
Chapter 52

A sigh left Shino's lips as she loomed over the city. Things were getting out of hand, but it was not all bad. She was happy that she lessened the damage to the city. She stood high and let her eyes roam over everything. Katsuki had joined the team at the hospital followed by Momo who had Jiro, Tsuyu and Ren with her. With all of them there they told her to go. There was probably something out there for her to do. And they were right. She left. They could handle it. For now she had a job. Her mother assigned her to a task. After taking in the city her eyes focused on locating her target. There was someone her mother wanted her to shadow. She was curious. Her mother did not tell her why she had to be a tail, but she was doing it no questions. She trusted her mother. So she followed. There were so many scents mixed into the air that it was somewhat difficult to focus on that of her target. But what little she could get out of it was familiar. A scent she hadn't sensed in a long period of time. It made her even more curious 

A silent tap was heard as she carefully landed on the roof of another house. The figure she was following was impressive. Their steps were silent. Their movements careful. They could go and did go unnoticed by the untrained. But Shino kept her eyes in them. Their movement was familair. Where had she seen it before? She dived into her memories all the while silently landing on the hard road and slinking into the shadows. Someone who moved as smooth as a cat. So fast that she thought they might actually make something tip and fall, but it never happens. They were so fast that they were in one place in the blink of an eye. Who moved like that? 

Shino hid behind a building when the figure turned around. She breathed calmly as a name and face entered her mind. Was it really her? 

The figure continued on and so did she. The longer she followed after her the more it became clear that it was indeed her. How long had it been since they last saw each other?

She attached a web to a nearby building and subtly took to the sky. Her target looked around but saw no one. Her hood was over her face, keeping her hidden. She wanted to get closer. To identity the scent. The person. She had a feeling it was her. She was hoping she was right. If it was her she would take her chance to pull her into a conversation about everything that has happened.

She wondered how the others were doing.


Izuku let out a long sigh as he landed beside his friends. The group had been preoccupied for over twenty minutes. They had to work hard to stop the Nomu and prevent damage to the hospital. With the help of Sora's shield none of them could get in or out. With two teams each stations outside and on the inside things went fairly well and all the Nomu were immobilized sooner than expected.

But they were tired.

Sora slumped to the ground, feeling very weak. The drawback to creating such a large shield suddenly kicked it. If it wasn't for Shino's device having boosting his quirk he would not be capable of holding the shield for more than five minutes. Twenty minutes was impressive and apparently the limit of his boosted power. Momo had removed the device when he collapsed and fed him one of Shino's blood pill to restore his energy. The pill was then passed to everyone of the group.

Pro heroes had arrived and commended them for protecting the hospital. No one cared about the fact that they had no license. At least not at that moment. It was a relief. That would rather not deal with the adults. They did what they needed to do an that's what mattered.

"Anyone know where the idiot of a leader is? " Katsuki asked the group. They had left the hospital in the hands of the pros some time ago. After that they went around town handling anything that needed their attention as best and as fast as they could. They did not want to draw too many attention fro the pros.

"She said she was going to see if her mother needed her assistance around the city and such" Sora replied while munching on some chips.

His reply caught the attention of those unaware of Shino's familial ties.

"Her mother? " Tsuyu questioned.

"What do you mean by that? Is her mother a hero? "Ochako asked.

"I knew it! "Daichi exclaimed happily. "I knew it! "

Sora sighed and Izuku chuckled nervously. Katsuki remained quiet and looked ahead as if he had heard nothing at all. Momo showed no clear reaction other than glancing at the ones that already knew the answer to that question or accusation. Shoto was indifferent.

"Now, I didn't say that " Sora tried to cover his tracks.

"I doubt her mother would need her assistance in the city if she was not a hero or involved with the hero business in some way" Tsuyu, always the voice of calm reason, stated.

"Tsu's right" Jiro nodded and looked to Momo, who seemed pensive. "Do you know anything about this YoaMomo? "

Momo let out a breath but did not answer the question. She didn't know what to say. She doubted Shino would care about them knowing. She does consider them close friends. But she did not think it was her place to answer such question.

"It's not for me to say"

Jiro left her alone after that. She knew better than to push. All was quiet after that. The only thing to be heard were their steps and the scratching of Ren's pencil on her drawing pad. She was lost in her own world again. Tsuyu stuck close to her to make sure she didn't hurt herself. She tended to zone out and not focus on her surroundings.

"I have another question "Daichi piped up and hurried to catch up to Momo. "It's about your relationship with Shino"

Momo immediately got bright red at those words. She looked away from the excited boy. Katsuki snickered. Sora grinned and Izuku looked worried. He was wondering if he should swoop in and change the subject before Momo was riddled to a blushing embarrassed mess. Shoto surprisingly enough, showed genuine interest. Ochako lit up at the question. She wanted to know too. It was obvious that the two liked each other. Everyone noticed. Even the most dense of their classmates. Shino showed a clear interest in her long time friend. Akio could tell himself that he could care less about such things, but he would be lying to himself.

"Why would you ask such a thing? "

"Because you seem to like her" Tsuyu answered.

"And she like you, at least as far as I can see" Daichi added.

"And it may be a subtle change but things between you two has changed." Akio voiced. He might as well.

Momo let out an embarrassed whimper. Sora laughed to himself. Of only Shino was there to witness one of her favorite things about the girl. He had to admit, he could see the appeal. Momo was smart. Enough to keep up with Shino's odd way of thinking. She's strong as well, eve though it was hard for her to believe. She was kind and accepting.

Not to mention her incredible body.

He could clearly see why Shino liked her. It was nice. The way Shino acted one would think she wasn't the type of person to enter a relationship.

Where is she anyway?


"It really is her"

Shino was climbing across a wall in her endeavor. It had been some time since she became a tail. She followed the figure all the way to a bar. A bar that was familiar to her. The second she saw it she activated every incognito quirk she had. She could not risk being discovered by the people within the bar.

"The League of Villains"

She climbed higher on the building, into the shadows. She was proven right. It was her. She was the one that warned her of what would take place. Shino smiled. She was happy she didn't give into the darkness. She was still the girl she knew. She may not have fallen completely into the dark but she was involved with some bad people. Why? She didn't know yet. It didn't sit right with her, but there was nothing she could do for now.

"The hospital is still in one piece" the familair Kurogiri informed an agitated Shigaraki. The man boy growled and slammed his hand down on the bar. "And Stain was arrested without doing much damage"

"Useless! What about the Nomu? "

"They are being taken care of. It seems someone found a way to easily deal with them"

"Who? "

"That is knowledge I lack" Kurogiri was calm as he served some drinks to his fellow villains. "But I have a strong feeling that child is involved. She's been a thorn in our side since the day we met her"

Shino chuckled to herself. She's already made a name for herself. Which is a double edged sword. Her name might be mentioned to the big man.

Not so good.

"I was never here" she decided she had stuck around long enough. With one last glance at the bar she let herself be pulled to the sky.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Himiko"

Next chapter