
Chapter 5

We have been walking for about 3 hours now, and Tiffany has tried to start up a conversation with me several times. I wasn't very talkative at the beginning, but as we drew closer to the city of Blowton, my nerves started getting the better of me.

My mind ran through all the terrible possibilities that could happen to me, and the longer it went on the worse it got. By hour 2, I broke down, and talked with Tiffany just to keep my mind on other things. She seemed nice, and was very informative. Though what I heard was rather out of the ordinary, even considering my situation.

First thing that we discussed, was that yes, people do get transported here a lot. It's not an every day thing, but enough that the kingdoms had taken notice. Most of them, were just normal people that didn't excel or suffer more or less than the general population. There are a few exceptions of travelers, that is the name given to people like me, that seem to go in power exponentially. Though those types of people are far rarer, it was deemed that anyone who comes across a new traveler, will aid them to the nearest town, where the traveler will be reasonable safe.

This was done after a kingdom had started to enslave the travelers, and caught one of the rare power leveling travelers. A couple years after this mans enslavement, he escaped and wasn't seen for about 5 years. He came back more powerful than anyone can imagine in such a short time, and basically destroyed the entire kingdom as revenge for his treatment.

From Novels I read, he seems to be one of the MCs that gets fucked at the beginning of the story, and uses that anger to power level his way into becoming a truly OP person. And from what Tiffany remembered from some of his exploits, the kingdoms were quick to welcome new travelers with open arms, in fear of ending up like them.

We also discussed that everyone does see windows, and levels from doing various quests or activities, to fighting monsters. I kept my System a secret as it didn't come up in her explanation, and I figured that may be what differs between the normal travelers, and the OP ones.

Lastly, and I think the biggest, is that most people and kingdoms pray to the 7 heavenly Gods and Goddesses. Gods being real didn't surprise me, based on where I currently am, but what did surprise me is that the 7 heavenly Gods and Goddesses, are my worlds 7 deadly sins.

That shocked me, and I asked Tiffany to explain how that worked.

"Well first off, the God of Pride, asks that you take pride in everything you do. No matter how small or insignificant, if you complete and take Pride in your work, it will show. He also tells us to be proud of who we are. No matter race, gender, job, or level, show pride in what you accomplish, and see that it carries you ever higher."

"The Goddess of Wrath, asks us to never back down from a challenge. Face every problem, or opponent, just how fearsome you can be, and if you are ever wronged to make sure it never happens again. The traveler I told you about, became Wraths champion after destroying the kingdom that enslaved him."

"The God of Greed, tells us to always look for more. Whether that is wealth, power, or friends. Always be looking to increase what makes you happiest. Never settle for what you have, because with a bit of work, you can gain so much more than you thought."

"Goddess of Lust, tells us to be open and true to ourselves. Never let anyone shame you for what you desire, and to always welcome new things. Fulfill your partners deepest desires, and they will stay with you forever." Alyssa comment about finding a Lust worshiper praying makes more sense to me now after that explanation.

"The God of Sloth, reminds us to take a break every once and awhile to take care of ourselves. Whether that is taking a day off of work, to relax with family and loved ones, to sitting at the tavern after a long days work, winding down with friends. Always allow yourself time to relax and heal, for there is only so much time you can spend with others."

"The God of Gluttony teaches that you should take the time and enjoy yourself. He's big with food, so most chefs thank him for most things. But he says that anything can be solved by absorbing more. From food, to EXP. He and the God of Greed get along well."

"And lastly we have the Goddess of Envy. She says to look at what others have, and turn the envy they feel into motivation to achieve what they want. There is always something better, so keep working to achieve what you want."

I found the different perspective on them to be interesting, and wondered if it really worked out well for everybody. It's basically the same but the words are twisted that they sound noble instead of scummy. And honestly they sounded way more open minded than the world I came from. Which when seeing people carry swords and bows around, really tells you something.

After Tiffany explained the 7 heavenly Gods and Goddesses in greater detail, I noticed that the trees were thinning and I could see a road ahead of us. It was a plain dirt road, about 10 feet wide, and it was lined with stones on either side. It was basic, but as soon as we stepped on it, and made our way towards Blowton, our pace picked up.

Not long after exiting the forest, I soon caught sight of Blowtons walls. The gates were open and a line of people and some carts waited to be let into the city. The walls were about 20 feet high, and I saw some guards patrolling the walls. We soon joined the que to enter the city.

The line moved quickly, and soon it was our turn. My mind which was so focused on this worlds interesting theological situation, quickly reverted back to scared animal. I shook as the guard waved us forward, and just knew for a fact that my time as a free trap was at an end.

