
(Un) Fortunately the Yandere is Not After Me

นักเขียน: bigbear51
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Arata Kashimura was hoping to have a normal, if lonely, high school life. He avoided others because he didn't want his secret to get out. That he was a massive otaku, something like that becoming known would be high school suicide. Knowing that, he was content with the only person he ever talked to being Yogi Aono, the boy that's sat beside him since entering high school. But his life gets turned upside when Erina Hayama, a girl he's only ever seen in passing, reveals that she knows his secret. Now blackmailed to do her bidding, it turns out that she wants him to get Yogi to fall for her. Because she's crazy, really crazy in love with the boy. But with other rivals vying for his love, doing so won't be so simple. Arata now finds himself in a harem, where he's not in the middle of it. Will he be able to come out on top and save his reputation, in this love comedy looking from the outside-in? For easier communication: https://discord.gg/yFDKkcb Image source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88235342 If you wish to support me: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=26322975

3 แท็ก
Chapter 1Blackmail

The school bell rung, indicating the end of another long school day. For Arata Kashimura, this was the moment he's been waiting for all since he stepped foot inside.

"Ah finally." He stretched out his arms from being so stiff. He nearly forgot that he was at school for a moment, until a voice brought him back to reality.

"You're unusually happy for school to be out." It was his classmate, Yogi Aono, who sat beside him. "You must be looking forward to something."

"Oh… it's not that." He lied. "You know, just happy to be done on a Monday." In actuality, there was something that he'd been looking forward to for a while now. And today was the day he could finally get it.

"Really, then does that mean you might be able to join me after school for some food then?"

"Sorry, but I've got to say no to that. Got some errands to take care of." At this point the pair had known each other since the beginning of their first year of high school. With the recent start of their second year, this meant it's been a little over a year since they've met.

Lately, Yogi has been trying to get him to join and hang out with some friends. In fact, from what he's heard, they seem like an interesting bunch. But unfortunately for his classmate, Arata had already resigned himself to avoid making friends, due to his secret.

"Aw, but you always say that." Yogi replied, saddened.

"Ah, well what can I do. Gotta focus on what life throws at me first." With that, the two said their goodbyes and separated. Arata assumed Yogi went to meet with friends at the nearest fast food joint. Meanwhile, he went the opposite direction, finding himself in front of a store he'd know too well. He looked around, making sure there wasn't anyone he knew to see him and he entered.

"Arata, I knew I'd see you here right about now." The store owner greeted him. The store he entered was an otaku shop, stuffed with merchandising of popular anime, manga, and light novel products.

"You know it." He smiled, looking around, seemed there were a few patrons shopping. Even though he was aware that anyone here wouldn't really judge him. It always felt awkward for him here. "So, you've got you-know-what."

"Sorry, but you're going to have to be more specific than that." The owner always enjoyed teasing his best customer.

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about." He sighed. "You got the new figurine from the manga 'Mad Love'." He asked, in a somewhat quiet voice.

"Sorry, but I just sold the last one."


"Is what I'd say if you weren't such a loyal customer. Don't worry." He reached under the counter, reveling the figurine. "I saved one just for you." In his excitement, Arata grabbed it from the owners hands. It was a full figure of the main girl in the manga he was reading at the moment. Limited edition, no less.

"Awesome, this is just what I've been waiting for."

"I don't know why you like that girl so much. She's pretty crazy."

"Well duh, she's a yandere after all." That answer didn't really persuade the man. "Her devotion is just so mesmerizing, and unlike others of her type, her love is just so pure."

"Even if that was the case, I think she'd be pretty terrible in real life."

"I don't know, I'd like to think I could tame someone like that." The two shared a laugh at his joke. As if Arata was ever the type to have a girlfriend, let alone a stalker. After he paid, Arata quickly made his way back home to avoid being seen.

He made it home, being welcomed by his mom before getting to his room. Covered with posters, along with a pair of book shelves filled with manga and light novels. His room was a confession to his secret. He already had the perfect place for his new prize, placing on his desk, for him to always look at when doing homework.

Life for an otaku was hard, is what he always said. But this was the life he chose, he just couldn't resist the enjoyment he got from it all. Unfortunately for him, that mostly meant he avoid making friends in high school, much to the disappointment of his parents. It also meant taking some odd jobs to fund his hobby, not that he minded since it was pretty easy work most of the time.

