

when she got awoken "How's your night?", she asked, it makes me to be more awake my eyes widened, "it wasn't good that I've done something that can destroy my whole name" I said angrily and in gush, "go home right now I do not need you money I can do this by myself" I added,"No matter what, I still love you, but let me think about the stand last night" I explained, she suddenly left me, I don't know what to do now, she's getting trough my nerves, but this feeling is unexplainable, I acted like I am angry, but I feel great in love, and my brain ignored the goodness of that one night stand, but my heart feels the opposition of that, I go outside to buy a gift for Christmas party, but I am still in a decision if I'm going to buy Ayura something or not. I took some Bunches of chocolate and bears,t shirt s and autographs, I went to her home, I saw her at the couch I looked to my self because of what happen, "Sorry" I apologized to her sadly, I saw her mother and father, they stared, "What brings you here with chocolates?" I was so nervous, hard to breath. "I am just a friend, friend if your daughter, sorry for my disturbance ".