

Akuma was on his way to the training grounds to meet his team. He saw his team and greeted them as they were walking towards the mission board Kurenai kept eyeing Akuma.

Akuma: "Is there something you need beautiful."

Kurenai: "Control yourself from now on. Yes you are strong but your dangerous when you lose control."

Akuma: "Of course."

Hinata: "Naruto kun."

Hinata was looking at Naruto whining about getting a D-Rank mission. Akuma sighs he doesn't like the fact that someone as sexy as her would like that idiot.

Akuma: "I guess we will be getting a D-rank mission to then."

Kurenai: "Yes."

Shino stands there quiet, Hinata was thinking about Naruto, but Kurenai and Akuma were loud arguing about a mission.

Kurenai: "I am the team leader we will choose the gardening mission."

Akuma: "That's ridiculous it doesn't help at all if we are going to do a D-rank mission at least make it an interesting one like hunting a cat."

Kurenai: "Catching a Cat."

Akuma: " Ahh Tomato-tomato."

Kurenai: "Alright team 8 will take this gardening mission."

Akuma moves beside Kurenai and grabs the paper from the desk Iruka was at.

Akuma: "Team 8 will do no such thing."

Kurenai: "Dammit Akuma I will kick your ass."

Akuma: "Fine we can take the mission but I will take compensation."

Akuma slams the paper down and Kurenai puffs her chest out in a since of victory. Then she bent down to sign her name to take the mission.

As she was signing the paper Akuma slid beside her and used his left hand to grab her ass. Everyone was shocked it wasn't just that he grabbed her ass in the open it was the fact that before he grabbed it he smacked it loudly getting everyone's attention.

Akuma: "Nice I thought it would be firm but your ass is Nice and Squishy."

Kurenai's face was blazing red from both embarrassment and anger.

Kurenai: "You damned Brat." She punches Akuma through the wall.

Kurenai: "We will be taking the mission now. Let's go Shino and Hinata."

She walked through the hole in the wall and walked out the building but not before stepping on Akuma.

Akuma: "Is it weird that I'm turned on right now."

(10 minutes later)

3 students were in the garden and planting seeds. An old woman poked her head out the window.

Old woman: "Gold haired brat stop your doing it wrong you idiot."

Akuma: "What did you call this great one your senile old fool. Bring your raggedy ass bag of bones down here and do it yourself."

Kurenai: "Akuma you shouldn't talk to our clients like that." Although she was saying that she was trying hard not to laugh.

The old woman leaves back inside.

(5 minutes later)

The old woman comes back and pokes her head out the window.

Old woman: "Damn brat pull the weeds out first."

Akuma: "I already did you blind hag."

Old Woman: "I will beat that attitude out of you kid."

Akuma: "Shut up if your not going to help."

Old woman: "Why I ought to."

Kurenai: "Ma'am I think your tea is ready."

Old woman: "Your lucky kid."

Akuma: "Thank God."

Kurenai: "You need to learn to ignore people."

Hey guys sorry for the break hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Webmongercreators' thoughts