In fact, tomorrow was when he was going to get back to helping some elderly folks with their gardens. Something that was feasible again with Spring warming the land once more. Knowing that, he quickly finished up his homework and headed to bed early, since it was going to be a long day. But little did he know, that it was going to be much more complicated than he ever could've expected.

The next morning went as it always did. Getting to school fairly early, he went to his locker to get into his school shoes. However, inside a note greeted him.

Meet me behind the school, by the big oak tree, it read. He looked around the paper, but it seemed that there was not name to identify the writer. Odd, he thought. Was this a letter for a confession? It didn't seem to be written like one. The handwriting indicated that this was a more serious matter than that. The timing was odd too, since he didn't consider early morning to be the time for something like that. Well, there was only one way to find out.

After getting ready for the school day, he headed over to where the note directed. It wasn't hard to find, the big oak tree the school had was something that was unique to it. Also, as its name suggested, it wasn't small either. When he got there, there wasn't anyone in sight.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" He asked. Nothing came in response to his words. Perhaps whoever sent the note got too nervous, he wondered. But before he made his leave, the branches above rustled. Looking up, he was shocked to see a girl, sitting on a large branch.

"Surprise." She exclaimed, hopping from her perch. He hardly had anytime to move out of her way.

"What the?" He stood awestruck at her. "Who are you?" He asked, but taking a moment to look at her more carefully, he realized that she looked familiar. "Wait a second, I know you. You're Erina Hayama, right?" She wasn't exactly someone he would consider very acquainted with him. But he knew for certain that she was one of Yogi's friends. Well judging from the way she acted with him, maybe something a little one-sided as well.

"Yep, that's me all right." She replied proudly. Not that knowing her made him any less confused. He stood there, looking at her dumbfounded. "Well are you gonna say something?"

"Um, well, you were the one that called me here. I think you're the one that needs to say something." Taking a scanning look at her, he noticed her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, as usual. Despite how early it was, as school wouldn't start for another half hour, it was clear that she'd planned being here at this time. Did she expect him so soon as well?

Hmph, well I guess we'll get right to the point then." Her face let off a smug expression. He didn't like that, he didn't like that at all. The look on his face betrayed his anxiousness, something that anyone could notice. "Ha, if you're scared now, wait until you see this."

"What do you mean by that?" She threw what seemed like a piece of paper towards him. It would've been impressive to him if it wasn't for the situation he was in at the moment. He caught it, scared to look at its content, he slowly turned it around to reveal the image. "No..." He saw it. There was no way, he thought. In his hands, a picture of him buying the figurine from yesterday.

"Oh it's real all right." She answered his disbelief. "I know your little secret." She spoke in a singsong manner, to rub salt into his wound. He stood still, frozen from the circumstances he found himself in. The girl that stood behind, for all he originally knew wasn't someone he'd expected to have him in this position. It made him wonder what type of person she really was.

"B-but why, how did you get something like this?" He was certain that there wasn't anyone at school near him. Given the way the picture was taking, it seemed like she was stalking him to get something like that.

"Simple, blackmail." She answered, keeping her grin that was starting to make him mad.

"Blackmail?" He paused to think to himself, was there anything that he'd done recently to wrong her?

"Ohoh, you've nothing wrong. Yet." She answered, as if she could read his mind. "But if you don't want these leaking out to any unwanted eyes. I think you'd better listen very careful to what I'm gonna say next."

"This sounds like something I'm not going to like, is it?"

"It might… You see, I need you. To get Yogi Aono to fall in love with me."

"W-what?" It seemed this morning was just filled with new things to give him pause. "Make him fall in love?"

"What this? Sounds like there's an echo here." She mocked him. It felt kind of unfair to him how she was acting. Though with this information, he now knew for certain her feelings for his classmate. Unfortunately, it was probably better when he didn't know.

"B-but why me?" He asked.