Giving us a quick inspection, the guard nodded to Jonas. "I didn't think we would see you back so soon. Did you get that wolf pack that attacked farmer Neds sheep?"

"Yes, we got lucky and stumbled across them late last night. Killed all but one, which got away, but it was running south. We would have chased it down, but we found a traveler after the fight, and brought her back as soon as we could."

At the mention of the group finding a traveler, the guards eyes land on me, and I wait for the hammer to fall. Seconds tick by, as the guard inspects me, and I'm sure he is wondering how much I will be sold for. Hearing him step forward, I promise myself to escape and destroy this kingdom.

"Welcome traveler! I hope nothing to bad happened to you since you arrived, and if you need medical attention, I can take you to a healer right away." he pauses to hear my answer, which is just me staring at him in complete disbelief. "Do you require medical attention ma'am?" he asks me again, and I slowly shake my head no.

"Good! Well after I check Jonas and his team in, and give them a writ for escorting you here, I would ask that you head over to the sergeant over there, and he will get you situated."

Flabbergasted, I nod my head, and stay where I am, not quite believing what I'm hearing. Tiffany gently guides me to the sergeant specified, and tells him about my situation. He smiles at me, and guides me to his office.

As we enter an office, he walks around the lone desk, and gestures me to sit in one of the chairs across from him. Sitting down I look around. There isn't much on the walls, just paper posted to a bulletin, and some filling cabinets in the corner.

"Welcome to Blowton miss Melany. I hope you have had a safe journey here." The sergeant greats me warmly.

"Um, besides a rough start, yes it has been pleasant." I answer still not believing this is really happening.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately no one has found a way to alert the nearest garrison to new travelers, so it's usually a matter of luck when we find one. Fortunately you have made your way here, and I can get you settled.

First thing we need to cover is your name. Tiffany has told me your first name is Melany, do you have a surname?"

'huh? Should I use my real last name? No… I'm a new person now. But I can't think of any last names that would fit me. Gah! I've always been bad at coming up with names. Maybe I don't need one'

"No sir, I don't have a surname. Do I need you?"

"No, you don't need one, it just makes it a little easier finding your paperwork. On to the second part" He pulls a small stack of papers from the desk, and hands them to me. "Here are all the laws, and some customs to be aware of. The laws are pretty straight forward, no murder, stealing, or breaking of shi… stuff that's not yours. Common sense stuff, but sometimes, a traveler just goes around doing what ever the hell they want."

Taking the stack of paper, I glance at it, but nothing really stands out. I'll go through it later, and give it a thorough look.

"The last thing is a map of the city and enough money to last you a month in a modest inn, with food, and enough left over to buy some clothes. Give you time to acclimate, and find a way to support yourself."

He then pulls out a large bag of money, and sets it on the desk. The sound of coins shifting reaches me ear. Pulling out an empty pouch, He takes out 2 silver coins, and what look to be 5 copper coins, and then 20 thinner copper coins.

"From the look on your face, Jonas and his team didn't explain our currency did they?"

Shaking my head, I tell him, "No, Though Tiffany did explain about the 7 Heavenly Gods and Goddesses."

"Good! The 7 are briefly explained in the papers I gave you, and It won't take long to go over how our currency works." Holding up the thinner copper coin he starts, "This is a copper bit, mostly used to by cheap street food, and some easy menial tasks. 10 copper bits equal 1 copper coin." He holds up the thicker copper coin. "A copper coin, is used to buy most readily available goods. Staying at inns, full meals, and some low quality equipment. 10 copper coins then equals 1 silver bit. 10 silver bits equals 1 silver coin, the 10 of those equals 1 gold bit, and 10 of those equal 1 gold coin, you get the idea."

"Okay that seems easy enough to follow, thank you for explaining it to me." He smiles, and hands me the pouch. Taking it from him, I start looking for pockets to put the pouch into. Spotting none, I struggle to tie it to my borrowed belt.

Chuckling, he stands up to exit the office. "Well that's all I have for you, I hope you have a nice day miss Melany."

Standing up as well, I follow him out. "And you too, sergeant…?"

"Learys. Sergeant Learys"

"Sergeant Learys." I repeat after him.

Exiting the office, he waves at me and closes the door. I suddenly let out a huge breath, and smile. I'm not imprisoned or enslaved! It really is just like they said. I should thank them for finding me and helping me get here. Looking around, I don't spot Tiffany or Jonas, or anyone from that group around.

Walking up to the guard we talk to earlier, I tap him on the shoulder. Turning around, he gives me a bright smile, once he sees who was behind him. "Hello, how can I help you miss?:

"I was just wondering if you knew where the group that escorted me here went?"

"Oh! Jonas and his band? They went to the guild to turn in their quest. Do you need help with something?"

