
Chapter 73

(AN: Kotoko Ayame, is the main female protagonist of Chuuko Demo Koi ga Shitai! If you don't remember, Hiroto saved this girl from the delinquents.)

Afterschool, Kotoko visited her knight ehem, her savior and waited at the entrance of the Otonokizaka Academy School. She was wearing her school uniform with a jacket around her waist. Her skirt length was below her knees and she looked like a delinquent gyaru on her getup.

'So this is the school that he's attending.' Kotoko thought and saw that most of the student leaving looked to be girls, so it kinda pissed her off.

"I wonder what the school head is doing, implementing things while having a decrepit-looking school, he should have applied at my school instead." Kotoko pouted and mumbled while crossing her arms. Everyone that was walking by saw her menacing demeanor and shrieked as they hastily move away from the vicinity.

"Do I look that bad?" She rubbed her hair lightly as she tried to fix her getup, but it seems it didn't lessen her bad posture and behavior. She was a little self-conscious since of him since it was her first time waiting for a male like this, other's she won't even care. She didn't think much about what others thought since she just wanted to meet him personally. After all, she had been watching his live-streams and felt that it wasn't enough. She looked up his details and found information about him and suddenly wanting to visit him.

"Why did I even did this.." She sighed inwardly. The spontaneous decision over the past days bothered her every time she waked up, dealing with thugs didn't turn much mind consuming to her, but these actions since the incident were making her red and blushing every so often. The saving event had affected her heart and mind. She got worked up because of his daily live-streaming that was why she was here.

"Who's that girl?" Girl A whispered to her friend.

"I don't know, did someone messed up with her and wanted to take revenge?" Girl B whispered to her friend.

"Do we need to call the professors? She might mess someone if we leave her be." Girl C felt worried and also whispered to her friend.

"Let's just go, nobody would try to mess on the school." Girl A suggested before they left the school premises.

Kotoko didn't saw his presence after school, but she still waited for a little more time. He might just be busy with schoolwork.

'He might have joined a club or something?' She thought inwardly since it was normal for students to take another hour to do some of their club activities.

The group was training as usual, while Hiroto waited for them at the corner of the rooftop. After some time busying himself with his trusty laptop, he wanted to refresh himself and looked towards the ledge of the building to feel the wind breeze. The sunset at the horizons spewing its colorful browny red mess around and illuminated the entire city. Looking down below the school front, he can see some passing cars. The student had already left, but he saw someone waiting at the entrance.

"Huh? Who's that? She's wearing another school uniform?" He lightly scratched it his chin, as the distance between his position and the gate was far but he had some insights and his eyes were clear until it focused on a girl he knew.

"Is that the girl? She's Kotoko? That's impossible, right?" He mumbled. Her gyaru outfit was totally out of the school bounds. She also had that style when he saved her, and it made rubbed his head out of the trouble later.

'I wonder what does she need here? Maybe the group? Or me? He thought inwardly. Nico walked to everyone's front and declared.

"Everyone, let's take a break. Tomorrow is the weekend so we can go home early, but I declare to have a practice on Sunday! Who agrees with me?" Nico started a majority poll as she shouted out loud.

"Eh! Another weekend school practice!?" Rin said despondently. After playing the game he made, she got really into it and turned somewhat addicted to the game. She wanted to play the game this weekend and have fun at her friend's house.

Umi crossed her arms. "Well, we can hang out after that so it's not so bad." She smiled and looked towards Honoka.

"Or we can go to a family restaurant after practice," Honoka suggested.

"Honoka, we mustn't eat unhealthy foods every week. We already went their last week and now we're going again?" Umi scolded her friend as she looked at her with a leer.

"Don't mind the details, moreover it's not that bad we can hang out again. It's not that bad since it's only one time per week." Honoka raised her point and smiled towards her leering friend.

"It's okay to relax every now and often, Umi-chan." Kotori gently smiled at her friend.

"I guess you're right, what do you think Hiroto-kun?" Umi looked towards Hiroto and wanted his opinion.

"Why not?" He smiled, Honoka and Kotori high-five and laughed.

"Kotori-chan's right!!" Honoka gave a thumbs up.

"I wanted to play games this Sunday," Rin said despondently, Hanayo rubbed her back to console her. Since they will go outside, she won't be able to play Plants vs Zombies on her computer.

Hiroto learned that Rin wanted to play his game. He informed her he had made a mobile version of the game.

"I'll give you a copy for free." He looked towards her before seeing a surprised look.

"Eh?! Thank you Hiroto-nya~!" Rin made a curved mouth look and immediately lunged towards him. She wanted to hug him but got interrupted by a leering look of her carmine-haired girl beside her. Her cheeks perspired and shook his hands with a helpless smile and thinking.

'I wanted to give him a hug, muh!' Rin pouted.

"Ahem! We don't have time for a family restaurant. We can only do that after the practice." Nico heard what they were talking about, so she felt saying her position. Her serious and always straightforward personality was something likable, but even so, training all the time is tiring.

'Well, we had an outstanding helper here so I guess it's not bad.' Umi smiled as she didn't think of a thought of what Nico said. Their bonding was also helpful since it will improve their teamwork.

"We don't have to overwork ourselves in a weekend practice," Umi said since it will be their first time having a practice on Sunday. Nico wanted to refute, but Honoka suddenly remembered something.

"Relax!, have you forget what Hiroto-chan gave in when he joined?" Honoka said while implying the energy drink he gave to them. Umi had forgotten about it and so she felt that it made sense why their bodies improved faster than the other girls.

