
Fantastic worlds and where to find them

As soon as everyone in the My Hero Academia World saw Hermann fading he himself saw an entirely different thing. From his point of view he seemed to be entering hyperspace but instead of uniformly colored rays he saw a wide array of all colors visible to man. Finally his field of vision began to clear and what he saw confused him to no end. Surrounding him from all sides were spheres of all sizes, colors and clarity within a black fluid like substance where he was also located in. Turning back he noticed that he had also come from one of these spheres but it seemed to be strangely murky and it's content was no longer visible.

<This is the result of your actions. Before you had killed AfO it was perfectly clear and it's content visible.>

H: [So if world is clear then everything is ok and if it is murky it is chaotic?]

<More or less. Just know that for the beginning it is best to pick the clear ones since you can sometimes see the contents, allowing you to judge the worlds as suitable or not. Murky worlds are always a surprise but in some you can gain much more than in normal ones. Besides that I would advise you to pay attention to their movements.>

Hermann observed the spheres more closely and indeed some seemed to be moving with some moving faster compared to others.

<What you are currently observing is what is known as the "World Evolution Process". Normally when worlds are created they form clusters of slightly different worlds which differ only slightly from the individual world. Additionally some perfect copies of the original are also created to protect the central "origin world". As soon as the original world changes a copy can replace it and if a copy changes new ones can easily created thus preserving the worlds for eternity.

Sometimes however worlds break loose if clusters come to close to each other. Sometimes the worlds fuse perfectly and in harmony, sometimes they destroy each other, sometimes the stronger world absorbs the weaker world and keeps a few special things from the weaker one while using the rest to power itself up. Etc. there are many possible outcomes. The ones you see without a cluster attached to them are the result of that. A good general rule is: The faster it moves the more dangerous it is. Any other questions?>

H: [Why are they spheres? What is this black fluid?]

<The last one is the easiest to explain. It is simply the void. The medium through which the worlds can travel. The worlds are represented by spheres to allow you to perceive them. It is simply your imagination that makes it look like spheres, balls and marbles. If you wanted they could also look like pyramids or doughnuts or dinosaurs. You could say it's all a matter of perspective.>

H: [OK? So how do I move in here?]

<As I said it's all a matter of perspective or rather imagination. See it as if you wanted to create something. Will it to happen and it will. It is as easy and complicated as that.>

After a few small problems at the beginning Hermann quickly got the hang of it and began to search for a large cluster which provide him with unaltered worlds. If possible he wanted to enter a copy of an original world which would work best according to previous explanations.

Soon he found a large cluster and began to approach the clearest world he could make out. The almost perfectly clear snow globe like world revealed a world relatively similar to his original with forests, lakes, rivers, oceans, desert and grass lands. Contrary to his however the icy regions of the world were much more extensive compared to his own home world. Before he entered though he decided to ask his system a few things beforehand.

H: [What will happen with the world will this time? How can I protect myself and my familiars from it?]

<Good question. Your best option would be that while you are in the process of entering to contact it and negotiate good terms s that it won't bother you excessively and you are free to do whatever you want. If you don't then the same thing as what happened just some time ago. Don't worry as I will translate between both of you. I will assure that we will get a good deal.>

H: [Are all world wills the same?]

<No they are not. That is partially why murky worlds are so dangerous. Most "Clear Worlds" follow strict rules and try to keep their story going. Most "Slightly Impure Worlds" will be a bit more relaxed about their story but will still try to keep everything more or less according to cannon. Most "Murky worlds" however are problematic. They are completely irregular and cannot be put into categories. Some give you free reign, some want to kill you at all costs and some are simply as insane as their patchwork world. It is quite literally a lottery with your life on the line.>

H: [OK so no Murky ones for the beginning. Got it but before we go in there show me my status.]

