
Female Onion?

Reima/Solaire "Siegmeyer?" they both asked simultaneously in a confused tone.

The onion armoured figure carefully stands, they rub they onion shaped helmet before an unfamiliar female voice talks through the visor, "Nay, I am Sieglinde of Caterina, Daughter of Siegmeyer." she takes off her helmet after stating her name, revealing her bright red hair, freckles and brown eyes.

Sieglinde continues to rub her gauntlet covered hand through her scruffy long red hair, "How long have I been trapped inside of that thing?"

Solaire "That depends, when did you get trapped?" he asks, after the fall of New Londo keeping time has been a forgotten luxury, how can you keep the time when the weather doesn't change, when you don't age? There were a couple people who let meat spoil or crops grow to tell the time but Solaire was not one of those people.

sieglinde "Ah, I was... Trying to find my father, Siegmeyer, you said his name earlier, do you know of him?" The duo nod at her question, Reima almost smacks himself in the face... He'd forgotten Siegmeyer! Again!?! In the game you have to save him another two times, one where he's trapped in the poisonous swamp and slowly dying, another where he's sitting above many mutated Chaos creatures...

Reima shakes his head at his mistake, Siegmeyer isn't that forgettable is he? "I think I might know you're fathers location... Though, we have a rather important quest to attend to for the moment."

Her eyes widen before dimming slightly when he says they have something important to do, "What is your task? If it's honourable I wouldn't mind assisting you."

Solaire crosses his arms, "We are to slay the Scaleless dragon Seath, to stop his mad lust for power and immortality."

Reima adds "Not to mention reclaiming the shard of Lord Gwyn's soul that he was gifted."

Sieglinde "Such a task, I'd be honoured to accompany you both." she requests eagerly.

The sunbro's glance at each other and immediately come to an agreement, she's undead so there's not worry about having Siegmeyer's daughter perish in their care... Plus such an experience might prove useful to her in later ventures. Reima nods, "Ok but I must let you know, this isn't going to be easy... I have no doubt we'll die many times just trying to reach that bloody dragon, that's without mentioning he's immortal until we destroy the Primordial crystal."

Sieglinde puts her helmet back on before cracking her knuckles through her metal gauntlets, "Killing an immortal dragon after venturing through an extremely perilous area... Easy enough!"... Huh, she seems to have inherited some of Siegmeyer's recklessness.

They start walking through the forest, they allow Sieglinde to battle with a couple Crystal golems to see her combat abilities, she doesn't wield a Zwei-hander like her father, probably due to not having the strength to wield such a weapon one handed. Instead she's got a lighter weapon called a bastard sword, it's essentially a long sword with a handle that allows for a two handed grip, she uses this along with a spiked buckler that seems to be given to all warriors of Catarina. She's... Fine at fighting, not anything spectacular mind you, she's barely got edge alignment for her weapon down but Reima suspects any advanced techniques would allude her. He thinks that warriors of Catarina are given basic training before improving their skills in live combat, this would support Siegmeyer's wishy washy skill in the short time he'd fought with him, he was very good at doing basic attacks but didn't even attempt advanced manoeuvres... He almost scoffs when he remembers the Onion armoured man being thrown straight through a stone pillar for trying to hold down Smough's weapon.

Reima "Just try and intercept attacks that me or Solaire aren't able to block or counter, I think that'll be the best formation we can do without doing drills."

Solaire agrees while Sieglinde looks slightly put out at being placed in a supportive role, she doesn't argue as watching either of her two rescuers fight is very humbling, not only are they formidable warriors but they can use magic as if it's another limb.

They eventually reach the entrance of the cave after battling through the many Crystalline protectors, one of the biggest things to note is the tree's that have been completely turned into crystal... All the organic material that comprises them being replaced, Reima has no doubts that if left to it's own devices the Primordial crystal will corrupt everything it comes into contact with... While he's curious what a Crystal Anor Londo would look like he'd probably be hard pressed to battle an army of Crystal corrupted silver knights, giants, demons and if he's unlucky Gwyndolin.

They take tentative steps onto the crystal floor and then onto the large Crystal pillar that leads deeper into the cave. It's slightly slippery which causes Reima no small deal of grief, he decides to employ the mountain climbers safety precautions and links a chain through each of their belts. If one were to fall of the other could jump off the other side and then slowly recover, or even just pull them straight back up. The group looks over the edge and through the thick blue mist that's ever present in the cave, they spot many larger than normal blue Crystal golems along with butterfly like creatures that sometimes flutter through the large cave.

Reima "Don't catch the attention of the flying things, if we need to kill one it'll be by a coordinated strike, if not they'll constantly be harassing us while we fight off those Crystal giants."

Sieglinde nods confidently, despite the fact she's tightly gripping the chain linking them while constantly holding her shield up in preparation for an attack.

I imagine Sieglinde to be like a Scottish looking German warrior, while Siegmeyer is more like a regular English warrior.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts