said before going in her tent.

"We should take turns keeping watch, I will go first. " John said as Sarah went in her tent as well showing she was still mad at Seth.

"You know I got your back bro, just get some rest. " John said.

Waking up as the sun started to come up they checked their camp and ate some breakfast while packing their camping gear.

"I wonder what level those guys made it to. " Chloe asked now ready to start leveling again.

"Who knows lets go kill some level 14 monsters and return to the town to sell the drops, " John said picking up his shield also ready to level some more.

Grinding for another few hours they managed to amass a large amount of drops to sell on top of the Elru they made from drops they should have a good portion of money to spend on upgrading their equipment.

Next chapter