
Never Once has his Women been weak

Taking out the radar Yozu checked for the next dragon ball, "Huh?" Everyone checked the radar "There are only six balls?" Yozu clicked the Radar a few more time, "Let me check it" Bulma took the Radar heading into the ship for a few moments before coming out of it. "The Radar is working, I bet the ball was swallowed or..." Bulma looks at Yozu who nodded "Stored somewhere the signals can't come out"

Yozu had an inkling but he took out a capsule where many of his things were stored inside, he threw the six balls into this storage as well, "How about going to Fortune Teller Baba, she should be able to tell you where the last ball is" Master Roshi suggested, Yozu thought for a moment before looking at everyone, "You all want to come along?"

"Does that include me?" Yozu turned to see a violet hair colour woman wearing the red ribbon army uniform, Goku lept towards her but was stopped by Mizuki who chopped his neck. Yozu glances at Bulma who also looked towards him, Yozu took a deep breath as he turns to look towards her "And why would you want to come along?" The violet colour hair woman smiled "Because I will be useful"

"How can we trust you, you are part of the Red Ribbon Army!" Yamcha at Violet who nodded without feeling the least bit guilty "Yes I was, but my allegiance is with him, my king and only him" She glanced at Yozu with a determined face that she will not take no for an answer, Bulma shivered as she remembered one of her sisters always acted like a knight towards Masaru, the first Knight to have sworn her allegiance as a knight to her king. "Jeanne?"

(AN: Masaru = Yozu's past life)

"It has been a long time Gunslinger Ulrika, and Kuroka" Violet glances at Bulma and Mizuki with a smile before the three girls ran to hug one another, everyone was confused looking at the girls then turn to look at Yozu for an explanation. "Let's first get into the aircraft and I will explain what is going on for you all." Yozu smiled wryly as everyone got into Bulma's Flying Aircraft, "So you have been with Red Ribbon Army?" Mizuki asked

Violet nodded, "There is another sister who is also part of the Red Ribbon Army, but she had been sent away a few hours before Yozu and his friend Goku arrived at the Headquarters" Mizuki looked towards Violet with Surprise, "You mean to say that there are another one of our sisters?" Violet nodded with a smile, but she had a problem. She never knew the location the lady was at. "Would never expect two of our sisters joined a world terrorist group, reminds me of the time of Khaos Brigade"

Yozu explained everything in basic for everyone so they could more or less understand the situation, the reason for that was the fact Yozu himself did not know everything because he did not have much memory of his past life. "So you say you had a past life in another world along with those girls, and all of you reincarnated here?" Krillin asked as it was the summary of the situation, "Yes, we are linked with one another through our souls so we can sense each other, that is why me, Bulma and Mizuki could sense that Violet was one of our own"

"What about you? Your memories aren't you going to wish for them back?" Master Roshi asked, Yozu shook his head "I can't, the dragon balls can't undo something done by a being much higher than it" Yozu answered Roshi's question although he himself did not want to fail his trial, "Those two objects you use to power up and fight, do they come from a different world as well?" Goku asked as the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing materialized in red fingerless glove and a white scarf.

[That is correct] Ddraig answered, [We came to this world together with Yozu] Albion answered. Everyone except for the three girls drew back from Yozu, "I-It talked!" Oolong nearly pissed himself when he heard Ddraig and Albion's voice as he felt natural instinctual fear from their dragon aura, "What are those?" Master Roshi asked, Yozu caress his chin before describing the sacred gear as a piece of equipment with a soul living within it.

"Yozu we are here" Bulma announced as they land in the middle of a dessert with a palace built on top of a large Oasis, when everyone got off the aircraft Bulma transformed it back into a capsule as they all went to stand at the back of a long queue filled with people who wants to gain the services of Fortune Teller Baba. "Welcome, is it all of you together?" a White gasper ghost came floating towards Yozu and the group, "Yes"

"Hiehiehie Good good, wait in the line" Gasper the ghost flew away to lead the next group of people inside, soon the atmosphere became strange as people came out with smiling faces while some came out beaten up pretty badly. "Just what is this place?" Krillin asked while Master Roshi sighed and said nothing, 'You are still the same as ever... Sister' Roshi thought.

A While later it was finally their turn, they were lead over the bridge which lead to the spacious room where Baba an elderly short lady was waiting for them wearing a witch outfit and black witch hat floating on a crystal ball. "Welcome to my humble abode, I am the Fortune Tell Baba. I will let you know that my fortune costs ten million Zeni" Hearing this number of Money Yozu did not speak and kept silent, Bulma wanted to pay but Violet held her "Wait for the king"

Bulma nodded, "I take it you don't have, very well if you can defeat five of my best warriors I will tell your fortune for free!" hearing this Yozu had a familiar smile that made the three girls smile wryly feeling sorry for the five men, "I will take it, Only me, Goku and the three girls will fight" Yozu spoke causing Master Roshi and Yamcha to look at Yozu with surprised expression even Krillin came forward "You are going to make Bulma fight?"

Yozu turn to look at Bulma who had a confident smile, "She herself wants to, so why not" Yozu answered smiling as Baba lead them to a large arena, "Let me ask you beforehand granny, if I kill one of your warriors are you going to disqualify me?" Yozu glances at Baba who froze out of shock, no one asked this kind of question to her before. This made her look at Yozu with interest and curiosity, "If it happens it happens, such as the way of life. But this include for your team as well"

"There is no rules, if you are thrown into the lake or give up the match is over" Baba spoke, Yozu turns to look at the three girls and Goku "You all heard it, you can die in this match if you are not careful. If it gets too tough, give up immediately and don't try to be a hero. There is always a next time as long as you are alive, remember it" Yozu glances at Goku particularly who nodded as he understood Yozu's intentions.

