

Alright, how the hell did she get to know this after all? Yes, she was a Lamborghini bet. Was! Not now but I don't want her to know about this now. It will ruin everything.

"Hey, I got class. I gotta go." Abby said.

"Please stay?" I pouted and she nodded into no.

I sighed and she kissed my cheek and left. She's the sweetest girl ever. I need to keep an eye on Wizvi. She will ruin everything for sure. She's not the girl who gives up so easily.

"Hey Joan! Come here!" I called the geek.

"Y-yes, F-Frank?" He asked stuttering.

"Keep an eye on Wizvi for me... please?" I said looking at him.

"You got it." Joan answered and went away.

Dear Wizvi, I'm not letting you ruin anything now. Maybe Abby is not a bet to me anymore but I can't loose that Lamborghini either.

I SAW THE notice board with Wizvi. She wasn't really happy about yesterday but still... she managed to stay with me. We were reading it thoroughly. We looked at each other and sighed. We started walking again.

"So, will you go this year?" Wizvi asked.

"I never did then why will I now?" I asked back.

"You've got a boyfriend now. He might ask you to be his partner." Wizvi said.

"Yeah but..." I didn't know what to say.

She had a point but I didn't if he would ask me to the dance. I never went to a dance before.

"Do you think he'll ask me?" I asked.

"He should." Wizvi answered.

I looked down and thought of the chances. Chances are there but I don't know how much.

I WAS thinking if I should ask her to the dance or not. I mean she's my girlfriend but... I mean she has a right to come but... I... don't know what to do.

"I think I should." I said to myself.

I got the guts to ask her and so I walked to her. I took a heavy breath and then went to her. She will say yes.

"I wanted to say something." I breathed out to her.

Wizvi glared at me and then said bye. Oh God, I'm starting to hate that girl to bits!

"Yeah. Go ahead!" Abby replied.

"Um... would you go to the dance with me?" I asked.

I just didn't get the gist that everyone was looking at me.

"What are you looking at? Go away!" I said to everyone and they left.

Abby giggled slightly and then blushed. Was that a yes? Of course it is!

"Yes, I would love to." Abby replied.

I sighed in relief in me. I smiled and hugged her.

I WORE a beautiful short white dress. Wizvi wore a short black dress. She was looking like a girl for the first time. She's a tomboy. Don't ask why but I guess it suits her. Joey, Wizvi's mom and my foster mom came and gasped in amazement.

"Wow, you guys look beautiful." Joey said.

"Thanks mom." Wizvi replied.

"Thank you, Joey." I said smiling.

Charles came in with a camera. He took a picture of us and then he drove us to the school.

"Go ahead." Charles said.

Wizvi walked out the car and all boy's eyes were on her. I gulped and walked out as well. All the boys were looking on us. It was the first time where I wore something short like this. Some boys were whistling. We walked inside the hall and saw Frank and Seth together.

"Hey boys." Wizvi said and Seth couldn't believe his own eyes.

"Wizvi?" Seth and Frank asked together.

"Yeah." Wizvi said smirking.

"Wow, you look beautiful, Abby." Seth said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Shall we dance?" Frank asked me and I nodded.

We went to the dance and so did Seth and Wizvi. I saw that they were having fun. It was awesome to see them having fun.

I WENT TO the table and Seth came to me. He gave me a high five.

"You got a sexy girlfriend." Seth said.

"My Lamborghini?" I asked.

He gave me his key and pouted.

"You did the unbelievable." Seth said.

"My charms always work. Abby was my bet and I won it but..." I said and turned around when I stopped.

"I am a bet?" Abby asked with her eyes tearing up.

"You were a bet but now I really do love you." I said to her.

"Don't lie to me anymore. I should've never believed you. You are just like your father. A liar! He betrayed and lied to my parents and that's exactly what you did to me. I should've believe Wizvi when she told me I was a Lamborghini bet to you. Congrats Frank! You just crunched the hardest nut of all." Abby said and left crying.

Oh shoot! What did I just do?

I SAT ON my bed silently going through the albums. I was seriously missing my parents today. It had been 2 weeks that Frank and I broke up. He hadn't talked to me maybe because he knew how bad he is. He turned out just like his father. I wiped my tears and soon there was a call on my cell phone. I saw that it was Mr. Michael.

"Hello, grandpa." I said.

"Hello, Abby. I was wondering if you could come to school today. Your result is out so... come." Mr. Michael said.

"Yes, I'll be there." I replied and he hung up.

I sighed and changed my clothes. I wasn't happy and everyone knew that. I walked to his office and saw Frank sitting there. He just looked at me without any expression and left. I sat down and Mr. Michael handed me over an envelop.

Ms. Abby Custodio,

We are really glad to see that you did very good in your previous twelve subjects. Here is the result for your rest three subjects.

Earth and Space Science- A*

Physical Education-A*

Environmental Science-A*

We really look forward to see you in new heights in the future. Best of luck!

I smiled seeing the result and then looked at Mr. Michael. He smiled back and then I left the room. As I left the room, I saw Frank standing leaning against the door frame. I didn't look at him and left.

"You gotta listen to me, By." Frank said.

"Don't call me By. The name's Abby and I don't want to talk to you." I said.

"Please? Frank said.

"No. This time... no." I said and left.

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