
Petty Situ Shengong

The crowd stared at the masked man with unblinking eyes. They felt the charisma oozing endlessly out of his body, and the way he walks was very suave like how a prince walks ever so gracefully while maintaining the atmosphere of a ruler.

Cale was already used to these kinds of stares, so he did not feel overwhelmed at all. 

'This silver mask is much better than the one I bought last time. It also changed my hairstyle, making it a lot harder for people to recognize my appearance.' Thought Cale as he calmly walked with even footsteps towards Ulric who was holding a short sword in his hands.

The crowd was also confused about why Ulric was holding a sword instead of scissors, but they just stayed silent and waited patiently.

Cale received the short sword from Ulric before he turned around and glanced at the crowd. The silver eyes looking deeply at them made them unconsciously said. "How beautiful."

"What a pleasing moment it is to stand here in front of these huge crowd of elites, young and old to mark this fateful event. 

It has not been all an easy journey but never has a landfall or safe harbor looked more enticing and exciting.

And I am infinitely grateful and proud to welcome you to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of my Tyrannical Tower." Cale's charming voice resounded inside the banquet hall. The women looked at him with gazes full of adoration and curiosity. 

A certain woman with cold countenance look at the man and she felt a familiar sensation from him. She looked confused, but she still listened attentively to the man.

Sima Yantong looked at the mysterious man in front of him with surprise, as he can't feel any presence from the man at all. It felt like he was looking at an average man with no martial art skills. If not for Cale's previous words hinting Wolf King's strength, then he might have believed that the man was just ordinary.

Cale unsheathed the short sword from his hands out of its scabbard. And the sword's metallic body reflected the light from the chandeliers, making it shine brightly, greatly dazzling the crowd in silence. 

He then slowly sheathed it back on its scabbard gracefully like he was executing a beautiful sword dance. 

The long ribbon was suddenly cut in half with just those simple but elegant movements, causing the crowd's mouths to gape in shock and amazement.

No one knew who started clapping, but everyone followed suit whilst their mouths were still maintaining that 'O' shape.

Cale smiled brightly showing two rows of white teeth and a seductive red tongue can be seen peeking behind them. 

The women shouted inwardly and wished that they could get a bite out of it, but the men in black tuxedos scared them from going forward.

"Now, everyone can freely go around the Tower, but before that, follow me inside the grand arena to see the tower's two hundred fighters." Cale's words excited the crowd greatly as that was one of the reasons they went on this grand opening ceremony.

Written on Cale's invitation letter was a short description of the tower's elite fighters. And who wouldn't want a strong fighter as their guard, especially for people like them who had billions of assets?

They eagerly followed Cale towards a huge double door and when the two doors were fully opened, the crowd saw a huge circular arena spanning around 75 meters in diameter. There were also thousands of seats surrounding the arena. 

On the arena, the crowd saw about eighty men standing apathetically. They were like sharp spears ready to take anyone's life.

"My dear friends, these fighters in front of you are rated as D-Class level by our tower. But don't look down on them just because they are D-Class. Our way of measuring strength is not just by the way of martial arts, but also their skills in weapon-wielding, marksmanship and etc. And if you don't believe me, then you can freely challenge anyone among them, but please be guided that these men's martial art skills are at the very least the initial S-Class level." Cale proudly introduced the first batch of fighters to the crowd.

"You mean to say that all of these eighty men are at least S-Class martial art practitioners? Are you kidding me?" A disbelieving tone sounded among the crowd. The people parted ways and a middle-aged man with a strong physique can be seen tauntingly looking at Wolf King.

The eighty men glared at the middle-aged man with looks of anger, but Wolf King raised his right hand instantly erasing the anger on their faces.

"If this gentleman does not believe me, then you can choose randomly among them to have a spar." Wolf King smiled confidently while glancing at the middle-aged man deeply with his beautiful silver eyes.

"Isn't that patriarch Situ Shengong? His son was defeated with one punch by Mr. Santharus during the tournament in Macau. And to think that he still harbors a grudge because of it. What a petty man." The crowd whispered among themselves as they glanced at Situ Shengong mockingly.

His old father, the former patriarch of the Situ Family glanced at his son in disappointment. His wrinkled face aged more significantly in that second, creating a tired and exhausted look.

Situ Shengong pointed at the youngest man on the arena with a taunting smile. "You little baldy, let me test your strength."

The bald young fighter did not look angry at all and remained standing stoically obviously disregarding Situ Shengong's puny existence.

He then felt a warm pat on his shoulder, making him look back in surprise. He saw his lord currently on his Wolf King persona smiling at him confidently.

"Show him the strength of my Tyrannical Tower." The order traveled like a heavenly decree on his ears stoking the burning passion inside him.

"Yes, Wolf King!" His voice carried a hint of anger and confidence as he glared sharply at Situ Shengong.

If you like this novel, please do leave a short review. I need more inspiration to continue writing this piece. And I truly love the enthusiasm in the comment section. It brings my solitary heart in an unknown kind of joy. Thank you for the unending support. ?

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