
Deep Dive (I)

Snow slowly walked over towards the door, hoping that the person who was knocking would go away. But whoever it was didn't. It became louder, telling her that the problem wasn't going to go away anytime soon.

Reaching up, she rested her hand on the lock. Her mind was telling her that she didn't want to listen to her mother and keep the doors locked for good.

"Snow," Liz spoke, "let him in."

With a deep breath, she unlocked it. It took a bit of effort to turn the doorknob as she dearly didn't want to let whoever was in to come. With a creak, the door opened. She took a step back.

Snow was a bit taken aback by the two figures that were standing in front of the door itself. The first was a young man with glasses, but she felt like he would look pretty good if he took off his glasses and put on contact instead. His hair was a bit disheveled as he was a bit taller than herself. He had on a simple green and black t-shirt and blue jeans. For some reason, he felt familiar. She wasn't sure why.

But her gaze left him and went to the man who was standing next to the young man. This man had on a blue suit. His hair was slicked back in a businessman fashion. Even his nose was a bit sharp, reminding her of a beak. His purple eyes stared down at Snow with interest, glaring into her very soul that made her uncomfortable.

"Hello," The businessman spoke out, catching her off guard. "My name is Poron." He gave him her hand to shake, but she didn't take it.

"You're that stalker." Snow blatantly spoke, glaring at him. She wasn't going to be persuaded by this crazy man supposed gentleman attitude.

Poron chuckled, not minding that she called him a stalker at all. He chuckled at her words, shrugging his shoulder as if it wasn't true at all.

"I just wanted to know you guys. I meant no harm." Poron threw up his hand in front of him, showing her that he had nothing in his hands.

"Then why did you bring someone with you here? Is he your bodyguard or something?" Snow asked, looking back at the young man to Poron.

"Him? Well-" Poron stated, unsure what to say about him. He seemed just as confused as Snow on who this man was, but was about to say more when Dairen spoke.

"I'm Dairen." Dairen took a step into the apartment, almost as if he was trying to push Poron out with his body. He reached over to shake Snow's hand. "I work alongside with Mr. Poron here. I'm just a spokesman for the company A and J Crystal and Diamond, which Mr. Poron was here for."

Snow hesitantly glanced down at Dairen's hand, unsure if she should, But something was telling her that the man in front of her was an ally. She reached over and shook his hand. "I am Snow."

A wide smile erupted on Dairen's lips. "I'm glad to see you are okay." A hint of relief escaped his lips, making Snow wonder what he meant.

Poron looked at Dairen once and bumped into Dairen rudely. Dairen stumbled forward, almost crashing into Snow herself. He reached out, covering her in his embrace as he scowled at Poron.

"Do you mind?" Dairen snapped, glaring at Poron.

"I didn't see you." Poron walked past him. He took off his shoes and headed straight to Liz.

Snow felt her cheeks slightly warmed up, but she saw Poron heading straight to her mother. She disentangled from Dairen's embrace and rushed to her. Grabbing his arms, she pulled him backward.

"Your seat is over here." Snow replied with a hint of weariness. From the way that Poron was acting, she had a suspicious feeling that this man was trying to do something to her mother. She wanted him out, but she didn't know how to politely kick both of these strangers out.

She had hoped that her father would hurry home to kick this strange out. Better yet, she glanced around to figure out where her father had kept the gun for protection. She remembered it was in one of the cupboards, but she couldn't exactly remember where.

The only thing closest to them was the knife that her mother had in hand, and she hoped to dear god that she knew how to use it.

Poron wasn't too happy that Snow had stopped him. He shook her hands-off as he went towards the chair that she had directed.

"Why hello, My name is Elizabeth, but call me Liz for short." Liz gave a pleasant smile; she brought over a dish of food as she slid it towards him. She then looked over towards Dairen. "Come over, Dairen. Have some breakfast for today."

"Thank you, mamn." Darien quickly shuffled over. He sat right next to Poron, half glaring at him with suspicion.

