
All The Gods Came


The room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

By now, the room was already filled to the brim with important people of this Plane, so there's quite a lot of people currently witnessing our exchange

Everyone was looking at me with absolute shock, except for Iris who was clapping with a look of glee on her face, not that anyone could perceive her except for me.

Seriously, she's gotten quite expressive lately which I can only assume is a good sign.

I maintained my gaze on her until one of her guards let out a shriek that would put a banshee to shame and slashed her sword at me.

I didn't even bother defending myself and let the blade hit me on the shoulder, watching it with mild interest as it struck my skin and failed to do anything else.

How interesting, I was actually expecting it to shatter. I guess it must have some sort of unbreakable enchantment on it or something.

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