<Understood...Displaying Status>

Name: Kaiser (Formerly known as: Hermann Kaiser)

Titles: Assassin, Craftsman (Beginner)

Age: 10 years at present (26 total)

VIT: 89 (+10)

STR: 78 (+5)

DEF: 81 (+5)

INT: 71

WIL: 57

STA: 70 (+15)

LUK: 29

System points: 453 598

Unused Rewards: System Lottery Ticket + unspecified Reward

Inventory: Sword of the Beginning (equipped), Shield of the End (equipped), Demonic knightly armor (equipped)

<Current Cultivation Methods>

- ??? Energy&Matter Manual (Stage 3: Basic External)

<Active Skills>

- Energy&Matter Creation Lv.25

- Energy&Matter Control Lv.25

- Copy&Paste Lv.MAX

- Multidimensional Travel LV.MAX

- Observation (internal) Lv.23

- Observation (external) Lv.22

- Pain Resistance Lv.13

- Sneak Lv.20

- Energy Enhancement (internal) Lv.17

- Energy Coating Lv.10

<Passive Skills>

- Beast tongue Lv.MAX

- Perfect Body Lv.MAX

- Martial Arts Lv.23

- Knife Mastery Lv.10

- Swordsmanship Lv. 21 (+5)

- Punching Lv.25 (MAX)

- Kicking Lv.25 (MAX)

- Running Lv.34

- Climbing Lv.22

- Tailor Lv.10

- Enchanting Lv.12

H: [Nice. Can I transfer my Energy&Matter Creation Skill to my familiars?]

<Unfortunately that Skill is a Skill unique to you. No one besides you can possess it. The only one you could pass down would be your passive Creation Skill.>

H: [Didn't I already fuse it into the Perfect Body Skill? Can't I just transfer this one?]

<Unfortunately your Copy&Paste Skill is to weak for the level of this skill. Even transferring a skill as a passive energy creation or Adapt&Improve is really stretching the limits of the skill. And as for your first mention: The new skill is simply a fusion of every skill you previously possessed with a bit extra on top and more similar to general heading. You didn't lose it in any way. However be careful. The more powerful the skill you try to transfer the more you will have to wait before you can give the next. Additionally as Skills are engraved into the soul if a soul doesn't have the necessary space for the skill they will die. Your familiars already possess your Adapt&Improve Skill in addition to their individual Skills. So BE CAREFUL!>

H: [Fine. Fine. Only this Skill and then I will wait with giving them additional Skills until their soul has grown enough.]

Following that Hermann activated his Skill and granted each one of his servants the passive creation Skill which was at Max and would ensure that would never need to fear hunger or thirst or crippling injury with both Adapt&Improve and this new Skill. Following that he decided this was his opportunity to use his ticket.

H: [I want to use the ticket and use my unspecified reward to restrict it to system upgrades]

<Are you sure? No fancy weapon? No new Skill?>

H: [Just do it!]

<Alright! I'm already on it...Rolling dices...This is the moment of truth...You gained the Safe&Load Equipment function. From now on everything you saved inside your inventory and can be classified as a finished object (no raw materials) will be saved and should the object be taken out, destroyed and inserted back then it will be repaired with the materials present in your inventory so make sure to stack up on raw materials! Should you change an object and find it to be better than the original version then put it back under a new safe file. You can do this by either changing it's name or simply notifying me so that I can take care of it.>

H: [Perfect. I think we are done for now so let us set out to explore this new world. Who knows what we will find!]

With a slight smile on his face Hermann moved a bit closer towards the sphere before he was suddenly sucked towards the center of the sphere.

<We have just crossed the boundary. There is no turning back now until you have stayed there for 10 years.>

H: [Good. Contact the world will!]

<Understood...Contacting world will...Success. Teleportation in progress. Please stand by.>

After a moment of flashing light he appeared before a small glowing orb that began to pulsate, sending various different ripples though the space between them. When he looked around he simply saw a dark cube like room only illuminated by the dimly glowing orb.

<Activating translating function… Begin translating...Greetings traveler! Welcome to my world, the world also known as...>

Hello there Ladies and Gentleman!

I am back with another large chapter just one day after posting (1,6k)? Have I gone mad? Perhaps.

As always I am happy about your comments, reviews and power stones.

Until next time,

Your Beggar_Genesis

Beggar_Genesiscreators' thoughts