

For their second dinner together in a row the first years sat together at a dinner table. Minerva and Estelle had carefully planned the set up; Estelle flanked by Daimen and Minerva, and Damon flanked by Emma and Phoby.

Malik, flanked by Macy and Daimen, mumbled to himself and fidgeted with his marble cube, silently ranting about being so close to his new mortal enemy.

Macy, eager to settle the awkward tension at the table, spoke up. "Soooo. I hope we can get over our little incident this afternoon."

Daimen dipped a french fry into a pile of ketchup. "You mean the beat-down this afternoon."

Malik gripped his cutlery with rage. "Nobody won that fight."

"If Virgil hadn't stepped in, you know who would have."

"I would have pounded you and your fancy cocktail stick into the ground, leprechaun."

"Care for a rematch, then?"

"Okay, okay. That's enough boys," Minerva interrupted. "How about we talk about something less provocative?"

Malik slammed the table and stood up. "I'm going for a walk," he growled. "I don't have time for this." With the clattering of dropped silverware, he stormed off into the night. Macy followed. "I'll go calm him down, I guess," she offered. The remaining students sighed with frustration. Daimen slipped another fry into his ketchup pile and smiled contentedly.

"Temper, temper," he muttered.

Estelle jammed her elbow into his ribs.

"Ow!" He complained. Minerva glanced to her side and noticed that Emma and Damon were having a conversation in low tones, completely oblivious to the altercation. Damon whispered something into Emma's ear, making her blush profusely. At least someone's having a good time, she thought with satisfaction.

"Hey, Minnie! Long time, no see!"

Catherine bounced on the balls of her feet as she skipped towards her, Amelia trailing closely behind. "I thought that I'd leave you alone for the first day, but I haven't talked to you since morning!"

Minerva was glad for her cheery attitude, a drastic change from the sullen attitude of her classmates. She glanced back at her table, and stood up.

"Hey Catherine, do you mind if I talk to you?"

"Sure thing, Minnie."

They took a walk through the grounds, strolling silently through an arched walkway. Catherine was sipping on a juice box with exaggerated vigor. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked. "I just... I just don't get the right vibe from my friends."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I get that everyone is here for the first time and all, but things are already moving so quickly. People already hate each other. People are already hitting it off. My friends are already making horrible decisions, in my opinion." Minerva pictured Daimen in her mind and shuddered. "Really bad decisions. I just want to know if I'm taking this too slow, or if everyone's just moving too fast."

She noticed Catherine's confused expression. "If you know what I mean."

"I think I get it. You know, everyone in your class is just trying to fit in. You're all just trying to get familiar in an alien environment, you know?"

"I know."

"Try something new. Or even better, talk to them about it. You never know if they're as confused as you are."

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