
End of the First Part of the Hunt

"1123, eh? It's not too bad," Lu Wan nodded his head. There were more than 400 bats core among the cores they showed to the teachers because their hunt before mostly consisted of bats.

Not bad?

The other students felt like throwing stones to this young man. They were struggling so hard just to earn a few cores and these two treated it like it was nothing but practice.

The differences…

"Didn't you count it before you submit?" Qi Huan asked.

Lu Wan shook his head. "I'm too lazy."

"I see."

Qi Huan handed their badge back and the teacher put on the number on the badge. At the same time, they also noted the record on their books. The two of them proceeded to take back the cores to their storage ring.

"Oh, right. Has Prince Cao Ren, Prince Chen Zi Quan or the others returned back or not?" Lu Wan recalled the other groups.
