
Spirit Inn Part One

"It is getting dark so we should head to the closest town for the night. There is an inn there and you can get something to eat as well." The girl said after looking at the darkening sky.

"Sounds good. By the way, what is your name? Mines Misaki Mitsu. You can call me Misaki or Mitsu it doesn't matter." Misaki felt this girl was very nice. Although she did leave her senior brother to die, Misaki still found her to be a good girl.

"Su Fan. It's nice to meet you Mitsu. You can just call me Fan. Your name is very unique." Su fan introduced herself. She found Misaki's name to be a little strange.

"The world I come from, I am from a country called Japan. There are many different languages. Each unique to their own country, for the most part. There is a country, well was a country by the name of China that had people with names like yours. Unfortunately, my country and every country on my world was destroyed." Misaki explained.

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