"Ahh, that.." Kotori nodded. Not only it gave them better stamina, but it made them energetic for much longer.

Coming from Honoka which she eventually called wonder drink (All Boost energy drink), the others heard her revelations and turned speechless. They looked at him and waited for an answer as it made him sweat. Honoka put some wood to the fire and asked if he still had those drinks he gave them. The others might have a better outcome if shared to improved their practicing. Maki and the others who learned his concoctions gave a slight jealous glare to him as they waited for his reasoning.

"It might be hard since I had to import it here in the country, but I'll try to get some soon. Ha-ha!" After saying some unsatisfying response, he gave up and said he will try to get some as he made some promises. Everyone got pumped and excited before he consoled Maki, who was pouting and leering at him. He didn't tell her about it, and she got slightly upset. He can only pat her head to remove her distaste towards him and explained more about it whisperingly.

'I'm so jealous.'

Yet again, Nico felt speechless hearing the so-called wondrous drink (All Boost drink) made by him? "Unbelievable!" She harrumphed and crossed her arms.

"Are you joking with me? Don't think about making shortcuts because there isn't." Nico's serious aura approached towards them as she lightly scolds everyone. Albeit, the leer's mostly headed towards him. The trio reasoned with her, but it only earned a harrumph and a hating leer. She won't believe if she tried it out herself, and the story seems to be that of the fantasy thing. She didn't bother anymore and just schedule the weekend practice that they will hold at the school in their clubroom.

"We need to improve our voice, it still lacking," Umi said while remembering his comments about their voice quality. It wasn't bad and their voice was slightly better than the average high note hitter albeit, it didn't have that much resonance. Idols are frequently like this since they don't focus on practicing singing. They likely only improve their dance-steps and just follow the flow of the sparkly stage that spew confetti and smokes. Now that they had the room to practice more efficiently, they can now practice with freedom.

"Don't worry about that, getting better takes a long time. You just had to practice and practice." He motivated them, but it just made them glare towards him. They knew that he was talented but it kinda made them a little hurt knowing that he can easily beat them in singing. Of course, they didn't hate him, it just his words hurt some of their little pride left. Umi, Nico and Maki was the only one's affected while others didn't care about the said notion.

"Your so bad, Hiroto." Maki leered at him. He scratched his head while reasoning to the others that he just wanted to help and motivated them. In the first place, he was their mentor and he will only teach them not to compete with them.

'He's punishment should be to pat me!' Umi inwardly thought and crouched in an instant. Feeling her embarrassment over her mindless thoughts, how did she become so shameless in these days.

"Umi-chan?" Kotori asked her weird friend that had been doing these during this month. She can't help but asked if something was wrong with her brain and it made her reddening cheeks turned redder.

"Let's go home, everyone!" He declared since Nico just said so. Everyone packed their things before heading down and walked to their homes.


Kotoko heard the other's gossips every time someone leaves the front gate, but she was already used to it for a very, very long time now. She waited for some time waiting but she saw only a few students were leaving every now and often as the sun was setting already.

'I wonder if he already left?' Kotoko turned despondent, but she didn't leave. Until then, she saw someone coming out of the building and saw a familiar figure walking towards the gate. She immediately hides and covered to the nearby tree next to her while looking at the cover of the tree.

'Ah! There he is!' Kotoko saw the male figure she had been waiting accompanied by a red-haired girl walking beside him while beautiful girls surrounded him.

Kotoko turned slightly pissed and irritated when she saw him surrounded by girls. She wondered what's his relationship with the girls.

"Hiroto-chan! Bye! Bye!" Honoka said, waving her both of her hands. He and the carmine-haired girl did the same.

"Yes, see you tomorrow," Hiroto waved his hand and said goodbye to the others. He looked at Maki and hooked her hands with his.

"Let's go Maki." He smiled gently at her and she smiled at him.

Kotoko wondered and turned dumbfounded. 'He had a girlfriend?' She shook her head and got slightly saddened. She continued to follow them and maintained a 30 meters' distance away from the cuddly duo.

Kotoko saw they were chatting happily while enjoying the company of each other. Their behavior made her irritated, especially the red-haired girl who was previously keeping her cool in front of the other girls was now being so mushy with her savior and her chosen one.

"Guhuu! As I thought, she was his girlfriend, Kuh! I'm so jealous!" She mumbled and clenched her fist, feeling a little down to heart.

'What am I expecting, he's an amazing man that anyone will look up. Having a girlfriend isn't strange.' She followed them as they went to the mall while she hides over the crowd.

After that, he fetched the red-haired girl to a car which seems she felt like she was her sister based on their identical appearance. They had a very nice relationship with his sister as it seems. Escorting her girlfriend safely as they wait for her hail, she wryly smiled.

'Gentleman..' Kotoko thought until she looked towards his position, but she didn't see him again as she rubbed her eyes if her eyes turned blurry.


She felt a light tap on her shoulders, she got surprised before she squeals. "Yoh!" He said.

"Kyah!!" Kotoko got surprised. He quickly covered her mouth since he might get into trouble with her loud squeal.

"Puff, whmmpf arhh yhmm hmmm!" She didn't know who it was and it might be her enemies and struggled to removed herself out of his grasp.

"What are you saying! It's me Hiroto!" He said and quickly removed his grasp over her mouth. She turned around and saw his savior face near her. She got silent as her cheeks reddened unknowingly. Their close contact made her slightly limp and stuttering with her voice.

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