
The Succubus's Ascension

(Diao Chan POV)

"Sister Diao Chan is back!"

"Welcome back sister Diao Chan!"

"Sister Diao Chan!"

The witches that I had picked up all welcomed me back to their little coven that I had set up for us to research our Spells.

After that day, they've already fully converted to be true followers of Master and I couldn't be prouder of my work, especially when they were especially receptive of my ideals. Like how we would organise really fun orgies with the Spell that allows us to attach Master's cock to ourselves, those were really, really great times~

Sister Fire came up to me with an excited look on her face, "Sister Diao Chan! Did you bring anything today?"

I giggled and patted her head, "Oh you bet I did~ Check this out!"

I pulled out several candid pictures of Master that sister Manami had helped us to take, fanning them out to show to my Witches.

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