
Breakup (Part 2)

"You also call me to ask why I slap her?" Aditi throws the first sentence as soon as she picks the call.

"hey no you do the thing which I wanted to do for a long time" after that Pranita tells her how Sharmila acts with her, Speakerphone is on so everyone in the room can listen to what they talking, Mahendra and Ani know that today they don't gonna work again.

"hmmm, it will be okay if she insults me, but why include my family"

"what you decided?"

"nothing, my head still hurting anyway how was you and baby, don't let other thing affected you"

"you will talk with me right, despite what happens between Mahendra and you right?"

"of course, you and children are very important for me, it has nothing to do with others"

"thank you"

Next chapter