
Gods blessing for cancellation of all your sins. - Part 1

God's blessing for cancellation of all your sins

1) If a soul is constantly involved in the spiritual journey and requires some more time to finish the journey, I will give human rebirth to that soul to complete its effort. If the soul is not involved in spiritual effort, no human rebirth is given. I have told this when I incarnated Myself (as Jesus) in foreign country. But, people have misunderstood and said that I have said that there is no rebirth to any soul. The sinner is thrown into hell permanently. The soul with continuous selfishness, without doing sins, is thrown into the life cycles of birds and animals.

2) I have created the hell also not to take revenge on the sinner. If the soul is not reformed by the spiritual knowledge, there is no other way than to try for temporary reformation through hell. This shows My paternal love towards the souls. I am the preacher of all these souls. The preacher must have the facility to punish his students for their welfare.

The boss of superior hells is Kaalabhairava, who is having fire in one hand and broomstick in another hand. He will burn the soul in fire to expel bad qualities and sweeps those qualities by the broomstick.

3) The continuous life cycles of birds and animals is also a form of hell only, in which the soul is continuously strained to earn the livelihood without touch with the spiritual knowledge. Since the soul is continuously involved in earning only, such births are obtained, which are as per its interest only. If the soul is interested continuously in earning, sex and sleep only, these life cycles are exactly suitable to it. You can't call this as punishment since whatever is desired by the soul that alone is given to it.

4) This cow behind Me is the Lord of hell, called as Yama. He punishes the souls and tries to reform them. If the soul is not reformed, the dog (present as four dogs) in front of Me, called as Kaalabhairava gives very intensive punishment to reform the soul. The soul undergoes lot of agony in the punishment and develops fear to sin undergoing some reformation of mind.

The fire in His hand is very intensive electrical energy and psychological disorder has the electrical treatment in this world. The bad qualities of a soul are psychological disorder only.

5) In these two forms, I alone exist in giving the punishment. Yama means control, which is to control the sins. In the time of intensive punishment (kaala), I roar with lot of anger towards the soul (Bhairava).

6) You must always note that in giving punishment, I have the love of a preacher only and not any revenge towards My disciple. I am not touched by the anger when I become angry towards the soul because My intention is its welfare only. My anger is always external and not internal. This is the main characteristic of yoga. You should always follow this path whenever You punish others for the sake of their reformation.

7) Upanayanam means to become close to God. I will drag the future fruits to this birth itself and see that they get exhausted in the case of a soul, which becomes My disciple. By this, I drag the soul close to Me. This is the actual meaning of that ritual.

8) You must always remember that enjoyment of fruits of the deeds done is inevitable (avashyamanubhoktavyam.

..). I have the power to cancel any fruit, but, I do so, provided one is reformed not to repeat the sins again. Spiritual knowledge alone can bring such permanent reformation in the soul. I will not cancel Your punishments if You worship Me. I will give a good fruit for Your worship, but, not cancel any bad fruit to be enjoyed by You. The only path to escape from all punishments is that You shall be permanently reformed and shall not repeat the sin again in the future. Without Your reformation, I will not cancel Your sins and insult the Lords of hells.

9) Why do You spend so much time and take lot of strain in doing My worships, which can't cancel Your sins? Ravana was the topper in worship, but, he was punished for his sins. Similarly, Duryodhana was punished in spite of his large army. My constitution says that all Your pending punishments get cancelled only when You are reformed forever not to repeat any sin anymore.

10) The path suggested by Me is very simple without any strain. For that purpose of cancelling the sins, don't worship Me, which is a waste. Some priests propagate that Your sins are cancelled by worshipping God. Don't believe such false concept. They say like this only to earn money from You through these worships since You pay the engaged priests in worships. this yoga One can enjoy the fruits without attachment, which is called as yoga.

But, is not possible for ordinary souls and hence, the above told path that the soul can escape all the pending sins provided it is totally reformed – is the only way.

11) If You have done a sin, don't tell a lie that You have not done the sin. This will double the punishment. In this world, if You support Your sin through over-intelligence and misinterpretations, the punishment becomes thrice. If You are reformed, confess the sins before sinless God and You need not confess before any human being, which is also a sinner in some other way and at some other time.

12) These planets are executives of My administration-office. Ignorant people think that planets are giving benefits and losses by their movements in zodiac signs. It is totally foolish. The results are given based on the good and bad deeds of souls only, which are not accidental results resulting by the movements of planets. Since You have stolen money, You are arrested by the police on the road.

You should not think that police arrested You since You have gone to the road and accidentally the police was also on the road! The astrologers exploit the innocent theists giving importance to the movements of planets without recognizing the actual background of deeds and fruits of souls given by Me as per My constitution. In this angle, astrologers also behave like atheists!

13) The soul is illegally earning lot based on fascination to self, life partner and issues. Neither self, nor life partner nor the issues will be happy by the illegal earning. Such money gives misery only and never victory and happiness. When You go to the upper world after death, neither Your life partner nor Your issues will even recognize You. They only share Your money, but, not Your sin. They did not provoke or support You to do any sin for their happiness. You are proved to be fully mad for enjoying the total sin while the sinful money earned was enjoyed by them!

14) The fascination to worldly bonds including Yourself is the root cause of all Yours sins and the misery. You lack the spiritual knowledge that these souls are just Your colleagues only sharing the illegal fruit (money) earned, but not the legal fruit (punishment) of Your sin. Ignorance of spiritual knowledge is the root cause for all sins.

I am always preaching the spiritual knowledge here by coming as human incarnations. Actually, I don't need Your help even as a trace in My propagation. I am only giving a chance to You to participate in My service and save Yourself.

15) If You realize that I am existing in each planet guiding it to do its duty, You will not differentiate any planet from Me. Like this, astrology in real sense becomes spiritual knowledge. I give Your bad fruits to Your enemies provided they harm You without My background. I will not give bad fruits to Your enemies if they harm You with My background in the sense that they are harming You since You have harmed them in previous births.

16) When Your enemy harms You, there are two possible backgrounds: i) You might have harmed him in the previous birth and he is harming You back as retort in this birth as per My constitution and ii) Without such background, he might be harming You doing a fresh sin. In the second possibility only, I punish Your enemy even if You don't request Me. If it is first possible background, I will not punish him even if You recite any number of Vedic hymns on Me.

When I keep silent in the first background, You misunderstand Me for My silence and sometimes go to the extent of atheism. I keep silent for sometime in the second background also giving time for the sinner to reform and meanwhile I will compensate Your loss. In the first background, the reason is Your lack of knowledge of the previous births (na tvam vettha paramtapa! ... Gita).


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