
Level 1

Author's Fun Fact: Did you know that Jason's biological reactor or should we say, Evol Reactor, uses the particles and matters of the universe as the fuel, converting them into his unique usable particles.

Anyway, have a damn good read!


Chapter 37 — Level 1

Kobayashi regained her composure, but her lips still curling upward behind her mask.

"Hmm, great job as always," Kobayashi praised warmly. "You may now return to Sidonia, Pilot Jason."

"Anything for you, captain," Jason replied while smirking. "Unit 666, Rokurome will now immediately return,"

Kobayashi nodded slowly, feeling her cheeks becoming quite hot. She felt the unknown emotion surfacing once again, making her think it was very different from her admiration and respect to Sidonia's former hero.

Yuhata and the two masked assistants looked strangely after hearing the casual and slightly affectionate conversation between the pilot and the commander.

"I smell something fishy..." Yuhata mumbled while narrowing her eyes. "Are they somehow close with each others? I even heard a strange rumor that they're living under the same roof."

The two masked assistants weren't also certain, but they knew about one thing about Kobayashi.

"We better not mind their business... As they say, curiousity killed a cat."

Yuhata didn't know why, but she shivered after hearing those words. She decided to nod her head in agreement.

"May I know why you guys are talking so quietly over there?" Kobayashi suddenly questioned, staring down at them

"It's nothing, captain!" The three of them quickly answered while sweating bullets.

Rokurome soon managed to return, Jason greeted by several familiar official pilots and Sasaki.

And later on, the pacifist party from the Colony Ship claimed the only reason why a Gauna attacked them was because of the new weapon trial test, blaming everything toward Jason who didn't cared that much.

He just thought that they were really foolish.


Jason Star's Daily Log | Day 143.

It has been several days since the appearance of the Gauna and the new mass driver weapon. Since then, the mass driver was continuously being mass-produced for the Guardian Knights.

The new joints with magnetic coating were also equipped into Rokurome, further improving its own performance. The magnetic coating also helped with the balance and stability of the machine, making them recoil from the mass driver to be less of a problem.

And it wasn't just added into Rokurome, the Guardian Knights were also being slowly equipped with the magnetic coating joints.

There was also the recent news about Sidonia losing its contact with the Colony Ship—two possibilities arising. The first probability was that the Colony Ship was already too faraway to send a signal. The second probability was the Colony Ship already being destroyed.

However, the majority of the official pilots didn't cared that much about the news, completely devoted on training themselves to improve their piloting ability in order to increase their survival chances even by just a miniscule amount. As a result, all of them grew familiar with using the mass driver and also the new sub-systems by intensively using the newly upgraded Virtual Training Room with 99% assimilation rate that can also physically imitate the cockpit's movement within the virtual simulation.

There were also several Training Campaign being taken by the official pilots and SDF trainees since virtual simulations weren't enough to make up for real experiences.

The Mining Campaign was also held in order for Sidonia to acquire resources since the rapid development of Sidonia consumed a lot of resources, making them the need to prioritize acquiring resources in advance while things were still peaceful.

As for Jason himself, he actually went into a deep training seclusion and didn't participated with all of those busy campaigns.

Kobayashi didn't forced Jason to join them, and gave him some ample amount of vacation since he usually worked everyday without resting.

As a result, Jason stayed within his private basement for several days without ever going out. He felt himself being very close to completely mastering his strength under the Level 2 Seal.

He was currently sitting cross-legged within the basement while closing his eyes deeply, his mind's concentration and focus sharpened to their very limits.

Jason's control had long stopped improving through vigorous exercise and training martial arts—the only way left was to improve his control by using his mind to directly connect into his body, allowing his mind to govern everything within his body, rather than leaving the body to control every bodily functions automatically through pure instincts.

What he wanted was to achieve the state where the mind and body were entirely one, not separated entities.

Jason's powerful mind flowed throughout every single muscle fibers, veins, nerves, bones, organs, and hormone glands—every mysteries and treasures within his body, trying to use his mind to deeply connect with them. He tried to control and move all of them by using his mind, but it took a heavy and painful toll on his head.

It was indeed impossible to completely achieve all of that, but Jason was fine with it even of not everything were within his mind's control. He will take it slow and steadily, starting from his muscles and nerves.



Each and every single muscle fibers from the major muscles, minor muscles, and micro muscles were visibly bulging largely underneath his pale skin, constantly twitching and contracting on their own. All of Jason's muscles were moving separately and different from each others, but all of it soon synchronized completely with each and every subtle movement.

When every muscle fibers moved as one without difference, Jason would be able to use and focus his entire strength, even unearthing the hidden untouched power within his body. It would also allow him finally have complete control over his strength, finally signifying that he was ready to release the Level 2 Seal.

