
Chapter 112.

Ojae recalled Eunyoung's dark face as he answered the phone with Gyeonhui.

"By the way... Eunyoung also seems to have a history in the past as well. Her face didn't look good today…" Ojae breathed a long sigh in sympathy.


Ojae heard Gyeonhui's deep sigh over the phone.

"Are you frustrated? I am too. When I think of Eunyoung..."

"I'm going crazy because of you."

"Me? Why?"

"Think carefully about what she said. Are you sure she meant that I feel Sun's pain?|

"Yes, she exactly said that you're sick because Sun's is sick."

"That's just what people say in general!" Gyeonhui shouted.

"... What?!"

"She just meant that you're sick because the person you love is sick. That's all."

Ojae's eyes started shaking. "No… she definitely… said…"

Ojae carefully pondered the conversation that he had with Eunyoung. In many ways, Gyeonhui was right.

"Why did I understand it like that?"

Ojae blurted out the words after he had realized that Eunyoung actually didn't know anything.

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