
Just A Phone Call

"You know, Haru? You can be pretty antisocial." Akira pointed out with a petty tone.

"Yeah, well, I'm not a social butterfly like you." I grumbled back. 

"That's only because you don't try." I could see Akira shaking his head in disappointment.

"Do you want to know what happened or not?" I snapped.

"Yes! I do." Seems like Akira realized I was on the verge of hanging up on him. "So? What happened? It's not like you to have your phone die."

I then explained the events that occurred last night. I started from where we parted ways to when I got back home. Of course, I left out the unnecessary parts he didn't need to know. 

Akira didn't interrupt me once and just listened.

"And I've been relaxing the whole day since... Well, excluding the situation with Yuu-kun." I finished before turning to lay on my back. 

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