Feeling mildly dejected that they left without me, I think about what I need to do. I should look for a place to stay, and maybe find some place to buy my own clothes. Looking at the guard, he seems nice, and may help me if I ask nicely.

"Well I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find an inn to stay at, and maybe a place to buy some new clothes."

"Oh sure! I'll even take you there myself, let me just get someone to cover for me."

He walks over to another guard, and soon we start walking further into the city. We make some small talk and I find out his name is Geoffrey.

"So Geoffrey, where are we going first?"

"I figured we would start with the inn. Make sure you have a place to stay before anything else. The Spread Maiden Inn, has decent beds, and food. The Inn keeper Dain is fair, and is used to hosting new travelers."

"The Spread Maiden Inn?" I question, wondering if it's more likely a brothel than an actual inn. Then I remember, the sexual sounding names of everything else. It probably is just a normal inn.

"Yup, and after getting you situated there, I can take you over to Maryls. She sells the best clothes at the best price."

After a few more minutes of walking, Geoffrey turns and leads me into a 2 story building. The first floor is made of stone, and a covered porch that leads to the front door. The second story is made of wood, and windows sit at even intervals. A sign hangs out front, that has an old but well maintained picture of a woman, whose tits look like they will explode out of her top, paying on a table with her legs spread.

Walking in, the interior looks clean, but well used, and tables with chairs and benches fill most of the floor. A bar stands on the right side of the room, and stairs that lead up stand at the back against the wall. A few people sit together at a table eating what looks like a stew. They look in our direction when we enter, but quickly turn back to their food, and conversation.

A man who looks like he's is in his late 30s or early 40s stands behind the bar, cleaning some dishes. He looks up at us, and smiles towards Geoffrey.

"Geoffrey! How are you doing lad, already off work today?"

"Hey Dain, no I'm still working, but I was showing miss Melany here around, and she needed a place to stay. Figured I'd take her here to show her where to avoid in the future." Geoffrey says, with a smile.

"It's only a place young ladies should avoid, when you're around. You drive them all away with your bad jokes, and even worse pick up lines." Dain fires back, not missing a beat. He turns to me, and looking me up and down says. "So what can I do for you miss?"

"Hello, My name is Melany, and I was hoping to rent a room here for a month?"

"Aye, I can do that. I can set you up in a standard room with food served in the mornings and evenings, for one and a half silver coins for the month."

Nodding at the price that does seem reasonable, even if I don't quite know the exact value of everything. Before I can dig through my pouch to get the coins, Geoffrey walks up and starts talking with Dain.

"Come on Dain, you can do better than that. She's a new traveler that just showed up. She's had a rough start already since she got here, and the least you can do is drop the price for such a beautiful woman."

I blush at the comment, and look down. That's the first time someone has called me beautiful, and it hits me harder than I thought it would. Looking down I catch a glimpse of my hands. My new dainty, beautiful hands. The skin looks so soft and smooth, with no signs of calluses at all. Hands that don't look like they had to work a hard day in my life, and I know, the rest of my body is the same. Smiling at the thought I look up and turn my smile towards Geoffrey.

He sees it, and smiles even wider at me. Dain sees this and just rolls his eyes.

"Fine, I can drop it down to a silver and 2 silver bits. Now it's lunch time so stop eye fucking each other and get a room, or get out."

Turning towards Dain, I pull out 1 silver coin and 2 silver bits, and hand them to him. Flashing him with a smile I thank him for his kindness, and Geoffrey and I leave.

"Thank you for doing that for me Geoffrey, I really appreciate it."

"No problem miss Melany, It was an easy thing to do, to welcome a beautiful lady like yourself to our humble city." He smiles and winks at me.

Giggling, oh my god I can giggle! And it doesn't sound weird either! I smile and ask Geoffrey where we are headed next.

"Just up the street to Maryls shop. I think you'll really like her outfits."

Quickly turning off the road, we head towards a shop that has a sign with a needle and thread. Entering the shop, cloths of different colors and kinds line the wall behind the counter. Shirts, trousers, dresses, skirts, jackets, and hats line shelves that line the left and right walls. A woman stands behind the counter talking to a customer.

After the customer leaves, we walk up to the woman and Geoffrey introduces me.

"Hello Maryl, miss Melany, just arrived today and needs some new clothes. She's a traveler, so she needs a few sets made."

"Hello Geoffrey, nice to see you. And Hello Melany, I'm Maryl, welcome to my shop. If you would follow me into the fitting room I can take your measurements and see what kind of clothes you are looking for."

Following Maryl through a door into the back of the shop, she points to a bench and turns to me. "Please take off your clothing so I can measure you."

