
CCLXV. The Black Veins

"Your brother is so stubborn... Despite all he had to go through, he has not yet realized that he will never get rid of them..." Roar whispered, with his deep, demonic voice.

"What are you talking about? Get rid of who?!" Gridd naively asked, her swords pointed at him.

"The Frostsinners are superior cosmic beings whose power goes beyond our comprehension. Their means are effective and perfect, we humans have two choices: surrender to their supremacy and accept the benefits or die without honor" continued the beast-man, whose wounds were beginning to heal.

"What is this monster blathering about? Why do we keep listening to him?! Let's kill him instantly!" Ellen exclaimed, after seeing Kjell on the ground unconscious, with his chains just a few feet from him.

"Killing me will do no good, they will always know your position... there is no corner of this planet where you can hide! That girl only makes the process easier... hahahah!" replied Roar.

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