It was a weird standoff between the two that Snow couldn't make heads or tails of it. Today was a strange day, she thought she was in a dream, but that thought went out of the window when her mother slid over her food next to an open chair and gave her the usual calm smile that would put her at ease.

"Snow, come on over and eat your breakfast. I know its Sunday, and we need to clean up the house, but we can do it later when they leave."

Snow walked over and took a seat. She looked down at the plate of food in hand and looked up at the two intruders. She didn't understand her mother on why she would let this stalker in with his possible accomplice. Maybe she was overthinking it, but she felt that Dairen was here to help. Hopefully, she was right.

Liz brought over her plate of food as she sat across from Poron.

Poron crossed his hand in front of himself as he gazed at Liz with interest. "Well, Thank you, Liz, for allowing me to visit. I was wondering if we could talk about some business that I have asked about the last time we have met."

"Sure, but your food would get cold." Liz pointed out, "A full stomach will allow us to have a better conversation."

"Yes, you are right. I have all the time in the world." Poron chuckled as he picked up the fork and started to eat.

Snow scarfed down the food in front of him, watching Dairen, Poron, and her mother all at the same time. She had wondered what they were going to talk about. Mostly because the silence between the three was unbearable.

Liz was leisurely eating as if nothing was wrong. While Poron seemed to do the same, only Dairen had a bit of ferocity around his aura, making it a bit uncomfortable to sit next to him.

Was my mom usually an airhead? Snow thought, examining her mother a bit closer, but she still acted the same way that she usually does.

When Liz was done eating, she wiped her mouth a few times with a dab of her napkin. She got up, taking her time to the sink.

"I can help you with that," Dairen got up, taking his plate and even Snow's over to help wash the dishes. He wanted to know what they were talking about as he took the plate over.

"That is sweet of you," Liz commented, glad that there was a helping hand. She then walked back over and took a seat. "Mr. Poron, why have you come here?"

The usual smile that Liz had given off was becoming a bit unbearable. Snow knew that the way her mother smiled had a hint of pressure to it that made her shiver. She had the feeling that she was very serious in front of the man that Snow called a pervert.

Poron coughed once; he seemed a bit unsettled by the sudden change of demeanor in front of Liz. He cleared his throat before advancing with his questions. "I came to you for the same reason. I would like access to the crystal heart bracelet."

"I said the same thing last time I met you, and I can not make that decision." Liz folded her hand in front of her.

"Then who can?" Poron was adamant about getting this so-called crystal heart bracelet.

Liz motioned her hand to Snow.

"Your daughter?" Poron curiously looked over; he tilted his head for a moment. Then a flicker of interest glimmered in his eyes, making Snow uncomfortable. "Well, what an interesting predicament."

"I'm sorry, what's interesting?" Said Snow. She wasn't liking where this subject was going, especially the man in front of her.

"Do you have your crystal heart bracelet, dear?" Liz asked calmly.

"Yes?" Snow wasn't sure if she wanted to show such a precious bracelet, mostly the man in front of her. Her hand reached up to her wrist, grasping it tightly. This bracelet was special to her. It was a gift from someone special, but for some reason, she couldn't remember who.

Poron's gaze rested on Snow's wrist, a smirk appeared on his lips, excited to find something that he has been searching for. He calmly replied, "I'll give you anything for that bracelet. Just name your price."

Snow gaped at the man, wondering why he would give her anything that she desired. Was the bracelet in her wrist that expensive for the man to want to buy it from her?

"What are you willing to give me?" Snow asked cautiously, wondering how far he was going to go.

"The world."

"The world is not something anyone can exchange for," said Snow. She didn't see any many who would just casually state such a lame reply.

A dark chuckle erupted from Poron's lips, "if you only knew, child. With just a snap of your finger, I can make any wish that you dearly have into a reality."

"I highly doubt that." Snow countered, she wasn't going to buy such lies.

"Oh, but you will. You seem like your mother here." With a snap of his finger, a blazing black flames erupted around her, caging her in its fiery embrace.

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