
Four Years With The Myrtharian Nerds (part 3)

"In Myrmidian, Asthenes translates to 'weak' or 'frail'," Lucia teased, her amusement only half-hearted at this strange twist of fate. "On the other hand, if one were to attempt a literal translation of Pyrrakles, it could be read as... 'Fiery Glory'? Or 'Red-hued Flame'? Whatever it is, if it's a bad joke, it certainly has its desired effect."

"What's wrong with changing one's name?" Hade arched an intrigued eyebrow, finding her reaction somewhat excessive.

In his old world, it was common practice to change one's civil name. He was originally called Sigmar, Hade being merely an alias that he had come to prefer over his birth name.

Ulfar, who was well-versed in Myrmidian culture from dealing with them throughout his reign, burst into hearty laughter at his comrade's naive question. Jake, too, gave a wry smile, understanding the root of his reaction.

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