
Gains and Losses, the Price of a Gift

Editor: Henyee Translations

It just so happened that there had been major upheavals in several countries throughout Asia and Africa that spring.

Because of these events, more and more refugees began to flee across the Mediterranean to Europe to avoid the spreading flames of civil war.

Go to America? They would have to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

If something happened to Sokovia in Eastern Europe, not only would the European Union and Russia have to deal with even more refugees, they might even have to personally step into the conflict.

At that time, America would still be safe.

Thus, the European Union and Russia had been cursing in their hearts for the past two days. On the surface, many governments had already raised questions about the lawfulness of the Avengers' actions, and were guiding public opinion.

The Hulk going crazy could be considered conclusive evidence.

Sure enough, Tony sent Luke a message.

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