"Who will be first?" Baba asked as Bulma popped a capsule which contained dual desert eagles in holsters as well as fingerless gloves weaved with iron spider strings, "I am" Bulma answered as she puts on the belt holding the holsters of the dual guns around her waists, pulling on her fingerless gloves she leap on to the arena waiting for her opponent.

"Huh? How come I feel she is stronger than before?" Goku tilt his head as he could feel the changes that took place within Bulma who regained a portion of her powers and all her Memories, what he did not know was that Bulma's powers were little by little gaining momentum to the peak of her previous life. "Remind me to not piss her off, she gives off a scarier vibe than Launch-chan" Roshi muttered as he could clearly feel Bulma was stronger than him.

"Very well! First up is Draculaman!" After Baba's announcement, a Bat flew towards the arena before transforming into a skinny man with black messy hair wearing boxer gloves, short pants and his feet up to his calves were wrapped in cloths. "Are you both ready? Then begin!" Baba announced as Draculaman began to laugh hysterically while moving closer to Bulma who stood there silently looking at the man,

It was fast, faster than what those who knew Bulma could imagine how she pulled the guns from their holsters pulling the trigger several times. a Mournful scream shook the arena as Draculaman fell on the ground holding his crotch crying bloody tears, even Master Roshi, Krillin and Yamcha felt it was a bit breezy around their crotches today. Baba dropped her jaw as she could not imagine how such a pure looking woman would be so ruthless.

"Don't you feel sorry for shooting the poor man there?" Baba glances at Bulma who smiled, "Why should I care if he is not Yozu, Draculaman are you going to give up being a man or give up the match?" Bulma ask with a smile that appeared like a Hanya mask for Dracula who shivered before jumping into the lake himself. "You won this round, although weapons are unfair advantage" Bulma giggled "No need to worry as I will be going off now"

Baba stared at her with surprise, "You sure? You have such a good advantage" Bulma shook her head "My other sisters need to stretch their legs after all" Bulma jumped off the arena, Baba faked her unhappy mood but inside she was exhilarated as she felt the others might not be as strong as her. Mizuki leap onto the arena but suddenly got into her battle stance, "What is up with her? There is no one on the Arena" Krillin commented,

"There is someone already on the Arena, he is Invisible man!" Baba answered his question with a smug look on her face, Yozu said nothing as he glances at Mizuki "I will reward you if you win" Hearing this Mizuki became excited, if she had her cat tail it would have stood up straight to display her excitement, "Ey what about me?" Bulma clung onto Yozu who smiled wryly, "I will spoil you anytime, but Bulma is it fine... Having all you girls together?"

"We are fated to be together in this life and the next, that is the vow we shared in our past life Yozu" Bulma answered, this gave Yozu a revelation of his past life as he could vividly begin to remember the faces of the women he vowed to love till the end of his existence, his heartbeat could be heard by Bulma who was surprised. "You remember?" Yozu shook his head, "a Little, but it is still confusing" Bulma did not rush Yozu as she supported him while he held his forehead.

"Let the second round begin!" Right after Mizuki used trackless step to approach the invisible man without him seeing her, the next moment he saw her was the moment it was too late as Mizuki spin her body delivering a roundhouse kick which sent the invisible man flying into the lake. "W-What!?" Baba almost fell off her crystal ball seeing her second man was dealing with so easy, Mizuki wen toff the arena leaping into Yozu's arms.

"I want a big reward nyan!" Mizuki smirked while Yozu caressed her hair, "Good Work" Master Roshi was shocked as he did not expect that the two girls were this powerful, then he turns to look at Commander Violet who materialized a holy sword in her hand as she jump onto the arena. "Hold on! The next battle will be inside" Baba Said before leading everyone inside, the devil's toilet.


[To think Origin locked Yozu's original powers and Sacred Gear] Ddraig muttered as he glanced at the Orb in the sky that was beating like a heart, [I have been wondering as well, we have no memories of our hosts dying so how did we end up inside Yozu in the first place] Albion muttered causing Ddraig to froze as he did not question this, the two dragons were too used to changing hosts as sacred gears they never question the fact that Issei and Vali never died.

"It's Simple, because I and Origin had recreated the two of you by taking a sliver of your soul from the sacred gear to artificially create the two of you" a Silver-Haired Loli wearing black shirt with a skull on it, blue ripped jeans and ankle height boots, "And for why his powers are sealed, is because there is a prerequisite for Masaru to fulfil before he will regain everything" Ddraig look towards her [Did Yozu... No... Masaru Die in the previous world?]

"Now that! Is the Billion Zeni Question" She said with a smirk

Ho Ho ho!!!! I finally did it! Three daily chapters! Hooray! I will be giving myself a drink (Coffee)

Now then... The topic of Masaru's "death" is being questions... "Issei and Vali's" death is being questioned... Just what has happened during the Reincarnation spell? What does it do? Who knows, I sure won't say till DxD reach that point BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Take care out there my fellow Noob!

Complete Noob is rushing off for a newbie Dungeon!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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