
Chapter 0 - Prologue

[What defines you?]

"Sh… not again. Holy hell, what happened to me returning to my own world?"

[What defines you?]

"Nope! I'm not going through this shit again, send me back right now! I'd rather return to One Piece than go through this crap all over again. Stupid system, i'm not being tricked!"

[What defines you?]


[What defines you?]

"My cold gaze."

[You're a master of which element?]

"Ice, i'll freeze the entire world. Let's see how you like that."

[Due to the special completion of One Piece, you're allowed to retrieve one item you obtained. Please choose.]

"Winters Chill."

[What is your name?]

"Erine. Not picking Bob again, you… already know what happened."

[The world is in chaos as varies clans fight for power, in a land ruled by the strong you were born. You're father fled his home and met your mother. After a difficult birth, you were born but your mother died. After 5 years, you and your father traveled the land in hopes of finding a new home. Yet, one night your father went out and never returned.]

[Syncing host with data…]

[Creating memories…]

[Enter the Warring States Era.]

Well... here we go again... Fanfic for enjoyment. Not to be taken serious at all, and grammar etc. not looked at. Read at your own risk

FishThatsBluecreators' thoughts