
Chapter 41 - Temple

"So? What's wrong with them?"

Ernie asked the black haired female called Kiyoko about Hina and Himari, who both were a bit ill.

Kiyoko was a skilled medical ninja that was apart of the Sodachi clan, she worked out of her house right now, but later she would be working in a hospital.

Ernie brought Hina and Himari here when the two of them were feeling a bit under the weather, he thought it was the flu or something but seeing as it's been a week and it hasn't passed. He brought to the Kiyoko to have her check on them.

Kiyoko smiled.

"Well, nothing is really wrong with them. I've checked them over multiple times, and I can assure you they have not contracted anything."

Ernie nodded.


Kiyoko seeming to understand where he was going with this also nodded her head.

"Yes. Let me be the first to congratulate you."

Sighing, Ernie couldn't believe this was happening. How did this even happen? Well, he knew how it happened but both at the same time? Geez, how lucky or unlucky did a person have to be.

He was a bit happy on the inside, but also upset. This was the wrong time for the two of them to become pregnant. The village wasn't even fully up and running yet, and their home was still small right now.

A baby needed a lot of things, and currently he had none of it!

On the outside Ernie was calm but he was actually panicking inside.

It's only been a week since they arrived here in their new land, but pregnant? He could only shake his head.

"Thank you."

Ernie replied to Kiyoko as he laughed weakly.

Hina and Himari placed their hands over their stomach feeling the warmth.

"We were always expecting this, but we did not think it would happen so soon. Still, we are fully prepared to see this through."

Hina said softly as she rubbed her belly.

Himari nodded in agreement.

"This just means our clan will grow in size. Isn't this what we wanted in the first place?"

She asked as she looked towards Ernie.

Ernie could hear her, but he also couldn't hear her. His mind was in a daze so he simply nodded his head and agreed to whatever she said.

He was picturing miniature versions of himself running around the world, he wasn't ready for it. In One Piece, things were different as he didn't have a child until he finished with his adventures. But now, he was still in the midst of everything!

There was no need to worry about Hina, she would be a good mother. Himari though… Ernie was a bit concerned. She would probably teach the child how to throw punches and kicks before they could even walk.

Was the world really capable of handling an Ernie Jr?

"You two will not be doing any hard work, you need to take care of your bodies and eat well. As for you, no more hunting! You cannot afford to get injured!"

Ernie started telling the two girls what they can and cannot do.

He was overreacting just a tad bit, but considering they were already doing those things before they found out it was a bit weird for them to suddenly stop doing it now.

Hina rolled her eyes while Himari pouted her lips.

If she had to stay in this village all day every day, she would die of boredom.

After giving the two of them a long drawn out speech on motherhood, the two girls went home to rest.

As Ernie was leaving Kiyoko's home, Ryo appeared in front of him.

"Did you find anything?"

Ernie asked Ryo, Ryo was sent out along with a few others to see if there were anymore roaming creatures around this area. Seeing as Ryo came back, he must have brought with him some news.

"Yes, there is a large temple just a bit north east of here but we did not go too close to it as I could sense some intense chakra leaking out. I fear whatever creature lives there has the power to crush us all."

Ryo explained.

"Chakra that would cause you to turn tail and run? Sounds like I need to pay a visit to this temple."

"I would advise against that, although there is no barrier surrounding the temple the creature that is there doesn't seem bothered by us at all. It would be wrong for us to upset it and lose villagers in the process."

Ryo said.

Ernie thought about it and agreed with his reasoning.

"But, I still need to look at it. If it's not looking for a fight, then we don't need to worry but I feel that the correct thing to do is to pay it a visit. If this creature resides here in this land, that means we are invading its home. I don't want it to feel threatened by us and go on a rampage later on, so hopefully seeing me pay respect towards it will let it know we come in peace."

Ernie told Ryo.

Ryo sighed but nodded his head.

Although he didn't fully agree to what Ernie said, he would not go against Ernie's words at all. If it came down to it, Ernie would do whatever needed to be done to protect the village.

Together, the two of them traveled through the forest until they found themselves at a large temple. The entrance of the temple was built into a mountain side and along the walls was a star like symbol.

The symbol seemed familiar to Ernie, but he couldn't tell why.

As he stepped closer he could sense the chakra Ryo was telling him about. It was tense yet powerful enough to cause one to shrink back.

Ernie was feeling a bit nervous, what kind of creature had such intense chakra? But more importantly, why was it hiding itself away here in this temple?

Step by step, Ernie walked closer towards the temple, but as he did the pressure he felt was increasing. Ryo did not go with Ernie, instead he stayed far back. The first sign of danger, he would either jump in to help Ernie or warn the others.

As Ernie entered the temple, he couldn't see ahead of him. The entire place was pitch black and his only guide was the enormous amount of chakra that he was sensing.

Ernie realized that the further he walked, the more water he felt. Right now, he was standing in a pool of water that reached his knees. He didn't understand how this temple managed to have so much water inside of it with none leaking out.

Stopping, Ernie shivered.

A red eye appeared as it glared at him.

There was no specific location, so I just put one here :D

FishThatsBluecreators' thoughts
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