"Oh you can save your questions for later." She began to walk past him, exiting their conversation as if it had finished. Now standing beside him, she gave him his ultimatum. "You'll get to know everything when you agree to this. If you say no, or think you can just ignore this. Everyone's going to know your dirty little secret tomorrow." She laughed slyly as she continued to walk back inside the school. She could only stand there, frozen in what seemed like a nightmare.


illicit relationship

[Completed Novel.] thank you for reading. Quote of the Main Character "In the future, I will be the wealthiest person in China and sit on my throne with beautiful women in my arms." **** Please read my review or read the synopsis to the end so that you know what to expect in this novel or in each volume of this novel. I can't pin my review. (sort by the newest review for the fast.) *** new novel= Binding System *** discord server= https://discord.gg/22hqV9gPn3 synopsis: One day, a handsome young man died in a car accident. He suddenly wakes up and find himself in an unfamiliar place, but what surprised him most is that he is taking over someone else's body. He is once again surprised when he knows that he is in a parallel universe with the same laws as his previous world. At first, he only wants to enjoy his life. But after learning his predecessor desires to be a successful person and make his family happy, he decides to continue his predecessor's dream. With knowledge from his previous life, he starts his adventure to become a successful person, and of course, he doesn't forget to seduce beautiful women left and right. Follow him as he embarks on his journey to become a successful person and conquer the hearts of beautiful women. *Tags= slice of life, poor to rich, action, business, martial arts, gangs, leader gang, beautiful female lead, handsome male lead, older love interests, harem, cruel MC, multiple identities, secret identity, R-18, romance, modern-day, MILF, friendship, war between gangs, war against martial art schools, scheming, betrayal, genius MC, incest, strong MC (OP at the same level). *** plot - first volume = focus on relationship and business. The story is slow and full of slices of life at the start but it gets a lot better and the story progress faster later on. I made so many mistakes in early chaps, but please give it a try. it's repetitive in the early chaps because this is my first time writing a story, so I'm very inexperienced. Try it, maybe you will like it - second volume =Helping Lin Xing Xue and a little problem. - third volume = a lot of troubles this volume is full of troubles, fights and wars. - last volume = the truth, revenge, war and many problems. this volume is ongoing now ** This novel contains incestuous content, if you don't like incest, it means this novel is not for you. this novel also has R-18 content so please dont read my novel if you are not an adult. * Support me: https://www.patreon.com/ShootingStars123 I'm not the owner of the cover, I took it from Pinterest so if you're the owner of the cover and want me to take it down, please tell me and I'll immediately take the cover down.

Shooting_Star · สมจริง
1799 Chs

Arranged marriage to the princess of the Red Scorpions

NOTE: cover art is a commission done by Ripcorez a fellow author on here and amazing artist. If you like his work, don't hesitate to reach out to him with a request for a commission of your own Samuel Foster would be turning 18 in two weeks. He grew up in a fairly normal low case family home with his parents and two younger siblings. The thing out of the ordinary was he knew for as long as he could remember he would be getting married at 18 to a girl he never had met before due to a promise his family had made. Lena Scarlet, Princess Scarlet was feared by many, respected and loved by everyone near her. Deadly as she was calm, her one annoyance in life was the arranged married he father decided upon before she was born. Being fiercely independent and trained to protect herself, she never felt the need for a relationship or marriage as she fully capable of taking care of all her needs. However, a promise was a promise and whether either of them liked it or not, their parents were at least going to force them to live together before calling the wedding off. Please give the book a chance. I'm not the greatest of synopsis writers, as I am sure some of you can tell and the book may be slow at first due to the setup and lead in. But I promise it will getting more interesting as it goes along. Scene excerpt from the story: "You didn't happen to think it was important to tell before now?! The princess was furious with the other woman. "I.." She paused for a second to swallow, "I never thought that it would come down to this. I promise though that they wouldn't do anything terrible." "They said the same thing to my father.. but they were wrong. I don't trust anyone's word." The princess replied standing up. The more her anger rose, the darker her eyes got. "You should just be fortunate that I am not my father. Do you know what he did when faced with a similar situation?" with no reply, she continued "He killed almost all of them. You could say it was a massacre. Me, I won't got that far, but if anything happens to him, I will personally kill the person who touches him." Books in this Series: Dear Dove (Prequel) Roses & Whips(on hold for editing)- Richard's book Discord server link: https://discord.gg/dMJaSAjtjK If server link doesn't work- please inform me. Link to patreon account where I will give brief Paypal link: https://paypal.me/DameButterfly?locale.x=en_US because every little bit helps author to write while in college. https://ko-fi.com/damebutterfly/goal?g=0

DameButterfly · สมจริง
423 Chs
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