
Life 31: "I'm Sorry Sakura... Brother's Sorry!"

"I don't what you've experienced but that is not saving but instead destroying and you know it, Arata-

Now stop while you still can- imagine what your sister will feel remembering her brother who died the worlds greatest villain?"


Screamed Arata - as suddenly his black eyes turned blue before he began to shoot off balls of lightning at Akuma as the chorus of thunder echoed in the distance.

'Alexis he's hostile and has grasped my abilities- I command your team to charge together and attack him directly-'

"So you stole my abilities after you tried turning me into a monster at Fubuki Dam- huh- I knew it that person who mutated them poor people and those cats-

You deserve death- Arata- and now you've even acquired my powers!

It's obvious you have a backer- your mind may be full but not full enough for genetic mutations you know that right-

Even from here, I can smell rotting flesh- not from your Corpse Eaters but instead from you.

Your body's cracking, breaking and de-stabilising as you are losing all of your cells rapidly you are degenerating- or well evolving just backwards.

This technology isn't from you- It's from the Extra-Terrestrials backing you and well they gave you the short end of the bargain with dangerously unstable technology you're only killing yourself-

And re-using body parts from the dead huh! Using your Lightning abilities from you're reconnecting the limbs and bits of pieces-

The real reason you began to randomly kill these people was that you were dying- not trying to create a new race or even make us a better world.

You were trying to fool yourself into believing that baloney you cooked up in your head to lessen your guilt and selfishness as if to claim you're doing this for the betterment of mankind-

You're just doing this to survive, not to save- And you question my morality when you were about to turn all of Kurama City into Zombies...

Just how delusional are you?- Arata..."

Said Akuma as he rushed to the Lightning wielder with relative ease dodging each blast as if nothing could stop him not even the pressure within the air could as he sliced through the zone towards Arata.

"Trying to use my abilities without conditioning yourself foolish isn't it- what's the point if your physique is so weak..."

Picking up his speed exponentially as he launched a flurry of attacks at Arata who found it hard to avoid and feeling Akuma's incredible strength he began to bruise all over.

The devil was right so what If he stole Akuma's ability if he was not conditioned for it-

Akuma knew this so he lengthened the fight he could go on for a very long time even without his Demon Fruit - due to his physique being enhanced as he conditioned himself even more.

And with that flurry- finally, Akuma landed a direct punch at his solar plexus causing the Electrified man to almost vomit his contents out as he fell to the ground like a fragile pillar.

Causing the fields around him to burn up- as the river behind him looked all the more enticing-

"Arata stop- It's quite literally the end of the line for you-"

However, the glint of lightning within Arata's eyes only grew stronger as he sneered charging up his powers as his hands flew from his sides to his front attacking Akuma directly however as if precognition Akuma had already jumped out of the way.

'Alexis- In three, two... ONE!'

Screamed Akuma as from his back all seven Koken members were fully equipped as they had been quite obviously charging for a long while- and Arata knew it- inwardly cursing that damn menace.





And as he saw this scene the whole area became incredibly blank as if his eyes had deteriorated to the point of no return-

He had become blinded by the incredible energy let out by 7 Plasma Rifles and well his face began to crack up into small pieces as if he was a fine piece of china...


But though his screams would have scared the living daylights of the civilians -

And in his last vigour of energy, he released all of his life force- his energy- his everything as he formed a straight beeline towards Akuma whose back had been turned as he began to move to the Koken Elite.

And in the process, his body's last remains were pushed back straight into the rivers behind with no one noticing at all due to the victory at hand as Arata suffered an incredibly recoil his mind began to spin as his nose let out red hot blood like a waterfall.

Whilst his remaining limbs imploded at the very scene due to overusing this imperfect Genetic Tech he'd gained from his Interstellar allies.

He was going to die or at least wish he did he knew that and so he let the 7 beams of plasma rip right through him as he closed his eyes in peacefulness.

'I'm sorry Sakura- I was never there for you - even when you got scouted by that famous company you texted me about-

I'm sorry Sakura, brother couldn't see you often - and I wish I knew how that Furuichi boy that you always rambled on about was really like...'

The long line of deep blue energy with cyan highlights twisted and turned as it formed in the air as if even absorbing the plasma fired at him a quarter of all 7 Plasma Rifle's energy melded together as they swirled towards Akuma.

Now, this was formidable energy so dense and so compact it ripped through the very air into the Devil's domain as just as he felt this burning heat from behind he was met point-blank by the energy.

It was a shame he had died here with no one to hear his screams of agony and anguish as his body began to crack up into similar pieces of china- before it merged with his surroundings-

A town of rubble from Arata and abandoned buildings...

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