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(The story is still in the movie so this next chapter is after he Bunny tells Jack to go away.)

Jack's Point of View

Why did I have to go find Pitch? All he is is trouble! He would be happiest if the Guardians were gone and I was back to being alone. I finally have something like a family and I gave it up for this stupid box! Jack thought about throwing his box of baby teeth to the wind. He couldn't they were too important to him. Even though he had a family now he knew he needed his teeth to know who he was. The past defines the future! He whipped his staff around making it snow harder, he was on a mountain top in Antarctica no one would care. The blizzard made his own snow slap him, and then he saw it! A dark shadowy figure running in his snow! Pitch? No, this figure runs smoothly and with a sort of Moon beam grace over a shadow. He still felt he should go find out but the second he steps near, the figure jumps, and throws punch in his belly, making him double over in pain. The figure jumped up and down shaking its hand; his ice covered body was good for something. Pitch would have sent a shadow to attach me by now, not punch me. This figure is also shorter than Pitch. It is my height! He thought running his hand over his belly, he never remembered being punched before. He shot an icy blast at the figure and watched in amazement as it melted before hitting it.

Tragedy's Turn

Whatever it was that was making the wind blow harder she wished it would stop. She was cold enough without it. The snow smacked her face and she punched the air. Then when she turned back trying to see the Nightmare sand she was following, it had blown away! Stupid Snow! Why now? I need to find Pitch! Maybe since I have brought him Bad Dream he will forgive me for whatever I did wrong. I miss him so much and I do not like being alone. Especially not in the cold, Jack died in the cold. She shivered even more at the thought and punched the air again only this time her hand hit something hard. She shook it from the pain. Great now I punched a glacier and am stuck cold and hurting! Her mood quickly changed when the glacier threw icy spikes at her. What? She melted the ice with her fire, she didn't have much but she had enough to do that. She threw a little fire at the glacier even though she knew it wasn't a glacier now, she just didn't know what else to call it. The glacier dodged the flame just as it whizzed past his face. Jack? Great, I lose Pitch and I fight with Jack! What else am I going to do wrong! Tragedy waited for Jack's next strike of ice and let it pass her chest; she then fell into the snow. She played like she was hurt but when he stepped closer she jumped up and ran to a cave to hide from her brother. He didn't follow but she stayed there and cried until she felt her tears freeze in her eyes.

Jack and Pitch

It was a woman, which was all he knew because when she jumped up her blood brown eyes met his for a second. Maybe it was a sign for him to move on. Being punched and hurt by a woman with fire powers. Or it could just be his luck at making friends. He walked over to the edge of the mountain, calming his blizzard as he walked, and he went to throw the tooth case again but still could not find the power to. He looked at his picture on the box just as he heard Pitch.

"I thought this might happen," Pitch said as Jack's face molded into pain and anger, "they never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that," Pitch said innocently, "But I understand."

Jack threw his icy blast at Pitch's voice wishing he would just shut up. "You don't understand anything!" Jack yelled, he was hurting and Pitch was the cause.

"No? I don't know what it's like to be cast out?" Pitch yelled, angry at Jack. He understood perfectly, before Jeannie he had no one. The Guardians hurt him and he was alone. He threw shadowy blasts at Jack and was pelted with icy ones at the same time. "To not be believed in?" he yelled. He tried to calm his voice, "To long for a family." Jack held up his staff and pointed it at Pitch but lowered it as Pitch spoke. "All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like. But now I see I was wrong," he looked at Jack letting the hurt flow to his eyes. He had Jeannie where Jack really had no one but he did not let on. "We don't have to be alone, Jack. I believe in you. And I know children will, too," Pitch stepped closer and spoke in Jacks ear, knowing he was reaching the boy.

"In me?" Jack whispered considering it.

Pitch nearly jumped with joy, he had him! "Yes! Look at what we can do," he motioned to the black and white ice and sand sculpture they had made in their battle. "What goes together better than cold and dark? We can make them believe! We'll give them a world where everything, everything is…"

Jack interrupted, "Pitch Black?"

Pitch had to catch himself, he was losing the boy, "and Jack Frost, too. They'll believe in both of us," he tried to reel Jack back. Speak to his desire.