It took him a lot of hard work and sleepless night, but Jason finally managed to completely synchronized every muscle fibers within his body, a faint vibration sound echoing within him, signifying that all of his strength were unearthed and condensed.

And at this moment, Mr. Alien spoke within his mind.

⟨ Host, you have perfectly controlled your strength under Level 2 Seal. We will now proceed toward Level 1 Seal. ⟩

Jason nodded his head.

⟨ Adjusting the Body's Limiter to Level 1.... ⟩

Jason once again felt many shackles shattering within him, causing him to feel his body growing as light as a feather. His various senses started to expand and grow even more stronger, allowing him to clearly feel his countless cells evolving another level, dividing and replicating rapidly with new superior evolved cells that surged condensely with overwhelming and overbearing strength and robust vitality.

"Ugh, so addicting!" Jason exclaimed, feeling the familiar sensation of his body becoming free from another seal.

He now entered Level 1 with his various abilities being strengthened again.

His body increased 10 times which was five times more than before, allowing Jason to feel that he could contest with a Guardian Knight with ordinary Silver Thread Tissue.

His Healing Factor was also enhanced, allowing him to quickly regenerate a missing limb.

However, he needed to once again get completely familiar with this new better strength which would probably take some time as usual.

Thought Acceleration improved to reach 60x with the drawback also growing stronger, but Jason's brain was also enhanced, strengthening his various mental capabilities.

And unlike the Gauna that walked down the Biological Pathway or the Guardian Knight that walked down the Mechanical Pathway, Jason walked down the Particle Energy Pathway.

After reaching level 1 seal, Jason had more influence and control over the Higgs Particles, allowing him to have the ability to slightly modify his body.

Using that ability, Jason changed his heterochromia eyes into a pair of charcoal-like eyes. Now, he looked more similar to his first iteration self, but with unparalleled handsomeness.

(Image Here)

He almost felt crying after seeing his two eyes now having the same old familiar black colours. It felt quite weird having heterochromia eyes when he wasn't that used to it. As for excuse, he decided to tell everyone that he just started to wear a contact lense.

Jason can now also create more complex and intricate particle constructs. He can even control seven complex constructs at the same time without difficult. As for how complex it was, Jason could create anything as long as he know about the structural information and not exceeding his current ability.

The range grew larger and longer as well, but Jason still couldn't shoot projectiles that were separated from his body. However, the increased range can also function as something like a projectile too, making it possible for Jason to fly by using the particles to create thrusters. He was even capable of creating a giant humanoid construct, but it would completely exhaust his reactor.

The possibility of being able to create H-field by himself existed as well as he was able to create and control his own unique positive and negative charges, but it felt somehow impossible even for him.

His biological reactor was also strengthened, the conversion rate becoming more faster and efficient. As a result, the daily energy income of Jason went from the usual one and half hour into four hours worth of lifespan energy a day if not actively used since it would be much lower if Jason use the reactor frequently.

And essentially, the lifespan energy was a higher tier energy compared to the Higgs Particle.

Jason spent several more days to control his new strength to the level of at least not accidentally exploding someone with just a light tap of his finger.

That would be a very terrible outcome.


Jason didn't grew smelly after not even taking shower for many weeks. Instead, he smelled more better when compared the past, as if his sweat was a divine heavenly nectar.

After unlocking another seal, his pheromones

changed significantly. At this rate, a woman might automatically cum badly after just smelling him.

And of course, Jason didn't wanted this kind of unnecessary ability. Using his advance body control, he managed to contain his pheromones from leaking out — though, there was a bit of problem. Jason would need to regularly leak the accumulated pheromones sometimes, or else he would get sick.

Jason took a shower, feeling refresh after being completely cleansed from sweat.

He went out of the shower, only a bath towel wrapping around his waist, which clearly revealed his upper body that looked more muscular and leaner, as if it was sculpted to resemble the body of God.

Jason was about to change at his room, but them bumped into Kobayashi who left her bedroom.

Kobayashi looked toward him before her gaze landed upon his bare muscular body.


She swallowed her saliva, confused to feel that Jason's body seemed more captivating and enthralling compared to the past.

And she also noticed something different about him.

"Are you wearing a contact lense? Your eyes are both black now."

"Yes, do I look good with It?" Jason asked curiously while nearing his face for her

to see more closely, oblivious to see her slightly flustered eyes.

"Mm, you look pretty good, but I think your heterochromia eyes also fits you."

"Hmm, I see," Jason nodded while backing away.

The next day, Jason returned to his heterochromia eyes.

Black and Red.

Let the past bygones; welcome new changes.


Hmm, what do you think?

Should Jason keep his heterochromia or not?

Support me on my pat reon.com/LordIshya small things are helpful

Also, the prologue has been officially released

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