Freezing in my tracks, I'm not sure how to proceed. While I love my new body, not everyone may. Maryl may be disgusted and who knows what Geoffrey will do, he was hitting on me earlier, and some guys from what I've heard don't like being tricked.

Maryl notices I haven't moved and turns to me and says in a calm voice. "Miss Melany, I've seen it all before. I'm a Tailor, I measure everyone when they first come in."

Taking a second to muster my courage, I walk oh, and begin to undress. I still have no shoes or boots on, so starting with my shirt, I pull it over my head and, after folding it, place it on the bench. My nipples stiffen as they are exposed. My hands slowly make their way towards the waist of my trousers. I quickly pull them down, so I don't have time to doubt my decision, and my lack of underwear is brought to the forefront of my mind.

My groin is now exposed, and looking down at my penis, it looks remarkable feminine, well as feminine as a penis can be, but it fits well with my new body. Placing my hands over my crotch, I walk to the center of the room, where Maryl is waiting for me with a measuring tape.

Maryl raises an eyebrow at my apparent shyness, but shrugs and begins to measure me. Starting from my left shoulder to the tip of my left hand, she quickly jots down the number and moves to my right arm. After that she asks me to raise both arms so she can measure.

Hesitating, Maryl rolls her eyes, and says with practiced ease. "Miss Melany, It's alright, I've seen my fair share of penises before. Just hold up your arms so I can finish please." I stare dumbly at her. 'How did she know I have a penis?'

Seeing my confused and slightly panicked expression, Maryl takes pity on me. "Dear, with a high enough Analyze, you can tell the gender of someone as well as other basic information."

"What? Really?" I ask.

"Yes dear. You gain that trait at skill level 5, so I assume most people you have met know that while you have the body of a young woman, you are actually a man."

She said all that so casually, I had to ask if it was common for people to look like the opposite sex.

"While it's not common, it isn't anything to be shocked about. Hell there are mages that switch sexes daily. They're some of my best customers."

After hearing this, a weight I didn't know I carried around lifted from my shoulders. "Do you think Geoffrey knows?" I asked with mixture of hope and trepidation.

"Oh of course he knows dear. He's a guard, his main job is to Analyze anyone coming through the gate." she leans in closer to me as she continues taking my measurements. "Between the two of us, he couldn't take his eyes off of you. Sweet Lust, I thought that man would ravage you right in the middle of my store. While I don't mind a quickie in the store, I try to keep it away from the clothes. Not everyone wants to buy a pair of trousers that already have cum stains on them." We giggle together at her joke. My mind is immediately thinking about Geoffrey. He is cute, bordering on handsome. He has been very sweet to me, despite knowing I'm packing more than the average woman. I wonder how I can repay his kindness?

Maryl finishes up my measurements, and leads me back to the front of the store. She then motions me to follow her down one of the aisles, and I notice we are walking towards the womens underwear section.

"First off, you need underwear. I have a decent selection to choose form. I have cotton, lace, sheer, you name it. I would suggest some cotton ones for everyday wear, they'll last longer and give you more comfort. Then for special occasions, lace is my preferred. I have a few different styles as well." Maryl rattles off numerous styles, and I can only barely follow.

Taking her suggestions to heart, I pick out some cute cotton panties, and a few lace and sheer ones. I honestly can't wait to try them on, and see how they look on me. Next I pick up some work shorts, pants, and boots, along side a couple cute dresses, and sandals. Maryl takes everything from me, then setting them down, starts working on them with a speed that amazes me. She is quick with a needle, but I notice that she only seems to work a few stitches into the clothes before she moves onto the next. Before long, she hands them back to me, and I'm sure the look of polite 'I don't think your done, but I don't know how to broach the topic without sounding like an asshole' was wriiten plainly on my face.

She nods as if just remembering I'm a new traveler, and explains, "With higher skill levels, the work is done faster when dealing with simple materials. Now If I was working with magical cloth, it would take me days, to do what I just did." I nod in understanding and thank Maryl before leaving.

Walking outside I see Geoffrey leaning against the shop wall, and walk up to him, clothes draped over my arm.

Looking towards me his face lights up with a smile. "Get everything you needed?" After a nod of my head, he continues. "That's good! I can escort you back to the inn, but then I have to get back to my post. I've been gone for longer than I should have been."

"Oh I'm sorry if you get in trouble because of me. But if it's not to much trouble I will take you up on your offer to escort me back to the inn, I'll find a way to repay you for your kindness." I had a few ideas how I could show my appreciation to Geoffrey.

Hi everyone! Sorry about the wait between chapters. With the holidays here, I didn't have a lot of time to write this chapter. I hope you enjoy it, and I'm open to any feedback you have.

Thank you!

whitemel616creators' thoughts
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