"No, they'll fear both of us. And that's not what I want," Jack spoke firmly, he saw Pitch's plan. Jack turned to walk away calling back over his shoulder, "Now for the last time, leave me alone."

Pitch was hurt but he knew if Jack came back with him, he would have to fight for her attention. He was angrier at how Jack did not want Jeannie. "Very well. You want to be left alone. Done. But first…" Pitch held up the little Baby Tooth that Jack was so found of, tightening his grip to make her squeal.

Jack ran forward concerned, "Baby Tooth!" Jack held up his staff ready to fire and take out Pitch but he would kill Baby Tooth with that close a blast.

"The Staff, Jack!" Pitch yelled. "You have a bad habit of interfering. Now, hand it over, and I'll let her go," he felt like he was talking for Jeannie not the little tooth fairy in his hand. Jack stood there for a minute but then dropped the staff to his side and Pitch could only smile.

Jack handed the staff to Pitch reluctantly, "alright. Now let her go." He held out his hand for Baby Tooth.

Pitch smiled then gave Jack a look of disgust, "no," when Jack gave him a confused look, "you said you wanted to be alone. So be alone!" he yelled at Jack. Just then Baby Tooth stuck her long nose into Pitch's hand and he threw her.

"No!" Jack yelled after her, looking back at Pitch in time to see him break his staff. Jack hollered out in pain, grabbing his stomach where the woman had punched him. Only to be smacked with a sand blast a thrown against a wall of ice then to fall into a hole.

Pitch laughed throwing Jack's staff into the hole and leaving. He had plans to rub it in the Guardians' faces then to go home and see if Jeannie was back yet.

Jack saw Baby Tooth shivering on the icy ground and called to her and asked if she was alright as he picked her small body up in his hands. He went to cover her with his hands but she sneezed and shivered more. He sighed, "Sorry. All I can do is keep you cold. Pitch was right. I make a mess of everything," Jack lowered his head knowing he was defeated. "Hey!" Jack exclaimed as Baby Tooth crawled from his hand into his jacket pocket. He lay back against the icy walls with a sigh.

"Jack? Jack!" A voice called to him form a glowing light in his hoodie pocket. He screamed and jumped back against another wall. Then he reached into his pocket to pull out a glowing tooth case. "Jack!" the case insisted. Baby Tooth placed her hand on the case and looked at Jack wanting him to do the same. When he did a box appeared in front of him and he saw himself playing with a little girl and a woman. The little girl had the same voice as the tooth box. He saw the little girl pulling a brown-haired, brown-eyed version of himself out an old door to an icy path. They both had ice skates over their shoulders and smiles on their faces. A woman, his mother, told them to be careful. Jack had only smiled and told her they would. Then he saw the lake and the little girl standing on braking ice. He felt the fear he had felt that day he remembered the thoughts of her falling and it hurt his heart. He relived playing hopscotch with her to calm her down, he remembered grabbing his staff and throwing her out of the way. Saving her! He remembered her giggle as she slid to safety and he remembered his own falling through the ice. He slowly changed into a spirit, he opened his eyes wide seeing the moon and wanting to take in as much light as he could.

On the other side

Tragedy had heard him and Pitch. Pitch had never told her how lonely he was before she came to him and when she left him. He had never said anything about his pain but she wasn't honest either, she never told him she could be seen. She also never knew of Jack's hurt. She felt like she was falling into darkness when the two most important spirits in her life were fighting. When she saw Pitch leave, she slid into the hole where Jack had fallen. His eyes were glazed over and he was looking at his hands and one of those boxes. A little humming-bird turned to see her and shook her head. Tragedy somehow understood that Jack needed to focus and she couldn't interrupt his vision or talk to him until his mission was complete though what that meant she did not know. She ran and watched as Jack opened his eyes wide and he panted asking if the humming-bird had seen what he had. Then he said something that sent a stabbing pain through her heart. "I had a sister! I saved her!" He hadn't remembered her. He didn't know she was the woman he had helped in the fire pit. He did not know her. She sat down watching him run to his staff. He connected the staff using his ice powers and flew out of the cave. She moved slowly. She somehow knew that he had not known her but then again she had hoped he remembered her. She stumbled out of the icy hole and walked to the hole Pitch had used to travel there he had used a shadow to get back. Shadows were faster than holes which were faster than walking. She wanted to get home but not too fast, she had much to think about.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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