
Second Territory

" Hmm.. CP-0.. Find the Pluton, poison the King of the Alabasta Kingdom and framed someone for his death, and let the the people from the Cipher Pols be the new king.. Hmm ?? Ordered to bring Vivi and forced her to be Saint. Branrett 23rd wife ? HAHAHA interesting.. My woman dare to move.. " Adam said calmly, but after knowing Vivi"s going to be someone else wife, Adam gets angry.

Not only Adam was angry, but Nami, Vivi and everyone else too.

Adam stop using his Voice of All Things and directly pull the Excalibur in his left waist which the hilt was tucked in the dark green sash before.

Adam held the hilt of the Excalibur with both his hands and raise up infront of him. Adam then attached his Conqueror"s Haki into the Excalibur. Everyone in the room can feel a majestic aura from Adam"s body, especially the people from the World Government which Adam was focusing on.

" From now on. You all will surrender to me ! "


All the people from the World Government shout loud with respect. Making the people behind Adam confused, only Nami and Vivi the exception already knows when Adam share his experience at Wano.

" From now on, stop your bad behaviour and wicked doings. You will loyal to me, you will loyal to the Alabasta Royal Family, and loyal to the Alabasta Kingdom. " Adam continue using his Excalibur Ability.


Adam stop the Excalibur Ability, and tucked back the Excalibur on the dark green sash on his left waist.

" Stand.. " Adam said to the forced surrendered people.

Soon everyone stand and stood still .

" Vivi"s father, now they will do what i said before.. They dont care if someone tell that they were being forced to surrender. Their state will always be, unless i die.. " Adam said to Cobra.

Cobra and everyone were shocked hearing Adam words.

" What do you want to do with them, they will do it without hesistation. Let them get their punishment for the loss of Royal Guards outside, or anything you can.. "

" Hmm yes, 6 people which was wearing the white suits and mask all of them each has the strength of Vice Admiral in marines. It will be good to protect Alabasta.. "

" Hmm.. Igaram you can gotogether with the other Royal Guards. .. Yes and handle them.. The ministers stays.. " Cobra sits back on his seat and said calmly.

" Yes King Cobra !! " Igaram said respectfuly

" Adam-san.. Thank you.. " Igaram said with gratitude.

" Nothing.. " Adam patted Igaram shoulder.

Soon Igaram went out together with the World Government people, leaving the country ministers, Vivi, Adam and Nami.

After Cobra sits, the minister followed suit. Leaving Adam, Nami and Vivi stand there.

" Adam. What do you want to say ? " Cobra ask with a smile.

" Cough.. Future father in law.. This, i want Alabasta to seperated from the World Government, and will be my second territory. " Adam said embarassedly.

" This.. " the country ministers all shocked but were silent.

" Adam. Its not that easy.. If, i hang your flag above my flag. That means we were enemies with the World Government, if they come to attack im sure they were can easily be handled by you. But, thats not the important thing, its the trade between the other countries.. "

" With Alabasta not affiliated with the World Government, no merchants will come to trade with us. You can think it by yourself what will happened with us stop trading.. " Cobra said helplessly.

" Other country maybe can accept easily to be one of your territory, because they have arable land and can farm. Although we have still have arable land, but most of the country was desert. " Cobra continue after seeing Vivi sad face.

Adam and Nami felt into silence.

" Be one of my territory, the country does not need to give the Heavenly Tribute anymore. For the protection of the country, i alone is enough. I can teleport from far far away in a blink of eye, with only a call. I also does not need any protection fee." Adam said while looking at everyone in the room.

" For the arable land, i can built an huge island for Alabasta, or help to relocate to somewhere else. For country tradings, sooner or later with my territory increasing, it can be done. " Adam said with a grin.

Hearing Adam words, everyone felt into shock. Especially the words where Adam said he can build a huge island or help to relocate.

" I agree... Cough, Im sorry King Cobra, i slip. " one of the minister suddenly said waking everyone and he also awake himself and felt embarassed.

Cobra look at Adam and ask seriously.

" Can you really build a huge island ? Our country has been discussing for so long to relocate, but we cant find the place for it. You see, there is no other uninhabitated island as huge as the Sandy Island in the whole Paradise."

" Alabasta has 4 million people, to relocate the people it will be very troublesome. Also, we need to build our towns and cities again.. "

Cobra said many trouble about relocating.

" Dont worry, with my ability i can help to relocate the people. The towns and cities buildings will also be relocated. "

" All you need to discuss was find an empty place for the huge island be build by me.. You can choose in one of the four Blue Seas, Paradise, or even New World.. "

" What trouble else is there ?? Hahahha " Adam laugh patted his chest..
