
A strange fate (part.2)

The elegant man glanced briefly at his assistant and took a sip of coffee, only to look away from the worried eyes of the other man.

"Don't call me Duke, just Lord Roho or Young Master" a man who looked to be in his thirties, with short blue hair like the summer sky, almond-shaped eyes with long pale lashes that contrasted with the dark amber-black skin, and purple irises replied in a reproachful tone.

"But Duke, this is dangerous…" the assistant wanted to insist.

"We're in disguise, so behave like a businessman and his secretary. It's not that hard, Chisulo" Roho said even more seriously, as he took a stuffed biscuit and put it in his mouth, the crumbs spread across his lips full of cherry pink, making him run his tongue under his lips leaving them even brighter.


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